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HxHistogram Class Reference

Class definition of histogram. More...

#include <HxHistogram.h>

List of all members.

Public Methods

 HxHistogram ()
 Construct an empty histogram. More...

 HxHistogram (const HxHistogram &)
 Copy constructor. More...

 HxHistogram (int dimSize)
 Construct a 1D histogram with a range from 0 to dimSize - 1 and a binWidth of 1. More...

 HxHistogram (int dimSize1, int dimSize2)
 Construct a 2D histogram with a range from 0 to dimSize - 1 and a binWidth of 1 in each dimension. More...

 HxHistogram (int dimSize1, int dimSize2, int dimSize3)
 Construct a 3D histogram with a range from 0 to dimSize - 1 and a binWidth of 1 in each dimension. More...

 HxHistogram (HxValueType dataType, int dimensions, int dimSize1, int dimSize2=0, int dimSize3=0)
 Construct Histogram with given data type and number of dimensions. More...

 HxHistogram (HxValueType dataType, int dimensions, double lowBin1, double highBin1, int nBins1, double lowBin2, double highBin2, int nBins2, double lowBin3, double highBin3, int nBins3)
 Construct a Histogram with given parameters. More...

 HxHistogram (HxString filename)
 Read a Histogram from disk. More...

 ~HxHistogram ()
 Destructor. More...

HxHistogram & operator= (const HxHistogram &)
 Assignment operator. More...

int isNull () const
 Indicates wether this is a valid histogram. More...

 operator int () const
 Indicates wether this is a valid histogram. More...

int ident () const
 The unique identifier of the histogram. More...

HxValueType dataType () const
 The data value type. More...

int dimensionality () const
 The number of dimensions of the histogram. More...

int dimensionSize (int dim) const
 The size of the histogram in the i-th dimension. More...

int nrOfBins () const
 The total size of the histogram. More...

double lowBin (int dim) const
 The lowest bin in the i-th dimension. More...

double highBin (int dim) const
 The highest bin in the i-th dimension. More...

double binWidth (int dim) const
 The bin width in the i-th dimension. More...

double binToValue (int bin, int dimension) const
 Translate bin to value. More...

int valueToBin (double value, int dimension) const
 Translate value to bin. More...

int valueToBin (double val) const
 Translate value to bin for 1D case. More...

int clipBin (int bin) const
 clip a bin index into the histogram [0:nrbins-1]. More...

double get (int bin1) const
 Get the number of elements in the given bin. More...

double get (int bin1, int bin2) const
 Get the number of elements in the given bin. More...

double get (int bin1, int bin2, int bin3) const
 Get the number of elements in the given bin. More...

Checked modification
void insertValChecked (int val)
 Insert value in 1D histogram. More...

void insertValChecked (double val)
 Insert value in 1D histogram. More...

void insertValChecked (HxScalarInt val)
 Insert value in 1D histogram. More...

void insertValChecked (HxScalarDouble val)
 Insert value in 1D histogram. More...

void insertValChecked (HxVec2Int val)
 Insert value in 2D histogram. More...

void insertValChecked (HxVec2Double val)
 Insert value in 2D histogram. More...

void insertValChecked (HxVec3Int val)
 Insert value in 3D histogram. More...

void insertValChecked (HxVec3Double val)
 Insert value in 3D histogram. More...

void incBinChecked (int bin)
 Increment the given bin. More...

void incBinChecked (int bin1, int bin2)
 Increment the given bin. More...

void incBinChecked (int bin1, int bin2, int bin3)
 Increment the given bin. More...

Unchecked modification
void insertVal (int val)
 Insert value in 1D histogram. More...

void insertVal (double val)
 Insert value in 1D histogram. More...

void insertVal (double val, double sigma)
 Kernel Density Estimator. More...

void insertVal (HxScalarInt val)
 Insert value in 1D histogram. More...

void insertVal (HxScalarDouble val)
 Insert value in 1D histogram. More...

void insertVal (HxVec2Int val)
 Insert value in 2D histogram. More...

void insertVal (HxVec2Double val)
 Insert value in 2D histogram. More...

void insertVal (HxVec3Int val)
 Insert value in 3D histogram. More...

void insertVal (HxVec3Double val)
 Insert value in 3D histogram. More...

void incBin (int bin)
 Increment the given bin (assumes 1D histogram). More...

void incBin (int bin1, int bin2)
 Increment the given bin (assumes 2D histogram). More...

void incBin (int bin1, int bin2, int bin3)
 Increment the given bin (assumes 3D histogram). More...

void setBin (int bin1, long val)
 Reset the value of the given bin to val (assumes 1D histogram). More...

void setBin (int bin1, int bin2, long val)
 Reset the value of the given bin to val (assumes 2D histogram). More...

void setBin (int bin1, int bin2, int bin3, long val)
 Reset the value of the given bin to val (assumes 3D histogram). More...

void setBin (int bin1, double val)
 Reset the value of the given bin to val (assumes 1D histogram). More...

void setBin (int bin1, int bin2, double val)
 Reset the value of the given bin to val (assumes 2D histogram). More...

void setBin (int bin1, int bin2, int bin3, double val)
 Reset the value of the given bin to val (assumes 3D histogram). More...

HxHistogram smooth (double sigma=3.0)
 Smooth histogram data. More...

std::list< HxVec2Doublemodes ()
 Get histogram modes. More...

HxHistogram normalize (double weight=1.0)
 Normalize histogram data. More...

double sum () const
 The sum of the histogram. More...

double minVal () const
 The minimum number of elements in the histogram. More...

double minVal (int *index) const
 The minimum number of elements in the histogram. More...

double maxVal () const
 The maximum number of elements in the histogram. More...

double maxVal (int *index) const
 The maximum number of elements in the histogram. More...

double intersection (const HxHistogram &) const
 Intersection of histograms. More...

double chiSquare (const HxHistogram &) const
 Chi square intersection of histograms. More...

double chiSquareNorm (const HxHistogram &) const
 Normalized chi square intersection of histograms. More...

compute threshold value
int computeIsodataThreshold (void)
int computeEntropyThreshold (void)
HxHistogram convert (HxValueType dataType)
 convert dataType. More...

void getTheData (double *x, double *y)
 Fill the externally allocated buffer with data from this histogram. More...

void getTheData2 (double *x1, double *x2, double *y)
 Fill the externally allocated buffer with data from this histogram. More...

void getTheData3 (double *x1, double *x2, double *x3, double *y)
 Fill the externally allocated buffer with data from this histogram. More...

void getDataDouble (double *data)
 Fill the externally allocated buffer with data from this histogram. More...

void getDataInt (int *data)
 Fill the externally allocated buffer with data from this histogram. More...

void render3d (int *data, int dataWidth, int dataHeight, double elevation, double alpha, double threshold)
 Assume the histogram is a 3d rgb cube and render it for display in Java in the externally allocated data buffer. More...

STD_OSTREAM & put (STD_OSTREAM &, HxString delimit="") const
 Print histogram data in the given stream. More...

int write (HxString filename)
 Write histogram to disk. More...

Reduce operations
HxHistogram threshold (double valThreshold)
 Returns new histogram in which bins with count<=valThreshold are set to 0.0, bins with count>valThreshold keep original value. More...

int countBins (double valThreshold=0.0)
 Returns number of bins with count>valThreshold. More...

HxHistogram reduceRange (int binMin1, int binMax1=-1, int binMin2=0, int binMax2=-1, int binMin3=0, int binMax3=-1)
 Returns new histogram containing given range of bins only. More...

HxHistogram reduceRangeVal (double binValMin1, double binValMax1, double binValMin2=0, double binValMax2=0, double binValMin3=0, double binValMax3=0)
 Returns new histogram containing given range of values (mapped to bin numbers) only. More...

HxHistogram to1D (int dim=1)
 Projects n-dimensional (1<n<=3) histogram on a 1-D histogram for given dimension. More...

Detailed Description

Class definition of histogram.

