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_GlobalOpsStub Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for _GlobalOpsStub::

GlobalOps GlobalOpsOperations UserOps UserOpsOperations UserOpsOperations List of all members.

Public Methods

String[] _ids ()
ImageRep HxAbs (ImageRep _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxCeil (ImageRep _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxComplement (ImageRep _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxExp (ImageRep _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxFloor (ImageRep _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxLog (ImageRep _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxLog10 (ImageRep _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxNegate (ImageRep _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxNorm1 (ImageRep _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxNorm2 (ImageRep _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxNormInf (ImageRep _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxProjectRange (ImageRep _ob_a0, int _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxReciprocal (ImageRep _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxSqrt (ImageRep _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxRound (ImageRep _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxUnaryMax (ImageRep _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxUnaryMin (ImageRep _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxUnaryProduct (ImageRep _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxUnarySum (ImageRep _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxAcos (ImageRep _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxAsin (ImageRep _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxAtan (ImageRep _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxAtan2 (ImageRep _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxCos (ImageRep _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxCosh (ImageRep _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxSin (ImageRep _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxSinh (ImageRep _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxTan (ImageRep _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxTanh (ImageRep _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxArg (ImageRep _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxConjugate (ImageRep _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxAdd (ImageRep _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxAddSat (ImageRep _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxAnd (ImageRep _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxCross (ImageRep _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxDiv (ImageRep _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxDot (ImageRep _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxEqual (ImageRep _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxGreaterEqual (ImageRep _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxGreaterThan (ImageRep _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxInf (ImageRep _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxInverseProjectRange (ImageRep _ob_a0, int _ob_a1, ImageRep _ob_a2)
ImageRep HxLeftShift (ImageRep _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxLessEqual (ImageRep _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxLessThan (ImageRep _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxMax (ImageRep _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxMin (ImageRep _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxMod (ImageRep _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxMul (ImageRep _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxNotEqual (ImageRep _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxOr (ImageRep _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxPow (ImageRep _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxRightShift (ImageRep _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxSub (ImageRep _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxSubSat (ImageRep _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxSup (ImageRep _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxXor (ImageRep _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxAddVal (ImageRep _ob_a0, PixValue _ob_a1) throws ImageException
ImageRep HxAndVal (ImageRep _ob_a0, PixValue _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxCrossVal (ImageRep _ob_a0, PixValue _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxDivVal (ImageRep _ob_a0, PixValue _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxDotVal (ImageRep _ob_a0, PixValue _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxEqualVal (ImageRep _ob_a0, PixValue _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxGreaterEqualVal (ImageRep _ob_a0, PixValue _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxGreaterThanVal (ImageRep _ob_a0, PixValue _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxInfVal (ImageRep _ob_a0, PixValue _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxLeftShiftVal (ImageRep _ob_a0, PixValue _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxLessEqualVal (ImageRep _ob_a0, PixValue _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxLessThanVal (ImageRep _ob_a0, PixValue _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxMaxVal (ImageRep _ob_a0, PixValue _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxMinVal (ImageRep _ob_a0, PixValue _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxModVal (ImageRep _ob_a0, PixValue _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxMulVal (ImageRep _ob_a0, PixValue _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxNotEqualVal (ImageRep _ob_a0, PixValue _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxOrVal (ImageRep _ob_a0, PixValue _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxPowVal (ImageRep _ob_a0, PixValue _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxRightShiftVal (ImageRep _ob_a0, PixValue _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxSubVal (ImageRep _ob_a0, PixValue _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxSupVal (ImageRep _ob_a0, PixValue _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxXorVal (ImageRep _ob_a0, PixValue _ob_a1)
PixValue HxPixInf (ImageRep _ob_a0)
PixValue HxPixMax (ImageRep _ob_a0)
PixValue HxPixMin (ImageRep _ob_a0)
PixValue HxPixProduct (ImageRep _ob_a0)
PixValue HxPixSum (ImageRep _ob_a0)
PixValue HxPixSup (ImageRep _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxImageAsByte (ImageRep _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxImageAsDouble (ImageRep _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxImageAsFloat (ImageRep _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxImageAsShort (ImageRep _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxImageAsVec2Byte (ImageRep _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxImageAsVec2Double (ImageRep _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxImageAsVec2Float (ImageRep _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxImageAsVec2Int (ImageRep _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxImageAsVec2Short (ImageRep _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxImageAsVec3Byte (ImageRep _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxImageAsVec3Double (ImageRep _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxImageAsVec3Float (ImageRep _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxImageAsVec3Int (ImageRep _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxImageAsVec3Short (ImageRep _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxImageAsComplex (ImageRep _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxColorSpace (ImageRep _ob_a0, ColorModel _ob_a1, ColorModel _ob_a2)
