Classes | |
class | CmdOptions |
class | ConfigBase |
class | File |
Simple wrapper for FILE. More... | |
class | ILogErrors |
class | LogListener |
class | LogType |
class | Logger |
class | LogSystem |
class | QuidObj |
class | StringList |
Class definition for list of strings. More... | |
class | Timer |
class | IDistributedAccess |
class | TrackVisualiser |
Namespaces | |
namespace | Application |
namespace | Core |
namespace | Samples |
namespace | Test |
namespace | Util |
namespace | Sandbox |
namespace | Job |
namespace | Persistency |
namespace | Process |
namespace | Visualization |
Typedefs | |
typedef unsigned char | UInt8 |
typedef unsigned short | UInt16 |
typedef unsigned int | UInt32 |
typedef unsigned long long | UInt64 |
typedef char | Int8 |
typedef short | Int16 |
typedef int | Int32 |
typedef long long | Int64 |
typedef float | Real32 |
typedef double | Real64 |
typedef unsigned long long | Quid |
typedef std::string | String |
typedef const std::string & | CString |
typedef StringList::iterator | StringListI |
Iterator for StringList. | |
typedef StringList::const_iterator | StringListCI |
Const iterator for StringList. | |
typedef StringList::back_insert_iterator | StringListBI |
Back inserter for StringList. | |
Functions | |
ILOG_VAR_INIT (CmdOptions, Impala) | |
void | EndianSwapIt (UInt8 *b, int n) |
template<class Type> | |
void | EndianSwap (Type *v) |
bool | FileExists (const String &fileName) |
String::size_type | FileNameLastPathSepPos (CString filePath) |
Position of last path seperator symbol, either '/' or '\' ; npos otherwise. | |
String | FileNameExt (CString filePath, bool doLowerCase=false) |
The extension of a filename : returns "ext" given "/dir1/dir2/base.ext". | |
String | FileNameBase (CString filePath) |
The base of a filename : returns "base" given "/dir1/dir2/base.ext". | |
String | FileNameTail (CString filePath) |
The tail of a filename : returns "base.ext" given "/dir1/dir2/base.ext". | |
String | FileNamePath (CString filePath) |
The path of a filename : returns "/dir1/dir2/" given "/dir1/dir2/base.ext". | |
String | FileNamePath2 (CString filePath) |
The path of a filename : returns "/dir1/dir2" given "/dir1/dir2/base.ext". | |
String | FileNameConcat (CString fileName1, CString fileName2) |
Concatenate file names : returns fileName1/fileName2. | |
template<class C1, class C2> | |
String | FileNameCtor (C1 a1, C2 a2, CString dotExt) |
template<class C1, class C2, class C3> | |
String | FileNameCtor (C1 a1, C2 a2, C3 a3, CString dotExt) |
template<class C1, class C2, class C3, class C4> | |
String | FileNameCtor (C1 a1, C2 a2, C3 a3, C4 a4, CString dotExt) |
template<class C1, class C2, class C3, class C4, class C5> | |
String | FileNameCtor (C1 a1, C2 a2, C3 a3, C4 a4, C5 a5, CString dotExt) |
template<class C1, class C2, class C3, class C4, class C5, class C6> | |
String | FileNameCtor (C1 a1, C2 a2, C3 a3, C4 a4, C5 a5, C6 a6, CString dotExt) |
template<class C1, class C2, class C3, class C4, class C5, class C6, class C7> | |
String | FileNameCtor (C1 a1, C2 a2, C3 a3, C4 a4, C5 a5, C6 a6, C7 a7, CString dotExt) |
String | GetTmpPath () |
Returns an user-specified temporary storage path, or the current folder if none specified. | |
String | PathJoin (String path1, String path2) |
Joins two paths together (inspired by Python os.path.join). | |
String | PathJoin (String path1, String path2, String path3) |
String | PathJoin (String path1, String path2, String path3, String path4) |
String | PathJoin (String path1, String path2, String path3, String path4, String path5) |
String | FileNameTmp () |
template<class BackInsertIterator> | |
void | FileReadString (BackInsertIterator bi, String fileName, bool skipEC=true, bool needFile=true) |
void | ReadStrings (std::vector< String > &stringList, const String &filename) |
template<class Iterator> | |
bool | FileWriteString (String fileName, Iterator begin, Iterator end) |
template<class Type> | |
String | NativeTypeFormat (Type v) |
template<> | |
String | NativeTypeFormat< UInt8 > (UInt8 v) |
template<> | |
String | NativeTypeFormat< UInt16 > (UInt16 v) |
template<> | |
String | NativeTypeFormat< UInt32 > (UInt32 v) |
template<> | |
String | NativeTypeFormat< UInt64 > (UInt64 v) |
template<> | |
String | NativeTypeFormat< Int8 > (Int8 v) |
template<> | |
String | NativeTypeFormat< Int16 > (Int16 v) |
template<> | |
String | NativeTypeFormat< Int32 > (Int32 v) |
template<> | |
