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GlobalOpsOperations Interface Reference

Global operations. More...

Inheritance diagram for GlobalOpsOperations::

UserOpsOperations GlobalOps GlobalOpsPOA _GlobalOpsStub GlobalOpsPOATie List of all members.

Public Methods

ImageRep HxAbs (ImageRep im)
ImageRep HxCeil (ImageRep im)
ImageRep HxComplement (ImageRep im)
ImageRep HxExp (ImageRep im)
ImageRep HxFloor (ImageRep im)
ImageRep HxLog (ImageRep im)
ImageRep HxLog10 (ImageRep im)
ImageRep HxNegate (ImageRep im)
ImageRep HxNorm1 (ImageRep im)
ImageRep HxNorm2 (ImageRep im)
ImageRep HxNormInf (ImageRep im)
ImageRep HxProjectRange (ImageRep im, int dimension)
ImageRep HxReciprocal (ImageRep im)
ImageRep HxSqrt (ImageRep im)
ImageRep HxRound (ImageRep im)
ImageRep HxUnaryMax (ImageRep im)
ImageRep HxUnaryMin (ImageRep im)
ImageRep HxUnaryProduct (ImageRep im)
ImageRep HxUnarySum (ImageRep im)
ImageRep HxAcos (ImageRep im)
ImageRep HxAsin (ImageRep im)
ImageRep HxAtan (ImageRep im)
ImageRep HxAtan2 (ImageRep im)
ImageRep HxCos (ImageRep im)
ImageRep HxCosh (ImageRep im)
ImageRep HxSin (ImageRep im)
ImageRep HxSinh (ImageRep im)
ImageRep HxTan (ImageRep im)
ImageRep HxTanh (ImageRep im)
ImageRep HxArg (ImageRep im)
ImageRep HxConjugate (ImageRep im)
ImageRep HxAdd (ImageRep im1, ImageRep im2)
ImageRep HxAddSat (ImageRep im1, ImageRep im2)
ImageRep HxAnd (ImageRep im1, ImageRep im2)
ImageRep HxCross (ImageRep im1, ImageRep im2)
ImageRep HxDiv (ImageRep im1, ImageRep im2)
ImageRep HxDot (ImageRep im1, ImageRep im2)
ImageRep HxEqual (ImageRep im1, ImageRep im2)
ImageRep HxGreaterEqual (ImageRep im1, ImageRep im2)
ImageRep HxGreaterThan (ImageRep im1, ImageRep im2)
ImageRep HxInf (ImageRep im1, ImageRep im2)
ImageRep HxInverseProjectRange (ImageRep im1, int dimension, ImageRep im2)
ImageRep HxLeftShift (ImageRep im1, ImageRep im2)
ImageRep HxLessEqual (ImageRep im1, ImageRep im2)
ImageRep HxLessThan (ImageRep im1, ImageRep im2)
ImageRep HxMax (ImageRep im1, ImageRep im2)
ImageRep HxMin (ImageRep im1, ImageRep im2)
ImageRep HxMod (ImageRep im1, ImageRep im2)
ImageRep HxMul (ImageRep im1, ImageRep im2)
ImageRep HxNotEqual (ImageRep im1, ImageRep im2)
ImageRep HxOr (ImageRep im1, ImageRep im2)
ImageRep HxPow (ImageRep im1, ImageRep im2)
ImageRep HxRightShift (ImageRep im1, ImageRep im2)
ImageRep HxSub (ImageRep im1, ImageRep im2)
ImageRep HxSubSat (ImageRep im1, ImageRep im2)
ImageRep HxSup (ImageRep im1, ImageRep im2)
ImageRep HxXor (ImageRep im1, ImageRep im2)
ImageRep HxAddVal (ImageRep im, PixValue val) throws ImageException
ImageRep HxAndVal (ImageRep im, PixValue val)
ImageRep HxCrossVal (ImageRep im, PixValue val)
ImageRep HxDivVal (ImageRep im, PixValue val)
ImageRep HxDotVal (ImageRep im, PixValue val)
ImageRep HxEqualVal (ImageRep im, PixValue val)
ImageRep HxGreaterEqualVal (ImageRep im, PixValue val)
ImageRep HxGreaterThanVal (ImageRep im, PixValue val)
ImageRep HxInfVal (ImageRep im, PixValue val)
ImageRep HxLeftShiftVal (ImageRep im, PixValue val)
ImageRep HxLessEqualVal (ImageRep im, PixValue val)
ImageRep HxLessThanVal (ImageRep im, PixValue val)
ImageRep HxMaxVal (ImageRep im, PixValue val)
ImageRep HxMinVal (ImageRep im, PixValue val)
ImageRep HxModVal (ImageRep im, PixValue val)
ImageRep HxMulVal (ImageRep im, PixValue val)
ImageRep HxNotEqualVal (ImageRep im, PixValue val)
ImageRep HxOrVal (ImageRep im, PixValue val)
ImageRep HxPowVal (ImageRep im, PixValue val)
ImageRep HxRightShiftVal (ImageRep im, PixValue val)
ImageRep HxSubVal (ImageRep im, PixValue val)
ImageRep HxSupVal (ImageRep im, PixValue val)
ImageRep HxXorVal (ImageRep im, PixValue val)
PixValue HxPixInf (ImageRep im)
PixValue HxPixMax (ImageRep im)
PixValue HxPixMin (ImageRep im)
PixValue HxPixProduct (ImageRep im)
PixValue HxPixSum (ImageRep im)
PixValue HxPixSup (ImageRep im)
ImageRep HxImageAsByte (ImageRep img)
ImageRep HxImageAsDouble (ImageRep img)
ImageRep HxImageAsFloat (ImageRep img)