The current implementation supports 1, 2, and 3 dimensional histograms with real-valued data (no integer data yet). For each dimension a range (lowB - highB) and a number of bins has to be specified (typically highB - lowB + 1 to get a binWidth of 1). The number of bins in a given dimension is known as the dimensionSize. The width of a bin is defined as (highB - lowB) / (nBins - 1). The first bin goes from lowB to lowB + binWidth, the last bin from highB to highB + binWidth.


Constructor & Destructor Documentation


Construct an empty histogram.

00073                          : _data(0)
00074 {
00075 }

HxHistogram::HxHistogram const HxHistogram &    rhs

Copy constructor.

00077                                                : _data(rhs._data)
00078 {
00079 }

HxHistogram::HxHistogram int    dimSize

Construct a 1D histogram with a range from 0 to dimSize - 1 and a binWidth of 1.

00082 {
00083     _data = new HxHistogramData(REAL_VALUE, 1,
00084                                 0, dimSize - 1, dimSize,
00085                                 0, 0, 0,
00086                                 0, 0, 0);
00087 }

HxHistogram::HxHistogram int    dimSize1,
int    dimSize2

Construct a 2D histogram with a range from 0 to dimSize - 1 and a binWidth of 1 in each dimension.

00090 {
00091     _data = new HxHistogramData(REAL_VALUE, 2,
00092                                 0, dimSize1 - 1, dimSize1,
00093                                 0, dimSize2 - 1, dimSize2,
00094                                 0, 0, 0);
00095 }

HxHistogram::HxHistogram int    dimSize1,
int    dimSize2,
int    dimSize3

Construct a 3D histogram with a range from 0 to dimSize - 1 and a binWidth of 1 in each dimension.

00098 {
00099     _data = new HxHistogramData(REAL_VALUE, 3,
00100                                 0, dimSize1 - 1, dimSize1,
00101                                 0, dimSize2 - 1, dimSize2,
00102                                 0, dimSize3 - 1, dimSize3);
00103 }

HxHistogram::HxHistogram HxValueType    dataType,
int    dimensions,
int    dimSize1,
int    dimSize2 = 0,
int    dimSize3 = 0

Construct Histogram with given data type and number of dimensions.

The range in a dimension is 0 to dimSize - 1, the binWidth is 1.

00107 {
00108     _data = new HxHistogramData(dataType, dimensions,
00109                                 0, dimSize1 - 1, dimSize1,
00110                                 0, dimSize2 - 1, dimSize2,
00111                                 0, dimSize3 - 1, dimSize3);
00112 }

HxHistogram::HxHistogram HxValueType    dataType,
int    dimensions,
double    lowBin1,
double    highBin1,
int    nBins1,
double    lowBin2,
double    highBin2,
int    nBins2,
double    lowBin3,
double    highBin3,
int    nBins3

Construct a Histogram with given parameters.

If dataType == INT\_VALUE parameters are casted.

00118 {
00119     _data = new HxHistogramData(dataType, dimensions,
00120                                 lowBin1, highBin1, nBins1,
00121                                 lowBin2, highBin2, nBins2,
00122                                 lowBin3, highBin3, nBins3);
00123 }

HxHistogram::HxHistogram HxString    filename

Read a Histogram from disk.

00130 {
00131     HxString name;
00132     FILE *fp;
00133     IOHEADER header;
00135     name = filename + ".hst";
00137     fp = fopen(name.c_str(), "rb");
00138     if (!fp)
00139         _data = 0;
00140     else {
00141         fread(&header, sizeof(header), 1, fp);
00143         _data = new HxHistogramData(header.dataType, header.dimensions,
00144                             header.lowBin1, header.highBin1, header.nBins1,
00145                             header.lowBin2, header.highBin2, header.nBins2,
00146                             header.lowBin3, header.highBin3, header.nBins3);
00148         if (_data->_dataType == REAL_VALUE)
00149             fread(_data->_bins.realValue, _data->_totSize,
00150                 sizeof(*(_data->_bins.realValue)), fp);
00151         else
00152             fread(_data->_bins.intValue, _data->_totSize,
00153                 sizeof(*(_data->_bins.intValue)), fp);
00154         fclose(fp);
00155     }
00156 }



00159 {
00160 }

Member Function Documentation

HxHistogram & HxHistogram::operator= const HxHistogram &    rhs

Assignment operator.

00171 {
00172     _data = rhs._data;
00173     return *this;
00174 }

int HxHistogram::isNull   const

Indicates wether this is a valid histogram.

00178 { 
00179     return _data ? 0 : 1; 
00180 }

HxHistogram::operator int   const

Indicates wether this is a valid histogram.

00184 { 
00185     return _data ? 1 : 0; 
00186 }

int HxHistogram::ident   const

The unique identifier of the histogram.

00190 { 
00191     return _data ? _data->_id : 0 ; 
00192 }

HxValueType HxHistogram::dataType   const

The data value type.


00196 {
00197     return _data ? _data->_dataType : INT_VALUE;
00198 }

int HxHistogram::dimensionality   const

The number of dimensions of the histogram.

00202 {
00203     return _data ? _data->_nDims : 0;
00204 }

int HxHistogram::dimensionSize int    dim const

The size of the histogram in the i-th dimension.

The first dimension has i = 1.

00208 {
00209     if (!_data)
00210         return 0;
00211     switch (dim) {
00212     case 1: return _data->_dimSize1;
00213     case 2: return _data->_dimSize2;
00214     case 3: return _data->_dimSize3;
00215     }
00216     return 0;
00217 }

int HxHistogram::nrOfBins   const

The total size of the histogram.

00221 {
00222     if (!_data)
00223         return 0;
00224     return _data->_totSize;
00225 }

double HxHistogram::lowBin int    dim const

The lowest bin in the i-th dimension.

00229 {
00230     if (!_data)
00231         return 0;
00232     switch (dim) {
00233     case 1: return _data->_lowBin1;
00234     case 2: return _data->_lowBin2;
00235     case 3: return _data->_lowBin3;
00236     }
00237     return 0;
00238 }

double HxHistogram::highBin int    dim const

The highest bin in the i-th dimension.

00242 {
00243     if (!_data)
00244         return 0;
00245     switch (dim) {
00246     case 1: return _data->_highBin1;
00247     case 2: return _data->_highBin2;
00248     case 3: return _data->_highBin3;
00249     }
00250     return 0;
00251 }

double HxHistogram::binWidth int    dim const

The bin width in the i-th dimension.

00255 {
00256     if (!_data)
00257         return 0;
00258     switch (dim) {
00259     case 1: return _data->_binWidth1;
00260     case 2: return _data->_binWidth2;
00261     case 3: return _data->_binWidth3;
00262     }
00263     return 0;
00264 }

double HxHistogram::binToValue int    bin,
int    dimension

Translate bin to value.

00268 {
00269     if (!_data)
00270         return 0;
00271     switch (dimension) {
00272     case 1: return (bin+0.5) * _data->_binWidth1 + _data->_lowBin1;
00273     case 2: return (bin+0.5) * _data->_binWidth2 + _data->_lowBin2;
00274     case 3: return (bin+0.5) * _data->_binWidth3 + _data->_lowBin3;
00275     }
00276     return 0;
00277 }

int HxHistogram::valueToBin double    val,
int    dimension
const [inline]

Translate value to bin.

00568 {
00569     if (!_data)
00570         return -1;
00571     switch (dimension) {
00572     case 1: return (int) ((val - _data->_lowRange1) * _data->_binFac1);
00573     case 2: return (int) ((val - _data->_lowRange2) * _data->_binFac2);
00574     case 3: return (int) ((val - _data->_lowRange3) * _data->_binFac3);
00575     }
00576     return -1;
00577 }

int HxHistogram::valueToBin double    val const [inline]

Translate value to bin for 1D case.

00581 {
00582     if (!_data)
00583         return -1;
00584     return (int) ((val - _data->_lowRange1) * _data->_binFac1);
00585 }

int HxHistogram::clipBin int    bin const [inline]

clip a bin index into the histogram [0:nrbins-1].

00589 {
00591     return (bin < 0) ? 0 : (bin > (nrOfBins()-1)) ? nrOfBins()-1 : bin;
00592 }

double HxHistogram::get int    bin1 const [inline]

Get the number of elements in the given bin.