ImageRep HxAffinePix (ImageRep _ob_a0, PixValue _ob_a1, PixValue _ob_a2, PixValue _ob_a3)
ImageRep HxRGB2Intensity (ImageRep _ob_a0)
Histogram HxGreyEdgeHistogram (ImageRep _ob_a0, double _ob_a1, double _ob_a2)
Histogram HxHistogramFromFile (String _ob_a0)
Histogram HxImageToHistogram (ImageRep _ob_a0, int _ob_a1, double _ob_a2, double _ob_a3, int _ob_a4)
Histogram HxImageToHistogramMask (ImageRep _ob_a0, int _ob_a1, double _ob_a2, double _ob_a3, int _ob_a4, ImageRep _ob_a5, int _ob_a6)
Blob2d[] HxLabelBlobs (ImageRep _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1, int _ob_a2)
ImageRep HxHighlightRegion (ImageRep _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1, int _ob_a2, double _ob_a3)
void HxExportMatlabPixels (ImageRep _ob_a0, DoubleSeqHolder _ob_ah1)
boolean HxWriteFile (ImageRep _ob_a0, String _ob_a1)
boolean HxImagesToFile (ImageRep[] _ob_a0, String _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxCannyEdgeMap (ImageRep _ob_a0, double _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxCannyThreshold (ImageRep _ob_a0, double _ob_a1, double _ob_a2)
ImageRep HxCannyThresholdAlt (ImageRep _ob_a0, double _ob_a1, double _ob_a2)
ImageRep HxCannyThresholdRec (ImageRep _ob_a0, double _ob_a1, double _ob_a2)
ImageRep HxConvGauss2d (ImageRep _ob_a0, double _ob_a1, int _ob_a2, double _ob_a3, double _ob_a4, int _ob_a5, double _ob_a6)
ImageRep HxConvGauss3d (ImageRep _ob_a0, double _ob_a1, int _ob_a2, double _ob_a3, double _ob_a4, int _ob_a5, double _ob_a6, double _ob_a7, int _ob_a8, double _ob_a9)
ImageRep HxConvKernelSeparated (ImageRep _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1, ResultPrecision _ob_a2)
ImageRep HxConvKernelSeparated2d (ImageRep _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1, ImageRep _ob_a2, ResultPrecision _ob_a3)
ImageRep HxConvolution (ImageRep _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1, ResultPrecision _ob_a2)
ImageRep HxDefuz (ImageRep _ob_a0, int _ob_a1, int _ob_a2, double _ob_a3)
ImageRep HxDistanceTransform (ImageRep _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxGauss (ImageRep _ob_a0, double _ob_a1, double _ob_a2)
ImageRep HxGaussDerivative2d (ImageRep _ob_a0, double _ob_a1, int _ob_a2, int _ob_a3, double _ob_a4)
ImageRep HxGaussDerivative3d (ImageRep _ob_a0, double _ob_a1, int _ob_a2, int _ob_a3, int _ob_a4, double _ob_a5)
ImageRep HxGaussianDeblur (ImageRep _ob_a0, double _ob_a1, double _ob_a2)
ImageRep HxKuwahara (ImageRep _ob_a0, int _ob_a1, int _ob_a2)
ImageRep HxLocalMode (ImageRep _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1, int _ob_a2, double _ob_a3, double _ob_a4, double _ob_a5, Sizes _ob_a6)
ImageRep HxNormalizedCorrelation (ImageRep _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxPercentile (ImageRep _ob_a0, int _ob_a1, double _ob_a2)
ImageRep HxRecGabor (ImageRep _ob_a0, double _ob_a1, double _ob_a2, double _ob_a3)
ImageRep HxRecGauss (ImageRep _ob_a0, double _ob_a1, double _ob_a2, int _ob_a3, int _ob_a4, int _ob_a5)
ImageRep HxUniform (ImageRep _ob_a0, Sizes _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxUniformNonSep (ImageRep _ob_a0, Sizes _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxMakeFrom2Images (ImageRep _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxMakeFrom3Images (ImageRep _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1, ImageRep _ob_a2)
ImageRep HxMakeFromByteData (int _ob_a0, int _ob_a1, Sizes _ob_a2, byte[] _ob_a3)
ImageRep HxMakeFromDoubleData (int _ob_a0, int _ob_a1, Sizes _ob_a2, double[] _ob_a3)
ImageRep HxMakeFromFile (String _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxMakeFromFloatData (int _ob_a0, int _ob_a1, Sizes _ob_a2, float[] _ob_a3)
ImageRep HxMakeFromGrayValue (ImageSignature _ob_a0, Sizes _ob_a1, byte[] _ob_a2)
ImageRep HxMakeFromImage (ImageSignature _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxMakeFromImport (ImageSignature _ob_a0, Sizes _ob_a1, String _ob_a2, TagList _ob_a3)
ImageRep HxMakeFromIntData (int _ob_a0, int _ob_a1, Sizes _ob_a2, int[] _ob_a3)
ImageRep HxMakeFromJavaRgb (ImageSignature _ob_a0, Sizes _ob_a1, int[] _ob_a2)
ImageRep HxMakeFromMatlab (ImageSignature _ob_a0, Sizes _ob_a1, double[] _ob_a2)
ImageRep HxMakeFromNamedGenerator (ImageSignature _ob_a0, String _ob_a1, TagList _ob_a2)
ImageRep HxMakeFromPpmPixels (ImageSignature _ob_a0, Sizes _ob_a1, byte[] _ob_a2)
ImageRep HxMakeFromShortData (int _ob_a0, int _ob_a1, Sizes _ob_a2, short[] _ob_a3)
ImageRep HxMakeFromSignature (ImageSignature _ob_a0, Sizes _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxMakeFromValue (ImageSignature _ob_a0, Sizes _ob_a1, PixValue _ob_a2)
ImageRep HxMakeGaussian1d (double _ob_a0, int _ob_a1, double _ob_a2, int _ob_a3, int _ob_a4)
ImageRep HxMakeParabola1d (double _ob_a0, double _ob_a1, int _ob_a2, int _ob_a3)
ImageRep[] HxImagesFromFile (String _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxExtend (ImageRep _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1, Point _ob_a2)
ImageRep HxExtendVal (ImageRep _ob_a0, Sizes _ob_a1, PixValue _ob_a2, Point _ob_a3)
ImageRep HxReflect (ImageRep _ob_a0, int _ob_a1, int _ob_a2, int _ob_a3)
ImageRep HxRestrict (ImageRep _ob_a0, Point _ob_a1, Point _ob_a2)
ImageRep HxRotate (ImageRep _ob_a0, double _ob_a1, GeoIntType _ob_a2, int _ob_a3, PixValue _ob_a4)
ImageRep HxScale (ImageRep _ob_a0, double _ob_a1, double _ob_a2, double _ob_a3, GeoIntType _ob_a4, int _ob_a5)
ImageRep HxTranslate (ImageRep _ob_a0, int _ob_a1, int _ob_a2, int _ob_a3)
ImageRep HxTranspose (ImageRep _ob_a0)
int HxImageMaxSize (ImageRep _ob_a0)
int HxImageMinSize (ImageRep _ob_a0)
PixValue HxIdentMaskMean (ImageRep _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1, Point _ob_a2, Sizes _ob_a3, int _ob_a4)
PixValue HxIdentMaskMedian (ImageRep _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1, Point _ob_a2, Sizes _ob_a3, int _ob_a4)
PixValue HxIdentMaskStDev (ImageRep _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1, Point _ob_a2, Sizes _ob_a3, int _ob_a4)
PixValue HxIdentMaskSum (ImageRep _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1, Point _ob_a2, Sizes _ob_a3, int _ob_a4)
PixValue HxIdentMaskVariance (ImageRep _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1, Point _ob_a2, Sizes _ob_a3, int _ob_a4)
PixValue HxWeightMaskSum (ImageRep _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1, Point _ob_a2)
ImageRep HxAreaClosing (ImageRep _ob_a0, int _ob_a1, int _ob_a2)
ImageRep HxAreaOpening (ImageRep _ob_a0, int _ob_a1, int _ob_a2)
ImageRep HxClosing (ImageRep _ob_a0, SF _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxClosingByReconstruction (ImageRep _ob_a0, SF _ob_a1, SF _ob_a2)
ImageRep HxClosingByReconstructionTopHat (ImageRep _ob_a0, SF _ob_a1, SF _ob_a2)
ImageRep HxClosingTopHat (ImageRep _ob_a0, SF _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxConditionalDilation (ImageRep _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1, SF _ob_a2, int _ob_a3)
ImageRep HxConditionalErosion (ImageRep _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1, SF _ob_a2, int _ob_a3)
