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virtual void Impala::Visualization::SearchTopicGui::ButtonSelectionEvent ( OglGui::Button src,
void *  vData 
) [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from OglGui::ButtonListener.

Definition at line 101 of file SearchTopicGui.h.

References OglGui::StringSelector::GetCurrentStringIdx(), Impala::Core::Trec::SearchTopic::GetCurTopicVideoExampleName(), mSearchTopic, mTopicVideoList, and PLAY.

00102     {
00103         if (vData == (void*) PLAY)
00104 #ifndef DX_USED
00105             std::cout << "Play not available." << std::endl;
00106 #else
00107         {
00108             int vidEx = mTopicVideoList->GetCurrentStringIdx();
00109             String fileName = mSearchTopic->GetCurTopicVideoExampleName(vidEx);
00110             void* handle = HxDXOpenFullPlayer(fileName.c_str());
00111             if (handle)
00112             {
00113                 HxDXShowSegmentPlayer(handle, 0, -1);
00114                 HxDXClosePlayer(handle);
00115             }
00116             else
00117                 std::cout << "Unable to play " << fileName << std::endl;
00118         }
00119 #endif
00120     }

Here is the call graph for this function:

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