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SaObjectChoice Class Reference

A JComboBox with elements that can be addressed/specified via a string. More...

Inheritance diagram for SaObjectChoice::

RgbObjectChoice StubObjectChoice List of all members.

Public Methods

 SaObjectChoice (String choiceType)
void relist ()
void relist (String choiceType)
Object getSelectedVal ()
 Return the selected value as a proper Java Object instead of just a string. More...

Detailed Description

A JComboBox with elements that can be addressed/specified via a string.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SaObjectChoice::SaObjectChoice String    choiceType [inline]

00025 {
00026     super();
00027     setEditable(true);
00028     relist(choiceType);
00029 }

Member Function Documentation

void SaObjectChoice::relist   [inline]

00033 {
00034     removeAllItems();
00035     relist(_choiceType);
00036 }

void SaObjectChoice::relist String    intfId [inline]

Reimplemented in StubObjectChoice, and RgbObjectChoice.

00040 {
00041     _choiceType = choiceType;
00042     if ((_choiceType.compareTo("") == 0)
00043             || (_choiceType.compareTo("<empty>") == 0)) {
00044         addItem("<empty>");
00045         return;
00046     }
00048     int i;
00049     if (_choiceType.equals("boolean") || _choiceType.equals("Boolean")
00050             || _choiceType.equals("java.lang.Boolean")) {
00051         for (i=0 ; i<_bools.length ; i++)
00052             addItem(_bools[i]);
00053         return;
00054     }
00056     if (_choiceType.equals("byte") || _choiceType.equals("Byte")
00057             || _choiceType.equals("java.lang.Byte")
00058             || _choiceType.equals("short") || _choiceType.equals("Short")
00059             || _choiceType.equals("java.lang.Short")
00060             || _choiceType.equals("int") || _choiceType.equals("Integer")
00061             || _choiceType.equals("java.lang.Integer")) {
00062         addItem("0");
00063         addItem("1");
00064         addItem("256");
00065         return;
00066     }
00068     if (_choiceType.equals("float") || _choiceType.equals("Float")
00069             || _choiceType.equals("java.lang.Float")
00070             || _choiceType.equals("double") || _choiceType.equals("Double")
00071             || _choiceType.equals("java.lang.Double")) {
00072         addItem("0.0");
00073         addItem("1.0");
00074         return;
00075     }
00077     if (_choiceType.equals("Color") || _choiceType.equals("java.awt.Color")) {
00078         for (i=0 ; i<_colors.length ; i++)
00079             addItem(_colors[i]);
00080         return;
00081     }
00083     if (_choiceType.equals("ViewerMode")) {
00084         for (i=0 ; i<ViewerMode.viewerModes.length ; i++)
00085             addItem(ViewerMode.viewerModes[i]);
00086         return;
00087     }
00089     if (_choiceType.equals("ViewerSubMode")) {
00090         String[] subModes = ViewerMode.viewerSubModes();
00091         for (i=0 ; i<subModes.length ; i++)
00092             addItem(subModes[i]);
00093         return;
00094     }
00096     // assume it is stored in the registry
00098     String [] names;
00099     try {
00100         if (_mediator == null)
00101             _mediator = new HxMediatorPeer();
00102         names = _mediator.getSaObjectNames(_choiceType);
00103     }
00104     catch(UnsatisfiedLinkError ex) {
00105         // Library not loaded
00106         names = new String[0];
00107     }
00109     int num = names.length;
00110     if (num == 0)
00111         addItem("<empty>");
00112     else {
00113         for (i=0 ; i<num ; i++) {
00114             addItem(names[i]);
00115         }
00116     }
00117 }

Object SaObjectChoice::getSelectedVal   [inline]

Return the selected value as a proper Java Object instead of just a string.

Reimplemented in StubObjectChoice, and RgbObjectChoice.

00123 {
00124     String val = (String) getSelectedItem();
00126     if (_choiceType.equals("boolean") || _choiceType.equals("Boolean")
00127             || _choiceType.equals("java.lang.Boolean")) {
00128         return getBoolean(val);
00129     }
00130     if (_choiceType.equals("byte") || _choiceType.equals("Byte")
00131             || _choiceType.equals("java.lang.Byte")) {
00132         return getByte(val);
00133     }
00134     if (_choiceType.equals("short") || _choiceType.equals("Short")
00135             || _choiceType.equals("java.lang.Short")) {
00136         return getShort(val);
00137     }
00138     if (_choiceType.equals("int") || _choiceType.equals("Integer")
00139             || _choiceType.equals("java.lang.Integer")) {
00140         return getInteger(val);
00141     }
00142     if (_choiceType.equals("float") || _choiceType.equals("Float")
00143             || _choiceType.equals("java.lang.Float")) {
00144         return getFloat(val);
00145     }
00146     if (_choiceType.equals("double") || _choiceType.equals("Double")
00147             || _choiceType.equals("java.lang.Double")) {
00148         return getDouble(val);
00149     }
00150     if (_choiceType.equals("Color") || _choiceType.equals("java.awt.Color")) {
00151         return getColor(val);
00152     }
00153     if (_choiceType.equals("ViewerMode")) {
00154         return getViewerMode(val);
00155     }
00156     if (_choiceType.equals("ViewerSubMode")) {
00157         return getViewerSubMode(val);
00158     }
00159     if (_choiceType.equals("HxGeoIntType")) {
00160         return getHxGeoIntType(val);
00161     }
00163     return val;
00164 }

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated on Tue Feb 3 14:19:50 2004 for JavaReference by doxygen1.2.12 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001