ImageRep HxDilation (ImageRep _ob_a0, SF _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxDistanceTransformMM (ImageRep _ob_a0, SF _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxErosion (ImageRep _ob_a0, SF _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxGeodesicDistanceTransform (ImageRep _ob_a0, int _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxHilditchSkeleton (ImageRep _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxHitOrMiss (ImageRep _ob_a0, SF _ob_a1, SF _ob_a2)
ImageRep HxInfimumReconstruction (ImageRep _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1, SF _ob_a2)
ImageRep HxMorphologicalContour (ImageRep _ob_a0, SF _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxMorphologicalGradient (ImageRep _ob_a0, SF _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxMorphologicalGradient2 (ImageRep _ob_a0, SF _ob_a1, SF _ob_a2)
ImageRep HxOpening (ImageRep _ob_a0, SF _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxOpeningByReconstruction (ImageRep _ob_a0, SF _ob_a1, SF _ob_a2)
ImageRep HxOpeningByReconstructionTopHat (ImageRep _ob_a0, SF _ob_a1, SF _ob_a2)
ImageRep HxOpeningTopHat (ImageRep _ob_a0, SF _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxParabolicDilation (ImageRep _ob_a0, double _ob_a1, double _ob_a2)
ImageRep HxParabolicErosion (ImageRep _ob_a0, double _ob_a1, double _ob_a2)
ImageRep HxPeakRemoval (ImageRep _ob_a0, int _ob_a1, int _ob_a2)
ImageRep HxRegionalMaxima (ImageRep _ob_a0, int _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxRegionalMinima (ImageRep _ob_a0, int _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxSKIZ (ImageRep _ob_a0, int _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxSkeleton (ImageRep _ob_a0, SF _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxSupremumReconstruction (ImageRep _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1, SF _ob_a2)
ImageRep HxThickening (ImageRep _ob_a0, SF _ob_a1, SF _ob_a2)
ImageRep HxThinning (ImageRep _ob_a0, SF _ob_a1, SF _ob_a2)
ImageRep HxValleyRemoval (ImageRep _ob_a0, int _ob_a1, int _ob_a2)
ImageRep HxWatershed (ImageRep _ob_a0, int _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxWatershedMarkers (ImageRep _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1, int _ob_a2, boolean _ob_a3)
ImageRep HxWatershedMarkers2 (ImageRep _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1, int _ob_a2, boolean _ob_a3, int _ob_a4)
ImageRep HxWatershedSlow (ImageRep _ob_a0, SF _ob_a1, String _ob_a2)
ImageRep HxDisplayOF (ImageRep _ob_a0, int _ob_a1, int _ob_a2, double _ob_a3, double _ob_a4, int _ob_a5)
ImageRep HxOpticalFlow (ImageRep _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxOpticalFlowMultiScale (ImageRep _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxAddBinaryNoise (ImageRep _ob_a0, double _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxAddGaussianNoise (ImageRep _ob_a0, double _ob_a1, double _ob_a2)
ImageRep HxAddPoissonNoise (ImageRep _ob_a0, double _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxAddUniformNoise (ImageRep _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxContrastStretch (ImageRep _ob_a0, double _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxSetBorderValue (ImageRep _ob_a0, int _ob_a1, int _ob_a2, PixValue _ob_a3)
ImageRep HxSetPartImage (ImageRep _ob_a0, int _ob_a1, int _ob_a2, int _ob_a3, int _ob_a4, PixValue _ob_a5)
ImageRep HxSquaredDistance (ImageRep _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxBernsenThreshold (ImageRep _ob_a0, int _ob_a1, int _ob_a2, boolean _ob_a3)
ImageRep HxColorGaborSegmentation (ImageRep _ob_a0, ColorGaborSegmentationAlgorithm _ob_a1, ColorGaborSegmentationInvariant _ob_a2, double _ob_a3, double _ob_a4)
ImageRep HxEntropyThreshold (ImageRep _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxIsodataThreshold (ImageRep _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxLabel (ImageRep _ob_a0, int _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxLabel2 (ImageRep _ob_a0, int _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxThreshold (ImageRep _ob_a0, PixValue _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxTriStateThreshold (ImageRep _ob_a0, PixValue _ob_a1, PixValue _ob_a2, PixValue _ob_a3, PixValue _ob_a4)
boolean VxRelEquals (VxTimeSpan _ob_a0, VxTimeSpan _ob_a1)
boolean VxRelMeets (VxTimeSpan _ob_a0, VxTimeSpan _ob_a1)
boolean VxRelBefore (VxTimeSpan _ob_a0, VxTimeSpan _ob_a1)
boolean VxRelOverlaps (VxTimeSpan _ob_a0, VxTimeSpan _ob_a1)
boolean VxRelDur (VxTimeSpan _ob_a0, VxTimeSpan _ob_a1)
boolean VxRelCon (VxTimeSpan _ob_a0, VxTimeSpan _ob_a1)
boolean VxRelMeetsAnywhere (VxTimeSpan _ob_a0, VxTimeSpan _ob_a1)
boolean VxRelBeforeAfter (VxTimeSpan _ob_a0, VxTimeSpan _ob_a1)
boolean VxRelOverlapsAnywhere (VxTimeSpan _ob_a0, VxTimeSpan _ob_a1)
String VxRelAsString (VxTimeSpan _ob_a0, VxTimeSpan _ob_a1)
void HxIDBOpen (String _ob_a0, String _ob_a1)
String[] HxIDBRandom (String _ob_a0, int _ob_a1)
String[] HxIDBSearch (String _ob_a0, String _ob_a1, int _ob_a2)
void HxInvarOpenDB (String _ob_a0, String _ob_a1)
String[] HxInvarRandom (String _ob_a0, int _ob_a1)
String[] HxInvarSearch (ImageRep _ob_a0, String _ob_a1, int _ob_a2)
String[] HxInvarSearchHisto (Histogram[] _ob_a0, String _ob_a1, int _ob_a2)
double HxInvarMatchHistos (Histogram[] _ob_a0, Histogram[] _ob_a1)
void HxInvarIndexDB (String _ob_a0, String _ob_a1, String _ob_a2, double _ob_a3, int _ob_a4)
int HxInvarDBSize (String _ob_a0)
int HxInvarBinsPerHistogram (String _ob_a0)
int HxInvarChannels (String _ob_a0)
String[] HxInvarDBList (String _ob_a0)
float[] HxInvarGetHistos (String _ob_a0, String _ob_a1)
String[] HxInvarSearchKey (String _ob_a0, String _ob_a1, int _ob_a2)
double[] HxInvarScores (String _ob_a0, int _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxNJetInvarE (NJet _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxNJetInvarC (NJet _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxNJetInvarWw (NJet _ob_a0)
ImageRep HxNJetInvarCw (NJet _ob_a0)
Histogram[] HxNJetInvarEHisto (NJet _ob_a0, int _ob_a1)
Histogram[] HxNJetInvarCHisto (NJet _ob_a0, int _ob_a1)
Histogram[] HxNJetInvarWwHisto (NJet _ob_a0, int _ob_a1)
Histogram[] HxNJetInvarCwHisto (NJet _ob_a0, int _ob_a1)
Histogram[] HxInvarEHisto (ImageRep _ob_a0, double _ob_a1, int _ob_a2)
Histogram[] HxInvarCHisto (ImageRep _ob_a0, double _ob_a1, int _ob_a2)
Histogram[] HxInvarWwHisto (ImageRep _ob_a0, double _ob_a1, int _ob_a2)
Histogram[] HxInvarCwHisto (ImageRep _ob_a0, double _ob_a1, int _ob_a2)
double[][] HxNJetInvar (ImageRep _ob_a0, String _ob_a1, double _ob_a2, int _ob_a3)
ImageRep HxColorInvarEw (ImageRep _ob_a0, double _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxColorInvarWw (ImageRep _ob_a0, double _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxColorInvarCw (ImageRep _ob_a0, double _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxColorInvarNw (ImageRep _ob_a0, double _ob_a1)
ImageRep HxColorInvarHw (ImageRep _ob_a0, double _ob_a1)
void HxOpenTrecDB (String _ob_a0, String _ob_a1)
SegmentQueryResult[] HxTrecDemo (TrecFaceT _ob_a0, TrecYesNoT _ob_a1, TrecYesNoT _ob_a2, TrecCameraT _ob_a3, ImageRep _ob_a4)
void HxInitTrack (ImageSeq _ob_a0, int _ob_a1, int _ob_a2, int _ob_a3, int _ob_a4, int _ob_a5)
boolean HxDoTrack (int _ob_a0, org.omg.CORBA.IntHolder _ob_ah1, org.omg.CORBA.IntHolder _ob_ah2, org.omg.CORBA.IntHolder _ob_ah3, org.omg.CORBA.IntHolder _ob_ah4, org.omg.CORBA.BooleanHolder _ob_ah5)
void HxEndTrack ()
String MyStringFunction ()
MyMessage MyStringFunction2 ()
AapFeatures JmCalcAapFeatures (ImageRep _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1)