ImageRep HxImageAsShort (ImageRep img)
ImageRep HxImageAsVec2Byte (ImageRep img)
ImageRep HxImageAsVec2Double (ImageRep img)
ImageRep HxImageAsVec2Float (ImageRep img)
ImageRep HxImageAsVec2Int (ImageRep img)
ImageRep HxImageAsVec2Short (ImageRep img)
ImageRep HxImageAsVec3Byte (ImageRep img)
ImageRep HxImageAsVec3Double (ImageRep img)
ImageRep HxImageAsVec3Float (ImageRep img)
ImageRep HxImageAsVec3Int (ImageRep img)
ImageRep HxImageAsVec3Short (ImageRep img)
ImageRep HxImageAsComplex (ImageRep img)
ImageRep HxColorSpace (ImageRep im, ColorModel fromColorSpace, ColorModel toColorSpace)
ImageRep HxAffinePix (ImageRep im, PixValue v1, PixValue v2, PixValue v3)
ImageRep HxRGB2Intensity (ImageRep im)
Histogram HxGreyEdgeHistogram (ImageRep objImage, double sigma, double threshold)
Histogram HxHistogramFromFile (String fileName)
Histogram HxImageToHistogram (ImageRep im, int getDim, double lowBin, double highBin, int nBin)
Histogram HxImageToHistogramMask (ImageRep im, int getDim, double lowBin, double highBin, int nBin, ImageRep mask, int maskVal)
Blob2d[] HxLabelBlobs (ImageRep image, ImageRep mask, int minimalBlobArea)
ImageRep HxHighlightRegion (ImageRep im, ImageRep mask, int label, double factor)
void HxExportMatlabPixels (ImageRep im, DoubleSeqHolder pixels)
boolean HxWriteFile (ImageRep im, String fileName)
boolean HxImagesToFile (ImageRep[] ims, String fileName)
ImageRep HxCannyEdgeMap (ImageRep img, double sigma)
ImageRep HxCannyThreshold (ImageRep img, double sigma, double level)
ImageRep HxCannyThresholdAlt (ImageRep img, double sigma, double level)
ImageRep HxCannyThresholdRec (ImageRep img, double sigma, double level)
ImageRep HxConvGauss2d (ImageRep img, double sigmax, int orderDerivx, double accuracyx, double sigmay, int orderDerivy, double accuracyy)
ImageRep HxConvGauss3d (ImageRep img, double sigmax, int orderDerivx, double accuracyx, double sigmay, int orderDerivy, double accuracyy, double sigmaz, int orderDerivz, double accuracyz)
ImageRep HxConvKernelSeparated (ImageRep im, ImageRep kernel, ResultPrecision resPrec)
ImageRep HxConvKernelSeparated2d (ImageRep img, ImageRep kernelX, ImageRep kernelY, ResultPrecision resPrec)
ImageRep HxConvolution (ImageRep im, ImageRep kernel, ResultPrecision resPrec)
ImageRep HxDefuz (ImageRep im, int windowSzX, int windowSzY, double thr)
ImageRep HxDistanceTransform (ImageRep img)
ImageRep HxGauss (ImageRep img, double sigma, double accuracy)
ImageRep HxGaussDerivative2d (ImageRep img, double sigma, int orderDerivx, int orderDerivy, double accuracy)
ImageRep HxGaussDerivative3d (ImageRep img, double sigma, int orderDerivx, int orderDerivy, int orderDerivz, double accuracy)
ImageRep HxGaussianDeblur (ImageRep im, double dr, double dc)
ImageRep HxKuwahara (ImageRep im, int width, int height)
ImageRep HxLocalMode (ImageRep f, ImageRep g, int nr, double sigmax, double sigmay, double sigmaval, Sizes ngbSize)
ImageRep HxNormalizedCorrelation (ImageRep im, ImageRep kernel)
ImageRep HxPercentile (ImageRep im, int neighSize, double perc)
ImageRep HxRecGabor (ImageRep im, double s, double omega0, double theta)
ImageRep HxRecGauss (ImageRep im, double sx, double sy, int dx, int dy, int recurOrder)
ImageRep HxUniform (ImageRep im, Sizes size)
ImageRep HxUniformNonSep (ImageRep im, Sizes size)
ImageRep HxMakeFrom2Images (ImageRep i1, ImageRep i2)
ImageRep HxMakeFrom3Images (ImageRep i1, ImageRep i2, ImageRep i3)
ImageRep HxMakeFromByteData (int pixelDimensionality, int dimensions, Sizes size, byte[] data)
ImageRep HxMakeFromDoubleData (int pixelDimensionality, int dimensions, Sizes size, double[] data)
ImageRep HxMakeFromFile (String fileName)
ImageRep HxMakeFromFloatData (int pixelDimensionality, int dimensions, Sizes size, float[] data)
ImageRep HxMakeFromGrayValue (ImageSignature signature, Sizes size, byte[] pixels)
ImageRep HxMakeFromImage (ImageSignature signature, ImageRep src)