00474 {
00475     return _data ? _data->getBin(bin1) : 0;
00476 }

double HxHistogram::get int    bin1,
int    bin2
const [inline]

Get the number of elements in the given bin.

00480 {
00481     return _data ? _data->getBin(bin2 * _data->_dimSize1 + bin1) : 0;
00482 }

double HxHistogram::get int    bin1,
int    bin2,
int    bin3
const [inline]

Get the number of elements in the given bin.

00486 {
00487     return _data ? _data->getBin((bin3 * _data->_dimSize2 + bin2) *
00488                                 _data->_dimSize1 + bin1) : 0;
00489 }

void HxHistogram::insertValChecked int    val

Insert value in 1D histogram.

00281 {
00282     if (_data && (_data->_nDims == 1))    
00283     {
00284         int bin = (int) ((val - _data->_lowRange1) * _data->_binFac1);
00285         if (bin >= _data->_dimSize1)
00286         {
00287             if (val==_data->_highBin1)
00288                 bin=_data->_dimSize1-1;
00289             else
00290                 return; // out of range, don't do anything
00291         }
00292         incBinChecked(bin);
00293     }
00294 }

void HxHistogram::insertValChecked double    val

Insert value in 1D histogram.

00298 {
00299     if (_data && (_data->_nDims == 1))
00300     {
00301         int bin = (int) ((val - _data->_lowRange1) * _data->_binFac1);
00302         if (bin >= _data->_dimSize1)
00303         {
00304             if (val==_data->_highBin1)
00305                 bin=_data->_dimSize1-1;
00306             else
00307                 return; // out of range, don't do anything
00308         }
00309         incBinChecked(bin);
00310     }
00311 }

void HxHistogram::insertValChecked HxScalarInt    val

Insert value in 1D histogram.

00315 {
00316     if (_data && (_data->_nDims == 1))
00317     {
00318         int bin = (int) ((val.x() - _data->_lowRange1) * _data->_binFac1);
00319         if (bin >= _data->_dimSize1)
00320         {
00321             if (val.x()==_data->_highBin1)
00322                 bin=_data->_dimSize1-1;
00323             else
00324                 return; // out of range, don't do anything
00325         }
00326         incBinChecked(bin);
00327     }
00328 }

void HxHistogram::insertValChecked HxScalarDouble    val

Insert value in 1D histogram.

00332 {
00333     if (_data && (_data->_nDims == 1))
00334     {
00335         int bin = (int) ((val.x() - _data->_lowRange1) * _data->_binFac1);
00336         if (bin >= _data->_dimSize1)
00337         {
00338             if (val.x()==_data->_highBin1)
00339                 bin=_data->_dimSize1-1;
00340             else
00341                 return; // out of range, don't do anything
00342         }
00343         incBinChecked(bin);
00344     }
00345 }

void HxHistogram::insertValChecked HxVec2Int    val

Insert value in 2D histogram.

00349 {
00350     if (_data && (_data->_nDims == 2))
00351     {
00352         int bin1 = (int) ((val.x() - _data->_lowRange1) * _data->_binFac1);
00353         if (bin1 >= _data->_dimSize1)
00354         {
00355             if (val.x()==_data->_highBin1)
00356                 bin1=_data->_dimSize1-1;
00357             else
00358                 return; // out of range, don't do anything
00359         }
00360         int bin2 = (int) ((val.y() - _data->_lowRange2) * _data->_binFac2);
00361         if (bin2 >= _data->_dimSize2)
00362         {
00363             if (val.y()==_data->_highBin2)
00364                 bin2=_data->_dimSize2-1;
00365             else
00366                 return; // out of range, don't do anything
00367         }
00368         incBinChecked(bin1,bin2);
00369     }
00370 }

void HxHistogram::insertValChecked HxVec2Double    val

Insert value in 2D histogram.

00374 {
00375     if (_data && (_data->_nDims == 2))
00376     {
00377         int bin1 = (int) ((val.x() - _data->_lowRange1) * _data->_binFac1);
00378         if (bin1 >= _data->_dimSize1)
00379         {
00380             if (val.x()==_data->_highBin1)
00381                 bin1=_data->_dimSize1-1;
00382             else
00383                 return; // out of range, don't do anything
00384         }
00385         int bin2 = (int) ((val.y() - _data->_lowRange2) * _data->_binFac2);
00386         if (bin2 >= _data->_dimSize2)
00387         {
00388             if (val.y()==_data->_highBin2)
00389                 bin2=_data->_dimSize2-1;
00390             else
00391                 return; // out of range, don't do anything
00392         }
00393         incBinChecked(bin1,bin2);
00394     }
00395 }

void HxHistogram::insertValChecked HxVec3Int    val

Insert value in 3D histogram.

00399 {
00400     if (_data && (_data->_nDims == 3))
00401     {
00402         int bin1 = (int) ((val.x() - _data->_lowRange1) * _data->_binFac1);
00403         if (bin1 >= _data->_dimSize1)
00404         {
00405             if (val.x()==_data->_highBin1)
00406                 bin1=_data->_dimSize1-1;
00407             else
00408                 return; // out of range, don't do anything
00409         }
00410         int bin2 = (int) ((val.y() - _data->_lowRange2) * _data->_binFac2);
00411         if (bin2 >= _data->_dimSize2)
00412         {
00413             if (val.y()==_data->_highBin2)
00414                 bin2=_data->_dimSize2-1;
00415             else
00416                 return; // out of range, don't do anything
00417         }
00418         int bin3 = (int) ((val.z() - _data->_lowRange3) * _data->_binFac3);
00419         if (bin3 >= _data->_dimSize3)
00420         {
00421             if (val.z()==_data->_highBin3)
00422                 bin3=_data->_dimSize3-1;
00423             else
00424                 return; // out of range, don't do anything
00425         }
00426         incBin(bin1,bin2,bin3);
00427     }
00428 }

void HxHistogram::insertValChecked HxVec3Double    val

Insert value in 3D histogram.

00432 {
00433     if (_data && (_data->_nDims == 3))
00434     {
00435         int bin1 = (int) ((val.x() - _data->_lowRange1) * _data->_binFac1);
00436         if (bin1 >= _data->_dimSize1)
00437         {
00438             if (val.x()==_data->_highBin1)
00439                 bin1=_data->_dimSize1-1;
00440             else
00441                 return; // out of range, don't do anything
00442         }
00443         int bin2 = (int) ((val.y() - _data->_lowRange2) * _data->_binFac2);
00444         if (bin2 >= _data->_dimSize2)
00445         {
00446             if (val.y()==_data->_highBin2)
00447                 bin2=_data->_dimSize2-1;
00448             else
00449                 return; // out of range, don't do anything
00450         }
00451         int bin3 = (int) ((val.z() - _data->_lowRange3) * _data->_binFac3);
00452         if (bin3 >= _data->_dimSize3)
00453         {
00454             if (val.z()==_data->_highBin3)
00455                 bin3=_data->_dimSize3-1;
00456             else
00457                 return; // out of range, don't do anything
00458         }
00459         incBin(bin1,bin2,bin3);
00460     }
00461 }

void HxHistogram::incBinChecked int    bin

Increment the given bin.

Checks whether this is a 1D histogram and preserves reference count. Values outside the histogram range are ignored.

00465 {
00466     if (_data) {
00467         if ((_data->_nDims == 1) &&
00468                 (bin >= 0) && (bin < _data->_dimSize1)) {
00469             _data->getUnshared();
00470             _data->incBin(bin);
00471         }
00472     }
00473 }

void HxHistogram::incBinChecked int    bin1,
int    bin2

Increment the given bin.

Checks whether this is a 2D histogram and preserves reference count. Values outside the histogram range are ignored.

00477 {
00478     if (_data) {
00479         if ((_data->_nDims == 2) &&
00480                 (bin1 >= 0) && (bin1 < _data->_dimSize1) &&
00481                 (bin2 >= 0) && (bin2 < _data->_dimSize2)) {
00482             _data->getUnshared();
00483             _data->incBin(bin2 * _data->_dimSize1 + bin1);
00484         }
00485     }
00486 }

void HxHistogram::incBinChecked int    bin1,
int    bin2,
int    bin3

Increment the given bin.

