Impala::Samples::ActiveLearnEngine | |
Impala::Samples::ActiveLearnEngineQuids | |
Impala::Application::SDash::ActivityHandler | |
Impala::Application::SDash::ActivityReader | |
Impala::Application::SDash::AlertRelay | |
OglGui::AlertTimeLine | |
OglGui::AlertTimeLine::AdvanceTimeListener | |
OglGui::AlertTimeLine::GenerateAlertListener | |
OglGui::AlertTimeLineListener | |
Impala::Application::SDash::AlertWindow | |
Impala::Visualization::AllFramesTLineVideo | |
AlternativeTableDataSourceTest | |
OglGui::Animator | |
OglGui::AnimButtonListener | |
OglGui::AnimWindowListener | |
Impala::Visualization::AnnoPUNS | |
Impala::Core::Table::AnnotationTable | A table with <annotee,qualifier> pairs |
Impala::Visualization::AnnotationTableGui | |
Impala::Persistency::AnnotationTableLocator | |
Impala::Persistency::AnnotationTableRepository | |
Impala::Persistency::AnnotationTableRepositoryInFile | |
Impala::Persistency::AnnotationTableRepositoryInMonet | |
Impala::Core::Table::AnnotationTableSet | |
Impala::Persistency::AnnotationTableSetLocator | |
Impala::Persistency::AnnotationTableSetRepository | |
Impala::Visualization::AppControl | |
Impala::Visualization::AppControlDoc | |
Impala::Application::IDash::AppControlDossier | |
Impala::Visualization::AppControlGUI | |
Impala::Visualization::AppController | |
Impala::Visualization::AppControlSrc | |
Impala::Application::SDash::ApplicationEnding | |
Impala::Core::ApplicationFactory | This class' purpose is to generalise some of the setup that was shared by some applications |
Impala::Core::Training::ApplyConcepts | This class handles the logic of applying trained models to a dataset |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::ApplyConcepts | |
Impala::Core::ImageSet::ApplyConcepts | |
Impala::Core::Training::ApplyConceptsHelper | |
Impala::Core::Training::ApplyConceptsHelperFeatures | |
Impala::Core::Training::ApplyConceptsHelperKernels | |
Impala::Core::ImageSet::Archive | |
Impala::Core::Training::AreaUnderRocCurve | This class can be applied to a ScoreTable to compute the area under the ROC curve |
ChorusWrapper::Array2d | |
Impala::Core::Array::Pattern::Array2D< T > | |
Impala::Core::Array::Array2dTem< StorT, elemSize, ArithT > | |
Impala::Core::Array::ArrayPool | Deprecated class, to be removed |
Impala::Core::Array::ArraySet< ArrayT > | |
Impala::Core::Array::ArraySystem | |
Impala::Core::Array::ArraySystem::SysInf | |
Impala::Core::Geometry::ArrowR | Class definition for (2d) arrow in R (real coordinates) |
Impala::Core::Geometry::ArrowRList | Class definition for list of ArrowR's |
Impala::Visualization::AVCodecDD | |
Impala::Core::Training::AveragePrecision | This class can be applied to a ScoreTable to compute the average precision |
Impala::Visualization::AVFormatDD | |
Impala::Visualization::AVFrameDD | |
Impala::Visualization::AVPacketDD | |
Impala::Visualization::AVStreamDD | |
Impala::Visualization::Background | |
Impala::Core::Training::BalancedAveragePrecision | |
Impala::Application::TagsLife::BarPlot | |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::BarPlot | |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::BarPlotModule | |
Impala::Core::Table::Bayes | A Bayes class has two child classes: BayesCondProb: compute the conditional probability P(c_{k}|g_{j}) based on annotation tables BayesFusion: update concept similarity tables, as posterior probability of concepts P(c_{k}|X_{i}) |
Impala::Core::Table::BayesCondProb | BayesCondProb class is mainly designed to compute the conditional probability of concepts (from genre/concept) based on Bayes formula |
Impala::Core::Table::BayesFusion | A BayesFusion class is designed to compute the posterior probability of concepts P(c_{k}|X_{i}) based on the conditional probability P(c_{k}|g_{j}) which is calculated by class Bayes |
Impala::Core::Feature::Bitmap | |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::BlackFrameDetect | |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::BlackFrameProc | |
BoostedGraph | |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::BpoAdd< DstArrayT, Src1ArrayT, Src2ArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of addition based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::BpoAddAssign< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of addition assignment based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::BpoAddSquared< DstArrayT, Src1ArrayT, Src2ArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of addition based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::BpoAddWithWeight< DstArrayT, Src1ArrayT, Src2ArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of addition based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::BpoAtan2< DstArrayT, Src1ArrayT, Src2ArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of addition based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::BpoBind2Val< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT, BpoT > | Pixel functor for binding second argument of binary operation (based on value call) |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::BpoDiv< DstArrayT, Src1ArrayT, Src2ArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of division based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::BpoEqual< DstArrayT, Src1ArrayT, Src2ArrayT > | |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::BpoGreaterThan< DstArrayT, Src1ArrayT, Src2ArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of greater than based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::BpoLessThan< DstArrayT, Src1ArrayT, Src2ArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of Less than based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::BpoMaxAssign< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of maximum assignment |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::BpoMaximum< DstArrayT, Src1ArrayT, Src2ArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of addition based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::BpoMinAssign< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of minimum assignment based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::BpoMinimum< DstArrayT, Src1ArrayT, Src2ArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of addition based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::BpoMul< DstArrayT, Src1ArrayT, Src2ArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of multiplication based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::BpoNegDiv< DstArrayT, Src1ArrayT, Src2ArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of division based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::BpoNorm2Sqr< DstArrayT, Src1ArrayT, Src2ArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of addition |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::BpoSub< DstArrayT, Src1ArrayT, Src2ArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of addition based on value call |
Impala::Application::Src::BpoSwiss | |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::BpoTestEqual< DstArrayT, Src1ArrayT, Src2ArrayT > | |
Impala::Visualization::RotorBrowser::BrowserControl | |
Impala::Core::Array::Pattern::Bugs | |
OglGui::Button | |
OglGui::ButtonListener | |
Impala::Visualization::ByteIOContextDD | |
Cache | |
Impala::Util::Cache< IdxT, ElemT > | |
Impala::Util::Cache< IdxT, ElemT >::CacheElem< CeIdxT, CeElemT > | |
Cache::head_t | |
OglGui::Camera3DAnchorControl | |
OglGui::Camera3DAnchorControl::Anchor3DInfo | |
OglGui::Camera3DControl | |
OglGui::Camera3DControlEx | |
OglGui::Camera3DMoveZ | |
OglGui::Camera3DXYZ | |
Impala::Application::SDash::CameraEvent | |
Impala::Application::SDash::CameraEventButton | |
Impala::Application::SDash::CameraEventList | |
Impala::Application::SDash::CameraEventListPane | |
OglGui::CameraMoveControl | |
Impala::Application::SDash::CameraMovementReader | |
OglGui::CameraRotateControl | |
OglGui::Carousel3D | |
OglGui::Carousel3DListener | |
OglGui::ChangingToView | |
OglGui::ChangingToViewListener | |
Impala::Util::Channel | |
Impala::Util::ChannelAuthorization | Authorization of the use of a Channel |
Impala::Util::ChannelListener | Interface intended to be used by channel servers |
Impala::Util::ChannelPool | |
Impala::Util::ChannelProxy | |
Impala::Util::ChannelServer | |
OglGui::CheckBox | |
OglGui::CheckBox3D | |
CheckBox3D | |
OglGui::CheckBoxDrum | |
OglGui::CheckBoxListener | |
OglGui::CheckBoxValueBar | |
OglGui::CheckBoxValueBars | |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::CheckNrFrames | |
Impala::Core::ImageSet::CheckSizes | |
Impala::Core::Tracking::Classifier | |
Impala::Core::Training::Classifier | This is a baseclass for classifiers |
Impala::Core::Training::ClassifierEvaluator | This class works together with ParameterSearcher (through baseclass ParameterEvaluator) |
Impala::Core::IDash::Client | |
OglGui::CloseWindowListener | |
OglGui::Cluster | |
OglGui::ClusterApp | |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::ClusterFeatures | |
Impala::Core::ImageSet::ClusterFeatures | |