ImageRep HxMakeFromImport (ImageSignature signature, Sizes size, String importOp, TagList tags)
ImageRep HxMakeFromIntData (int pixelDimensionality, int dimensions, Sizes size, int[] data)
ImageRep HxMakeFromJavaRgb (ImageSignature signature, Sizes size, int[] pixels)
ImageRep HxMakeFromMatlab (ImageSignature signature, Sizes size, double[] pixels)
ImageRep HxMakeFromNamedGenerator (ImageSignature signature, String generatorName, TagList tags)
ImageRep HxMakeFromPpmPixels (ImageSignature signature, Sizes size, byte[] pixels)
ImageRep HxMakeFromShortData (int pixelDimensionality, int dimensions, Sizes size, short[] data)
ImageRep HxMakeFromSignature (ImageSignature signature, Sizes size)
ImageRep HxMakeFromValue (ImageSignature signature, Sizes size, PixValue val)
ImageRep HxMakeGaussian1d (double sigma, int deri, double accuracy, int maxfsize, int fsize)
ImageRep HxMakeParabola1d (double rho, double accuracy, int maxfsize, int fsize)
ImageRep[] HxImagesFromFile (String fileName)
ImageRep HxExtend (ImageRep img, ImageRep background, Point begin)
ImageRep HxExtendVal (ImageRep img, Sizes newSize, PixValue background, Point begin)
ImageRep HxReflect (ImageRep img, int doX, int doY, int doZ)
ImageRep HxRestrict (ImageRep img, Point begin, Point end)
ImageRep HxRotate (ImageRep img, double alpha, GeoIntType gi, int adjustSize, PixValue background)
ImageRep HxScale (ImageRep img, double sx, double sy, double sz, GeoIntType gi, int adjustSize)
ImageRep HxTranslate (ImageRep img, int sx, int sy, int sz)
ImageRep HxTranspose (ImageRep img)
int HxImageMaxSize (ImageRep img)
int HxImageMinSize (ImageRep img)
PixValue HxIdentMaskMean (ImageRep im, ImageRep mask, Point p, Sizes size, int label)
PixValue HxIdentMaskMedian (ImageRep im, ImageRep mask, Point p, Sizes size, int label)
PixValue HxIdentMaskStDev (ImageRep im, ImageRep mask, Point p, Sizes size, int label)
PixValue HxIdentMaskSum (ImageRep im, ImageRep mask, Point p, Sizes size, int label)
PixValue HxIdentMaskVariance (ImageRep im, ImageRep mask, Point p, Sizes size, int label)
PixValue HxWeightMaskSum (ImageRep im, ImageRep mask, Point p)
ImageRep HxAreaClosing (ImageRep im, int conn, int minarea)
ImageRep HxAreaOpening (ImageRep im, int conn, int area)
ImageRep HxClosing (ImageRep im, SF s)
ImageRep HxClosingByReconstruction (ImageRep im, SF s1, SF s2)
ImageRep HxClosingByReconstructionTopHat (ImageRep im, SF s1, SF s2)
ImageRep HxClosingTopHat (ImageRep im, SF s)
ImageRep HxConditionalDilation (ImageRep im, ImageRep mask, SF s, int nrIter)
ImageRep HxConditionalErosion (ImageRep im, ImageRep mask, SF s, int nrIter)
ImageRep HxDilation (ImageRep im, SF s)
ImageRep HxDistanceTransformMM (ImageRep im, SF s)
ImageRep HxErosion (ImageRep im, SF s)
ImageRep HxGeodesicDistanceTransform (ImageRep im, int conn)
ImageRep HxHilditchSkeleton (ImageRep im)
ImageRep HxHitOrMiss (ImageRep im, SF s1, SF s2)
ImageRep HxInfimumReconstruction (ImageRep im, ImageRep mask, SF s)
ImageRep HxMorphologicalContour (ImageRep im, SF s)
ImageRep HxMorphologicalGradient (ImageRep im, SF s)
ImageRep HxMorphologicalGradient2 (ImageRep im, SF s1, SF s2)
ImageRep HxOpening (ImageRep im, SF s)
ImageRep HxOpeningByReconstruction (ImageRep im, SF s1, SF s2)
ImageRep HxOpeningByReconstructionTopHat (ImageRep im, SF s1, SF s2)
ImageRep HxOpeningTopHat (ImageRep im, SF s)
ImageRep HxParabolicDilation (ImageRep img, double rho, double accuracy)
ImageRep HxParabolicErosion (ImageRep img, double rho, double accuracy)
ImageRep HxPeakRemoval (ImageRep im, int conn, int minarea)
ImageRep HxRegionalMaxima (ImageRep im, int conn)
ImageRep HxRegionalMinima (ImageRep im, int conn)
ImageRep HxSKIZ (ImageRep im, int conn)
ImageRep HxSkeleton (ImageRep im, SF s)
ImageRep HxSupremumReconstruction (ImageRep im, ImageRep mask, SF s)
ImageRep HxThickening (ImageRep im, SF s1, SF s2)
ImageRep HxThinning (ImageRep im, SF s1, SF s2)
ImageRep HxValleyRemoval (ImageRep im, int conn, int minarea)