Checks whether this is a 3D histogram and preserves reference count. Values outside the histogram range are ignored.

00490 {
00491     if (_data) {
00492         if ((_data->_nDims == 3) &&
00493                 (bin1 >= 0) && (bin1 < _data->_dimSize1) &&
00494                 (bin2 >= 0) && (bin2 < _data->_dimSize2) &&
00495                 (bin3 >= 0) && (bin3 < _data->_dimSize3)) {
00496             _data->getUnshared();
00497             _data->incBin((bin3 * _data->_dimSize2 + bin2) *
00498                          _data->_dimSize1 + bin1);
00499         }
00500     }
00501 }

void HxHistogram::insertVal int    val [inline]

Insert value in 1D histogram.

00596 {
00597     incBin(clipBin(valueToBin((double) val)));
00598 }

void HxHistogram::insertVal double    val [inline]

Insert value in 1D histogram.

00602 {
00603     incBin(clipBin(valueToBin(val)));
00604 }

void HxHistogram::insertVal double    val,
double    sigma

Kernel Density Estimator.

00506 {
00507     if (!_data || (_data->_dataType != REAL_VALUE))
00508         return;
00510     double ori = (val - _data->_lowBin1) / _data->_binWidth1;
00511     double s = sigma/_data->_binWidth1;
00512     double t, sat;
00514     int binmin = (int) (ori-3*s+0.5);
00515     int binmax = (int) (ori+3*s+0.5);
00516     int bin;
00518     if (binmin < 0)
00519         binmin = 0;
00521     /* gaussian mass left outside kernel */
00522     t = (ori-binmin+0.5)/(sqrt(2.0)*s);
00524     sat = erfc(t)*0.5;
00526     _data->_bins.realValue[binmin ? binmin-1 : 0] += sat;
00528     if (binmax >= _data->_dimSize1)
00529         binmax = _data->_dimSize1-1;
00531     /* gaussian mass right outside kernel */
00532     t = (binmax-ori+0.5)/(sqrt(2.0)*s);
00534     sat = erfc(t)*0.5;
00536     _data->_bins.realValue[binmax < _data->_dimSize1-1 ? binmax+1 : binmax]
00537         += sat;
00539     double a = 1./(sqrt(2*M_PI)*s);
00540     double b = -0.5/(s*s);
00542     for (bin=binmin; bin<=binmax; bin++) {
00543         double v = bin-ori;
00544         _data->_bins.realValue[bin] += a*exp(b*v*v);
00545     }
00546 }

void HxHistogram::insertVal HxScalarInt    val [inline]

Insert value in 1D histogram.

00608 {
00609     insertVal(val.x());
00610     return;
00611 }

void HxHistogram::insertVal HxScalarDouble    val [inline]

Insert value in 1D histogram.

00615 {
00616     insertVal(val.x());
00617     return;
00618 }

void HxHistogram::insertVal HxVec2Int    val [inline]

Insert value in 2D histogram.

00622 {
00623     int bin1 = (int) ((val.x() - _data->_lowRange1) * _data->_binFac1);
00624     if (bin1 >= _data->_dimSize1)
00625     {
00626         if (val.x()==_data->_highBin1)
00627             bin1=_data->_dimSize1-1;
00628         else
00629             return; // out of range, don't do anything
00630     }
00631     int bin2 = (int) ((val.y() - _data->_lowRange2) * _data->_binFac2);
00632     if (bin2 >= _data->_dimSize2)
00633     {
00634         if (val.y()==_data->_highBin2)
00635             bin2=_data->_dimSize2-1;
00636         else
00637             return; // out of range, don't do anything
00638     }
00639     incBin(bin1,bin2);      
00640 }

void HxHistogram::insertVal HxVec2Double    val [inline]

Insert value in 2D histogram.

00644 {
00645     int bin1 = (int) ((val.x() - _data->_lowRange1) * _data->_binFac1);
00646     if (bin1 >= _data->_dimSize1)
00647     {
00648         if (val.x()==_data->_highBin1)
00649             bin1=_data->_dimSize1-1;
00650         else
00651             return; // out of range, don't do anything
00652     }
00653     int bin2 = (int) ((val.y() - _data->_lowRange2) * _data->_binFac2);
00654     if (bin2 >= _data->_dimSize2)
00655     {
00656         if (val.y()==_data->_highBin2)
00657             bin2=_data->_dimSize2-1;
00658         else
00659             return; // out of range, don't do anything
00660     }
00661     incBin(bin1,bin2);
00662 }

void HxHistogram::insertVal HxVec3Int    val [inline]

Insert value in 3D histogram.

00666 {
00667     int bin1 = (int) ((val.x() - _data->_lowRange1) * _data->_binFac1);
00668     if (bin1 >= _data->_dimSize1)
00669     {
00670         if (val.x()==_data->_highBin1)
00671             bin1=_data->_dimSize1-1;
00672         else
00673             return; // out of range, don't do anything
00674     }
00675     int bin2 = (int) ((val.y() - _data->_lowRange2) * _data->_binFac2);
00676     if (bin2 >= _data->_dimSize2)
00677     {
00678         if (val.y()==_data->_highBin2)
00679             bin2=_data->_dimSize2-1;
00680         else
00681             return; // out of range, don't do anything
00682     }
00683     int bin3 = (int) ((val.z() - _data->_lowRange3) * _data->_binFac3);
00684     if (bin3 >= _data->_dimSize3)
00685     {
00686         if (val.z()==_data->_highBin3)
00687             bin3=_data->_dimSize3-1;
00688         else
00689             return; // out of range, don't do anything
00690     }
00691     incBin(bin1,bin2,bin3);
00692 }

void HxHistogram::insertVal HxVec3Double    val [inline]

Insert value in 3D histogram.

00696 {
00697     int bin1 = (int) ((val.x() - _data->_lowRange1) * _data->_binFac1);
00698     if (bin1 >= _data->_dimSize1)
00699     {
00700         if (val.x()==_data->_highBin1)
00701             bin1=_data->_dimSize1-1;
00702         else
00703             return; // out of range, don't do anything
00704     }
00705     int bin2 = (int) ((val.y() - _data->_lowRange2) * _data->_binFac2);
00706     if (bin2 >= _data->_dimSize2)
00707     {
00708         if (val.y()==_data->_highBin2)
00709             bin2=_data->_dimSize2-1;
00710         else
00711             return; // out of range, don't do anything
00712     }
00713     int bin3 = (int) ((val.z() - _data->_lowRange3) * _data->_binFac3);
00714     if (bin3 >= _data->_dimSize3)
00715     {
00716         if (val.z()==_data->_highBin3)
00717             bin3=_data->_dimSize3-1;
00718         else
00719             return; // out of range, don't do anything
00720     }
00721     incBin(bin1,bin2,bin3);
00722 }

void HxHistogram::incBin int    bin [inline]

Increment the given bin (assumes 1D histogram).

Values outside the histogram range are ignored.

00493 {
00494     if ((bin >= 0) && (bin < _data->_dimSize1))
00495         _data->incBin(bin);
00496 }

void HxHistogram::incBin int    bin1,
int    bin2

Increment the given bin (assumes 2D histogram).

Values outside the histogram range are ignored.

00500 {
00501     if ((bin1 >= 0) && (bin1 < _data->_dimSize1) &&
00502             (bin2 >= 0) && (bin2 < _data->_dimSize2))
00503         _data->incBin(bin2 * _data->_dimSize1 + bin1);
00504 }

void HxHistogram::incBin int    bin1,
int    bin2,
int    bin3

Increment the given bin (assumes 3D histogram).

Values outside the histogram range are ignored.

00508 {
00509     if ((bin1 >= 0) && (bin1 < _data->_dimSize1) &&
00510             (bin2 >= 0) && (bin2 < _data->_dimSize2) &&
00511             (bin3 >= 0) && (bin3 < _data->_dimSize3))
00512         _data->incBin((bin3 * _data->_dimSize2 + bin2) *
00513                      _data->_dimSize1 + bin1);
00514 }

void HxHistogram::setBin int    bin1,
long    val

Reset the value of the given bin to val (assumes 1D histogram).

