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00001 #ifndef Impala_Visualization_SearchTopicGui_h
00002 #define Impala_Visualization_SearchTopicGui_h
00004 #ifdef DX_USED
00005 #include "Link/DXMedia/HxDXMedia.h"
00006 #endif
00007 #include "Core/Trec/SearchTopic.h"
00008 #include "OglGui/StringSelector.h"
00009 #include "OglGui/TextArea.h"
00010 #include "OglGui/Strut.h"
00011 #include "OglGui/Button.h"
00012 #include "Visualization/ImageStrip.h"
00013 #include "Visualization/LogoWindow.h"
00014 #include "Visualization/SearchTopicGuiListener.h"
00016 namespace Impala {
00017 namespace Visualization {
00019 class SearchTopicGui :  public Window,
00020                         public OglGui::StringListener,
00021                         public ImagesListener,
00022                         public OglGui::ButtonListener
00023 {
00024     const static int NUM = 1;
00025     const static int VIDEO = 2;
00026     const static int PLAY = 3;
00027     const static int EXAMPLE = 4;
00029 public:
00031     SearchTopicGui(OglGui::Window* parent, int wndWidth, int wndHeight,
00032                    int nrImOnRow, int imWidth, int imHeight, double viewScale,
00033                    Core::Trec::SearchTopic* searchTopic,
00034                    Core::Array::Array2dVec3UInt8* logoIm, bool logoAnim) :
00035         Window(parent, wndWidth, wndHeight, true)
00036     {
00037         mSearchTopic = searchTopic;
00039         if (logoAnim || logoIm)
00040             new LogoWindow(this, true, 0, 0, wndWidth, 400, logoIm, logoAnim);
00042         int line = 20;
00043         mTopicNumList = new OglGui::StringSelector(this, wndWidth - 20, 12*line);
00044         SetAsBox(mTopicNumList);
00045         mTopicNumList->SetStringListener(this, NUM);
00046         for (int i=0 ; mSearchTopic && i<mSearchTopic->NrTopic() ; i++)
00047             mTopicNumList->AddString(mSearchTopic->GetTopicNum(i) + " : " +
00048                                      mSearchTopic->GetTopicText(i));
00049         mTopicTextArea = new OglGui::TextArea(this, wndWidth - 20, 3*line, "");
00050         SetAsBox(mTopicTextArea);
00052         mTopicVideoList = 0;
00053         if (mSearchTopic->HasVideos())
00054         {
00055             OglGui::TextArea* vArea = new OglGui::TextArea(this, 100, 1*line,
00056                                                            "Video examples");
00057             vArea->SetBorderType(0);
00058             mTopicVideoList = new OglGui::StringSelector(this, 600, 6*line);
00059             SetAsBox(mTopicVideoList);
00060             mTopicVideoList->SetStringListener(this, VIDEO);
00061             OglGui::Button* but = new OglGui::Button(this, 50, 22, "Play");
00062             but->SetButtonListener(this, PLAY);
00063             OglGui::Strut* strut = new OglGui::Strut(this, 4000, 1);
00064         }
00066         mExampleImagesStrip = new ImageStrip(this, imWidth, imHeight,
00067                                              viewScale, nrImOnRow);
00068         mExampleImagesStrip->SetImagesListener(this, EXAMPLE);
00069         mExampleImagesStrip->ActivateInfoBox(false);
00070         SetAsBox(mExampleImagesStrip);
00071     }
00073     void
00074     SetTopicListener(SearchTopicGuiListener* listener, void* listenerData = 0)
00075     {
00076         mTopicListener = listener;
00077         mTopicListenerData = listenerData;
00078     }
00080     virtual void StringSelectionEvent(OglGui::StringSelector* src, int strIndex,
00081                                       void* vData)
00082     {
00083         int  listenerData = (int)(long long)vData;
00084         switch (listenerData)
00085         {
00086         case NUM:
00087             ShowTopic(strIndex);
00088             break;
00089         case VIDEO:
00090             mTopicVideoList->SetCurrentString(strIndex);
00091             break;
00092         }
00093     }
00095     virtual void ImageSelectionEvent(Window* src, int imIndex, void* vData)
00096     {
00097         if (vData == (void*) EXAMPLE && mTopicVideoList)
00098             mTopicVideoList->SetCurrentString(imIndex);
00099     }
00101     virtual void ButtonSelectionEvent(OglGui::Button* src, void* vData)
00102     {
00103         if (vData == (void*) PLAY)
00104 #ifndef DX_USED
00105             std::cout << "Play not available." << std::endl;
00106 #else
00107         {
00108             int vidEx = mTopicVideoList->GetCurrentStringIdx();
00109             String fileName = mSearchTopic->GetCurTopicVideoExampleName(vidEx);
00110             void* handle = HxDXOpenFullPlayer(fileName.c_str());
00111             if (handle)
00112             {
00113                 HxDXShowSegmentPlayer(handle, 0, -1);
00114                 HxDXClosePlayer(handle);
00115             }
00116             else
00117                 std::cout << "Unable to play " << fileName << std::endl;
00118         }
00119 #endif
00120     }
00122     void ShowTopic(int id)
00123     {
00124         if (mSearchTopic)
00125         {
00126             mTopicNumList->SetCurrentString(id);
00127             mSearchTopic->TopicSelect(id);
00128             mTopicTextArea->SetText(mSearchTopic->GetCurTopicText());
00130             if (mTopicVideoList)
00131             {
00132                 mTopicVideoList->RemoveStrings();
00133                 for (int v=0 ; v<mSearchTopic->GetCurTopicNrExamples() ; v++)
00134                     mTopicVideoList->
00135                         AddString(mSearchTopic->GetCurTopicExampleName(v));
00136             }
00138             mExampleImagesStrip->RemoveImages();
00139             for (int i=0 ; i<mSearchTopic->GetCurTopicNrExamples() ; i++)
00140             {
00141                 String name = String("Example ") + MakeString(i);
00142                 Core::Array::Array2dVec3UInt8* im;
00143                 if (im = mSearchTopic->GetCurTopicImageExample(i, true))
00144                     mExampleImagesStrip->AddImage(im, "Direct", name, true);
00145             }
00146             if (mTopicListener)
00147                 mTopicListener->TopicSelectionEvent(this,id,mTopicListenerData);
00148         }
00149     }
00151 private:
00153     void SetAsBox(OglGui::Window *w)
00154     {
00155         w->SetBorderType(4);
00156         w->SetBorderFillShaded(2);
00157     }
00159     Core::Trec::SearchTopic* mSearchTopic;
00160     OglGui::StringSelector*  mTopicNumList;
00161     OglGui::TextArea*        mTopicTextArea;
00162     OglGui::StringSelector*  mTopicVideoList;
00163     ImageStrip*              mExampleImagesStrip;
00165     SearchTopicGuiListener*  mTopicListener;
00166     void*                    mTopicListenerData;
00168 };
00170 } // namespace Visualization
00171 } // namespace Impala
00173 #endif

Generated on Fri Mar 19 09:31:53 2010 for ImpalaSrc by  doxygen 1.5.1