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bool Impala::Visualization::RotorBrowser::RotorBrowser::StdKeyboardFunc ( int  c,
int  state 
) [inline]

Definition at line 452 of file RotorBrowser.h.

References BookmarkActiveCenterEx(), CheckKBN(), ClearViewedCache(), ClusterSelect(), DoShowBookmarksThread(), Impala::Visualization::RotorBrowser::RotorBrowserContext::GetAutoNegatives(), Impala::Visualization::RotorBrowser::RotorBrowserContext::GetCenter(), GetEnableShotSwallow(), GetKeepCenterCentered(), Impala::Visualization::RotorBrowser::RotorBrowserContext::GetName(), Impala::Visualization::RotorBrowser::RotorView::GetSpeedFactor(), Impala::Visualization::RotorBrowser::RotorView::GetStillFrameWait(), OglGui::OglWindow::GetVisible(), ILOG_USER, mActiveContext, mHelpViewer, MODE_CROSSBROWSER, MODE_FORKBROWSER, MODE_ROTORBROWSER, mStatusOverlay, Impala::Visualization::RotorBrowser::RotorBrowserContext::SetAutoNegatives(), SetBrowseMode(), SetEnableShotSwallow(), SetKeepCenterCentered(), Impala::Visualization::RotorBrowser::RotorView::SetShowNegativeBookmarks(), Impala::Visualization::RotorBrowser::RotorView::SetShowProbabilityFeedback(), Impala::Visualization::RotorBrowser::RotorView::SetSpeedFactor(), Impala::Visualization::RotorBrowser::RotorView::SetStillFrameWait(), OglGui::OglWindow::SetVisible(), Impala::Visualization::StatusOverlayWindow::ShowStatus(), ShowStatusStr(), StopAutoStills(), ToggleAutoStills(), ToggleEnableVideoStream(), TogglePlayUntilEnd(), ToggleShotSwallowThread(), and UpdateViewsToContext().

Referenced by KeyboardFunc().

