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virtual bool Impala::Visualization::AppControlSrc::Done (  )  [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from Impala::Visualization::AppControl.

Definition at line 263 of file AppControlSrc.h.

References CheckJumpFrame(), FpsReset(), HandleDestroyEvent(), mDoLoop, mDone, mSrc, Impala::Core::Stream::RgbDataSrc::Reset(), and Impala::Core::Stream::RgbDataSrc::TheEnd().

Referenced by Impala::Application::WindowPlay::DisplayFunc().

00264     {
00265         //if (!mSrc || mDone)
00266         if(mDone)
00267             HandleDestroyEvent();
00269         if (mDone)
00270             return true;
00271         if (!mSrc)
00272             return false;
00273         if (mSrc->TheEnd())
00274         {
00275             if (mDoLoop)
00276             {
00277                 mSrc->Reset();
00278                 FpsReset();
00279                 CheckJumpFrame();
00280             }
00281             else
00282             {
00283                 mDone = true;
00284             }
00285         }
00286         if (mDone)
00287             HandleDestroyEvent();
00288         return mDone;
00289     }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Generated on Thu Jan 13 09:24:35 2011 for ImpalaSrc by  doxygen 1.5.1