ImageRep HxWatershed (ImageRep im, int conn)
ImageRep HxWatershedMarkers (ImageRep input, ImageRep mask, int conn, boolean doLabelMask)
ImageRep HxWatershedMarkers2 (ImageRep input, ImageRep mask, int conn, boolean doLabelMask, int costMethod)
ImageRep HxWatershedSlow (ImageRep im, SF s, String linereg)
ImageRep HxDisplayOF (ImageRep im, int scale_x, int scale_y, double mul_x, double mul_y, int pixelsize)
ImageRep HxOpticalFlow (ImageRep im1, ImageRep im2)
ImageRep HxOpticalFlowMultiScale (ImageRep im1, ImageRep im2)
ImageRep HxAddBinaryNoise (ImageRep im, double percent)
ImageRep HxAddGaussianNoise (ImageRep im, double mean, double stdev)
ImageRep HxAddPoissonNoise (ImageRep im, double conversionFactor)
ImageRep HxAddUniformNoise (ImageRep im)
ImageRep HxContrastStretch (ImageRep im, double val)
ImageRep HxSetBorderValue (ImageRep im, int w, int h, PixValue val)
ImageRep HxSetPartImage (ImageRep im, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, PixValue val)
ImageRep HxSquaredDistance (ImageRep im1, ImageRep im2)
ImageRep HxBernsenThreshold (ImageRep im, int windowSz, int uniformTh, boolean uniformLow)
ImageRep HxColorGaborSegmentation (ImageRep im, ColorGaborSegmentationAlgorithm segAlg, ColorGaborSegmentationInvariant invariantType, double minRegionFraction, double threshold)
ImageRep HxEntropyThreshold (ImageRep im)
ImageRep HxIsodataThreshold (ImageRep im)
ImageRep HxLabel (ImageRep im, int conn)
ImageRep HxLabel2 (ImageRep im, int conn)
ImageRep HxThreshold (ImageRep im, PixValue val)
ImageRep HxTriStateThreshold (ImageRep im, PixValue level, PixValue v1, PixValue v2, PixValue v3)
boolean VxRelEquals (VxTimeSpan elt1, VxTimeSpan elt2)
boolean VxRelMeets (VxTimeSpan elt1, VxTimeSpan elt2)
boolean VxRelBefore (VxTimeSpan elt1, VxTimeSpan elt2)
boolean VxRelOverlaps (VxTimeSpan elt1, VxTimeSpan elt2)
boolean VxRelDur (VxTimeSpan elt1, VxTimeSpan elt2)
boolean VxRelCon (VxTimeSpan elt1, VxTimeSpan elt2)
boolean VxRelMeetsAnywhere (VxTimeSpan elt1, VxTimeSpan elt2)
boolean VxRelBeforeAfter (VxTimeSpan elt1, VxTimeSpan elt2)
boolean VxRelOverlapsAnywhere (VxTimeSpan elt1, VxTimeSpan elt2)
String VxRelAsString (VxTimeSpan elt1, VxTimeSpan elt2)
void HxIDBOpen (String name, String indexFile)
String[] HxIDBRandom (String name, int n)
String[] HxIDBSearch (String key, String name, int n)
void HxInvarOpenDB (String indexFile, String dbDir)
String[] HxInvarRandom (String invar, int n)
String[] HxInvarSearch (ImageRep im, String invar, int n)
String[] HxInvarSearchHisto (Histogram[] target, String invar, int n)
double HxInvarMatchHistos (Histogram[] l1, Histogram[] l2)
void HxInvarIndexDB (String indexFile, String dbDir, String invar, double s, int bins)
int HxInvarDBSize (String invar)
int HxInvarBinsPerHistogram (String invar)
int HxInvarChannels (String invar)
String[] HxInvarDBList (String invar)
float[] HxInvarGetHistos (String invar, String key)
String[] HxInvarSearchKey (String key, String invar, int n)
double[] HxInvarScores (String invar, int n)
ImageRep HxNJetInvarE (NJet nj)
ImageRep HxNJetInvarC (NJet nj)
ImageRep HxNJetInvarWw (NJet nj)
ImageRep HxNJetInvarCw (NJet nj)
Histogram[] HxNJetInvarEHisto (NJet nj, int nBin)
Histogram[] HxNJetInvarCHisto (NJet nj, int nBin)
Histogram[] HxNJetInvarWwHisto (NJet nj, int nBin)
Histogram[] HxNJetInvarCwHisto (NJet nj, int nBin)
Histogram[] HxInvarEHisto (ImageRep im, double scale, int nBin)
Histogram[] HxInvarCHisto (ImageRep im, double scale, int nBin)
Histogram[] HxInvarWwHisto (ImageRep im, double scale, int nBin)
Histogram[] HxInvarCwHisto (ImageRep im, double scale, int nBin)
double[][] HxNJetInvar (ImageRep im, String invar, double scale, int nBin)
ImageRep HxColorInvarEw (ImageRep im, double scale)
ImageRep HxColorInvarWw (ImageRep im, double scale)
ImageRep HxColorInvarCw (ImageRep im, double scale)
ImageRep HxColorInvarNw (ImageRep im, double scale)
ImageRep HxColorInvarHw (ImageRep im, double scale)

