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00001 //345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
00002 #ifndef Impala_Visualization_RotorBrowser_RotorBrowserContext_h
00003 #define Impala_Visualization_RotorBrowser_RotorBrowserContext_h
00005 #include "RotorViewCache.h"
00006 #include "Core/Trec/Thread.h"
00007 #include "Basis/CmdOptions.h"
00009 namespace Impala {
00010 namespace Visualization {
00011 namespace RotorBrowser {
00013 //using namespace OglGui;
00014 //using namespace Impala::Core::Trec;
00016 class RotorBrowserContext {
00017 public:
00018     typedef Core::Trec::Thread                      Thread;
00020     RotorBrowserContext(RotorViewCache *cache, Thread *thread,
00021                         int initialposition, double direction=0.0, int depth=4)
00022     {
00023         CmdOptions &options = CmdOptions::GetInstance();
00024         mHighResDistance    = options.GetInt("mdBrowserHighResDistance");
00026         mContextName        = thread->GetName();
00027         mContextNiceName    = "";
00028         mCache              = cache;
00029         mDirection          = direction;
00030         mDrawDirection      = DIRECTION_BOTH;
00031         mDepth              = depth;
00032         mSwallowMode        = SWALLOW_NONE; 
00034         mSkip               = NULL;
00035         mThread             = thread;
00036         mThread->SetOrigin(mPosition = initialposition);
00038         if (mPosition == 0)
00039             GoFirst();
00040     }
00042     Thread* GetThread()                 { return mThread; }
00043     String  GetName()                   { return mContextName; }
00044     void    SetNiceName(String name)    { mContextNiceName = name; }
00045     int     GetCenter()                 { return mPosition; }
00046     bool    GoLeft()                    { return GoRelative(-1); }
00047     bool    GoRight()                   { return GoRelative(+1); }
00048     void    GoFirst()                   { mPosition = mThread->GetFirstShot(); }
00049     bool    PositionExists(int pos)     { return pos >= 0; }
00050     void    SetSwallowThread(Thread *t) { mSkip = t; }
00051     void    SetSwallowMode(int mode)    { mSwallowMode = mode; }
00052     int     GetSwallowMode()            { return mSwallowMode; }
00053     double  GetDirection()              { return mDirection; }
00054     void    SetDirection(double dir)    { mDirection = dir; }
00055     int     GetDepth()                  { return mDepth; }
00056     void    SetDepth(int depth)         { mDepth = depth; }
00057     void    SetDrawDirection(int dir)   { mDrawDirection = dir; }
00058     int     GetDrawDirection()          { return mDrawDirection; }
00060     bool ThreadValid()
00061     {
00062         if (!mCache->ThreadExists(mContextName))
00063         {
00064             ILOG_WARN("Thread " << mContextName <<
00065                       " does not exist, but RotorBrowserContext does.");
00066             return false;
00067         }
00068         mThread = mCache->GetThread(mContextName);
00069         return true;
00070     }
00072     void UpdateViewsToContext(bool showCenter = true)
00073     {
00074         if (!ThreadValid())
00075             return;
00077         ILOG_DEBUG("UpdateViewsToContext for " << mContextName);
00078         int start = (mDrawDirection == DIRECTION_UP   ? 0 : -mDepth);
00079         int stop  = (mDrawDirection == DIRECTION_DOWN ? 0 : mDepth);
00080         for (int i=start; i<=stop; i++)
00081         {
00082             if (i==0 && !showCenter) continue;
00083             int item = GetRelative(i);
00084             if (item < 0) continue;
00085             RotorView *v = mCache->GetViewFor(mContextName, item);
00087             if (i!=0 && v) // RvB: Added in support of global EnableVideoStills
00088                 v->DisableVideoStills();
00090             float x,y,z,w,h;
00091             CalculateCoordinates(x,y,z,w,h,i);
00092             v->MoveTo(x,y,z,w,h);