Impala::Core::Feature::Clusteror | Base class for objects that cluster feature vectors |
Impala::Core::Feature::ClusterorFactory | |
Impala::CmdOptions | |
Impala::Core::Array::Pattern::Cnum | Basic coordinate enumerator |
Impala::Core::Trec::Collection | |
Impala::Core::Array::Element::Color | Class definition color semantics |
Impala::Core::Feature::Color64 | |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::Color64Extractor | |
OglGui::ColorDialog | |
Impala::Core::Array::ColorMoment | |
Impala::Core::Array::ColorMoments | |
Impala::Core::Array::ColorMoments::ColorMoment | |
OglGui::ColorsNamed | |
OglGui::ColorsNamedListener | |
OglGui::ColorTargetModalDialog | |
OglGui::ColumnHeaders | |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::ColumnListener | |
OglGui::Columns | |
Impala::Core::Column::ColumnTem< ElemT > | Class definition for table column with an arbitrary number of elements, each represented by an ElemT |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::CombineConcepts | |
Impala::Core::ImageSet::CombineConcepts | |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::CombinedViewsModule | |
CommunicatingSocket | Socket which is able to connect, send, and receive |
Impala::Core::Array::complex | |
Impala::Core::Array::Element::Complex64 | Class definition complex number using two real 64 bit numbers |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::ComputeKernelData | |
Impala::Core::ImageSet::ComputeKernelData | |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::ComputeKernelData::PrecomputeTask | |
Impala::Core::ImageSet::ComputeKernelData::PrecomputeTask | |
Impala::Core::Feature::Computor | Base class for feature computors |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::ConcatFeatures | |
Impala::Core::ImageSet::ConcatFeatures | |
Impala::Core::Feature::Concept | |
Impala::Application::ConceptLearnClient | |
Impala::Visualization::GUI::ConceptPreviewBar | |
Impala::Core::Feature::ConceptSet | |
OglGui::ConceptSupportControl | |
Impala::Visualization::GUI::ConceptTreeBrowser | |
Impala::ConfigBase | |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::ConfigWindowModule | |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::ConfigWindowModuleListener | |
Impala::Core::Array::Pattern::Coord | Representation for integer coordinates (x,y,z) |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::CoordinateEnumeratorAll2< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::CoordinateEnumeratorRect< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | |
Impala::Core::Table::CriterionElement1Equals< T > | T must be of type TableTem |
Impala::Core::Table::CriterionElement1InSet< T > | T must be of type TableTem |
Impala::Core::Table::CriterionElement2Equals< T > | T must be of type TableTem |
Impala::Core::Table::CriterionElement2NotEquals< T > | T must be of type TableTem |
Impala::Core::Table::CriterionQuidInSet< T > | T must be of type TableTem, T::Col1ElemType must be Quid |
Impala::Core::Table::CriterionQuidObjectEquals< T > | T must be of type TableTem, T::Col1ElemType must be Quid |
Impala::Core::Table::CriterionQuidObjectInSet< T > | T must be of type TableTem, T::Col1ElemType must be Quid |
Impala::Core::Table::CriterionQuidObjectMaxId< T > | T must be of type TableTem, T::Col1ElemType must be Quid |
Impala::Core::Table::CriterionQuidObjectMaxNumber< T > | T must be of type TableTem, T::Col1ElemType must be Quid |
Impala::Core::Table::CriterionQuidObjectMaxNumberElement2< T > | T must be of type TableTem, T::Col1ElemType must be Quid |
OglGui::CrossControl | |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::CSVModule | |
CxCheckBoxDrum | |
CxMatrixTem< C > | Template definition for matrices |
CxRectZTiler | Class definition for a tiler of (2d) rectangles, e.g |
Impala::Core::VideoJob::Data | |
Impala::Core::VideoJob::Data::VideoJob | |
Impala::Core::VideoJob::Data::VideoMeta | |
Impala::Util::Database | |
Impala::Core::Database::DataDocument | |
Impala::Visualization::DataDocumentGui< DataDocT > | |
Impala::Core::Database::DataDocumentListener | |
Impala::Core::DataFactory | This class should hide all annoying detials about data sets |
Impala::Application::DataServer | |
decision_function | |
Impala::Util::Deletor< T > | |
Impala::Core::KeyPoint::Detector | |
OglGui::DirectionButton | |
Impala::Util::DirectoryInfo | |
Impala::Visualization::DirImViewer | |
Impala::Visualization::DirImViewer3D | |
Impala::Visualization::DirImViewerScroller | |
Impala::Core::Matrix::DistributedAccess | This class handles the access to a distributed matrix (or array) |
Impala::Core::Matrix::DistributedAccess::IndexConverter | |
OglGui::DocDimensions | |
OglGui::DocFlowDrag | |
OglGui::DocScroller | |
Impala::Core::KeyPoint::DoG | |
Impala::Persistency::DOMTreeErrorReporter | |
Impala::Application::IDash::DossierEntry | |
Impala::Application::IDash::DossierEntryTextListener | |
Impala::Application::IDash::DossierListener | |
Impala::Visualization::DropDownList | |
OglGui::DropDownScrollWnd | |
OglGui::DropDownStringSelector | |
OglGui::DropDownWindow | |
Impala::Core::Stream::DummyFrameProvider | Factory for dummy frames |
OglGui::DynamicList | |
Impala::Core::Training::Evaluation | Baseclass for evaluation of ranked lists (which are passed in as AnnotationTableBaseType) |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::ExportConcepts | |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::ExportFeatures | |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::ExportFrames | |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::ExportKeyframes | |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::ExportMinMax< ArithT, DataT > | |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::ExportMinMaxPos< ArithT, DataT > | |
Impala::Application::Src::ExportPoints | |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::ExportStat< ArithT, DataT > | |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::ExportStills | |
Impala::Core::Training::Factory | |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::FcvArray< T > | |
Impala::Core::Array::Pattern::FcvArray< T > | |
Impala::Core::Feature::FeatureDefinition | |
Impala::Persistency::FeatureListRepository | |
Impala::Persistency::FeatureListRepositoryInFile | |
Impala::Persistency::FeatureLocator | Locator for Feature related things |
Impala::Core::Feature::FeatureParameter | |
Impala::Core::Feature::FeatureTable | A table with features |
Impala::Persistency::FeatureTableRepository | |
Impala::Persistency::FeatureTableRepositoryInFile | |
Impala::Persistency::FeatureTableRepositoryInMonet | |
Impala::Core::Feature::FeatureTableSet | |
Impala::Visualization::FeatureTableSetRank | |
Impala::Persistency::FeatureTableSetRepository | |
Impala::Visualization::FFMPEGControl | |
Impala::Persistency::File | A file(path) in a FileSystem |
Impala::File | Simple wrapper for FILE |
Impala::Util::FileInfo | |
Impala::Persistency::FileLocator | This is not really a Locator but a (temporary) thing to aid in the transition of code that really depends upon the file system |
Impala::Application::FileServer | |
Impala::Persistency::FileSystem | Provides access to (part of) the local/remote file system |
Impala::Core::Training::Fisher | Fisher is a well known Classifier, see internet for details |
Impala::Core::Feature::FISTDescriptor< INDEX_SIZE, ORI_SIZE > | |
Impala::Core::Histogram::FitWeibull< HistT > | |
Impala::Core::Histogram::FitWeibullMarginal< HistT > | |
Impala::Core::Histogram::FitWeibullMarginalOld< HistT > | |
Impala::Core::Column::FixedStringColumn | Class definition for an table column with fixed length strings |
Impala::Core::ImageSet::FixSizes | |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::FlickrModule | |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::FlowModule | |
Impala::Visualization::FontHandler | |
OglGui::FourPanesWindow | |
Impala::Persistency::FrameLocator | |
Impala::Core::Tracking::FrameRegion | |
Impala::Core::Tracking::FrameRegionTable | A table with <video id, frame nr, x, y, w, h> pairs |
Impala::Persistency::FrameRepository | |
Impala::Persistency::FrameRepositoryInFile | |
OglGui::FramesPerSecond | |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::FuncBpoAddAssignPtr | Pointer call implementation of add assign |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::FuncBpoManhatDist | Pixel functor for computation of distance |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::FuncBpoMulPtr | |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::FuncBpoRobustMahalanobis | Pixel functor for computation of distance, uses Huberts funton to make it robust (eq.3) |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::FuncExportDifference | Computes the difference between two images |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::FuncExportMinMax< ArithT, DataT > | Get the minimal and maximal value in the image and their positions |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::FuncKalman | Functor to do Kalman filtering on all pixels using the same Kalman filter parameters for all pixels |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::FuncKalmanColor | Implementation as close to the paper "template tracking using color invariant pixel features" as possible |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::FuncUpoColorCode | |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::FuncUpoOOO2RGB | Unary pixel ops to convert colors |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::FuncUpoRGB2OOO | Unary pixel ops to convert colors |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::FuncUpoRGB2OOOPtr | Unary pixel ops to convert colors |
