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Impala Namespace Reference

The classes in this file provide a facade to underlying log system implementations. More...


class  CmdOptions
class  ConfigBase
class  File
 Simple wrapper for FILE. More...
class  ILogErrors
class  LogListener
class  LogType
class  Logger
class  LogSystem
class  QuidObj
class  StringList
 Class definition for list of strings. More...
class  Timer
class  IDistributedAccess
class  TrackVisualiser


namespace  Application
namespace  Core
namespace  Samples
namespace  Test
namespace  Util
namespace  Sandbox
namespace  Job
namespace  Persistency
namespace  Process
namespace  Visualization


typedef unsigned char UInt8
typedef unsigned short UInt16
typedef unsigned int UInt32
typedef unsigned long long UInt64
typedef char Int8
typedef short Int16
typedef int Int32
typedef long long Int64
typedef float Real32
typedef double Real64
typedef unsigned long long Quid
typedef std::string String
typedef const std::string & CString
typedef StringList::iterator StringListI
 Iterator for StringList.
typedef StringList::const_iterator StringListCI
 Const iterator for StringList.
typedef StringList::back_insert_iterator StringListBI
 Back inserter for StringList.


 ILOG_VAR_INIT (CmdOptions, Impala)
void EndianSwapIt (UInt8 *b, int n)
template<class Type>
void EndianSwap (Type *v)
bool FileExists (const String &fileName)
String::size_type FileNameLastPathSepPos (CString filePath)
 Position of last path seperator symbol, either '/' or '\' ; npos otherwise.
String FileNameExt (CString filePath, bool doLowerCase=false)
 The extension of a filename : returns "ext" given "/dir1/dir2/base.ext".
String FileNameBase (CString filePath)
 The base of a filename : returns "base" given "/dir1/dir2/base.ext".
String FileNameTail (CString filePath)
 The tail of a filename : returns "base.ext" given "/dir1/dir2/base.ext".
String FileNamePath (CString filePath)
 The path of a filename : returns "/dir1/dir2/" given "/dir1/dir2/base.ext".
String FileNamePath2 (CString filePath)
 The path of a filename : returns "/dir1/dir2" given "/dir1/dir2/base.ext".
String FileNameConcat (CString fileName1, CString fileName2)
 Concatenate file names : returns fileName1/fileName2.
template<class C1, class C2>
String FileNameCtor (C1 a1, C2 a2, CString dotExt)
template<class C1, class C2, class C3>
String FileNameCtor (C1 a1, C2 a2, C3 a3, CString dotExt)
template<class C1, class C2, class C3, class C4>
String FileNameCtor (C1 a1, C2 a2, C3 a3, C4 a4, CString dotExt)
template<class C1, class C2, class C3, class C4, class C5>
String FileNameCtor (C1 a1, C2 a2, C3 a3, C4 a4, C5 a5, CString dotExt)
template<class C1, class C2, class C3, class C4, class C5, class C6>
String FileNameCtor (C1 a1, C2 a2, C3 a3, C4 a4, C5 a5, C6 a6, CString dotExt)
template<class C1, class C2, class C3, class C4, class C5, class C6, class C7>
String FileNameCtor (C1 a1, C2 a2, C3 a3, C4 a4, C5 a5, C6 a6, C7 a7, CString dotExt)
String GetTmpPath ()
 Returns an user-specified temporary storage path, or the current folder if none specified.
String PathJoin (String path1, String path2)
 Joins two paths together (inspired by Python os.path.join).
String PathJoin (String path1, String path2, String path3)
String PathJoin (String path1, String path2, String path3, String path4)
String PathJoin (String path1, String path2, String path3, String path4, String path5)
String FileNameTmp ()
template<class BackInsertIterator>
void FileReadString (BackInsertIterator bi, String fileName, bool skipEC=true, bool needFile=true)
void ReadStrings (std::vector< String > &stringList, const String &filename)
template<class Iterator>
bool FileWriteString (String fileName, Iterator begin, Iterator end)
template<class Type>
String NativeTypeFormat (Type v)
String NativeTypeFormat< UInt8 > (UInt8 v)
String NativeTypeFormat< UInt16 > (UInt16 v)
String NativeTypeFormat< UInt32 > (UInt32 v)
String NativeTypeFormat< UInt64 > (UInt64 v)
String NativeTypeFormat< Int8 > (Int8 v)
String NativeTypeFormat< Int16 > (Int16 v)
String NativeTypeFormat< Int32 > (Int32 v)
String NativeTypeFormat< Int64 > (Int64 v)
String NativeTypeFormat< Real32 > (Real32 v)
String NativeTypeFormat< Real64 > (Real64 v)
template<class Type>
void NativeTypeRead (FILE *fp, Type *ptr)
template<class Type, class IntermediateType>
void NativeTypeRead (FILE *fp, Type *ptr, IntermediateType dummy)
void NativeTypeRead< UInt8 > (FILE *fp, UInt8 *ptr)
void NativeTypeRead< UInt16 > (FILE *fp, UInt16 *ptr)
void NativeTypeRead< Int8 > (FILE *fp, Int8 *ptr)
void NativeTypeRead< Int16 > (FILE *fp, Int16 *ptr)
Quid MakeQuid (int qClass, int qSet, int qObject, int id)
int QuidClass (Quid q)
int QuidSet (Quid q)
int QuidObject (Quid q)
int QuidId (Quid q)
bool QuidValid (Quid q)
bool QuidClassEqual (Quid q1, Quid q2)
bool QuidSetEqual (Quid q1, Quid q2)
bool QuidObjectEqual (Quid q1, Quid q2)
bool QuidIdEqual (Quid q1, Quid q2)
Quid QuidObjectChange (Quid q, int newObject)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const QuidObj &q)
int StringToQuidClass (CString s)
String QuidClassToString (int c)
String QuidClassToString (Quid q)
Quid MakeQuidShot (int qSet, int qObject, int id)
Quid MakeQuidKeyframe (int qSet, int qObject, int id)
Quid MakeQuidFrame (int qSet, int qObject, int id)
Quid MakeQuidLabel (int id)
Quid MakeQuidImage (int qSet, int id)
Quid MakeQuidVideo (int qSet, int id)
Quid MakeQuidCodebook (int qDataClass, int qSet, int id)
template<class T>
Max (T x, T y)
template<class T>
Min (T x, T y)
String MakeString (const int i)
String MakeString (const int i, const int width, const char fill= ' ')
String MakeString (const long i)
String MakeString (const long i, const int width, const char fill= ' ')
String MakeString (const unsigned long ul)
String MakeString (const unsigned long ul, const int width, const char fill= ' ')
String MakeString (const long long i)
String MakeString (const long long i, int width, char fill= ' ')
String MakeString (const unsigned long long ull)
String MakeString (const unsigned long long ull, int width, char fill= ' ')
String MakeString (const double d)
String MakeString (const double d, const int width, const char fill= ' ')
String MakeString (CString s)
String MakeString (CString src, const int width, const char fill= ' ')
int atoi (CString s)
long atol (CString s)
long atoul (CString s)
long long atoll (CString s)
unsigned long long atoull (CString s)
double atof (CString s)
String StringReplace (String src, CString subFrom, CString subTo)
 Replace subFrom with subTo within src.
String StringReplaceAll (String src, CString subFrom, CString subTo, const bool recursive=true)
 Replace all subFrom with subTo within src.
String StringHead (CString src, const char toChar, const bool includeChar)
String StringTail (String src, char toChar, bool includeChar)
bool StringStartsWith (CString src, CString sub)
bool StringEndsWith (String src, const String &sub)
void StringToLower (String &s)
bool StringToBool (CString s)
template<class T>
bool IsNan (T x)