00094             // update probability of shot viewed indexes
00095             // this depends on the distance to the center, given by i
00096             if (sAutoNegatives)
00097             {
00098                 int     absI = abs(i);
00099                 float   prob = absI==0 ? 0.4 : (absI==1 ? 0.1 : 0.04); 
00100                 mCache->ShotIsViewed(item,prob);
00101                 v->SetViewedProbability(mCache->GetViewedProbability(item));
00102             }
00103             bool highRes = (i >= -mHighResDistance && i <= mHighResDistance);
00104             v->SetShowHighResolution(highRes);
00105         }
00106     }
00108     void UpdateViewsToContext(RotorBrowserContext *active)
00109     {
00110         if (!ThreadValid())
00111             return;
00113         MatchContextTo(active);
00114         UpdateViewsToContext(false);
00115     }
00117     // match centerpoint of this context to that of the other context
00118     void MatchContextTo(RotorBrowserContext *other)
00119     {
00120         int otherCenter = other->GetCenter();
00121         if (otherCenter != -1)
00122         {
00123             mPosition = otherCenter;
00124             mThread->SetOrigin(mPosition);
00125         }
00126     }
00128     bool GoLast()
00129     {
00130         int max   = mThread->GetLength();
00131         mPosition = mThread->GetShotAt(mThread->GetFirstShot(), max - 1);
00132         return mPosition >= 0;
00133     }
00135     bool GoTo(int position)
00136     {
00137         if (position < 0)
00138             return false;
00139         mPosition = position;
00140                 return true;
00141     }
00143     bool GoRelative(int rpos)
00144     {
00145         if (rpos == 0)
00146             return true;
00147         int newpos = GetRelative(rpos);
00148         if (newpos >= 0)
00149         {
00150             mPosition = newpos;
00151             ILOG_DEBUG("GoRelative(" << rpos << " -> " << mPosition << ")");
00152             return true;
00153         }
00154         ILOG_DEBUG("GoRelative(" << rpos << " -> failed)");
00155         return false;
00156     }
00158     bool MoveRelative(int rpos)
00159     {
00160         if (rpos < 0)
00161             for (int i=0; i < -rpos; i++) GoLeft();
00162         else
00163             for (int i=0; i < rpos; i++)  GoRight();
00165         ILOG_DEBUG("MoveRelative(" << rpos << " -> " << GetRelative(0) << ")");
00166         return true;
00167     }
00169     bool ShouldRelPosSwallow(int rpos)
00170     {
00171         if (!RotorBrowserContext::sGlobalShotSwallow || !mSkip)
00172             return false;
00173         return (rpos < 0 && (mSwallowMode & SWALLOW_NEGATIVE)) ||
00174                (rpos > 0 && (mSwallowMode & SWALLOW_POSITIVE));
00175     }
00177     int GetRelative(int rpos)
00178     {
00179         // RvB: Added to prevent crash on key 'b' when no bookmarks exist
00180         if (mPosition<0) return -1;
00181         int newpos;
00182         if (ShouldRelPosSwallow(rpos))
00183             newpos = mThread->GetShotAtWhileSkipping(mPosition, rpos, mSkip);
00184         else
00185             newpos = mThread->GetShotAt(mPosition, rpos);
00186         return PositionExists(newpos) ? newpos : -1;
00187     }
00189     // returns true iff position is currently shown on screen
00190     bool ShowsPosition(int position)
00191     {
00192         for (int i = -mDepth; i <= mDepth; i++)
00193             if (GetRelative(i) == position)
00194                 return true;
00195         return false;
00196     }
00198         String GetNiceName()
00199         {
00200         if (mContextNiceName != "")
00201             return mContextNiceName;
00202                 if (mContextName.find("rank_thread_") != String::npos)
00203                         return String("R: conceptual ") + mContextName.substr(12);
00204                 if (mContextName.find("rank_") != String::npos)