Detailed Description

Global operations.

Member Function Documentation

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxAbs ImageRep    im

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxCeil ImageRep    im

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxComplement ImageRep    im

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxExp ImageRep    im

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxFloor ImageRep    im

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxLog ImageRep    im

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxLog10 ImageRep    im

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxNegate ImageRep    im

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxNorm1 ImageRep    im

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxNorm2 ImageRep    im

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxNormInf ImageRep    im

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxProjectRange ImageRep    im,
int    dimension

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxReciprocal ImageRep    im

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxSqrt ImageRep    im

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxRound ImageRep    im

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxUnaryMax ImageRep    im

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxUnaryMin ImageRep    im

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxUnaryProduct ImageRep    im

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxUnarySum ImageRep    im

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxAcos ImageRep    im

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxAsin ImageRep    im

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxAtan ImageRep    im

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxAtan2 ImageRep    im

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxCos ImageRep    im

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxCosh ImageRep    im

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxSin ImageRep    im

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxSinh ImageRep    im

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxTan ImageRep    im

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxTanh ImageRep    im

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxArg ImageRep    im

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxConjugate ImageRep    im

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxAdd ImageRep    im1,
ImageRep    im2

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxAddSat ImageRep    im1,
ImageRep    im2

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxAnd ImageRep    im1,
ImageRep    im2

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxCross ImageRep    im1,
ImageRep    im2

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxDiv ImageRep    im1,
ImageRep    im2

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxDot ImageRep    im1,
ImageRep    im2

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxEqual ImageRep    im1,
ImageRep    im2

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxGreaterEqual ImageRep    im1,
ImageRep    im2

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxGreaterThan ImageRep    im1,
ImageRep    im2

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxInf ImageRep    im1,
ImageRep    im2

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxInverseProjectRange ImageRep    im1,
int    dimension,
ImageRep    im2

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxLeftShift ImageRep    im1,
ImageRep    im2

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxLessEqual ImageRep    im1,
ImageRep    im2

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxLessThan ImageRep    im1,
ImageRep    im2

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxMax ImageRep    im1,
ImageRep    im2

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxMin ImageRep    im1,
ImageRep    im2

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxMod ImageRep    im1,
ImageRep    im2

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxMul ImageRep    im1,
ImageRep    im2

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxNotEqual ImageRep    im1,
ImageRep    im2

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxOr ImageRep    im1,
ImageRep    im2

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxPow ImageRep    im1,
ImageRep    im2

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxRightShift ImageRep    im1,
ImageRep    im2

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxSub ImageRep    im1,
ImageRep    im2

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxSubSat ImageRep    im1,
ImageRep    im2

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxSup ImageRep    im1,
ImageRep    im2

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxXor ImageRep    im1,
ImageRep    im2

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxAddVal ImageRep    im,
PixValue    val

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxAndVal ImageRep    im,
PixValue    val

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxCrossVal ImageRep    im,
PixValue    val

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxDivVal ImageRep    im,
PixValue    val

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxDotVal ImageRep    im,
PixValue    val

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxEqualVal ImageRep    im,
PixValue    val

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxGreaterEqualVal ImageRep    im,
PixValue    val

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxGreaterThanVal ImageRep    im,
PixValue    val

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxInfVal ImageRep    im,
PixValue    val

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxLeftShiftVal ImageRep    im,
PixValue    val

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxLessEqualVal ImageRep    im,
PixValue    val

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxLessThanVal ImageRep    im,
PixValue    val

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxMaxVal ImageRep    im,
PixValue    val

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxMinVal ImageRep    im,
PixValue    val

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxModVal ImageRep    im,
PixValue    val

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxMulVal ImageRep    im,
PixValue    val

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxNotEqualVal ImageRep    im,
PixValue    val

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxOrVal ImageRep    im,
PixValue    val

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxPowVal ImageRep    im,
PixValue    val

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxRightShiftVal ImageRep    im,
PixValue    val

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxSubVal ImageRep    im,
PixValue    val

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxSupVal ImageRep    im,
PixValue    val

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxXorVal ImageRep    im,
PixValue    val

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

PixValue GlobalOpsOperations::HxPixInf ImageRep    im

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

PixValue GlobalOpsOperations::HxPixMax ImageRep    im

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

PixValue GlobalOpsOperations::HxPixMin ImageRep    im

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

PixValue GlobalOpsOperations::HxPixProduct ImageRep    im

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

PixValue GlobalOpsOperations::HxPixSum ImageRep    im

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

PixValue GlobalOpsOperations::HxPixSup ImageRep    im

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxImageAsByte ImageRep    img

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxImageAsDouble ImageRep    img

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxImageAsFloat ImageRep    img

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxImageAsShort ImageRep    img

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxImageAsVec2Byte ImageRep    img

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxImageAsVec2Double ImageRep    img

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxImageAsVec2Float ImageRep    img

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxImageAsVec2Int ImageRep    img

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxImageAsVec2Short ImageRep    img

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxImageAsVec3Byte ImageRep    img

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxImageAsVec3Double ImageRep    img

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxImageAsVec3Float ImageRep    img

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxImageAsVec3Int ImageRep    img

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxImageAsVec3Short ImageRep    img

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxImageAsComplex ImageRep    img

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxColorSpace ImageRep    im,
ColorModel    fromColorSpace,
ColorModel    toColorSpace

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxAffinePix ImageRep    im,
PixValue    v1,
PixValue    v2,
PixValue    v3

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxRGB2Intensity ImageRep    im