Impala::Core::Tracking::GaborFilterSet | |
OglGui::GetOglImageByIdInterface | |
Impala::Application::Videolympics::GlobalStats | |
OglGui::Graph | |
OglGui::Graph::NodeInfo | |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::GraphModule | |
Impala::Core::Feature::Grid | |
Impala::Application::VideoExcel::GridWindow | |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::GridWindow | |
OglGui::GroupBox | |
Impala::Application::SDash::GuiEventListener | |
Impala::Core::Feature::HarrisLaplaceDetector | |
Impala::Core::Feature::HarrisLaplaceDetector::ExportPoints | |
Impala::Core::Feature::HarrisLaplaceDetector::MyPoint | |
Impala::Visualization::Plot::HeightMap | Not done yet:
- improve lighting
- normals are not correct
- improve mesh rendering
Impala::Visualization::GUI::HelpViewer | |
Impala::Core::Histogram::Histogram1dSet< ArrayT > | |
Impala::Core::Histogram::Histogram1dTem< ElemT > | - Note:
- When you want a histogram of integers (i.e
Impala::Core::Histogram::Histogram2dTem< ElemT > | |
Impala::Application::TagsLife::HistogramBars | |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::HistogramExtractor | |
Impala::Core::Vector::HistogramIntersectionFtor< ElemT > | |
Impala::Core::IDash::Href | A representation of an href, e.g |
Impala::Application::IDash::IDash | |
Impala::Core::Trec::IDashQueryEngine | |
Impala::Application::SDash::IdentificationPane | |
Impala::IDistributedAccess | |
Impala::ILogErrors | |
Impala::Core::Array::ImageArchive | |
Impala::Core::Array::ImageArchiveFile | |
Impala::Core::Array::ImageArchiveFileFset | |
Impala::Persistency::ImageArchiveLocator | |
Impala::Core::Array::ImageArchiveMapi | |
Impala::Core::Array::ImageArchiveMemory | |
Impala::Persistency::ImageArchiveRepository | |
Impala::Persistency::ImageArchiveRepositoryInFile | |
Impala::Persistency::ImageArchiveRepositoryInMonet | |
Impala::Application::VideoExcel::ImageCache | |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::ImageDirModule | |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::ImageLoader | |
ImageLoaderFixture | |
Impala::Persistency::ImageLocator | |
Impala::Core::Tracking::ImagePyramid | |
Impala::Persistency::ImageRepository | |
Impala::Persistency::ImageRepositoryInFile | |
Impala::Visualization::ImageSet | |
Impala::Core::ImageSet::ImageSet | |
Impala::Visualization::ImageSetIdxGrid | |
Impala::Visualization::ImageSetIdxGridListener | |
Impala::Visualization::ImageSetIdxGridScroller | |
Impala::Persistency::ImageSetLocator | A special case of Locator where the ImageSet belongs to a VideoSet, e.g |
Impala::Persistency::ImageSetRepository | |
Impala::Core::ImageSet::ImageSetRepository | |
Impala::Persistency::ImageSetRepositoryInFile | |
Impala::Persistency::ImageSetsRepository | |
Impala::Visualization::ImagesListener | |
OglGui::ImagesListener | |
Impala::Visualization::ImageStrip | |
Impala::Visualization::ImagesWindow | |
OglGui::ImMoveControl | |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::ImportAudioConcepts | |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::ImportConcepts | |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::IndexAnnotation | |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::IndexConcepts | |
Impala::Core::ImageSet::IndexConcepts | |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::IndexFeatures | |
Impala::Core::ImageSet::IndexFeatures | |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::IndexFeaturesSubset | |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::IndexSegmentation | |
OglGui::InfoViewer | |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::InOutBlocks< ArrayT > | |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::InOutCircle< ArrayT > | |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::InOutSetRandom< ArrayT > | NOTE: The results of filling pixels with random values depends on the number of nodes used |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::InOutSetVal< ArrayT > | |
Impala::Core::Array::Pattern::Int | |
Impala::Core::Geometry::InterestCircle | Class definition for (2d) point |
Impala::Core::Geometry::InterestPoint | Class definition for (2d) point |
Impala::Core::Feature::InterestPointFeature | |
Impala::Core::Geometry::InterestPointList | Class definition for list of PointZ's |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::InterestPointProc | |
Impala::Core::ImageSet::InterestPointProc | |
Impala::Core::Geometry::InterestPointSelector | Class definition for (2d) point |
Impala::Core::Geometry::InterestRectangleZ | Class definition for (2d) rectangle |
OglGui::IntervalChooser | |
OglGui::IntervalChooserListener | |
Impala::Core::Feature::IntWeibullNgbPnLoop< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Neighbourhood functor for weibull fitting |
Impala::Core::Column::InvalidColumn | Class definition for an invalid table column, to be used in table definitions but logically not being part of the table |
Impala::Application::DemoCamera2d::InvInfo | |
Impala::Util::IOBuffer | Base class for I/O buffers |
Impala::Util::IOBufferChannel | Experimental specialization of IOBuffer that obtains data thru a Channel upon invocation of member functions |
Impala::Util::IOBufferFile | |
OglGui::IPhoneApp | |
OglGui::IPhoneAppListener | |
Impala::Util::Iterable | |
Impala::Core::Geometry::IxRectangle | |
Impala::Core::ImageSet::IxsDocument | |
Impala::Visualization::IxsDocumentGuiMain | |
Impala::Util::Mpi::JobGroup | |
Impala::Util::Mpi::JobManager | |
Impala::Core::Tracking::KalmanTemplate | Object representation that uses a Kalman filter to update the template |
Kernel | |
Impala::Core::Tracking::KernelSet | TODO templatize this class when needed |
Impala::Core::Trec::KeyframeResult | Helper class to contain results from the Query by region SOAP service as (currently) defined in Sandbox/ork/XRegionQuery.h |
Impala::Visualization::GUI::KeyframeResultBar | |
Impala::Visualization::GUI::KeyframeResultBarListener | |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::Keyframes | |
Impala::Persistency::KeyframesLocator | |
Impala::Persistency::KeyframesRepository | |
Impala::Persistency::KeyframesRepositoryInFile | |
Impala::Persistency::KeyframesRepositoryInMonet | |
OglGui::KeyListener | |
Impala::Persistency::KeywordListLocator | |
Impala::Persistency::KeywordListRepository | |
Impala::Persistency::KeywordListRepositoryInFile | |
Impala::Persistency::KeywordListRepositoryInMonet | |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::KfrDiffExtractor | |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::KfrMotionExtractor | |
Impala::Core::Vector::KullbackDivergenceFtor< ElemT > | KL(v1||v2) |
LabeledGraph | |
Impala::Core::Feature::LabelSet | |
Impala::Persistency::LabelSetRepository | |
Impala::Persistency::LabelSetRepositoryInFile | |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::LabHist3dExtractor | |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::LabHistExtractor | |
Impala::Core::Stream::LAVCException | |
Impala::Core::Stream::LavcProtocolDataServerImpl | |
Impala::Core::Stream::LavcProtocolImpl | |
Impala::Core::Stream::LavcProtocolLocalFileImpl | |
OglGui::LayoutComponent | |
OglGui::LayoutConnect | |
OglGui::LayoutListener | |
OglGui::LayoutScale | |
OglGui::LayoutShift | |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::LbpEval | |
OglGui::LenseControl | |
Impala::Visualization::Plot::Line | |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::Listener | Interface to be informed of events on a VideoSet |
Impala::Core::ImageSet::Listener | Interface to be informed of events on a ImageSet |
Impala::Persistency::Locator | Designates the (logical) location of data like a URI does |
Impala::Logger | |
Impala::Core::Training::LogisticRegression | Not implemented, perhaps now that Taylan has made some matrix operations available, this classifier can also be implemented |
Impala::LogListener | |
Impala::Application::SDash::LogoAnimation | |
Impala::Application::SDash::LogoAnimation::AnimWindowListener | |
Impala::Application::SDash::LogoAnimation::LogoListener | |
Impala::Visualization::LogoWindow | |
Impala::Util::LogRange | Same as ParamRange but searches logarithmicly, note that the semantics of the parameters have changed: they are exponents, not values |
Impala::LogSystem | |
Impala::LogSystem::LogSystemConfig | |
Impala::LogType | |
Impala::Core::Trec::M21poConSVM< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | |
Impala::Core::Trec::M22poConSVM< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::M3poHarris< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of Harris based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::M3poMakeFrom3< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of MakeFrom3 based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::M3poNorm2Sqr< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of Norm2Sqr based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::M6poEw< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of Ew based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::M6poLvvLw2< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of LvvLw2 = LxxLy2 -2LxLyLxy + LyyLx2 based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::M9N4poConFeat< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of concept features (Cl, Cll, Clw, Cllw) based on value call |
Impala::Core::Trec::M9N4poConFeat< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::M9N4poCxy< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of (Clx, Cly, Cllx, Clly) based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::M9N4poFHS< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of FHx, FHy, FSx, and FSy of 'Joosts HSIDer' based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::M9N4poFO< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of FO1x, FO1y, FO2x, and FO2y based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::M9N4poFSph< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of FThetax, FThetay, FPhix, and FPhiy based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::M9poANG2w< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of ANG2w based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::M9poANGw< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of ANGw based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::M9poCw< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of Cw based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::M9poCw_log< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::M9poFO1x< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of FO1x based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::M9poFO1y< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of FO1y based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::M9poFO2x< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of FO2x based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::M9poFO2y< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of FO2y based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::M9poFO3x< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of FO3x based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::M9poFO3y< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of FO3x based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::M9poFPhix< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of FPhix based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::M9poFPhiy< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of FPhiy based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::M9poFSphericalRx< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of FO3x based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::M9poFSphericalRy< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of FO3x based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::M9poFThetax< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of FThetax based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::M9poFThetay< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of FThetay based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::M9poHUEw< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of HUEw based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::M9poHw< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of Hw based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::M9poHw_log< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::M9poHx< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of Hx based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::M9poHy< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of Hy based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::M9poJOSAw< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of JOSAw based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::M9poNw< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of Nw based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::M9poNw_log< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::M9poOBw< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of OBw based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::M9poRGBw< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of RGBw based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::M9poWw< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of Ww based on value call |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::MakeQuidLookup | |
Impala::Core::ImageSet::MakeQuidLookup | |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::MakeQuidLookup::QuidLookupTable | |
Impala::Core::ImageSet::MakeQuidLookup::QuidLookupTable | |
Impala::Core::VideoJob::Manager | |
Impala::Process::Manager | |
Impala::Process::Manager4Posix | |
Impala::Process::Manager4Posix::ProcessData | |
Impala::Process::Manager4Windows | |
Impala::Process::Manager4Windows::ProcessData | |
Impala::Process::ManagerFactory | |
Impala::Visualization::MapCoordPos | |
Impala::Visualization::MapFunction | |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::MapModule | |
Impala::Visualization::Plot::Markers | |
Impala::Core::Geometry::MaskedInterestPointSelector | |
Impala::Core::Matrix::MatrixTem< C > | Template definition for matrices |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::MediaTable | |
MediaTableUnitTestConfig | |
OglGui::Menu | |
OglGui::MenuBar | |
OglGui::MenuListener | |
OglGui::MenuOnButton | |
OglGui::Menus | |
OglGui::MenuTopPane | |
OglGui::MNAnimWnd | |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::Module | |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::ModuleListener | |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::ModuleStore | |
Impala::Application::SDash::MonitorSelector | |
Impala::Application::SDash::MonitorSelectorListener | |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::Mpeg7Doc | |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::Mpeg7DocAudio | |
Impala::Persistency::Mpeg7DocLocator | |
Impala::Persistency::Mpeg7DocRepository | |
Impala::Persistency::Mpeg7DocRepositoryInFile | |
Impala::Core::Training::MpoChi2Kernel | This class implements a trait for the Chi2 kernel |
Impala::Core::Array::Pattern::msvcqueue< Ty, C > | |
Impala::Core::Array::Pattern::msvcstack< Ty, C > | |
Impala::Application::IDash::NfiSixView | |
Impala::Application::IDash::NfiSixViewControl | |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::NgbIntegral | Neighbourhood functor for making 'integral' images |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::NgbLWshed< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Neighbourhood functor for watershed segmentation |
Impala::Core::Histogram::NgbOutCooccurence | Neighbourhood functor for percentile filter |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::NgbPercentile< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Neighbourhood functor for percentile filter |
Impala::Util::Nop< T > | |
Impala::Util::NumberGenerator | |
Impala::Core::Tracking::ObjectRepresentation | Base class for all repesentations of objects |
Impala::Core::Array::Octaves | |
OglGui::OglDemo | |
OglGui::OglDemo::OnPixDisplay | |
OglGui::OglImageCache | |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::OglImageCacheStore | |
OglImageCacheStoreFixture | |
OglGui::OglWindow | Please note that OglGui::Window, a class derived from this one, is very much alike and can be used in almost all cases where one would use this one |
OglGui::OpenClose | |
Impala::Util::Param | |
Impala::Core::Training::ParameterEvaluator | Abstract base class for classes that the ParameterSearcher can work with |
Impala::Core::Training::ParameterSearcher | This class searches a range of parameters for the best setting |
Impala::Core::Database::PathCreator | This (utility) class provides an abstraction over the RawDataSet in order to make it easier to get paths |
Impala::Core::ImageSet::PathCreatorImageSet | |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::PathCreatorVideoSet | |
Impala::Application::TagsLife::Photo | |
Impala::Application::Videolympics::PhysicsEngine | |
Impala::Application::Videolympics::PhysicsPart | |
Impala::Core::Array::pixgroup | |
Impala::Visualization::Plot::Plane | |
Impala::Visualization::Plot::Plot | MvL: not done yet:
- support for 3d
- relation between plot and plottable is strange: actually it's broken now; the resizing of the axes should be completely revised ***
- better UI
- save image to png, jpg, whatever
- support logarithmic spaces
Impala::Visualization::Plot::Plot::Axis | |
Impala::Visualization::Plot::PlotNeedle | |
Impala::Visualization::Plot::PlotNeedleListener | |
Impala::Visualization::Plot::Plottable | |
