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Menu and dialog


Menu and dialog class diagram

ExtMenuBar is an extension of JMenuBar offering a more easy interface for adding menus. The interface is based on normal strings that describe which items should be placed in what menu. It also allows for the user to describe the member function that should be called upon the menu selection by means of normal strings. The information about the method to be called is captured in a CallableMethod and is attached to a menu item via a JavaFuncAction. In case the function has parameters, a JavaFuncDialog will be popped so the parameters may be specified. The JavaFuncDialog has an SaObjectChoice for each parameter. The SaObjectChoice and its specializations StubObjectChoice and RgbObjectChoice, provide suggestions for the parameter values.

CorbaExtMenuBar is an extension that knows about menus stored in the Corba Interface Repository in the HxCorbaMenu IDL namespace. The CorbaExtMenuBar obtains the menu information from the IntRepManager, a singleton class providing easy access to the Corba (Interface) repository. The IntRepManager transfers the menu related information to the private class MenuBuilder of CorbaExtMenuBar via the CorbaMenuBuilder interface.

The CorbaExtMenuBar uses anonymous classes to activate a CorbaMethodDialog or a CorbaSeqMethodDialog if the function to be called has parameters. The dialog boxes have a specialization of a CorbaObjectChoice for each parameter.

The "user" class of a (Corba)ExtMenuBar, i.e. the object in the GUI that has created a (Corba)ExtMenuBar, is informed of the actions of the "end-user", i.e. the person sitting behind the computer, depending on the type of function to be called:


CorbaObjectChoice class diagram

A CorbaObjectChoice is a GUI component in a dialog box for (easy) specification/ selection of parameter values in calling Corba operations. The ChoiceFactory delivers the appropriate specialization. Note that InterfaceChoice, StructChoice, and SequenceChoice interact with the Stubrepository to obtain a list of known stubs and also to add new stubs that are the result of Corba operations.

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