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

Histogram GlobalOpsOperations::HxGreyEdgeHistogram ImageRep    objImage,
double    sigma,
double    threshold

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

Histogram GlobalOpsOperations::HxHistogramFromFile String    fileName

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

Histogram GlobalOpsOperations::HxImageToHistogram ImageRep    im,
int    getDim,
double    lowBin,
double    highBin,
int    nBin

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

Histogram GlobalOpsOperations::HxImageToHistogramMask ImageRep    im,
int    getDim,
double    lowBin,
double    highBin,
int    nBin,
ImageRep    mask,
int    maskVal

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

Blob2d [] GlobalOpsOperations::HxLabelBlobs ImageRep    image,
ImageRep    mask,
int    minimalBlobArea

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxHighlightRegion ImageRep    im,
ImageRep    mask,
int    label,
double    factor

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

void GlobalOpsOperations::HxExportMatlabPixels ImageRep    im,
DoubleSeqHolder    pixels

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

boolean GlobalOpsOperations::HxWriteFile ImageRep    im,
String    fileName

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

boolean GlobalOpsOperations::HxImagesToFile ImageRep    ims[],
String    fileName

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxCannyEdgeMap ImageRep    img,
double    sigma

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxCannyThreshold ImageRep    img,
double    sigma,
double    level

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxCannyThresholdAlt ImageRep    img,
double    sigma,
double    level

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxCannyThresholdRec ImageRep    img,
double    sigma,
double    level

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxConvGauss2d ImageRep    img,
double    sigmax,
int    orderDerivx,
double    accuracyx,
double    sigmay,
int    orderDerivy,
double    accuracyy

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxConvGauss3d ImageRep    img,
double    sigmax,
int    orderDerivx,
double    accuracyx,
double    sigmay,
int    orderDerivy,
double    accuracyy,
double    sigmaz,
int    orderDerivz,
double    accuracyz

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxConvKernelSeparated ImageRep    im,
ImageRep    kernel,
ResultPrecision    resPrec

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxConvKernelSeparated2d ImageRep    img,
ImageRep    kernelX,
ImageRep    kernelY,
ResultPrecision    resPrec

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxConvolution ImageRep    im,
ImageRep    kernel,
ResultPrecision    resPrec

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxDefuz ImageRep    im,
int    windowSzX,
int    windowSzY,
double    thr

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxDistanceTransform ImageRep    img

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxGauss ImageRep    img,
double    sigma,
double    accuracy

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxGaussDerivative2d ImageRep    img,
double    sigma,
int    orderDerivx,
int    orderDerivy,
double    accuracy

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxGaussDerivative3d ImageRep    img,
double    sigma,
int    orderDerivx,
int    orderDerivy,
int    orderDerivz,
double    accuracy

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxGaussianDeblur ImageRep    im,
double    dr,
double    dc

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxKuwahara ImageRep    im,
int    width,
int    height

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxLocalMode ImageRep    f,
ImageRep    g,
int    nr,
double    sigmax,
double    sigmay,
double    sigmaval,
Sizes    ngbSize

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxNormalizedCorrelation ImageRep    im,
ImageRep    kernel

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxPercentile ImageRep    im,
int    neighSize,
double    perc

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxRecGabor ImageRep    im,
double    s,
double    omega0,
double    theta

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxRecGauss ImageRep    im,
double    sx,
double    sy,
int    dx,
int    dy,
int    recurOrder

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxUniform ImageRep    im,
Sizes    size

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxUniformNonSep ImageRep    im,
Sizes    size

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxMakeFrom2Images ImageRep    i1,
ImageRep    i2

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxMakeFrom3Images ImageRep    i1,
ImageRep    i2,
ImageRep    i3

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxMakeFromByteData int    pixelDimensionality,
int    dimensions,
Sizes    size,
byte    data[]

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxMakeFromDoubleData int    pixelDimensionality,
int    dimensions,
Sizes    size,
double    data[]

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxMakeFromFile String    fileName

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxMakeFromFloatData int    pixelDimensionality,
int    dimensions,
Sizes    size,
float    data[]

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxMakeFromGrayValue ImageSignature    signature,
Sizes    size,
byte    pixels[]

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxMakeFromImage ImageSignature    signature,
ImageRep    src

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxMakeFromImport ImageSignature    signature,
Sizes    size,
String    importOp,
TagList    tags

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxMakeFromIntData int    pixelDimensionality,
int    dimensions,
Sizes    size,
int    data[]

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxMakeFromJavaRgb ImageSignature    signature,
Sizes    size,
int    pixels[]

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxMakeFromMatlab ImageSignature    signature,
Sizes    size,
double    pixels[]

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxMakeFromNamedGenerator ImageSignature    signature,
String    generatorName,
TagList    tags

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxMakeFromPpmPixels ImageSignature    signature,
Sizes    size,
byte    pixels[]

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxMakeFromShortData int    pixelDimensionality,
int    dimensions,
Sizes    size,
short    data[]

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxMakeFromSignature ImageSignature    signature,
Sizes    size

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxMakeFromValue ImageSignature    signature,
Sizes    size,
PixValue    val

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxMakeGaussian1d double    sigma,
int    deri,
double    accuracy,
int    maxfsize,
int    fsize

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxMakeParabola1d double    rho,
double    accuracy,
int    maxfsize,
int    fsize

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep [] GlobalOpsOperations::HxImagesFromFile String    fileName