Impala::Visualization::Plot::PlottableMouseListener | |
Impala::Core::Tracking::Point | Rectangle has x, y |
Impala::Application::Videolympics::Point | |
Impala::Core::Feature::PointDescriptorTable | A table with points and their descriptors |
Impala::Core::Geometry::PointR | Class definition for (2d) point in Z (integer coordinates) |
Impala::Visualization::Plot::Points | |
Impala::Core::Geometry::PointZ | Class definition for (2d) point in Z (integer coordinates) |
Impala::Core::Geometry::PointZList | Class definition for list of PointZ's |
Impala::Application::SDash::PoliceMan | |
Impala::Application::SDash::PoliceManListener | |
Impala::Core::Tracking::Position | Has translation, size, rotation and scale |
Impala::Core::Training::PrecisionAtN | This class can be applied to a ScoreTable to compute the precision at a given N |
Impala::Visualization::GUI::PreviewBar | |
Impala::Visualization::GUI::PreviewBarSelectionListener | |
Impala::Core::VideoJob::ProcessDefinition | |
Impala::Process::ProcessInfo | |
OglGui::ProgressBar | |
Impala::Util::ProgressPrinter | |
Impala::Visualization::PropCtrl | |
Impala::Visualization::PropertyHolder | |
Impala::Util::PropertySet | |
Impala::Visualization::PropertySheet | |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::ProtoSimilarityEval | |
Impala::Core::ImageSet::ProtoSimilarityEval | |
Impala::Visualization::PunsOnlyControl | |
Impala::Visualization::PunsOnlyControlListener | |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::QbLabel< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::QbLabel< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT >::NeighborsT | |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::QbLabel< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT >::structPointValue | |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::QbLabel< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT >::Temp | |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::QbLabelOld< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT, MaskArrayT > | |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::QbLabelOld< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT, MaskArrayT >::NeighborsT | |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::QbLabelOld< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT, MaskArrayT >::structPointValue | |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::QbLabelOld< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT, MaskArrayT >::Temp | |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::QbWatershed< DstArrayT, Src1ArrayT, Src2ArrayT > | |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::QbWatershed< DstArrayT, Src1ArrayT, Src2ArrayT >::NeighborsT | |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::QbWatershed< DstArrayT, Src1ArrayT, Src2ArrayT >::structPointValue | |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::QbWatershedMarkers< DstArrayT, Src1ArrayT, Src2ArrayT > | |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::QbWatershedMarkers2< DstArrayT, Src1ArrayT, Src2ArrayT > | |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::QbWatershedMarkers2< DstArrayT, Src1ArrayT, Src2ArrayT >::NeighborsT | |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::QbWatershedMarkers2< DstArrayT, Src1ArrayT, Src2ArrayT >::structPointValue | |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::QbWatershedMarkers< DstArrayT, Src1ArrayT, Src2ArrayT >::NeighborsT | |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::QbWatershedMarkers< DstArrayT, Src1ArrayT, Src2ArrayT >::structPointValue | |
Impala::Core::Array::Pattern::Qpriority_queue< T > | |
Impala::Core::Array::Pattern::Qqueue< T > | |
Impala::Core::Array::Pattern::Qset< T > | |
Impala::Core::Array::Pattern::Qstack< T > | |
Impala::Util::QuasiRandomSequenceIterator | |
Impala::Core::IDash::QuerySetTable | |
Impala::QuidObj | |
Impala::Core::Trec::QuidResult | |
Impala::Core::Table::QuidTable | |
Impala::Persistency::QuidTableLocator | |
Impala::Persistency::QuidTableRepository | |
Impala::Persistency::QuidTableRepositoryInFile | |
OglGui::RadioGroup | |
OglGui::RadioGroupListener | |
Impala::Core::Feature::RadiusClusteror< SimFunc > | Radius based clustering of feature vectors using similarity |
Impala::Util::RandomGenerator | |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::RandomImageModule | |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::RandomImageWindow | |
Impala::Core::Feature::RandomTree | Representation of a random tree (a decision tree that maps a feature vector to a code word) |
Impala::Util::Range | |
Impala::Util::RangeIterator | |
Impala::Core::Database::RawDataSet | A set of (DB_SECTION,DB_DIR,DB_FILE) tuples |
Impala::Application::Videolympics::RawImageDataset | |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::ReadBlocksFile | |
Impala::Core::Training::RecallAtN | This class can be applied to a ScoreTable to compute the recall at a given N |
Impala::Application::IDash::ReconstructionListener | |
Impala::Core::Tracking::Rect | Rectangle has left, top, right, bottom |
Impala::Core::Geometry::Rectangle | |
Impala::Core::Geometry::RectangleList | Class definition for list of Rectangle's |
Impala::Visualization::RotorBrowser::RectangleListener | |
Impala::Core::Geometry::RectanglePyramid | Class definition for a pyramid with overlappping rectangles on each level |
Impala::Core::Geometry::RectanglePyramidPerDim | Class definition for a pyramid with overlappping rectangles on each level |
Impala::Core::Geometry::RectangleSet | Class definition for set of Rectangle's |
Impala::Core::Geometry::RectangleTiler | Class definition for a tiler of (2d) rectangles, e.g |
Impala::Core::Geometry::RectAnno | |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::ReduceAdaptor< ReduceOpT > | |
Impala::Application::SDash::RegionsOfInterestCorrelation | |
Impala::Application::SDash::RegionsOfInterestInfo | |
Impala::Application::SDash::RegionsOfInterestInfo::ScaledRegion | |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::RemoteRetriever | |
Impala::Application::TagsLife::RemoteRetriever | |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::RemoteRetriever::RemoteFileRetriever | |
Impala::Application::TagsLife::RemoteRetriever::RemoteFileRetriever | |
Impala::Application::TagsLife::RemoteRetriever::RemoteImageRetriever | |
OglGui::RepeatTimer | |
Impala::Core::VideoJob::Reporter | |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::Reporter | Reports to the user on progress made in processing a VideoSet |
Impala::Core::ImageSet::Reporter | Reports to the user on progress made in processing a ImageSet |
Impala::Persistency::RepositoryDispatcher< LocatorType, DataType, RepositoryInFileType, RepositoryInMonetType > | Dispatches the standard repository calls to the appropriate repository based on the locator protocol |
Impala::Persistency::RepositoryInFileSystem | Maintains a mapping from the repository of a dataset to a file system |
Impala::Persistency::RepositoryInMonetDB | |
Impala::Persistency::RepositoryNotImplemented< T > | |
Impala::Persistency::RepositoryStub | |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::RgbBinary< ValT > | Binary display |
Impala::Core::Stream::RgbDataDst | |
Impala::Core::Stream::RgbDataDstAVI | |
Impala::Core::Stream::RgbDataDstDX | |
Impala::Core::Stream::RgbDataDstFactory | |
Impala::Core::Stream::RgbDataDstOgl | |
Impala::Core::Stream::RgbDataDstWin | |
Impala::Core::Stream::RgbDataSrc | |
Impala::Core::Stream::RgbDataSrcAVI | |
Impala::Core::Stream::RgbDataSrcCam | |
Impala::Core::Stream::RgbDataSrcDX | |
Impala::Core::Stream::RgbDataSrcFactory | |
Impala::Core::Stream::RgbDataSrcInfo | |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::RgbDataSrcKeyframes | |
Impala::Core::Stream::RgbDataSrcLavc | This class provides RGB data sources using libavcodec for decoding data from actual sources |
Impala::Core::Stream::RgbDataSrcLavc_old | |
Impala::Visualization::RgbDataSrcLavcTestGUI | |
Impala::Persistency::RgbDataSrcLocator | |
Impala::Core::Stream::RgbDataSrcMpeg2 | |
Impala::Core::Stream::RgbDataSrcRaw | |
Impala::Core::Stream::RgbDataSrcWindow< PrepT > | |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::RgbDirectNC< ValT > | |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::RgbHistExtractor | |
Impala::Visualization::RgbImage | |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::RgbLabel< ValT > | Labeled display |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::RgbLabel60< ValT > | Labeled display |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::RgbLabelN< ValT > | Labeled display |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::RgbLogMag< ValT > | Log manitude display |
Impala::Visualization::RgbOglImage | |
OglGui::RgbSlider | |
OglGui::RgbSliderDialog | |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::RgbStretch< ValT > | Stretched display |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::RgbStretchClip< ValT > | Stretched display using fixed values so clipping is needed |
Impala::Application::SDash::RoiExtractor | |