Static Public Attributes

final java.lang.Class _ob_opsClass = GlobalOpsOperations.class

Member Function Documentation

String [] _GlobalOpsStub::_ids   [inline]

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxAbs ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxCeil ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxComplement ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxExp ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxFloor ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxLog ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxLog10 ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxNegate ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxNorm1 ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxNorm2 ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxNormInf ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxProjectRange ImageRep    _ob_a0,
int    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxReciprocal ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxSqrt ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxRound ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxUnaryMax ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxUnaryMin ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxUnaryProduct ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxUnarySum ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxAcos ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxAsin ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxAtan ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxAtan2 ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxCos ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxCosh ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxSin ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxSinh ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxTan ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxTanh ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxArg ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxConjugate ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxAdd ImageRep    _ob_a0,
ImageRep    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxAddSat ImageRep    _ob_a0,
ImageRep    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxAnd ImageRep    _ob_a0,
ImageRep    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxCross ImageRep    _ob_a0,
ImageRep    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxDiv ImageRep    _ob_a0,
ImageRep    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxDot ImageRep    _ob_a0,
ImageRep    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxEqual ImageRep    _ob_a0,
ImageRep    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxGreaterEqual ImageRep    _ob_a0,
ImageRep    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxGreaterThan ImageRep    _ob_a0,
ImageRep    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxInf ImageRep    _ob_a0,
ImageRep    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxInverseProjectRange ImageRep    _ob_a0,
int    _ob_a1,
ImageRep    _ob_a2