Values outside the histogram range are ignored.

00518 {
00519     if ((bin1 >= 0) && (bin1 < _data->_dimSize1))           
00520         _data->setBin(bin1, val);
00521 }

void HxHistogram::setBin int    bin1,
int    bin2,
long    val

Reset the value of the given bin to val (assumes 2D histogram).

Values outside the histogram range are ignored.

00525 {
00526     if ((bin1 >= 0) && (bin1 < _data->_dimSize1) &&
00527             (bin2 >= 0) && (bin2 < _data->_dimSize2))
00528         _data->setBin(bin2 * _data->_dimSize1 + bin1, val);
00529 }

void HxHistogram::setBin int    bin1,
int    bin2,
int    bin3,
long    val

Reset the value of the given bin to val (assumes 3D histogram).

Values outside the histogram range are ignored.

00533 {
00534     if ((bin1 >= 0) && (bin1 < _data->_dimSize1) &&
00535             (bin2 >= 0) && (bin2 < _data->_dimSize2) &&
00536             (bin3 >= 0) && (bin3 < _data->_dimSize3))
00537         _data->setBin((bin3 * _data->_dimSize2 + bin2) *
00538                      _data->_dimSize1 + bin1, val);
00539 }

void HxHistogram::setBin int    bin1,
double    val

Reset the value of the given bin to val (assumes 1D histogram).

Values outside the histogram range are ignored.

00543 {
00544     if ((bin1 >= 0) && (bin1 < _data->_dimSize1))           
00545         _data->setBin(bin1, val);
00546 }

void HxHistogram::setBin int    bin1,
int    bin2,
double    val

Reset the value of the given bin to val (assumes 2D histogram).

Values outside the histogram range are ignored.

00550 {
00551     if ((bin1 >= 0) && (bin1 < _data->_dimSize1) &&
00552             (bin2 >= 0) && (bin2 < _data->_dimSize2))
00553         _data->setBin(bin2 * _data->_dimSize1 + bin1, val);
00554 }

void HxHistogram::setBin int    bin1,
int    bin2,
int    bin3,
double    val

Reset the value of the given bin to val (assumes 3D histogram).

Values outside the histogram range are ignored.

00558 {
00559     if ((bin1 >= 0) && (bin1 < _data->_dimSize1) &&
00560             (bin2 >= 0) && (bin2 < _data->_dimSize2) &&
00561             (bin3 >= 0) && (bin3 < _data->_dimSize3))
00562         _data->setBin((bin3 * _data->_dimSize2 + bin2) *
00563                      _data->_dimSize1 + bin1, val);
00564 }

HxHistogram HxHistogram::smooth double    sigma = 3.0

Smooth histogram data.

00550 {
00551     if (!_data)
00552         return HxHistogram();
00554     GaussIIR g(sigma);
00555     HxHistogramData *data = new HxHistogramData(REAL_VALUE, *_data);
00557     /* for now only works for 1D histogram */
00558     /* will be fixed when image processing works on sampled density fields */
00559     /* instead of HxImageRep only... */
00561 #ifndef _DEBUG
00562     g.lineFilter(data->_bins.realValue, data->_totSize);
00563 #endif
00565     return HxHistogram(data);
00566 }

std::list< HxVec2Double > HxHistogram::modes  

Get histogram modes.

00608 {
00609     HxHistogramData *data = (_data->_dataType != REAL_VALUE) ?
00610         new HxHistogramData(REAL_VALUE, *_data) : _data.pointee();
00614     /* for now only works for 1D histogram */
00615     /* will be fixed when image processing works on sampled density fields */
00616     /* instead of HxImageRep only... */
00617     /* then, see PAMI 22(11), pp. 1318--1323, 2000 */
00619     data->getUnshared();
00620     std::list<MicrosoftListSortDoesntWork> l;
00622     /* maxima detection */
00623     double *ptr = data->_bins.realValue;
00624     double max = *ptr++;
00625     int dir = 1;
00626     for (int i=1; i < data->_totSize; i++) {
00627         double val = *ptr++;
00628         double grad = dir ? val-max : max-val;
00629         if (grad <= 0) {
00630             if (dir == 1) // maximum
00631                 l.push_back(MicrosoftListSortDoesntWork(binToValue(i-1,1), max));
00632             // else minimum
00633             dir = dir ? 0 : 1;
00634         }
00635         max = val;
00636     }
00638     if (data != _data.pointee())
00639         delete data;
00641     l.sort();
00642     std::list<HxVec2Double> res;
00643     for (std::list<MicrosoftListSortDoesntWork>::iterator it = l.begin();
00644             it != l.end(); it++)
00645         res.push_back(HxVec2Double(*it));
00647     return res;
00648 }

HxHistogram HxHistogram::normalize double    weight = 1.0

Normalize histogram data.

00652 {
00653     if (!_data)
00654         return HxHistogram();
00655     HxHistogramData *data = new HxHistogramData(REAL_VALUE, *_data);
00657     int n = data->_totSize;
00658     double norm = sum() / weight;
00659     if (fabs(norm) > 0.0)
00660     {
00661         while (--n >= 0)
00662             data->_bins.realValue[n] /= norm;
00663         data->_sum = weight;
00664     }
00666     return HxHistogram(data);
00667 }

double HxHistogram::sum   const

The sum of the histogram.

00671 {
00672     if (!_data)
00673         return 0;
00674     int n = _data->_totSize;
00675     double s = 0;
00676     if (_data->_dataType == REAL_VALUE)
00677         while (--n >= 0)
00678             s += _data->_bins.realValue[n];
00679     else
00680         while (--n >= 0)
00681             s += _data->_bins.intValue[n];
00682     _data->_sum = s;
00683     return s;
00684 }

double HxHistogram::minVal   const

The minimum number of elements in the histogram.

00688 {
00689     if (!_data)
00690         return 0;
00691     int n = _data->_totSize;
00692     double m;
00693     if (_data->_dataType == REAL_VALUE) {
00694         m = _data->_bins.realValue[0];
00695         while (--n >= 0)
00696             if (_data->_bins.realValue[n] < m)
00697                 m = _data->_bins.realValue[n];
00698     }
00699     else {
00700         m = _data->_bins.intValue[0];
00701         while (--n >= 0)
00702             if (_data->_bins.intValue[n] < m)
00703                 m = _data->_bins.intValue[n];
00704     }
00705     return m;
00706 }

double HxHistogram::minVal int *    index const

The minimum number of elements in the histogram.

Index is the number of the bin at which the minimum number is first found.

00732 {
00733     if (!_data)
00734         return 0;
00735     int n = _data->_totSize;
00736     double m;
00737     *index = 0;
00738     if (_data->_dataType == REAL_VALUE) {
00739         m = _data->_bins.realValue[0];
00740         while (--n >= 0)
00741             if (_data->_bins.realValue[n] < m) {
00742                 m = _data->_bins.realValue[n];
00743                 *index = n;
00744             }
00745     }
00746     else {
00747         m = _data->_bins.intValue[0];
00748         while (--n >= 0)
00749             if (_data->_bins.intValue[n] < m) {
00750                 m = _data->_bins.intValue[n];
00751                 *index = n;
00752             }
00753     }
00754     return m;
00755 }

double HxHistogram::maxVal   const

The maximum number of elements in the histogram.

00710 {
00711     if (!_data)
00712         return 0;
00713     int n = _data->_totSize;
00714     double m;
00715     if (_data->_dataType == REAL_VALUE) {
00716         m = _data->_bins.realValue[0];
00717         while (--n >= 0)
00718             if (_data->_bins.realValue[n] > m)
00719                 m = _data->_bins.realValue[n];
00720     }
00721     else {
00722         m = _data->_bins.intValue[0];
00723         while (--n >= 0)
00724             if (_data->_bins.intValue[n] > m)
00725                 m = _data->_bins.intValue[n];
00726     }
00727     return m;
00728 }

double HxHistogram::maxVal int *    index const

The maximum number of elements in the histogram.