Impala::Application::SDash::RoiInfo | |
Impala::Application::SDash::RoiLoader | |
Impala::Visualization::RotorBrowser::RotorBrowser | |
Impala::Visualization::RotorBrowser::RotorBrowserContext | |
Impala::Visualization::RotorBrowser::RotorBrowserGUI | |
Impala::Visualization::RotorBrowser::RotorBrowserListener | |
Impala::Visualization::RotorBrowser::RotorDoDView | |
Impala::Visualization::RotorBrowser::RotorView | |
Impala::Visualization::RotorBrowser::RotorViewCache | |
Impala::Visualization::RotorBrowser::RotorViewCacheResolver | |
Impala::Visualization::RotorBrowser::RotorViewListener | |
Impala::Job::Runner | |
Impala::Test::SampleSimpleTest | |
Impala::Application::SDash::Sax2Handler | |
Impala::Application::SDash::Sax2Reader | |
Impala::Core::Table::ScoreTable | |
Impala::Application::IDash::ScreenBase | |
Impala::Application::IDash::ScreenBrowser | |
Impala::Application::IDash::ScreenDossier | |
Impala::Application::IDash::ScreenPlay | |
Impala::Application::IDash::ScreenQuery | |
Impala::Application::IDash::ScreenReconstruction | |
Impala::Application::IDash::ScreenTabs | |
Impala::Application::IDash::ScreenTimeLineVideo | |
OglGui::ScrollBar | |
OglGui::ScrollBar::ScrollThumb | |
OglGui::ScrollBarListener | |
OglGui::ScrollWnd | |
Impala::Core::Tracking::SearcherAroundLastPos | |
Impala::Core::Tracking::SearcherBase | Baseclass for all object searchers searchers can:
- be reset
- search the object in an image each searcher has a member lastpos
Impala::Core::Tracking::SearcherPyramid | Object seracher that uses two image pyramids (one for the input image and one for the template) to search in |
Impala::Core::Trec::SearchJudge | |
Impala::Visualization::SearchJudgeGui | |
Impala::Core::Trec::SearchResult | |
Impala::Core::Trec::SearchTopic | |
Impala::Visualization::SearchTopicGui | |
Impala::Visualization::SearchTopicGuiListener | |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::Segmentation | |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::SegmentationDocument | |
Impala::Visualization::SegmentationDocumentGuiAnno | |
Impala::Visualization::SegmentationDocumentGuiAnno::AnnoHistory | |
Impala::Visualization::SegmentationDocumentGuiKeyframes | |
Impala::Visualization::SegmentationDocumentGuiMain | |
Impala::Visualization::SegmentationDocumentGuiStills | |
Impala::Persistency::SegmentationLocator | |
Impala::Persistency::SegmentationRepository | |
Impala::Persistency::SegmentationRepositoryInFile | |
Impala::Persistency::SegmentationRepositoryInMonet | |
OglGui::SelectedViewControl | |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::SelectFrames | |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::SelectionCollection | |
Impala::Application::VideoExcel::SelectionCollection | |
Impala::Application::VideoExcel::SelectionCollectionItem | |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::SelectionCollectionItem | |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::SelectionCollectionListener | |
Impala::Application::VideoExcel::SelectionCollectionListener | |
Impala::Job::Server | |
Impala::Core::IDash::Server | |
Impala::Job::Server::Job | |
Impala::Application::Videolympics::ServerConnector | |
Impala::Core::VideoJob::ServerProxy | |
OglGui::SetGetDimensions2dIntI | |
OglGui::SetImageInterface | |
OglGui::ShapeScalingView | |
Impala::Visualization::GUI::ShotDetailSidebar | |
Impala::Visualization::GUI::ShotDetailSidebarListener | |
Impala::Application::Videolympics::ShotPacket | |
Impala::Core::Trec::ShotResult | Helper class to contain results from the TextSearchWS SOAP service as (currently) defined in Sandbox/ork/XTextSearch.h |
Impala::Visualization::GUI::ShotResultPreviewBar | |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::ShotSegmenter | |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::ShotSegmenterGUI | |
Impala::Visualization::ShotTrail | |
Impala::Visualization::ShotTrailPoint | |
Impala::Visualization::ShowImSetGuiMain | |
Impala::Visualization::ShowNextFromControl | |
Impala::Visualization::ShowNextFromControlListener | |
OglGui::SideBar | |
Impala::Core::KeyPoint::Sift | |
Impala::Visualization::Plot::Similarity | |
Impala::Visualization::SimilarityPlotNeedleImage | |
Impala::Core::Table::SimilarityTableSet | Table with a set of named similarities and their ranking for a single set of quids |
Impala::Persistency::SimilarityTableSetLocator | |
Impala::Visualization::SimilarityTableSetRank | |
Impala::Persistency::SimilarityTableSetRepository | |
Impala::Persistency::SimilarityTableSetRepositoryInFile | |
Impala::Persistency::SimilarityTableSetRepositoryInMonet | |
Impala::Visualization::SimilarityTimeLine | |
Impala::Visualization::SimilarityTimeLineListener | |
Impala::Visualization::SimilarityTimeLineVideo | |
Impala::Util::SimpleMap< IdxT, ElemT > | |
Impala::Util::SimpleMapBase< IdxT, ElemT, DelT > | |
Impala::Util::SimpleMapDelete< IdxT, ElemT > | |
OglGui::SixButtonCross | |
OglGui::SixImViewerApp | |
OglGui::SixView2DWindow | |
OglGui::SizableDirectionButton | |
OglGui::SizableStaticText | |
OglGui::SizableWindow | |
OglGui::Slider | |
OglGui::SliderListener | |
Socket | Base class representing basic communication endpoint |
SocketException | Signals a problem with the execution of a socket call |
Solver | |
Solver::SolutionInfo | |
Solver_NU | |
OglGui::SpinWheel | |
OglGui::SpinWheelListener | |
OglGui::SplashScreen | |
OglGui::SplashScreenWoggel | |
Impala::Core::VideoJob::StageScheme | |
Impala::Core::VideoJob::StageScheme::Stage | |
Impala::Job::State | |
OglGui::StaticText | |
Impala::Core::Array::Statistics< ArrayT > | |
Impala::Application::Videolympics::StatsPacket | |
OglGui::StatusBar | |
Impala::Visualization::StatusOverlayWindow | |
Impala::Core::VideoJob::StepScheme | |
Impala::Core::VideoJob::StepScheme::Step | |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::Stills | |
Impala::Persistency::StillsLocator | |
Impala::Persistency::StillsRepository | |
Impala::Persistency::StillsRepositoryInFile | |
Impala::Core::Stream::Lavc::StrategyIgnoringNativeIndex | |
Impala::Core::Stream::Lavc::StrategyUsingNativeIndex | |
OglGui::StringColumns | |
OglGui::StringColumns::ColumnData | |
Impala::StringList | Class definition for list of strings |
OglGui::StringListBox | |
OglGui::StringListener | |
Impala::Util::StringParser | |
OglGui::StringSelector | |
OglGui::Strut | |
StrX | |
Impala::Persistency::StrX | This is a simple class that lets us do easy (though not terribly efficient) transcoding of XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER XMLCh data to local code page for display |
Impala::Application::SDash::SurveillanceApp | |
Impala::Application::SDash::SurveillanceApp::SubmitButtonListener | |
Impala::Application::SDash::SurveillanceMap | |
Impala::Application::SDash::SurveillanceMapListener | |
SVC_Q | |
Impala::Core::Training::Svm | SVM is a well known Classifier, see internet for details |
svm_model | |
svm_node | |
svm_parameter | |
svm_problem | |
Impala::Core::Training::SvmProblemBuilder | This class does the actual conversion from feature and annotation data to the data format used by SvmLib |
SVR_Q | |
OglGui::Sys | |
Impala::Core::Table::Table | A table is a set of columns of equal length |
Impala::Application::VideoExcel::TableCell | |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::TableColumn | |
Impala::Application::VideoExcel::TableColumn | |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::TableControlBarWindow | |
Impala::Application::VideoExcel::TableControlBarWindow | |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::TableDataSource | |
Impala::Application::VideoExcel::TableDataSource | |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::TableDataSourceCombinedViews | |
TableDataSourceCombinedViewsFixture | |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::TableDataSourceCSV | |
TableDataSourceCSVFixture | |
TableDataSourceFixture | |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::TableDataSourceFlickrPhotoList | |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::TableDataSourceImageDir | |
Impala::Application::VideoExcel::TableDataSourceImageDir | |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::TableDataSourceListener | |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::TableDataSourceModule | |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::TableDataSourceModuleListener | |
Impala::Application::VideoExcel::TableDataSourceSqliteDb | |
TableDataSourceTest | |
Impala::Application::VideoExcel::TableDataSourceTrec | |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::TableDataSourceTrec | |
Impala::Application::TagsLife::TableDataSourceWeekMap | |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::TableDataStore | |
TableDataStoreFixture | |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::TableDataStoreListener | |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::TableDataView | |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::TableDataViewController | |
TableDataViewFixture | |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::TableDataViewListener | |