00453     {
00454         bool keyHandled = true;
00455         bool book;
00457         if (CheckKBN("StdToggleShowBookmarks", c, state))
00458         {
00459             ILOG_USER("KB: show/hide bookmarks thread");
00460             DoShowBookmarksThread();
00461         }
00462         else if (CheckKBN("StdStopAutoStills", c, state))
00463         {
00464             ILOG_USER("KB: Stop autostill feature");
00465             StopAutoStills();
00466             ShowStatusStr("Shot still player", false);
00467         }
00468         else if (CheckKBN("StdToggleAutoStills", c, state))
00469         {
00470             ILOG_USER("KB: Toggle autostill feature");
00471             ToggleAutoStills();
00472         }
00473         else if (CheckKBN("StdToggleVideoStream", c, state))
00474         {
00475             ILOG_USER( "KB: toggling video stream for center shot" );
00476             ToggleEnableVideoStream();
00477         }
00478         else if (CheckKBN("StdTogglePlayUntilEnd", c, state))
00479         {
00480             ILOG_USER("KB: toggling video continuous to end for center shot");
00481             TogglePlayUntilEnd();
00482         }
00483         else if (CheckKBN("StdIncrAutoStillSpeed", c, state))
00484         {
00485             int va = RotorView::GetStillFrameWait();
00486             va -= 2;
00487             if (va < 1) va = 1;
00488             mStatusOverlay->ShowStatus("Stills animation delay", va, 1, 40);
00489             ILOG_USER( "KB: autostills faster, now " << va );
00490             RotorView::SetStillFrameWait(va);
00491         }
00492         else if (CheckKBN("StdDecrAutoStillSpeed", c, state))
00493         {
00494             int va = RotorView::GetStillFrameWait();
00495             va += 2;
00496             if (va > 40) va = 40;
00497             mStatusOverlay->ShowStatus("Stills animation delay", va, 1, 40);
00498             ILOG_USER( "KB: autostills slower, now " << va );
00499             RotorView::SetStillFrameWait(va);
00500         }
00501         else if (CheckKBN("StdIncrAnimationSpeed", c, state))
00502         {
00503             ILOG_USER( "KB: DEBUG: increase sFactor" );
00504             RotorView::SetSpeedFactor( RotorView::GetSpeedFactor() + 0.8 );
00505             mStatusOverlay->ShowStatus("Animation delay",
00506                                        RotorView::GetSpeedFactor(), 1, 20);
00507         }
00508         else if (CheckKBN("StdDecrAnimationSpeed", c, state))
00509         {
00510             ILOG_USER( "KB: DEBUG: decrease sFactor" );
00511             RotorView::SetSpeedFactor( RotorView::GetSpeedFactor() - 0.8 );
00512             mStatusOverlay->ShowStatus("Animation delay",
00513                                        RotorView::GetSpeedFactor(), 1, 20);
00514         }
00515         else if (CheckKBN("StdToggleShowHelp", c, state))
00516         {
00517             ILOG_USER( "KB: Toggle display inline help viewer" );
00518             mHelpViewer->SetVisible(!mHelpViewer->GetVisible());
00519         }
00520         else if (CheckKBN("StdCrossBrowserMode", c, state))
00521         {
00522             ILOG_USER( "KB: switch browser to CrossBrowser" );
00523             SetBrowseMode(RotorBrowser::MODE_CROSSBROWSER);
00524         }
00525 #ifndef AS_TODS_BROWSER
00526         else if (CheckKBN("StdRotorBrowserMode", c, state))
00527         {
00528             ILOG_USER( "KB: switch browser to RotorBrowser" );
00529             SetBrowseMode(RotorBrowser::MODE_ROTORBROWSER);
00530         }
00531         else if (CheckKBN("StdForkBrowserMode", c, state))
00532         {
00533             ILOG_USER("KB: switch browser to ForkBrowser");
00534             SetBrowseMode(RotorBrowser::MODE_FORKBROWSER);
00535         }
00536 #endif
00537         else if (CheckKBN("StdToggleShotSwallow", c, state))
00538         {
00539             SetEnableShotSwallow(!GetEnableShotSwallow());
00540             ILOG_USER("KB: toggle enable shot swallow. Now " <<
00541                       GetEnableShotSwallow());
00542             UpdateViewsToContext();
00543         }
00544         else if (CheckKBN("StdToggleShotSwallowThread", c, state))
00545         {
00546             ToggleShotSwallowThread();
00547             ILOG_USER("KB: toggle shot swallow thread.");
00548             UpdateViewsToContext();
00549         }
00550         else if (CheckKBN("StdToggleKeepCenterCentered", c, state))
00551         {
00552             SetKeepCenterCentered(!GetKeepCenterCentered());
00553             ILOG_USER("KB: toggle keep center shot centered. Now " <<
00554                       GetKeepCenterCentered() );
00555             UpdateViewsToContext();
00556         }            
00557         else if ((book=CheckKBN("StdBookmarkCenterPositive", c, state)) ||
00558                  CheckKBN("StdBookmarkCenterNegative", c, state))
00559         {
00560             ILOG_USER("KB: " << (book ? "bookmark" : "remove") << " center " <<
00561                       mActiveContext->GetCenter() << " from " <<
00562                       mActiveContext->GetName());
00563             BookmarkActiveCenterEx(c==' ');
00564             UpdateViewsToContext();
00565         }
00566 #ifndef AS_TODS_BROWSER
00567         else if (CheckKBN("StdClusterSelect", c, state))
00568         {
00569             ILOG_USER("KB: cluster select in active thread direction");
00570             ClusterSelect();
00571             UpdateViewsToContext();
00572         }
00573 #endif
00574         else if (CheckKBN("StdClearViewedCache", c, state))
00575         {
00576             ILOG_USER("KB: (debug code) reset viewed shots");
00577             ClearViewedCache();
00578             UpdateViewsToContext();
00579         }
00580         else if (CheckKBN("StdJudgeBrowseMode", c, state))
00581         {
00582             ILOG_USER("KB: (debug code) activating judge-browse mode.");
00583             RotorBrowserContext::SetAutoNegatives(false);
00584             RotorView::SetShowNegativeBookmarks(true);
00585             RotorView::SetShowProbabilityFeedback(false);
00586             ClearViewedCache();
00587             UpdateViewsToContext();
00588         }
00589         else if (CheckKBN("StdToggleAutoSelectNegatives", c, state))
00590         {
00591             bool nstate = !RotorBrowserContext::GetAutoNegatives();
00592             ILOG_USER("KB: (debug code) toggle auto-select negatives. " <<
00593                       "Now " << nstate);
00594             RotorBrowserContext::SetAutoNegatives(nstate);
00595             RotorView::SetShowNegativeBookmarks(nstate);
00596             RotorView::SetShowProbabilityFeedback(nstate);
00597             if (!nstate)
00598                 ClearViewedCache();
00599             UpdateViewsToContext();
00600         }
00601         else
00602             keyHandled = false;
00603         return keyHandled;
00604     }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Generated on Fri Mar 19 11:53:41 2010 for ImpalaSrc by  doxygen 1.5.1