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxLeftShift ImageRep    _ob_a0,
ImageRep    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxLessEqual ImageRep    _ob_a0,
ImageRep    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxLessThan ImageRep    _ob_a0,
ImageRep    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxMax ImageRep    _ob_a0,
ImageRep    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxMin ImageRep    _ob_a0,
ImageRep    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxMod ImageRep    _ob_a0,
ImageRep    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxMul ImageRep    _ob_a0,
ImageRep    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxNotEqual ImageRep    _ob_a0,
ImageRep    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxOr ImageRep    _ob_a0,
ImageRep    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxPow ImageRep    _ob_a0,
ImageRep    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxRightShift ImageRep    _ob_a0,
ImageRep    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxSub ImageRep    _ob_a0,
ImageRep    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxSubSat ImageRep    _ob_a0,
ImageRep    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxSup ImageRep    _ob_a0,
ImageRep    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxXor ImageRep    _ob_a0,
ImageRep    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxAddVal ImageRep    _ob_a0,
PixValue    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxAndVal ImageRep    _ob_a0,
PixValue    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxCrossVal ImageRep    _ob_a0,
PixValue    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxDivVal ImageRep    _ob_a0,
PixValue    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxDotVal ImageRep    _ob_a0,
PixValue    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxEqualVal ImageRep    _ob_a0,
PixValue    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxGreaterEqualVal ImageRep    _ob_a0,
PixValue    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxGreaterThanVal ImageRep    _ob_a0,
PixValue    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxInfVal ImageRep    _ob_a0,
PixValue    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxLeftShiftVal ImageRep    _ob_a0,
PixValue    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxLessEqualVal ImageRep    _ob_a0,
PixValue    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxLessThanVal ImageRep    _ob_a0,
PixValue    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxMaxVal ImageRep    _ob_a0,
PixValue    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxMinVal ImageRep    _ob_a0,
PixValue    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxModVal ImageRep    _ob_a0,
PixValue    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxMulVal ImageRep    _ob_a0,
PixValue    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxNotEqualVal ImageRep    _ob_a0,
PixValue    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxOrVal ImageRep    _ob_a0,
PixValue    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxPowVal ImageRep    _ob_a0,
PixValue    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxRightShiftVal ImageRep    _ob_a0,
PixValue    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxSubVal ImageRep    _ob_a0,
PixValue    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxSupVal ImageRep    _ob_a0,
PixValue    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxXorVal ImageRep    _ob_a0,
PixValue    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

PixValue _GlobalOpsStub::HxPixInf ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

PixValue _GlobalOpsStub::HxPixMax ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

PixValue _GlobalOpsStub::HxPixMin ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

PixValue _GlobalOpsStub::HxPixProduct ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

PixValue _GlobalOpsStub::HxPixSum ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

PixValue _GlobalOpsStub::HxPixSup ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxImageAsByte ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxImageAsDouble ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxImageAsFloat ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxImageAsShort ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxImageAsVec2Byte ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxImageAsVec2Double ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxImageAsVec2Float ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxImageAsVec2Int ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxImageAsVec2Short ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxImageAsVec3Byte ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxImageAsVec3Double ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxImageAsVec3Float ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxImageAsVec3Int ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxImageAsVec3Short ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxImageAsComplex ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxColorSpace ImageRep    _ob_a0,
ColorModel    _ob_a1,
ColorModel    _ob_a2

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxAffinePix ImageRep    _ob_a0,
PixValue    _ob_a1,
PixValue    _ob_a2,
PixValue    _ob_a3

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxRGB2Intensity ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

Histogram _GlobalOpsStub::HxGreyEdgeHistogram ImageRep    _ob_a0,
double    _ob_a1,
double    _ob_a2

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

Histogram _GlobalOpsStub::HxHistogramFromFile String    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

Histogram _GlobalOpsStub::HxImageToHistogram ImageRep    _ob_a0,
int    _ob_a1,
double    _ob_a2,
double    _ob_a3,
int    _ob_a4

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

Histogram _GlobalOpsStub::HxImageToHistogramMask ImageRep    _ob_a0,
int    _ob_a1,
double    _ob_a2,
double    _ob_a3,
int    _ob_a4,
ImageRep    _ob_a5,
int    _ob_a6

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

Blob2d [] _GlobalOpsStub::HxLabelBlobs ImageRep    _ob_a0,
ImageRep    _ob_a1,
int    _ob_a2

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxHighlightRegion ImageRep    _ob_a0,
ImageRep    _ob_a1,
int    _ob_a2,
double    _ob_a3

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

void _GlobalOpsStub::HxExportMatlabPixels ImageRep    _ob_a0,
DoubleSeqHolder    _ob_ah1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

boolean _GlobalOpsStub::HxWriteFile ImageRep    _ob_a0,
String    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

boolean _GlobalOpsStub::HxImagesToFile ImageRep    _ob_a0[],
String    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxCannyEdgeMap ImageRep    _ob_a0,
double    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxCannyThreshold ImageRep    _ob_a0,
double    _ob_a1,
double    _ob_a2

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxCannyThresholdAlt ImageRep    _ob_a0,
double    _ob_a1,
double    _ob_a2

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxCannyThresholdRec ImageRep    _ob_a0,
double    _ob_a1,
double    _ob_a2

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxConvGauss2d ImageRep    _ob_a0,
double    _ob_a1,
int    _ob_a2,
double    _ob_a3,
double    _ob_a4,
int    _ob_a5,
double    _ob_a6

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxConvGauss3d ImageRep    _ob_a0,
double    _ob_a1,
int    _ob_a2,
double    _ob_a3,
double    _ob_a4,
int    _ob_a5,
double    _ob_a6,
double    _ob_a7,
int    _ob_a8,
double    _ob_a9

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxConvKernelSeparated ImageRep    _ob_a0,
ImageRep    _ob_a1,
ResultPrecision    _ob_a2

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxConvKernelSeparated2d ImageRep    _ob_a0,
ImageRep    _ob_a1,
ImageRep    _ob_a2,
ResultPrecision    _ob_a3

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxConvolution ImageRep    _ob_a0,
ImageRep    _ob_a1,
ResultPrecision    _ob_a2