Index is the number of the bin at which the maximum number is first found.

00759 {
00760     if (!_data)
00761         return 0;
00762     int n = _data->_totSize;
00763     double m;
00764     *index = 0;
00765     if (_data->_dataType == REAL_VALUE) {
00766         m = _data->_bins.realValue[0];
00767         while (--n >= 0)
00768             if (_data->_bins.realValue[n] > m) {
00769                 m = _data->_bins.realValue[n];
00770                 *index = n;
00771             }
00772     }
00773     else {
00774         m = _data->_bins.intValue[0];
00775         while (--n >= 0)
00776             if (_data->_bins.intValue[n] > m) {
00777                 m = _data->_bins.intValue[n];
00778                 *index = n;
00779             }
00780     }
00781     return m;
00782 }

double HxHistogram::intersection const HxHistogram &    rhs const

Intersection of histograms.

00806 {
00807     if (!_data)
00808         return 0;
00809     if (!isEqualSize(rhs))
00810         return -1;
00811     int n = _data->_totSize;
00812     double s = 0;
00813     if (_data->_dataType == REAL_VALUE)
00814         if (rhs._data->_dataType == REAL_VALUE)
00815             s = ::intersect(_data->_bins.realValue, rhs._data->_bins.realValue, n);
00816         else
00817             s = ::intersect(_data->_bins.realValue, rhs._data->_bins.intValue, n);
00818     else
00819         if (rhs._data->_dataType == REAL_VALUE)
00820             s = ::intersect(_data->_bins.intValue, rhs._data->_bins.realValue, n);
00821         else
00822             s = ::intersect(_data->_bins.intValue, rhs._data->_bins.intValue, n);
00824     return s;
00825 }

double HxHistogram::chiSquare const HxHistogram &    rhs const

Chi square intersection of histograms.

00843 {
00844     if (!_data)
00845         return 0;
00846     if (!isEqualSize(rhs))
00847         return -1;
00848     int n = _data->_totSize;
00849     double s = 0;
00850     if (_data->_dataType == REAL_VALUE)
00851         if (rhs._data->_dataType == REAL_VALUE)
00852             s = ::chiSq(_data->_bins.realValue, rhs._data->_bins.realValue, n);
00853         else
00854             s = ::chiSq(_data->_bins.realValue, rhs._data->_bins.intValue, n);
00855     else
00856         if (rhs._data->_dataType == REAL_VALUE)
00857             s = ::chiSq(_data->_bins.intValue, rhs._data->_bins.realValue, n);
00858         else
00859             s = ::chiSq(_data->_bins.intValue, rhs._data->_bins.intValue, n);
00860     return s;
00861 }

double HxHistogram::chiSquareNorm const HxHistogram &    rhs const

Normalized chi square intersection of histograms.

00880 {
00881     if (!_data)
00882         return 0;
00883     if (!isEqualSize(rhs))
00884         return -1;
00885     int n = _data->_totSize;
00886     double s = 0;
00887     if (_data->_dataType == REAL_VALUE)
00888         if (rhs._data->_dataType == REAL_VALUE)
00889             s = ::chiSqNorm(_data->_bins.realValue, rhs._data->_bins.realValue, n);
00890         else
00891             s = ::chiSqNorm(_data->_bins.realValue, rhs._data->_bins.intValue, n);
00892     else
00893         if (rhs._data->_dataType == REAL_VALUE)
00894             s = ::chiSqNorm(_data->_bins.intValue, rhs._data->_bins.realValue, n);
00895         else
00896             s = ::chiSqNorm(_data->_bins.intValue, rhs._data->_bins.intValue, n);
00897     return s;
00898 }

HxHistogram HxHistogram::convert HxValueType    dataType

convert dataType.

00164 {
00165     HxHistogramData *data = new HxHistogramData(*_data);
00166     return HxHistogram(data);
00167 }

void HxHistogram::getTheData double *    x,
double *    y

Fill the externally allocated buffer with data from this histogram.

The pointer to x represents the bin value, y the bin count.

00902 {
00903     if (!_data)
00904         return;
00906     int n = 0;
00907     if (_data->_dataType == REAL_VALUE)
00908         for (int dim1=0 ; dim1<dimensionSize(1) ; dim1++) {
00909             x[n] = binToValue(dim1,1);
00910             y[n] = _data->_bins.realValue[dim1];
00911             n++;
00912         }
00913     else
00914         for (int dim1=0 ; dim1<dimensionSize(1) ; dim1++) {
00915             x[n] = binToValue(dim1,1);
00916             y[n] = _data->_bins.intValue[dim1];
00917             n++;
00918         }
00919 }

void HxHistogram::getTheData2 double *    x1,
double *    x2,
double *    y

Fill the externally allocated buffer with data from this histogram.

The pointer to x1,x2 represents the bin value, y the bin count.

00923 {
00924     if (!_data)
00925         return;
00927     int n = 0;
00928     if (_data->_dataType == REAL_VALUE)
00929         for (int dim2=0 ; dim2<dimensionSize(2) ; dim2++) {
00930             for (int dim1=0 ; dim1<dimensionSize(1) ; dim1++) {
00931                 x1[n] = binToValue(dim1,1);
00932                 x2[n] = binToValue(dim2,2);
00933                 y[n] = _data->_bins.realValue[dim2 * _data->_dimSize1
00934                            + dim1];
00935                 n++;
00936             }
00937         }
00938     else
00939         for (int dim2=0 ; dim2<dimensionSize(2) ; dim2++) {
00940             for (int dim1=0 ; dim1<dimensionSize(1) ; dim1++) {
00941                 x1[n] = binToValue(dim1,1);
00942                 x2[n] = binToValue(dim2,2);
00943                 y[n] = _data->_bins.intValue[dim2 * _data->_dimSize1
00944                            + dim1];
00945                 n++;
00946             }
00947         }
00948 }

void HxHistogram::getTheData3 double *    x1,
double *    x2,
double *    x3,
double *    y

Fill the externally allocated buffer with data from this histogram.

The pointer to x1,x2,x3 represents the bin value, y the bin count.

00952 {
00953     if (!_data)
00954         return;
00956     int n = 0;
00957     if (_data->_dataType == REAL_VALUE)
00958         for (int dim3=0 ; dim3<dimensionSize(3) ; dim3++) {
00959             for (int dim2=0 ; dim2<dimensionSize(2) ; dim2++) {
00960                 for (int dim1=0 ; dim1<dimensionSize(1) ; dim1++) {
00961                     x1[n] = binToValue(dim1,1);
00962                     x2[n] = binToValue(dim2,2);
00963                     x3[n] = binToValue(dim3,3);
00964                     y[n] = _data->_bins.realValue[(dim3 * _data->_dimSize2
00965                                 + dim2) * _data->_dimSize1 + dim1];
00966                     n++;
00967                 }
00968             }
00969         }
00970     else
00971         for (int dim3=0 ; dim3<dimensionSize(3) ; dim3++) {
00972             for (int dim2=0 ; dim2<dimensionSize(2) ; dim2++) {
00973                 for (int dim1=0 ; dim1<dimensionSize(1) ; dim1++) {
00974                     x1[n] = binToValue(dim1,1);
00975                     x2[n] = binToValue(dim2,2);
00976                     x3[n] = binToValue(dim3,3);
00977                     y[n] = _data->_bins.intValue[(dim3 * _data->_dimSize2
00978                                 + dim2) * _data->_dimSize1 + dim1];
00979                     n++;
00980                 }
00981             }
00982         }
00983 }

void HxHistogram::getDataDouble double *    data

Fill the externally allocated buffer with data from this histogram.

00987 {
00988     if (!_data)
00989         return;
00990     int n = _data->_totSize;
00991     if (_data->_dataType == REAL_VALUE)
00992         while (--n >= 0)
00993             data[n] = _data->_bins.realValue[n];
00994     else
00995         while (--n >= 0)
00996             data[n] = _data->_bins.intValue[n];
00997 }

void HxHistogram::getDataInt int *    data

Fill the externally allocated buffer with data from this histogram.