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxExtend ImageRep    img,
ImageRep    background,
Point    begin

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxExtendVal ImageRep    img,
Sizes    newSize,
PixValue    background,
Point    begin

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxReflect ImageRep    img,
int    doX,
int    doY,
int    doZ

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxRestrict ImageRep    img,
Point    begin,
Point    end

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxRotate ImageRep    img,
double    alpha,
GeoIntType    gi,
int    adjustSize,
PixValue    background

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxScale ImageRep    img,
double    sx,
double    sy,
double    sz,
GeoIntType    gi,
int    adjustSize

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxTranslate ImageRep    img,
int    sx,
int    sy,
int    sz

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxTranspose ImageRep    img

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

int GlobalOpsOperations::HxImageMaxSize ImageRep    img

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

int GlobalOpsOperations::HxImageMinSize ImageRep    img

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

PixValue GlobalOpsOperations::HxIdentMaskMean ImageRep    im,
ImageRep    mask,
Point    p,
Sizes    size,
int    label

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

PixValue GlobalOpsOperations::HxIdentMaskMedian ImageRep    im,
ImageRep    mask,
Point    p,
Sizes    size,
int    label

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

PixValue GlobalOpsOperations::HxIdentMaskStDev ImageRep    im,
ImageRep    mask,
Point    p,
Sizes    size,
int    label

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

PixValue GlobalOpsOperations::HxIdentMaskSum ImageRep    im,
ImageRep    mask,
Point    p,
Sizes    size,
int    label

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

PixValue GlobalOpsOperations::HxIdentMaskVariance ImageRep    im,
ImageRep    mask,
Point    p,
Sizes    size,
int    label

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

PixValue GlobalOpsOperations::HxWeightMaskSum ImageRep    im,
ImageRep    mask,
Point    p

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxAreaClosing ImageRep    im,
int    conn,
int    minarea

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxAreaOpening ImageRep    im,
int    conn,
int    area

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxClosing ImageRep    im,
SF    s

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxClosingByReconstruction ImageRep    im,
SF    s1,
SF    s2

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxClosingByReconstructionTopHat ImageRep    im,
SF    s1,
SF    s2

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxClosingTopHat ImageRep    im,
SF    s

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxConditionalDilation ImageRep    im,
ImageRep    mask,
SF    s,
int    nrIter

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxConditionalErosion ImageRep    im,
ImageRep    mask,
SF    s,
int    nrIter

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxDilation ImageRep    im,
SF    s

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxDistanceTransformMM ImageRep    im,
SF    s

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxErosion ImageRep    im,
SF    s

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxGeodesicDistanceTransform ImageRep    im,
int    conn

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxHilditchSkeleton ImageRep    im

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxHitOrMiss ImageRep    im,
SF    s1,
SF    s2

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxInfimumReconstruction ImageRep    im,
ImageRep    mask,
SF    s

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxMorphologicalContour ImageRep    im,
SF    s

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxMorphologicalGradient ImageRep    im,
SF    s

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxMorphologicalGradient2 ImageRep    im,
SF    s1,
SF    s2

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxOpening ImageRep    im,
SF    s

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxOpeningByReconstruction ImageRep    im,
SF    s1,
SF    s2

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxOpeningByReconstructionTopHat ImageRep    im,
SF    s1,
SF    s2

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxOpeningTopHat ImageRep    im,
SF    s

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxParabolicDilation ImageRep    img,
double    rho,
double    accuracy

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxParabolicErosion ImageRep    img,
double    rho,
double    accuracy

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxPeakRemoval ImageRep    im,
int    conn,
int    minarea

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxRegionalMaxima ImageRep    im,
int    conn

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxRegionalMinima ImageRep    im,
int    conn

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxSKIZ ImageRep    im,
int    conn

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxSkeleton ImageRep    im,
SF    s

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxSupremumReconstruction ImageRep    im,
ImageRep    mask,
SF    s

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxThickening ImageRep    im,
SF    s1,
SF    s2

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxThinning ImageRep    im,
SF    s1,
SF    s2

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxValleyRemoval ImageRep    im,
int    conn,
int    minarea

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxWatershed ImageRep    im,
int    conn

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxWatershedMarkers ImageRep    input,
ImageRep    mask,
int    conn,
boolean    doLabelMask

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxWatershedMarkers2 ImageRep    input,
ImageRep    mask,
int    conn,
boolean    doLabelMask,
int    costMethod

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxWatershedSlow ImageRep    im,
SF    s,
String    linereg

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxDisplayOF ImageRep    im,
int    scale_x,
int    scale_y,
double    mul_x,
double    mul_y,
int    pixelsize

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxOpticalFlow ImageRep    im1,
ImageRep    im2

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxOpticalFlowMultiScale ImageRep    im1,
ImageRep    im2

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxAddBinaryNoise ImageRep    im,
double    percent

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxAddGaussianNoise ImageRep    im,
double    mean,
double    stdev

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxAddPoissonNoise ImageRep    im,
double    conversionFactor

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxAddUniformNoise ImageRep    im

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxContrastStretch ImageRep    im,
double    val

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxSetBorderValue ImageRep    im,
int    w,
int    h,
PixValue    val

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxSetPartImage ImageRep    im,
int    x1,
int    y1,
int    x2,
int    y2,
PixValue    val