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxDefuz ImageRep    _ob_a0,
int    _ob_a1,
int    _ob_a2,
double    _ob_a3

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxDistanceTransform ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxGauss ImageRep    _ob_a0,
double    _ob_a1,
double    _ob_a2

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxGaussDerivative2d ImageRep    _ob_a0,
double    _ob_a1,
int    _ob_a2,
int    _ob_a3,
double    _ob_a4

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxGaussDerivative3d ImageRep    _ob_a0,
double    _ob_a1,
int    _ob_a2,
int    _ob_a3,
int    _ob_a4,
double    _ob_a5

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxGaussianDeblur ImageRep    _ob_a0,
double    _ob_a1,
double    _ob_a2

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxKuwahara ImageRep    _ob_a0,
int    _ob_a1,
int    _ob_a2

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxLocalMode ImageRep    _ob_a0,
ImageRep    _ob_a1,
int    _ob_a2,
double    _ob_a3,
double    _ob_a4,
double    _ob_a5,
Sizes    _ob_a6

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxNormalizedCorrelation ImageRep    _ob_a0,
ImageRep    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxPercentile ImageRep    _ob_a0,
int    _ob_a1,
double    _ob_a2

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxRecGabor ImageRep    _ob_a0,
double    _ob_a1,
double    _ob_a2,
double    _ob_a3

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxRecGauss ImageRep    _ob_a0,
double    _ob_a1,
double    _ob_a2,
int    _ob_a3,
int    _ob_a4,
int    _ob_a5

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxUniform ImageRep    _ob_a0,
Sizes    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxUniformNonSep ImageRep    _ob_a0,
Sizes    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxMakeFrom2Images ImageRep    _ob_a0,
ImageRep    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxMakeFrom3Images ImageRep    _ob_a0,
ImageRep    _ob_a1,
ImageRep    _ob_a2

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxMakeFromByteData int    _ob_a0,
int    _ob_a1,
Sizes    _ob_a2,
byte    _ob_a3[]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxMakeFromDoubleData int    _ob_a0,
int    _ob_a1,
Sizes    _ob_a2,
double    _ob_a3[]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxMakeFromFile String    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxMakeFromFloatData int    _ob_a0,
int    _ob_a1,
Sizes    _ob_a2,
float    _ob_a3[]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxMakeFromGrayValue ImageSignature    _ob_a0,
Sizes    _ob_a1,
byte    _ob_a2[]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxMakeFromImage ImageSignature    _ob_a0,
ImageRep    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxMakeFromImport ImageSignature    _ob_a0,
Sizes    _ob_a1,
String    _ob_a2,
TagList    _ob_a3

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxMakeFromIntData int    _ob_a0,
int    _ob_a1,
Sizes    _ob_a2,
int    _ob_a3[]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxMakeFromJavaRgb ImageSignature    _ob_a0,
Sizes    _ob_a1,
int    _ob_a2[]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxMakeFromMatlab ImageSignature    _ob_a0,
Sizes    _ob_a1,
double    _ob_a2[]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxMakeFromNamedGenerator ImageSignature    _ob_a0,
String    _ob_a1,
TagList    _ob_a2

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxMakeFromPpmPixels ImageSignature    _ob_a0,
Sizes    _ob_a1,
byte    _ob_a2[]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxMakeFromShortData int    _ob_a0,
int    _ob_a1,
Sizes    _ob_a2,
short    _ob_a3[]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxMakeFromSignature ImageSignature    _ob_a0,
Sizes    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxMakeFromValue ImageSignature    _ob_a0,
Sizes    _ob_a1,
PixValue    _ob_a2

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxMakeGaussian1d double    _ob_a0,
int    _ob_a1,
double    _ob_a2,
int    _ob_a3,
int    _ob_a4

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxMakeParabola1d double    _ob_a0,
double    _ob_a1,
int    _ob_a2,
int    _ob_a3

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep [] _GlobalOpsStub::HxImagesFromFile String    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxExtend ImageRep    _ob_a0,
ImageRep    _ob_a1,
Point    _ob_a2

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxExtendVal ImageRep    _ob_a0,
Sizes    _ob_a1,
PixValue    _ob_a2,
Point    _ob_a3

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxReflect ImageRep    _ob_a0,
int    _ob_a1,
int    _ob_a2,
int    _ob_a3

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxRestrict ImageRep    _ob_a0,
Point    _ob_a1,
Point    _ob_a2

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxRotate ImageRep    _ob_a0,
double    _ob_a1,
GeoIntType    _ob_a2,
int    _ob_a3,
PixValue    _ob_a4

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxScale ImageRep    _ob_a0,
double    _ob_a1,
double    _ob_a2,
double    _ob_a3,
GeoIntType    _ob_a4,
int    _ob_a5

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxTranslate ImageRep    _ob_a0,
int    _ob_a1,
int    _ob_a2,
int    _ob_a3

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxTranspose ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

int _GlobalOpsStub::HxImageMaxSize ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

int _GlobalOpsStub::HxImageMinSize ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

PixValue _GlobalOpsStub::HxIdentMaskMean ImageRep    _ob_a0,
ImageRep    _ob_a1,
Point    _ob_a2,
Sizes    _ob_a3,
int    _ob_a4

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

PixValue _GlobalOpsStub::HxIdentMaskMedian ImageRep    _ob_a0,
ImageRep    _ob_a1,
Point    _ob_a2,
Sizes    _ob_a3,
int    _ob_a4

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

PixValue _GlobalOpsStub::HxIdentMaskStDev ImageRep    _ob_a0,
ImageRep    _ob_a1,
Point    _ob_a2,
Sizes    _ob_a3,
int    _ob_a4

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

PixValue _GlobalOpsStub::HxIdentMaskSum ImageRep    _ob_a0,
ImageRep    _ob_a1,
Point    _ob_a2,
Sizes    _ob_a3,
int    _ob_a4

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

PixValue _GlobalOpsStub::HxIdentMaskVariance ImageRep    _ob_a0,
ImageRep    _ob_a1,
Point    _ob_a2,
Sizes    _ob_a3,
int    _ob_a4