01001 {
01002     if (!_data)
01003         return;
01004     int n = _data->_totSize;
01005     if (_data->_dataType == REAL_VALUE)
01006         while (--n >= 0)
01007             data[n] = (int)(_data->_bins.realValue[n] + 0.5);
01008     else
01009         while (--n >= 0)
01010             data[n] = _data->_bins.intValue[n];
01011 }

void HxHistogram::render3d int *    data,
int    dataWidth,
int    dataHeight,
double    elevation,
double    alpha,
double    threshold

Assume the histogram is a 3d rgb cube and render it for display in Java in the externally allocated data buffer.

01088 {
01089     if (!_data)
01090         return;
01091     /*
01092     el = (elevation * M_PI) / 180.;
01093     al = (alpha * M_PI) / 180.;
01094     cosa = cos(al);
01095     sina = sin(al);
01096     cose = cos(el);
01097     sine = sin(el);
01098     dataW = dataWidth;
01099     xMin = 190; //for 3D histo
01100     yMax = 190; //255;
01101     */
01102     double el = (elevation * M_PI) / 180.;
01103     double al = (alpha * M_PI) / 180.;
01104     double cosa = cos(al);
01105     double sina = sin(al);
01106     double cose = cos(el);
01107     double sine = sin(el);
01108     int dataW = dataWidth;
01109     int xMin = 190; //for 3D histo
01110     int yMax = 190; //255;
01111     drawAxis(data,cosa,sina,cose,sine,dataW);
01113     int n = 0;
01115     if (_data->_dataType == REAL_VALUE) {
01116         for (int b=0 ; b < _data->_dimSize3 ; b++) {
01117             for (int g=0 ; g < _data->_dimSize2 ; g++) {
01118                 for (int r=0 ; r < _data->_dimSize1 ; r++) {
01119                     if (_data->_bins.realValue[n] > threshold) {
01120                         /*
01121                           Doen't work if hist range unequals 0..255
01122                         double rV = r * _data->_binWidth1 + _data->_lowBin1;
01123                         double gV = g * _data->_binWidth2 + _data->_lowBin2;
01124                         double bV = b * _data->_binWidth3 + _data->_lowBin3;
01125                         */
01126                         double rV = r * 255./(_data->_dimSize1-1);
01127                         double gV = g * 255./(_data->_dimSize2-1);
01128                         double bV = b * 255./(_data->_dimSize3-1);
01129                         setPixelV(data, transf3Dto2D(rV,gV,bV,cosa,sina,cose,sine), HxVec3Int(rV,gV,bV), dataW);
01130                     }
01131                     n++;
01132                 }
01133             }
01134         }
01135     }
01136     else {
01137         for (int b=0 ; b < _data->_dimSize3 ; b++) {
01138             for (int g=0 ; g < _data->_dimSize2 ; g++) {
01139                 for (int r=0 ; r < _data->_dimSize1 ; r++) {
01140                     if (_data->_bins.intValue[n] > threshold) {
01141                         /*
01142                           Doen't work if hist range unequals 0..255
01143                         double rV = r * _data->_binWidth1 + _data->_lowBin1;
01144                         double gV = g * _data->_binWidth2 + _data->_lowBin2;
01145                         double bV = b * _data->_binWidth3 + _data->_lowBin3;
01146                         */
01147                         double rV = r * 255./(_data->_dimSize1-1);
01148                         double gV = g * 255./(_data->_dimSize2-1);
01149                         double bV = b * 255./(_data->_dimSize3-1);
01150                         setPixelV(data, transf3Dto2D(rV,gV,bV,cosa,sina,cose,sine), HxVec3Int(rV,gV,bV), dataW);
01151                     }
01152                     n++;
01153                 }
01154             }
01155         }
01156     }
01157 }

STD_OSTREAM & HxHistogram::put STD_OSTREAM &    os,
HxString    delimit = " "

Print histogram data in the given stream.

01161 {
01162     if (!_data)
01163         return os << "HxHistogram(null)" << STD_ENDL;
01165     int dim1, dim2, dim3;
01166     if (_data->_dataType == REAL_VALUE)
01167         switch (dimensionality()) {
01168         case 1:
01169             for (dim1=0 ; dim1<dimensionSize(1) ; dim1++)
01170                 os << binToValue(dim1,1) << delimit <<
01171                    float(_data->_bins.realValue[dim1]) << STD_ENDL;
01172             break;
01173         case 2:
01174             for (dim2=0 ; dim2<dimensionSize(2) ; dim2++) 
01175                 for (dim1=0 ; dim1<dimensionSize(1) ; dim1++)
01176                     os << binToValue(dim1,1) << delimit <<
01177                        binToValue(dim2,2) << delimit <<
01178                        float(_data->_bins.realValue[dim2 * _data->_dimSize1
01179                            + dim1]) << STD_ENDL;
01180             break;
01181         case 3:
01182             for (dim3=0; dim3<dimensionSize(3) ; dim3++) 
01183                 for (dim2=0 ; dim2<dimensionSize(2) ; dim2++) 
01184                     for (dim1=0 ; dim1<dimensionSize(1) ; dim1++)
01185                         os << binToValue(dim1,1) << delimit <<
01186                            binToValue(dim2,2) << delimit <<
01187                            binToValue(dim3,3) << delimit <<
01188                            float(_data->_bins.realValue[(dim3 * _data->_dimSize2
01189                                 + dim2) * _data->_dimSize1 + dim1]) << STD_ENDL;
01190             break;
01191         }
01192     else
01193         switch (dimensionality()) {
01194         case 1:
01195             for (dim1=0 ; dim1<dimensionSize(1) ; dim1++)
01196                 os << binToValue(dim1,1) << delimit <<
01197                    _data->_bins.intValue[dim1] << STD_ENDL;
01198             break;
01199         case 2:
01200             for (dim2=0 ; dim2<dimensionSize(2) ; dim2++) 
01201                 for (dim1=0 ; dim1<dimensionSize(1) ; dim1++)
01202                     os << binToValue(dim1,1) << delimit <<
01203                        binToValue(dim2,2) << delimit <<
01204                        _data->_bins.intValue[dim2 * _data->_dimSize1
01205                            + dim1] << STD_ENDL;
01206             break;
01207         case 3:
01208             for (dim3=0; dim3<dimensionSize(3) ; dim3++) 
01209                 for (dim2=0 ; dim2<dimensionSize(2) ; dim2++) 
01210                     for (dim1=0 ; dim1<dimensionSize(1) ; dim1++)
01211                         os << binToValue(dim1,1) << delimit <<
01212                            binToValue(dim2,2) << delimit <<
01213                            binToValue(dim3,3) << delimit <<
01214                            _data->_bins.intValue[(dim3 * _data->_dimSize2
01215                                 + dim2) * _data->_dimSize1 + dim1] << STD_ENDL;
01216             break;
01217         }
01218     return os;
01219 }

int HxHistogram::write HxString    filename

Write histogram to disk.

01238 {
01239     HxString name;
01240     FILE *fp;
01241     IOHEADER header;
01243     if (!_data)
01244         return 0;
01246     name = filename + ".hst";
01248     fp = fopen(name.c_str(), "wb");
01249     if (!fp)
01250         return 0;
01252     header.dataType = _data->_dataType;
01253     header.dimensions = _data->_nDims;
01254     header.lowBin1 = _data->_lowBin1;
01255     header.highBin1 = _data->_highBin1;
01256     header.nBins1 = _data->_dimSize1;
01257     header.lowBin2 = _data->_lowBin2;
01258     header.highBin2 = _data->_highBin2;
01259     header.nBins2 = _data->_dimSize2;
01260     header.lowBin3 = _data->_lowBin3;
01261     header.highBin3 = _data->_highBin3;
01262     header.nBins3 = _data->_dimSize3;
01263     fwrite(&header, sizeof(header), 1, fp);
01265     if (_data->_dataType == REAL_VALUE)
01266         fwrite(_data->_bins.realValue, _data->_totSize,
01267             sizeof(*(_data->_bins.realValue)), fp);
01268     else
01269         fwrite(_data->_bins.intValue, _data->_totSize,
01270             sizeof(*(_data->_bins.intValue)), fp);
01272     fclose(fp);
01274     return 1;
01275 }

HxHistogram HxHistogram::threshold double    valThreshold

Returns new histogram in which bins with count<=valThreshold are set to 0.0, bins with count>valThreshold keep original value.