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxSquaredDistance ImageRep    im1,
ImageRep    im2

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxBernsenThreshold ImageRep    im,
int    windowSz,
int    uniformTh,
boolean    uniformLow

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxColorGaborSegmentation ImageRep    im,
ColorGaborSegmentationAlgorithm    segAlg,
ColorGaborSegmentationInvariant    invariantType,
double    minRegionFraction,
double    threshold

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxEntropyThreshold ImageRep    im

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxIsodataThreshold ImageRep    im

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxLabel ImageRep    im,
int    conn

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxLabel2 ImageRep    im,
int    conn

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxThreshold ImageRep    im,
PixValue    val

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxTriStateThreshold ImageRep    im,
PixValue    level,
PixValue    v1,
PixValue    v2,
PixValue    v3

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

boolean GlobalOpsOperations::VxRelEquals VxTimeSpan    elt1,
VxTimeSpan    elt2

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

boolean GlobalOpsOperations::VxRelMeets VxTimeSpan    elt1,
VxTimeSpan    elt2

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

boolean GlobalOpsOperations::VxRelBefore VxTimeSpan    elt1,
VxTimeSpan    elt2

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

boolean GlobalOpsOperations::VxRelOverlaps VxTimeSpan    elt1,
VxTimeSpan    elt2

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

boolean GlobalOpsOperations::VxRelDur VxTimeSpan    elt1,
VxTimeSpan    elt2

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

boolean GlobalOpsOperations::VxRelCon VxTimeSpan    elt1,
VxTimeSpan    elt2

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

boolean GlobalOpsOperations::VxRelMeetsAnywhere VxTimeSpan    elt1,
VxTimeSpan    elt2

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

boolean GlobalOpsOperations::VxRelBeforeAfter VxTimeSpan    elt1,
VxTimeSpan    elt2

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

boolean GlobalOpsOperations::VxRelOverlapsAnywhere VxTimeSpan    elt1,
VxTimeSpan    elt2

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

String GlobalOpsOperations::VxRelAsString VxTimeSpan    elt1,
VxTimeSpan    elt2

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

void GlobalOpsOperations::HxIDBOpen String    name,
String    indexFile

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

String [] GlobalOpsOperations::HxIDBRandom String    name,
int    n

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

String [] GlobalOpsOperations::HxIDBSearch String    key,
String    name,
int    n

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

void GlobalOpsOperations::HxInvarOpenDB String    indexFile,
String    dbDir

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

String [] GlobalOpsOperations::HxInvarRandom String    invar,
int    n

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

String [] GlobalOpsOperations::HxInvarSearch ImageRep    im,
String    invar,
int    n

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

String [] GlobalOpsOperations::HxInvarSearchHisto Histogram    target[],
String    invar,
int    n

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

double GlobalOpsOperations::HxInvarMatchHistos Histogram    l1[],
Histogram    l2[]

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

void GlobalOpsOperations::HxInvarIndexDB String    indexFile,
String    dbDir,
String    invar,
double    s,
int    bins

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

int GlobalOpsOperations::HxInvarDBSize String    invar

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

int GlobalOpsOperations::HxInvarBinsPerHistogram String    invar

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

int GlobalOpsOperations::HxInvarChannels String    invar

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

String [] GlobalOpsOperations::HxInvarDBList String    invar

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

float [] GlobalOpsOperations::HxInvarGetHistos String    invar,
String    key

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

String [] GlobalOpsOperations::HxInvarSearchKey String    key,
String    invar,
int    n

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

double [] GlobalOpsOperations::HxInvarScores String    invar,
int    n

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxNJetInvarE NJet    nj

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxNJetInvarC NJet    nj

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxNJetInvarWw NJet    nj

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxNJetInvarCw NJet    nj

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

Histogram [] GlobalOpsOperations::HxNJetInvarEHisto NJet    nj,
int    nBin

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

Histogram [] GlobalOpsOperations::HxNJetInvarCHisto NJet    nj,
int    nBin

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

Histogram [] GlobalOpsOperations::HxNJetInvarWwHisto NJet    nj,
int    nBin

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

Histogram [] GlobalOpsOperations::HxNJetInvarCwHisto NJet    nj,
int    nBin

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

Histogram [] GlobalOpsOperations::HxInvarEHisto ImageRep    im,
double    scale,
int    nBin

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

Histogram [] GlobalOpsOperations::HxInvarCHisto ImageRep    im,
double    scale,
int    nBin

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

Histogram [] GlobalOpsOperations::HxInvarWwHisto ImageRep    im,
double    scale,
int    nBin

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

Histogram [] GlobalOpsOperations::HxInvarCwHisto ImageRep    im,
double    scale,
int    nBin

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

double [][] GlobalOpsOperations::HxNJetInvar ImageRep    im,
String    invar,
double    scale,
int    nBin

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxColorInvarEw ImageRep    im,
double    scale

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxColorInvarWw ImageRep    im,
double    scale

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxColorInvarCw ImageRep    im,
double    scale

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxColorInvarNw ImageRep    im,
double    scale

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

ImageRep GlobalOpsOperations::HxColorInvarHw ImageRep    im,
double    scale

Reimplemented in _GlobalOpsStub, and GlobalOpsPOATie.

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file:
Generated on Tue Feb 3 14:17:34 2004 for JavaBinding by doxygen1.2.12 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001