00205                         return String("R: ") + mContextName.substr(5);
00206                 if (mContextName.find("shots_initialquery") != String::npos)
00207                         return String("initial query");
00208                 if (mContextName.find("shots_vis_") != String::npos)
00209                         return String("R: visual for ") + mContextName.substr(10);
00210                 if (mContextName.find("shots_textual:") != String::npos)
00211                         return String("T: ") + mContextName.substr(14);
00212                 if (mContextName.find("shots_") != String::npos)
00213                         return String("S: ") + mContextName.substr(6);
00215                 return mContextName;
00216         }
00218     static void SetGlobalShotSwallow(bool swallow)
00219     {
00220         RotorBrowserContext::sGlobalShotSwallow = swallow;
00221     }
00222     static bool GetGlobalShotSwallow()
00223     {
00224         return RotorBrowserContext::sGlobalShotSwallow;
00225     }
00226     static bool GetAutoNegatives()
00227     {
00228         return RotorBrowserContext::sAutoNegatives;
00229     }
00230     static void SetAutoNegatives(bool val)
00231     {
00232         RotorBrowserContext::sAutoNegatives = val;
00233     }
00235 private:
00236     void CalculateCoordinates(float& x, float& y, float& z,
00237                               float& w, float& h, int depth)
00238     {
00239         float dist;
00240         switch (abs(depth)) {
00241             case 0:  dist = 0.0f;  w = 1.8f; break;
00242             case 1:  dist = 0.44f; w = 1.3f; break;
00243             default: dist = 0.56f; w = 1.0f; break;
00244         }
00245         if (depth < 0) dist = -dist;
00247         float xInc = cos(mDirection);
00248         float yInc = sin(mDirection);
00249         float fact = 1.1f;
00250         x = xInc * fact * depth + dist * xInc;
00251         y = yInc * fact * depth + dist * yInc;
00252         z = -10.0f + degrade(depth/6.0)*3.0;
00254         h = 1.0f;
00255         if (depth >=2)  h -= 0.2 *  (depth-2);
00256         if (depth <=-2) h -= 0.2 * -(depth+2);
00257         if (h < 0) h  = 0;
00258     }
00260     inline double degrade(double x)
00261     {
00262         return 1.0 - x * x;
00263     }
00265     /* RvB: Not used
00266     inline double N(double x)
00267     {
00268         return (1.0/sqrt(2.0*M_PI))*exp(-0.5*x*x);
00269     }
00270     */
00272     RotorViewCache*         mCache;
00273     Thread*                 mThread;
00274     Thread*                 mSkip;
00275     String                  mContextName;
00276     String                  mContextNiceName;
00278     int                     mPosition;
00279     int                     mDepth;
00280     int                     mSwallowMode;
00281     int                     mHighResDistance;
00282     int                     mDrawDirection;
00284     double                  mDirection;
00286     static bool             sGlobalShotSwallow;
00287     static bool             sAutoNegatives;
00289 public:
00290     static const int        SWALLOW_NONE     = 0;
00291     static const int        SWALLOW_POSITIVE = 1;
00292     static const int        SWALLOW_NEGATIVE = 2;
00293     static const int        SWALLOW_ALL      = 3;
00296     static const int        DIRECTION_BOTH   = 0;
00297     static const int        DIRECTION_UP     = 1;
00298     static const int        DIRECTION_DOWN   = 2;
00300     // up = right and down = left, for consistency.
00301     static const int        DIRECTION_LEFT   = 2;
00302     static const int        DIRECTION_RIGHT  = 1;
00304     ILOG_VAR_DEC;
00306 }; // class RotorBrowserContext
00308 ILOG_VAR_INIT(RotorBrowserContext, Visualization.RotorBrowser);
00310 bool RotorBrowserContext::sAutoNegatives        = false;
00311 bool RotorBrowserContext::sGlobalShotSwallow    = false;
00313 }
00314 }
00315 }
00316 #endif

Generated on Fri Mar 19 09:31:52 2010 for ImpalaSrc by  doxygen 1.5.1