01279 {
01280     if (!_data)
01281         return HxHistogram();
01282     HxHistogramData *data = new HxHistogramData(*_data);
01284     int n = data->_totSize;
01286     if (data->_dataType == REAL_VALUE)
01287         while (--n >= 0) {
01288             if (data->_bins.realValue[n]<=valThreshold)
01289                 data->_bins.realValue[n]=0.0;
01290         }
01291     else
01292         while (--n >= 0) {
01293             if (data->_bins.intValue[n]<=valThreshold)
01294                 data->_bins.intValue[n]=0.0;
01295         }
01297     return HxHistogram(data);
01298 }

int HxHistogram::countBins double    valThreshold = 0.0

Returns number of bins with count>valThreshold.

Counts number of non-empty bins by default.

01302 {
01303     if (!_data)
01304         return 0;    
01306     int n = _data->_totSize;    
01308     int counter=0;
01310     if (_data->_dataType == REAL_VALUE)
01311         while (--n >= 0) {
01312             if (_data->_bins.realValue[n]>valThreshold)
01313                counter++;
01314         }
01315     else
01316         while (--n >= 0) {
01317             if (_data->_bins.intValue[n]>valThreshold)
01318                counter++;
01319         }
01321     return counter;
01322 }

HxHistogram HxHistogram::reduceRange int    binMin1,
int    binMax1 = -1,
int    binMin2 = 0,
int    binMax2 = -1,
int    binMin3 = 0,
int    binMax3 = -1

Returns new histogram containing given range of bins only.

(Including given min and max.) Default value -1 maps to dimensionSize()-1.

01328 {
01329     if (!_data)
01330         return HxHistogram();
01332     // Default value binMax=-1 maps to dimensionSize()-1.
01333     if (binMax1<0)
01334         binMax1=dimensionSize(1)-1;
01335     if (binMax2<0)
01336         binMax2=dimensionSize(2)-1;
01337     if (binMax3<0)
01338         binMax3=dimensionSize(3)-1;
01340     if (binMin1<0 || binMin2<0 || binMin3<0)
01341     {
01342         STD_CERR << "Error in HxHistogram::reduceRange, minimum smaller than 0." << STD_ENDL;
01343         return HxHistogram();
01344     }
01346     if (binMax1<binMin1 || binMax2<binMin2 || binMax3<binMin3)
01347     {
01348         STD_CERR << "Error in HxHistogram::reduceRange, minimum higher than maximum." << STD_ENDL;
01349         return HxHistogram();
01350     }
01352     // Make new histogram for given range
01353     HxHistogram h=HxHistogram(dataType(),dimensionality(),
01354         binToValue(binMin1,1),binToValue(binMax1,1),binMax1-binMin1+1,
01355         binToValue(binMin2,2),binToValue(binMax2,2),binMax2-binMin2+1,
01356         binToValue(binMin3,3),binToValue(binMax3,3),binMax3-binMin3+1);
01358     if (_data->_dataType == REAL_VALUE) {
01359         for (int z=binMin3; z<=binMax3; z++)
01360             for (int y=binMin2; y<=binMax2; y++)
01361                 for (int x=binMin1; x<=binMax1; x++) {
01362                     int n = ((z-binMin3) * _data->_dimSize2 + (y-binMin2)) *
01363                          _data->_dimSize1 + x-binMin1;
01364                     int m = (z * _data->_dimSize2 + y) *
01365                          _data->_dimSize1 + x;
01366                     h._data->_bins.realValue[n] = _data->_bins.realValue[m];
01367                 }
01368     }
01369     else {
01370         for (int z=binMin3; z<=binMax3; z++)
01371             for (int y=binMin2; y<=binMax2; y++)
01372                 for (int x=binMin1; x<=binMax1; x++) {
01373                     int n = ((z-binMin3) * _data->_dimSize2 + (y-binMin2)) *
01374                          _data->_dimSize1 + x-binMin1;
01375                     int m = (z * _data->_dimSize2 + y) *
01376                          _data->_dimSize1 + x;
01377                     h._data->_bins.intValue[n] = _data->_bins.intValue[m];
01378                 }
01379     }
01381     return h;
01382 }

HxHistogram HxHistogram::reduceRangeVal double    binValMin1,
double    binValMax1,
double    binValMin2 = 0,
double    binValMax2 = 0,
double    binValMin3 = 0,
double    binValMax3 = 0

Returns new histogram containing given range of values (mapped to bin numbers) only.

(Including bins for given min and max.) If min==max, the whole range for that dimension is returned.

01387 {
01388     if (binValMin1==binValMax1) {
01389         binValMin1=_data->_lowBin1;
01390         binValMax1=_data->_highBin1;
01391     }
01392     if (binValMin1<_data->_lowBin1)
01393         binValMin1=_data->_lowBin1;
01394     if (binValMax1>_data->_highBin1)
01395         binValMax1=_data->_highBin1;
01396     if (binValMin2==binValMax2) {
01397         binValMin2=_data->_lowBin2;
01398         binValMax2=_data->_highBin2;
01399     }
01400     if (binValMin2<_data->_lowBin2)
01401         binValMin2=_data->_lowBin2;
01402     if (binValMax2>_data->_highBin2)
01403         binValMax2=_data->_highBin2;
01404     if (binValMin3==binValMax3) {
01405         binValMin3=_data->_lowBin3;
01406         binValMax3=_data->_highBin3;
01407     }
01408     if (binValMin3<_data->_lowBin3)
01409         binValMin3=_data->_lowBin3;
01410     if (binValMax3>_data->_highBin3)
01411         binValMax3=_data->_highBin3;
01412     return reduceRange(valueToBin(binValMin1,1),valueToBin(binValMax1,1),
01413         valueToBin(binValMin2,2),valueToBin(binValMax2,2),
01414         valueToBin(binValMin3,3),valueToBin(binValMax3,3));
01415 }

HxHistogram HxHistogram::to1D int    dim = 1

Projects n-dimensional (1<n<=3) histogram on a 1-D histogram for given dimension.

01420 {
01421     if (dimensionality()<2)
01422     {
01423 //      STD_CERR << "Warning. HxHistogram::to1D, dimensionality is " << dimensionality() << STD_ENDL;       
01424         return *this;
01425     }
01427     if (dim<1 || dim>3)
01428     {
01429         STD_CERR << "Error. Dimension out of bounds: " << dim << STD_ENDL;      
01430         return HxHistogram();
01431     }
01434     HxHistogram result; 
01435     result=HxHistogram(dataType(), 1, 
01436                         lowBin(dim),highBin(dim),dimensionSize(dim),
01437                         0,0,0,
01438                         0,0,0);
01440     int otherDim1=-1;
01441     int otherDim2=-1;
01443     if (dim==1)
01444     {
01445         otherDim1=3;
01446         otherDim2=2;
01447     }
01448     if (dim==2)
01449     {
01450         otherDim1=3;
01451         otherDim2=1;
01452     }
01453     if (dim==3)
01454     {
01455         otherDim1=2;
01456         otherDim2=1;
01457     }
01459     for (int b=0; b<dimensionSize(dim); b++)
01460     {
01461         double total=0;
01462         for (int sb=0; sb<dimensionSize(otherDim1); sb++)
01463             for (int tb=0; tb<dimensionSize(otherDim2); tb++)
01464             {                   
01465                 if (dim==1)
01466                     total+=get(b,tb,sb);
01467                 if (dim==2)
01468                     total+=get(tb,b,sb);
01469                 if (dim==3)
01470                     total+=get(tb,sb,b);
01471             }           
01472         result.setBin(b, total);
01473     }
01475     return result;
01476 }

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Tue Feb 3 14:18:55 2004 for C++Reference by doxygen1.2.12 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001