static const Quid QUID_CLASS_MASK = 0xFF00000000000000LL
static const int QUID_CLASS_WIDTH = 8
static const int QUID_CLASS_SHIFT = 56
static const Quid QUID_SET_MASK = 0x00FF000000000000LL
static const int QUID_SET_WIDTH = 8
static const int QUID_SET_SHIFT = 48
static const Quid QUID_OBJECT_MASK = 0x0000FFFF00000000LL
static const int QUID_OBJECT_WIDTH = 16
static const int QUID_OBJECT_SHIFT = 32
static const Quid QUID_ID_MASK = 0x00000000FFFFFFFFLL
static const int QUID_ID_WIDTH = 32
static const int QUID_ID_SHIFT = 0
static const int QUID_CLASS_UNKNOWN = 0
static const int QUID_CLASS_SHOT = 1
static const int QUID_CLASS_KEYFRAME = 2
static const int QUID_CLASS_FRAME = 3
static const int QUID_CLASS_LABEL = 4
static const int QUID_CLASS_IMAGE = 5
static const int QUID_CLASS_VIDEO = 6
static const int QUID_CLASS_CODEBOOK = 7

Detailed Description

The classes in this file provide a facade to underlying log system implementations.

For example one might time construction, processing and deletion of a item in a for loop. measurements are grouped in groupes (see AddGroup()). The current API is quick and dirty, better design might come in the future.

Generated on Fri Mar 19 10:35:13 2010 for ImpalaSrc by  doxygen 1.5.1