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

PixValue _GlobalOpsStub::HxWeightMaskSum ImageRep    _ob_a0,
ImageRep    _ob_a1,
Point    _ob_a2

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxAreaClosing ImageRep    _ob_a0,
int    _ob_a1,
int    _ob_a2

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxAreaOpening ImageRep    _ob_a0,
int    _ob_a1,
int    _ob_a2

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxClosing ImageRep    _ob_a0,
SF    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxClosingByReconstruction ImageRep    _ob_a0,
SF    _ob_a1,
SF    _ob_a2

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxClosingByReconstructionTopHat ImageRep    _ob_a0,
SF    _ob_a1,
SF    _ob_a2

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxClosingTopHat ImageRep    _ob_a0,
SF    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxConditionalDilation ImageRep    _ob_a0,
ImageRep    _ob_a1,
SF    _ob_a2,
int    _ob_a3

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxConditionalErosion ImageRep    _ob_a0,
ImageRep    _ob_a1,
SF    _ob_a2,
int    _ob_a3

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxDilation ImageRep    _ob_a0,
SF    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxDistanceTransformMM ImageRep    _ob_a0,
SF    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxErosion ImageRep    _ob_a0,
SF    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxGeodesicDistanceTransform ImageRep    _ob_a0,
int    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxHilditchSkeleton ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxHitOrMiss ImageRep    _ob_a0,
SF    _ob_a1,
SF    _ob_a2

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxInfimumReconstruction ImageRep    _ob_a0,
ImageRep    _ob_a1,
SF    _ob_a2

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxMorphologicalContour ImageRep    _ob_a0,
SF    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxMorphologicalGradient ImageRep    _ob_a0,
SF    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxMorphologicalGradient2 ImageRep    _ob_a0,
SF    _ob_a1,
SF    _ob_a2

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxOpening ImageRep    _ob_a0,
SF    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxOpeningByReconstruction ImageRep    _ob_a0,
SF    _ob_a1,
SF    _ob_a2

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxOpeningByReconstructionTopHat ImageRep    _ob_a0,
SF    _ob_a1,
SF    _ob_a2

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxOpeningTopHat ImageRep    _ob_a0,
SF    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxParabolicDilation ImageRep    _ob_a0,
double    _ob_a1,
double    _ob_a2

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxParabolicErosion ImageRep    _ob_a0,
double    _ob_a1,
double    _ob_a2

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxPeakRemoval ImageRep    _ob_a0,
int    _ob_a1,
int    _ob_a2

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxRegionalMaxima ImageRep    _ob_a0,
int    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxRegionalMinima ImageRep    _ob_a0,
int    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxSKIZ ImageRep    _ob_a0,
int    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxSkeleton ImageRep    _ob_a0,
SF    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxSupremumReconstruction ImageRep    _ob_a0,
ImageRep    _ob_a1,
SF    _ob_a2

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxThickening ImageRep    _ob_a0,
SF    _ob_a1,
SF    _ob_a2

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxThinning ImageRep    _ob_a0,
SF    _ob_a1,
SF    _ob_a2

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxValleyRemoval ImageRep    _ob_a0,
int    _ob_a1,
int    _ob_a2

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxWatershed ImageRep    _ob_a0,
int    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxWatershedMarkers ImageRep    _ob_a0,
ImageRep    _ob_a1,
int    _ob_a2,
boolean    _ob_a3

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxWatershedMarkers2 ImageRep    _ob_a0,
ImageRep    _ob_a1,
int    _ob_a2,
boolean    _ob_a3,
int    _ob_a4

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxWatershedSlow ImageRep    _ob_a0,
SF    _ob_a1,
String    _ob_a2

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxDisplayOF ImageRep    _ob_a0,
int    _ob_a1,
int    _ob_a2,
double    _ob_a3,
double    _ob_a4,
int    _ob_a5

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxOpticalFlow ImageRep    _ob_a0,
ImageRep    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxOpticalFlowMultiScale ImageRep    _ob_a0,
ImageRep    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxAddBinaryNoise ImageRep    _ob_a0,
double    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxAddGaussianNoise ImageRep    _ob_a0,
double    _ob_a1,
double    _ob_a2

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxAddPoissonNoise ImageRep    _ob_a0,
double    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxAddUniformNoise ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxContrastStretch ImageRep    _ob_a0,
double    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxSetBorderValue ImageRep    _ob_a0,
int    _ob_a1,
int    _ob_a2,
PixValue    _ob_a3

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxSetPartImage ImageRep    _ob_a0,
int    _ob_a1,
int    _ob_a2,
int    _ob_a3,
int    _ob_a4,
PixValue    _ob_a5

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxSquaredDistance ImageRep    _ob_a0,
ImageRep    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxBernsenThreshold ImageRep    _ob_a0,
int    _ob_a1,
int    _ob_a2,
boolean    _ob_a3

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxColorGaborSegmentation ImageRep    _ob_a0,
ColorGaborSegmentationAlgorithm    _ob_a1,
ColorGaborSegmentationInvariant    _ob_a2,
double    _ob_a3,
double    _ob_a4

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxEntropyThreshold ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxIsodataThreshold ImageRep    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxLabel ImageRep    _ob_a0,
int    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxLabel2 ImageRep    _ob_a0,
int    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxThreshold ImageRep    _ob_a0,
PixValue    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxTriStateThreshold ImageRep    _ob_a0,
PixValue    _ob_a1,
PixValue    _ob_a2,
PixValue    _ob_a3,
PixValue    _ob_a4

