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void Impala::Visualization::RotorBrowser::RotorBrowser::Init ( ThreadSet threadset,
SegmentationDocument document,
String  preFix 
) [inline, private]

Definition at line 2593 of file RotorBrowser.h.

References OglGui::OglWindow::GetBackground(), Impala::CmdOptions::GetInstance(), OglGui::OglWindow::GetOGLWND(), Impala::CmdOptions::GetString(), GetThreadByName(), Impala::Core::VideoSet::SegmentationDocument::GetVideoSet(), ILOG_DEBUG, InitHelp(), InitKeyBindings(), mActiveContext, mActiveHorizontal, mAutoStills, mBackNormal, mBrowseMode, mBusyManaging, mCache, mClusterSelector, mDisabledCenterVideo, mDocument, mEnableShotSwallow, mFontHandler, mHadFocus, mHasReturnQuery, mInitialQueryPosition, mKeepCenterCentered, mManageContexts, mManageDepth, MODE_ROTORBROWSER, mPreFix, mPrograms, mReturnPosition, mRotorBrowserListener, mShowDirection, mShowRankThreads, mStatusOverlay, mStills, mThreadSet, mTopN, mTrailBookmarks, mTrailHistory, mTrailVisibleQuery, mTrailVisibleTime, mTrailVisibleVisualA, mTrailVisibleVisualB, mTrailVisited, mVisualQueryEngine, OglGui::OglWindow::SetBorderBackground(), OglGui::Window::SetDisableOGLViewKeys(), SetEnableShotSwallow(), Impala::Visualization::RotorBrowser::RotorView::SetStillFrameWait(), Impala::Visualization::RotorBrowser::RotorBrowserContext::SetSwallowMode(), Impala::Visualization::RotorBrowser::RotorBrowserContext::SetSwallowThread(), STILLS_NONE, and Impala::Visualization::RotorBrowser::RotorBrowserContext::SWALLOW_ALL.

02594     {
02595         ILOG_DEBUG("RotorBrowser::init()");
02596         oglSys.SetAllowCameraMove(GetOGLWND(), CamMove_Keys | CamMove_Mouse);
02598         CmdOptions &options   = CmdOptions::GetInstance();
02600         mRotorBrowserListener = NULL;
02601         mThreadSet            = threadset;
02602         mDocument             = document;
02603         mPreFix               = options.GetString("RbKeybindingPrefix", preFix);
02604         mPrograms             = 0;
02606         mBrowseMode           = MODE_ROTORBROWSER;
02607         mAutoStills           = STILLS_NONE;
02608         mBackNormal           = GetBackground();
02609         mTopN                 = 30;
02610         mInitialQueryPosition = -1;
02611         mReturnPosition       = 0;
02612         mDisabledCenterVideo  = -1;
02614         // only allocate trails when they're actually used:
02615         mTrailBookmarks       = 0;
02616         mTrailVisited         = 0;
02617         mTrailHistory         = 0;
02618         mTrailVisibleTime     = 0;
02619         mTrailVisibleQuery    = 0;
02620         mTrailVisibleVisualA  = 0;
02621         mTrailVisibleVisualB  = 0;
02623         mHadFocus             = false;
02624         mShowRankThreads      = false;
02625         mEnableShotSwallow    = false;
02626         mKeepCenterCentered   = false;
02627         mBusyManaging         = false;
02628         mHasReturnQuery       = false;
02629         mActiveHorizontal     = true;
02630         mShowDirection        = true;
02631         mManageContexts       = true;
02632         mManageDepth          = true;
02634         Thread* timeThr       = GetThreadByName("time");
02635         Thread* hiddenThr     = GetThreadByName("virtual_hidden");
02637         mFontHandler          = new FontHandler();
02638         mStatusOverlay        = new StatusOverlayWindow(this);
02639         mCache                = new RotorViewCache(this, threadset, this);
02640         mClusterSelector      = new ThreadClusterSelector(mCache);
02641         mVisualQueryEngine    = new VisualQueryEngine(mThreadSet,mTopN*2);
02642         mStills               = new Stills(mDocument->GetVideoSet(),"stills");
02643         mActiveContext        = new RotorBrowserContext(mCache,timeThr,0,0.0,5);
02645         mActiveContext->SetSwallowThread(hiddenThr);
02646         mActiveContext->SetSwallowMode(RotorBrowserContext::SWALLOW_ALL);
02648         SetEnableShotSwallow(false);
02649         RotorView::SetStillFrameWait(15);
02651         InitHelp();
02652         InitKeyBindings();
02654         // RvB: Added next 2 lines
02655         // Ork: disabled next line, in linux you cannot use alt+rmouse combinations,
02656         //      and keyboard zooming wasn't working.
02657         SetDisableOGLViewKeys(false);
02658         SetBorderBackground(0x80202020);
02659         // TODO: set active position based on mDocument
02660     }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Generated on Fri Mar 19 11:55:21 2010 for ImpalaSrc by  doxygen 1.5.1