Impala::Application::VideoExcel::TableFilter | |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::TableFilter | |
Impala::Application::VideoExcel::TableFilterUpdateListener | |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::TableFilterUpdateListener | |
Impala::Core::Table::TableIxs | A table with image segments |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::TableOverviewWindow | |
Impala::Application::VideoExcel::TableOverviewWindow | |
Impala::Application::VideoExcel::TableScrollWnd | |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::TableShots | A table with shots and keyframes |
Impala::Application::VideoExcel::TableSourceColumnDescription | |
Impala::Core::Table::TableTem< Col1T, Col2T, Col3T, Col4T, Col5T, Col6T, Col7T, Col8T, Col9T > | Template class for a Table of 1 thru 9 columns of arbitrary type |
Impala::Application::VideoExcel::TableUpdateListener | |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::TableViewCache | |
Impala::Application::VideoExcel::TableViewCache | |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::TableViewerPointCloud | |
Impala::Core::Table::TableVxs | A table with video segments |
Impala::Application::VideoExcel::TableWindow | |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::TableWindow | |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::TableWindowCell | |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::TableWindowColumn | |
OglGui::Tabs | |
OglGui::TabsListener | |
Impala::Application::TagsLife::Tag | |
Impala::Core::Array::Pattern::Tag1Phase | |
Impala::Core::Array::Pattern::Tag2Phase | |
Impala::Application::TagsLife::Tag::BoundingBox | |
Impala::Application::TagsLife::Tag::Week | |
Impala::Core::Array::Pattern::TagCallPointer | |
Impala::Core::Array::Pattern::TagCallValue | |
Impala::Core::Array::Pattern::TagCnum | |
Impala::Core::Array::Pattern::TagLoop | |
Impala::Core::Array::Pattern::TagNPhase | |
Impala::Core::Array::Pattern::TagPixOpIn | |
Impala::Core::Array::Pattern::TagPixOpOut | |
Impala::Application::TagsLife::TagsWeekBarPlot | |
Impala::Application::TagsLife::TagsWeekPlot | |
Impala::Core::Array::Pattern::TagTransInVar | |
Impala::Core::Array::Pattern::TagTransVar | |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::TalkBpoAssignPtrE1< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Pixel functor for talking based on pointer call on ElemSize == 1 only |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::TalkBpoAssignPtrEn< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Pixel functor for talking based on pointer call on all ElemSize |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::TalkBpoAssignVal< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Pixel functor for talking based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::TalkBpoPtrE1< DstArrayT, Src1ArrayT, Src2ArrayT > | Pixel functor for talking based on pointer call on ElemSize == 1 only |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::TalkBpoPtrEn< DstArrayT, Src1ArrayT, Src2ArrayT > | Pixel functor for talking based on pointer call on all ElemSize |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::TalkBpoVal< DstArrayT, Src1ArrayT, Src2ArrayT > | Pixel functor for talking based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::TalkNgbExtra2P1Cnum< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT, ExtraArrayT, Extra2ArrayT > | Neighbourhood functor for talking |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::TalkNgbExtra2P1Loop< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT, ExtraArrayT, Extra2ArrayT > | Neighbourhood functor for talking |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::TalkNgbExtra2P2Loop< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT, ExtraArrayT, Extra2ArrayT > | Neighbourhood functor for talking |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::TalkNgbExtra2PnLoop< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT, ExtraArrayT, Extra2ArrayT > | Neighbourhood functor for talking |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::TalkNgbExtraP1Cnum< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT, ExtraArrayT > | Neighbourhood functor for talking |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::TalkNgbExtraP1Loop< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT, ExtraArrayT > | Neighbourhood functor for talking |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::TalkNgbExtraP2Loop< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT, ExtraArrayT > | Neighbourhood functor for talking |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::TalkNgbExtraPnLoop< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT, ExtraArrayT > | Neighbourhood functor for talking |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::TalkNgbP1Cnum< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Neighbourhood functor for talking |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::TalkNgbP1Loop< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Neighbourhood functor for talking |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::TalkNgbP2Loop< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Neighbourhood functor for talking |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::TalkNgbPnLoop< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Neighbourhood functor for talking |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::TaskTable | |
Impala::Persistency::TaskTableLocator | |
Impala::Persistency::TaskTableRepository | |
Impala::Persistency::TaskTableRepositoryInFile | |
TCPServerSocket | TCP socket class for servers |
TCPSocket | TCP socket for communication with other TCP sockets |
Impala::Core::Test::TestBase | |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::TestBlocksFile | |
Impala::Core::Test::TestColorSegmentation | |
Impala::Core::Test::TestDumpSmall | |
Impala::Core::Histogram::TestEntropy | |
Impala::Core::Array::TestEquals | |
Impala::Core::Training::Tester | This class tests the training functionality |
Impala::Core::Training::TesterIOHelper | |
Impala::Core::Feature::TestFunctions | This class tests some feature functionality |
Impala::Core::Test::TestImage | |
Impala::Core::Test::TestInvWiccest | |
Impala::Core::Array::TestMakeRandom | |
Impala::Core::Feature::TestMakeRandomTree | |
Impala::Core::Test::TestMatNorm2Dist | |
Impala::Core::Feature::TestRandomTree | |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::TestVideo | |
Impala::Core::Test::TestWatershed | |
Impala::Core::Test::TestWatershedMarkers | |
Impala::Core::Test::TestWeibull | |
OglGui::TextArea | |
OglGui::TextEdit | |
OglGui::TextEdit::ChangeInfo | |
OglGui::TextEditLineScroller | |
OglGui::TextEditListener | |
OglGui::TextField | Basic text input control |
OglGui::TextFieldListener | |
Impala::Core::Trec::TextSearchConnector | |
OglGui::TexturedViewAnimator | |
Impala::Core::Trec::Thread | |
Impala::Core::Trec::ThreadBookmarked | |
Impala::Visualization::RotorBrowser::ThreadClusterSelector | |
Impala::Core::Trec::ThreadHistory | |
Impala::Core::Trec::ThreadRank | |
Impala::Core::Trec::ThreadSet | |
Impala::Visualization::ThreadSetGui | |
Impala::Core::Trec::ThreadShots | |
Impala::Visualization::ThreadSystemWnd | |
Impala::Core::Trec::ThreadTime | |
Impala::Core::Trec::ThreadVirtual | |
Impala::Core::Trec::ThreadVisualSimilarity | |
Impala::Core::ImageSet::Thumbnails | |
Impala::Visualization::Plot::TimeLine | |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::TimeLineModule | |
Impala::Visualization::TimeLineViewStrip | |
Impala::Util::TimePlot | |
Impala::Timer | |
Impala::Application::SDash::TimeSlider | |
Impala::Application::SDash::TimeSliderListener | |
Impala::Util::TimeStats | |
Impala::Util::TimeStats::Group | |
OglGui::TitledWindow | |
OglGui::TitledWindow::TitleBarButtonListener | |
Impala::Visualization::GUI::TopicExamplePreviewBar | |
Impala::Core::Tracking::Tracker | |
Impala::Core::Tracking::TrackerBackFore | |
Impala::Core::Tracking::TrackerFactory | |
Impala::Core::Tracking::TrackerGeneralised | Specialisation of AlgorithmBase and baseclass for other trackers a tracker has an SearcherBase and an ObjectRespresentation a specialisation of EventHandlerBase is connected to it's view to handle user input |
Impala::Core::Tracking::TrackerKalmanAppearance | Specialisation of a tracker that actually only initialises the basecalss in the constructor and does visualisation |
Impala::TrackVisualiser | |
Impala::Core::Training::TrainDataSrc | |
Impala::Core::Training::TrainDataSrcFeature | |
Impala::Core::Training::TrainDataSrcFeatureTable | |
Impala::Core::Training::TrainDataSrcKernelDistributed | This class assumes some other cpus serve the distributed matrix |
Impala::Core::Training::TrainDataSrcKernelMatrix | Wraps a kernel matrix (of type Matrix::Mat*) |
Impala::Core::Training::TrainDataSrcKernelTable | |
Impala::Core::Tracking::TraitBpoAddAssignPtr | Pointer call implementation of add assign |
Impala::Core::Tracking::TraitBpoDist | Pixel functor for computation of distance |