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

boolean _GlobalOpsStub::VxRelEquals VxTimeSpan    _ob_a0,
VxTimeSpan    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

boolean _GlobalOpsStub::VxRelMeets VxTimeSpan    _ob_a0,
VxTimeSpan    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

boolean _GlobalOpsStub::VxRelBefore VxTimeSpan    _ob_a0,
VxTimeSpan    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

boolean _GlobalOpsStub::VxRelOverlaps VxTimeSpan    _ob_a0,
VxTimeSpan    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

boolean _GlobalOpsStub::VxRelDur VxTimeSpan    _ob_a0,
VxTimeSpan    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

boolean _GlobalOpsStub::VxRelCon VxTimeSpan    _ob_a0,
VxTimeSpan    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

boolean _GlobalOpsStub::VxRelMeetsAnywhere VxTimeSpan    _ob_a0,
VxTimeSpan    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

boolean _GlobalOpsStub::VxRelBeforeAfter VxTimeSpan    _ob_a0,
VxTimeSpan    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

boolean _GlobalOpsStub::VxRelOverlapsAnywhere VxTimeSpan    _ob_a0,
VxTimeSpan    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

String _GlobalOpsStub::VxRelAsString VxTimeSpan    _ob_a0,
VxTimeSpan    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

void _GlobalOpsStub::HxIDBOpen String    _ob_a0,
String    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

String [] _GlobalOpsStub::HxIDBRandom String    _ob_a0,
int    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

String [] _GlobalOpsStub::HxIDBSearch String    _ob_a0,
String    _ob_a1,
int    _ob_a2

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

void _GlobalOpsStub::HxInvarOpenDB String    _ob_a0,
String    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

String [] _GlobalOpsStub::HxInvarRandom String    _ob_a0,
int    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

String [] _GlobalOpsStub::HxInvarSearch ImageRep    _ob_a0,
String    _ob_a1,
int    _ob_a2

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

String [] _GlobalOpsStub::HxInvarSearchHisto Histogram    _ob_a0[],
String    _ob_a1,
int    _ob_a2

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

double _GlobalOpsStub::HxInvarMatchHistos Histogram    _ob_a0[],
Histogram    _ob_a1[]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

void _GlobalOpsStub::HxInvarIndexDB String    _ob_a0,
String    _ob_a1,
String    _ob_a2,
double    _ob_a3,
int    _ob_a4

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

int _GlobalOpsStub::HxInvarDBSize String    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

int _GlobalOpsStub::HxInvarBinsPerHistogram String    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

int _GlobalOpsStub::HxInvarChannels String    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

String [] _GlobalOpsStub::HxInvarDBList String    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

float [] _GlobalOpsStub::HxInvarGetHistos String    _ob_a0,
String    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

String [] _GlobalOpsStub::HxInvarSearchKey String    _ob_a0,
String    _ob_a1,
int    _ob_a2

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

double [] _GlobalOpsStub::HxInvarScores String    _ob_a0,
int    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxNJetInvarE NJet    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxNJetInvarC NJet    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxNJetInvarWw NJet    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxNJetInvarCw NJet    _ob_a0 [inline]

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

Histogram [] _GlobalOpsStub::HxNJetInvarEHisto NJet    _ob_a0,
int    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

Histogram [] _GlobalOpsStub::HxNJetInvarCHisto NJet    _ob_a0,
int    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

Histogram [] _GlobalOpsStub::HxNJetInvarWwHisto NJet    _ob_a0,
int    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

Histogram [] _GlobalOpsStub::HxNJetInvarCwHisto NJet    _ob_a0,
int    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

Histogram [] _GlobalOpsStub::HxInvarEHisto ImageRep    _ob_a0,
double    _ob_a1,
int    _ob_a2

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

Histogram [] _GlobalOpsStub::HxInvarCHisto ImageRep    _ob_a0,
double    _ob_a1,
int    _ob_a2

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

Histogram [] _GlobalOpsStub::HxInvarWwHisto ImageRep    _ob_a0,
double    _ob_a1,
int    _ob_a2

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

Histogram [] _GlobalOpsStub::HxInvarCwHisto ImageRep    _ob_a0,
double    _ob_a1,
int    _ob_a2

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

double [][] _GlobalOpsStub::HxNJetInvar ImageRep    _ob_a0,
String    _ob_a1,
double    _ob_a2,
int    _ob_a3

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxColorInvarEw ImageRep    _ob_a0,
double    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxColorInvarWw ImageRep    _ob_a0,
double    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxColorInvarCw ImageRep    _ob_a0,
double    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxColorInvarNw ImageRep    _ob_a0,
double    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

ImageRep _GlobalOpsStub::HxColorInvarHw ImageRep    _ob_a0,
double    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from GlobalOpsOperations.

void _GlobalOpsStub::HxOpenTrecDB String    _ob_a0,
String    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from UserOpsOperations.

SegmentQueryResult [] _GlobalOpsStub::HxTrecDemo TrecFaceT    _ob_a0,
TrecYesNoT    _ob_a1,
TrecYesNoT    _ob_a2,
TrecCameraT    _ob_a3,
ImageRep    _ob_a4

Reimplemented from UserOpsOperations.

void _GlobalOpsStub::HxInitTrack ImageSeq    _ob_a0,
int    _ob_a1,
int    _ob_a2,
int    _ob_a3,
int    _ob_a4,
int    _ob_a5

Reimplemented from UserOpsOperations.

boolean _GlobalOpsStub::HxDoTrack int    _ob_a0,
org.omg.CORBA.IntHolder    _ob_ah1,
org.omg.CORBA.IntHolder    _ob_ah2,
org.omg.CORBA.IntHolder    _ob_ah3,
org.omg.CORBA.IntHolder    _ob_ah4,
org.omg.CORBA.BooleanHolder    _ob_ah5

Reimplemented from UserOpsOperations.

void _GlobalOpsStub::HxEndTrack   [inline]

Reimplemented from UserOpsOperations.

String _GlobalOpsStub::MyStringFunction   [inline]

Reimplemented from UserOpsOperations.

MyMessage _GlobalOpsStub::MyStringFunction2   [inline]

Reimplemented from UserOpsOperations.

AapFeatures _GlobalOpsStub::JmCalcAapFeatures ImageRep    _ob_a0,
ImageRep    _ob_a1

Reimplemented from UserOpsOperations.

Member Data Documentation

final java.lang.Class _GlobalOpsStub::_ob_opsClass = GlobalOpsOperations.class [static]

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated on Tue Feb 3 14:17:27 2004 for JavaBinding by doxygen1.2.12 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001