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void Impala::Visualization::AppControlSrc::Jump ( int  frameNr  )  [inline]

Definition at line 92 of file AppControlSrc.h.

References CheckJumpFrame(), Impala::Core::Stream::RgbDataSrc::GotoFrame(), mDelay, mSrc, and mSrc2.

Referenced by KeyEvent(), Impala::Visualization::RgbDataSrcLavcTestGUI::NavFrameEvent(), Impala::Application::WindowVdiff::NavFrameEvent(), and Impala::Application::WindowPlay::NavFrameEvent().

00093     {
00094         if (!mSrc || frameNr < 0)
00095             return;
00096         if (mSrc2)
00097             frameNr -= mDelay; // hack : mSrc2 is reference point
00098         mSrc->GotoFrame(frameNr);
00099         if (mSrc2)
00100             mSrc2->GotoFrame(frameNr + mDelay);
00101         CheckJumpFrame();
00102     }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Generated on Thu Jan 13 09:24:34 2011 for ImpalaSrc by  doxygen 1.5.1