Impala::Core::Tracking::TraitBpoInproduct | Pixel functor for computation of inproduct |
Impala::Core::Histogram::TraitInOutHistogram1d< HistT, ArrayT > | |
Impala::Core::Histogram::TraitInOutHistogram2d< HistT, ArrayT > | |
OglGui::Transition | |
Impala::Application::IDash::TrecEngine | |
Impala::Core::Trec::TrecSVM | |
Impala::Core::Trec::TrecTopic | |
OglGui::TumblingView3D | |
OglGui::TwoPanesWindow | |
UDPSocket | UDP socket class |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::UnixTimeLine | |
OglGui::UpDownButton | |
OglGui::UpDownButtonListener | |
OglGui::UpDownNumber | |
OglGui::UpDownNumberListener | |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::UpoAbs< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of absolute value based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::UpoColSpace< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Pixel functor for color space conversion based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::UpoDivVal< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::UpoEndian< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of absolute value based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::UpoExp< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of square root based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::UpoGetPixElt< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::UpoLut< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Pixel functor for table lookup transformation based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::UpoMulVal< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::UpoNorm2< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of L2 norm based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::UpoParameterizedColorPtr | |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::UpoPow< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of square root based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::UpoRAVBO< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::UpoRGB2Gray< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of RGB2Gray based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::UpoRGB2Intensity< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of RGB2Intensity based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::UpoRGB2OooPtr< StorT > | |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::UpoRGB2rgPtr< StorT > | |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::UpoSetVal< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::UpoSqrt< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Pixel functor for computation of square root based on value call |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::UpoSRGB2RGBPtr | |
Impala::Core::Array::Trait::UpoThreshold< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | |
OglGui::ValueScrollBar | |
OglGui::ValueScrollBarListener | |
Impala::Core::Array::Element::Vec2Real64 | Class definition vector of 2 real 64 bit numbers |
Impala::Core::Array::Element::Vec3Int32 | Class definition vector of 3 integer 32 bit numbers |
Impala::Core::Array::Element::Vec3Real64 | Class definition vector of 3 real 64 bit numbers |
Impala::Core::Array::Element::VecTem< ElemT, vecSize > | Class definition vector of vecSize elements represented by an ElemT |
Impala::Core::Vector::VectorSet< ArrayT > | |
Impala::Core::Vector::VectorTem< ElemT > | Class definition for vector of arbitrary number of elements, each represented by an ElemT |
Impala::Visualization::Video | |
Impala::Core::Stream::Lavc::VideoAccessObject | |
Impala::Core::Stream::Lavc::VideoAccessStrategy | Subclasses of this base class define specific strategies for accessing video's of different format, codec and other qualities |
Impala::Core::Stream::Lavc::VideoAccessStrategyFactory | This class is responsible for selecting the most appropriate strategy for accesssing some video |
Impala::Application::VideoExcel::VideoExcel | |
Impala::Application::VideoExcel::VideoExcelNode | |
Impala::Core::Stream::Lavc::VideoIndex | |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::VideoIndexValidator | |
Impala::Application::SDash::VideoJpgCamera | |
Impala::Visualization::VideoJpgPlayer | |
Impala::Visualization::VideoJpgPlayerControl | |
Impala::Visualization::VideoJpgPlayerListener | |
Impala::Application::Videolympics::VideolympicsClient | |
Impala::Visualization::VideoMinimap | |
Impala::Visualization::VideoNav | |
Impala::Visualization::VideoNavListener | |
Impala::Visualization::VideoPlayer | |
Impala::Visualization::VideoPlayerButtons | |
Impala::Visualization::VideoPlayerControl | |
Impala::Application::SDash::VideoPlayerListener | |
Impala::Visualization::VideoPlayerListener | |
Impala::Application::SDash::VideoPlayerView | |
Impala::Visualization::VideoPlayerWithButtons | |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::VideoSet | |
Impala::Persistency::VideoSetRepository | |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::VideoSetRepository | |
Impala::Persistency::VideoSetRepositoryInFile | |
Impala::Persistency::VideoSetRepositoryInMonet | |
Impala::Persistency::VideoSetsRepository | |
Impala::Core::IDash::VideoSetWrapper | |
Impala::Visualization::VideoSquareMapFunction | |
Impala::Core::IDash::VideoTable | |
Impala::Visualization::VideoTimeLine | |
Impala::Application::Videolympics::Vidolvi | |
Impala::Application::Videolympics::VidolviView | |
Impala::Application::Videolympics::VidolviWindow | |
OglGui::View | Views are children of windows that themselves have no children |
Impala::Visualization::View | |
OglGui::View::VIEW2DFUNCS | |
OglGui::View::VIEW3DFUNCS | |
OglGui::ViewerPoint | |
OglGui::ViewerPointCloud | |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::ViewerPointCloudModule | |
OglGui::ViewerPointCloudNavigator | |
OglGui::ViewListener | Implement behaviour of Views |
Impala::Application::TagsLife::ViewListenerCircles | |
Impala::Application::TagsLife::ViewListenerCircles::CircleInfo | |
Impala::Visualization::ViewListenerWithArrows | |
Impala::Visualization::ViewListenerWithCircles | |
Impala::Visualization::ViewListenerWithRectangles | |
OglGui::ViewMoveControl | |
OglGui::ViewRotateControl | |
OglGui::ViewSphere | |
OglGui::ViewStrip | |
Impala::Visualization::ViewWithRect | |
Impala::Core::Feature::VisSem | |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::VisSemGaborStat | |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::VisSemTrain | |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::VisualizationModule | |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::VisualizationModuleListener | |
Impala::Core::Trec::VisualQueryEngine | |
Impala::Core::Geometry::VxRectangle | |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::VxsDocument | |
Impala::Visualization::VxsDocumentGuiPlay | |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::Walker | |
Impala::Core::ImageSet::Walker | |
Impala::Core::VideoSet::WalkerConfig | |
Impala::Visualization::Plot::Weibull | |
Impala::Core::Feature::WeibullNgbPnLoop< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT > | Neighbourhood functor for weibull fitting |
Impala::Core::Vector::WeibullSimFtor< ElemT > | Functor to compute similarity assuming vectors contain only beta and gamma |
OglGui::Window | The basis of the OglGui system |
Impala::Visualization::Window | |
Impala::Application::WindowAnnoVidSet | |
Impala::Application::WindowBackground | |
Impala::Application::DemoCamera2d::WindowCamera2d | |
OglGui::WindowDocScroller | |
Impala::Application::WindowImBrowse | |
OglGui::WindowListener | |
Impala::Application::WindowPlay | |
Impala::Core::Stream::WindowPrepCopyToVec3Real64 | |
Impala::Core::Stream::WindowPrepGaussDerivative | |
Impala::Core::Stream::WindowPrepRgb2Ooo | |
OglGui::WindowScrollBar | Scrollbar for any side of a window, adjusting itself to the size of the window when the window is reshaped |
Impala::Application::WindowShow< ArrayT > | |
Impala::Application::WindowShowImSet | |
Impala::Application::WindowShowVidSet | |
Impala::Application::Src::WindowSrc | |
OglGui::WindowTimeLine | |
OglGui::WindowTimeLineListener | |
Impala::Application::WindowTrecResult | |
Impala::Application::WindowTrecSearch | |
Impala::Application::WindowVdiff | |
Impala::Application::WindowVidBrowse | |
OglGui::WindowView2D | |
OglGui::WindowView2DListener | |
OglGui::WindowView2DWithRect | |
OglGui::WindowView2DWithRectListener | |
OglGui::WindowView3D | |
OglGui::WindowView3DListener | |
OglGui::WoggelWnd | |
Impala::Application::MediaTable::WritableTableDataSource | |
WritableTableDataSourceFixture | |
xcode_log_formatter | |
Impala::Core::IDash::XmlAnnotationSet | |
Impala::Core::IDash::XmlCase | |
Impala::Util::XmlDoc | Base class for XML-based documents |
Impala::Persistency::XmlFileReader | |
Impala::Core::IDash::XmlJob | |
Impala::Core::IDash::XmlJobReference | |
Impala::Core::IDash::XmlQuerySet | |
Impala::Core::IDash::XmlShot | |
Impala::Core::IDash::XmlVideo | |
Impala::Core::IDash::XmlVideoList | |
OglGui::ZoomControl | |
OglGui::ZoomPanControl | |
OglGui::ZoomShiftRuler | |
OglGui::ZoomShiftRulerListener | |