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void Impala::Visualization::AppControlSrc::SetSrc ( RgbDataSrc src,
int  startFrame = -1,
RgbDataSrc src2 = 0 
) [inline]

Definition at line 51 of file AppControlSrc.h.

References CheckJumpFrame(), FpsReset(), Impala::Core::Stream::RgbDataSrc::FrameNr(), Impala::Core::Stream::RgbDataSrc::GotoFrame(), mDelay, mSrc, mSrc2, mStartFrame, and Impala::Core::Stream::RgbDataSrc::NextFrame().

Referenced by Impala::Visualization::RgbDataSrcLavcTestGUI::SetSource(), Impala::Application::WindowBackground::WindowBackground(), Impala::Application::DemoCamera2d::WindowCamera2d::WindowCamera2d(), Impala::Application::WindowPlay::WindowPlay(), Impala::Application::Src::WindowSrc::WindowSrc(), and Impala::Application::WindowVdiff::WindowVdiff().

00053     {
00054         mSrc = src;
00055         mSrc2 = src2;
00056         //mDidSrcError = false;
00057         if (!mSrc)
00058             return;
00059         //mTimer.Start();
00060         FpsReset();
00061         if (startFrame == -1)
00062             startFrame = mStartFrame;
00063         if ((startFrame != 0) || (mDelay != 0))
00064         {
00065             mSrc->GotoFrame(startFrame);
00066             if (mSrc2)
00067                 mSrc2->GotoFrame(startFrame + mDelay);
00068         }
00069         else
00070         {
00071             if (mSrc->FrameNr() == -1) // -1 indicates not started yet
00072                 mSrc->NextFrame();
00073             if (mSrc2 && (mSrc2->FrameNr() == -1))
00074                 mSrc2->NextFrame();
00075         }
00076         CheckJumpFrame();
00077     }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Generated on Thu Jan 13 09:24:34 2011 for ImpalaSrc by  doxygen 1.5.1