String | NativeTypeFormat< Int64 > (Int64 v) |
template<> | |
String | NativeTypeFormat< Real32 > (Real32 v) |
template<> | |
String | NativeTypeFormat< Real64 > (Real64 v) |
template<class Type> | |
void | NativeTypeRead (FILE *fp, Type *ptr) |
template<class Type, class IntermediateType> | |
void | NativeTypeRead (FILE *fp, Type *ptr, IntermediateType dummy) |
template<> | |
void | NativeTypeRead< UInt8 > (FILE *fp, UInt8 *ptr) |
template<> | |
void | NativeTypeRead< UInt16 > (FILE *fp, UInt16 *ptr) |
template<> | |
void | NativeTypeRead< Int8 > (FILE *fp, Int8 *ptr) |
template<> | |
void | NativeTypeRead< Int16 > (FILE *fp, Int16 *ptr) |
Quid | MakeQuid (int qClass, int qSet, int qObject, int id) |
int | QuidClass (Quid q) |
int | QuidSet (Quid q) |
int | QuidObject (Quid q) |
int | QuidId (Quid q) |
bool | QuidValid (Quid q) |
bool | QuidClassEqual (Quid q1, Quid q2) |
bool | QuidSetEqual (Quid q1, Quid q2) |
bool | QuidObjectEqual (Quid q1, Quid q2) |
bool | QuidIdEqual (Quid q1, Quid q2) |
Quid | QuidObjectChange (Quid q, int newObject) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const QuidObj &q) |
int | StringToQuidClass (CString s) |
String | QuidClassToString (int c) |
String | QuidClassToString (Quid q) |
Quid | MakeQuidShot (int qSet, int qObject, int id) |
Quid | MakeQuidKeyframe (int qSet, int qObject, int id) |
Quid | MakeQuidFrame (int qSet, int qObject, int id) |
Quid | MakeQuidLabel (int id) |
Quid | MakeQuidImage (int qSet, int id) |
Quid | MakeQuidVideo (int qSet, int id) |
Quid | MakeQuidCodebook (int qDataClass, int qSet, int id) |
template<class T> | |
T | Max (T x, T y) |
template<class T> | |
T | Min (T x, T y) |
String | MakeString (const int i) |
String | MakeString (const int i, const int width, const char fill= ' ') |
String | MakeString (const long i) |
String | MakeString (const long i, const int width, const char fill= ' ') |
String | MakeString (const unsigned long ul) |
String | MakeString (const unsigned long ul, const int width, const char fill= ' ') |
String | MakeString (const long long i) |
String | MakeString (const long long i, int width, char fill= ' ') |
String | MakeString (const unsigned long long ull) |
String | MakeString (const unsigned long long ull, int width, char fill= ' ') |
String | MakeString (const double d) |
String | MakeString (const double d, const int width, const char fill= ' ') |
String | MakeString (CString s) |
String | MakeString (CString src, const int width, const char fill= ' ') |
int | atoi (CString s) |
long | atol (CString s) |
long | atoul (CString s) |
long long | atoll (CString s) |
unsigned long long | atoull (CString s) |
double | atof (CString s) |
String | StringReplace (String src, CString subFrom, CString subTo) |
Replace subFrom with subTo within src. | |
String | StringReplaceAll (String src, CString subFrom, CString subTo, const bool recursive=true) |
Replace all subFrom with subTo within src. | |
String | StringHead (CString src, const char toChar, const bool includeChar) |
String | StringTail (String src, char toChar, bool includeChar) |
bool | StringStartsWith (CString src, CString sub) |
bool | StringEndsWith (String src, const String &sub) |
void | StringToLower (String &s) |
bool | StringToBool (CString s) |
template<class T> | |
bool | IsNan (T x) |
Variables | |
static const Quid | QUID_CLASS_MASK = 0xFF00000000000000LL |
static const int | QUID_CLASS_WIDTH = 8 |
static const int | QUID_CLASS_SHIFT = 56 |
static const Quid | QUID_SET_MASK = 0x00FF000000000000LL |
static const int | QUID_SET_WIDTH = 8 |
static const int | QUID_SET_SHIFT = 48 |
static const Quid | QUID_OBJECT_MASK = 0x0000FFFF00000000LL |
static const int | QUID_OBJECT_WIDTH = 16 |
static const int | QUID_OBJECT_SHIFT = 32 |
static const Quid | QUID_ID_MASK = 0x00000000FFFFFFFFLL |
static const int | QUID_ID_WIDTH = 32 |
static const int | QUID_ID_SHIFT = 0 |
static const int | QUID_CLASS_UNKNOWN = 0 |
static const int | QUID_CLASS_SHOT = 1 |
static const int | QUID_CLASS_KEYFRAME = 2 |
static const int | QUID_CLASS_FRAME = 3 |
static const int | QUID_CLASS_LABEL = 4 |
static const int | QUID_CLASS_IMAGE = 5 |
static const int | QUID_CLASS_VIDEO = 6 |
static const int | QUID_CLASS_CODEBOOK = 7 |
For example one might time construction, processing and deletion of a item in a for loop. measurements are grouped in groupes (see AddGroup()). The current API is quick and dirty, better design might come in the future.