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Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
DeviceEnumeratorEnumerates system devices (that can be used as filters)
HxArrowR2Class definition for arrows in R2
HxBlob2dClass definition for a blob in a 2D image
HxBlob2dFeatureBase class for blob features
HxBlob2dFeatureTem< ValT >Template specialization of HxBlob2dFeature to store any type as a feature
HxBlob2dListA list of HxBlob2dPtr's, that is pointers to HxBlob2d's
HxBlob2dPtrLessClass definition for ordering of HxBlob2d* based on getLabel for use in STL containers
HxBlob2dRelationA relation in a set of blobs in 2D
HxBoundingBoxDefinition of a bounding box
HxBpoAdd< DstValT, Src1ValT, Src2ValT >Pixel functor for computation of addition
HxBpoAddAssign< DstValT, SrcValT >Pixel functor for computation of addition assignment
HxBpoAddSat< DstValT, Src1ValT, Src2ValT >Pixel functor for computation of saturated addition
HxBpoAnd< DstValT, Src1ValT, Src2ValT >Pixel functor for computation of and
HxBpoBind2Val< DstValT, SrcValT, BpoOpT >Pixel functor for binding of second value of a binary pixel operation
HxBpoCross< DstValT, Src1ValT, Src2ValT >Pixel functor for computation of cross product
HxBpoDiv< DstValT, Src1ValT, Src2ValT >Pixel functor for computation of division
HxBpoDot< DstValT, Src1ValT, Src2ValT >Pixel functor for computation of dot product
HxBpoEqual< DstValT, Src1ValT, Src2ValT >Pixel functor for computation of equal
HxBpoGreaterEqual< DstValT, Src1ValT, Src2ValT >Pixel functor for computation of greater equal
HxBpoGreaterThan< DstValT, Src1ValT, Src2ValT >Pixel functor for computation of greater than
HxBpoHighlightRegion< DstValT, SrcValT, LabelValT >Pixel functor for region highlighting
HxBpoInf< DstValT, Src1ValT, Src2ValT >Pixel functor for computation of infimum
HxBpoInfAssign< DstValT, SrcValT >Pixel functor for computation of infimum assignment
HxBpoLeftShift< DstValT, Src1ValT, Src2ValT >Pixel functor for computation of left shift
HxBpoLessEqual< DstValT, Src1ValT, Src2ValT >Pixel functor for computation of less equal
HxBpoLessThan< DstValT, Src1ValT, Src2ValT >Pixel functor for computation of less than
HxBpoMax< DstValT, Src1ValT, Src2ValT >Pixel functor for computation of maximum
HxBpoMaxAssign< DstValT, SrcValT >Pixel functor for computation of maximum assignment
HxBpoMin< DstValT, Src1ValT, Src2ValT >Pixel functor for computation of minimum
HxBpoMinAssign< DstValT, SrcValT >Pixel functor for computation of minimum assignment
HxBpoMod< DstValT, Src1ValT, Src2ValT >Pixel functor for computation of modulo
HxBpoMul< DstValT, Src1ValT, Src2ValT >Pixel functor for computation of multiplication
HxBpoMulAssign< DstValT, SrcValT >Pixel functor for computation of multiplication assignment
HxBpoNotEqual< DstValT, Src1ValT, Src2ValT >Pixel functor for computation of not equal
HxBpoOr< DstValT, Src1ValT, Src2ValT >Pixel functor for computation of or
HxBpoPow< DstValT, Src1ValT, Src2ValT >Pixel functor for computation of power
HxBpoRightShift< DstValT, Src1ValT, Src2ValT >Pixel functor for computation of right shift
HxBpoSqrDst< DstValT, Src1ValT, Src2ValT >Pixel functor for computation of squared distance
HxBpoSub< DstValT, Src1ValT, Src2ValT >Pixel functor for computation of subtraction
HxBpoSubAssign< DstValT, SrcValT >Pixel functor for computation of subtraction assignment
HxBpoSubSat< DstValT, Src1ValT, Src2ValT >Pixel functor for computation of saturated addition
HxBpoSup< DstValT, Src1ValT, Src2ValT >Pixel functor for computation of supremum
HxBpoSupAssign< DstValT, SrcValT >Pixel functor for computation of supremum assignment
HxBpoXor< DstValT, Src1ValT, Src2ValT >Pixel functor for computation of exclusive or
HxBSplineBasisClass definition for basis for BSpline curves
HxBSplineCurveClass definition for BSpline curves
HxBSplineIntervalClass definition for HxBSplineInterval to facilitate manipulation of path intervals in open and closed curves
HxClassName< Type >Class to convert a static type (i.e
HxCnumBasic coordinate enumerator
HxColorClass definition color semantics
HxComplexClass definition complex
HxCoordRepresentation for integer coordinates (x,y,z)
HxDataPtr2dScalarTem< PixelT, ArithT >Template class for data pointers to 2D images with scalar values
HxDataPtr2dTem< PixelT, ArithT >Template class for data pointers to 2D images with vector values
HxDataPtr3dScalarTem< PixelT, ArithT >Template class for data pointers to 3D images with scalar values
HxDiyTranspose< DstDataPtrT, SrcDataPtrT >Functor for transpose
HxExportExtraIdentMaskCentralMoments< ResultT, ImValT, ExtraValT >Functor for computation of the central moments up to order N of all values in an image identified by a mask
HxExportExtraIdentMaskMean< ResultT, ImValT, ExtraValT >Functor for computation of the mean of all values in an image identified by a mask
HxExportExtraIdentMaskMedian< ResultT, ImValT, ExtraValT >Functor for computation of the median of all values in an image identified by a mask
HxExportExtraIdentMaskMoments< ResultT, ImValT, ExtraValT >Functor for computation of the moments up to order N of all values in an image identified by a mask
HxExportExtraIdentMaskStdev< ResultT, ImValT, ExtraValT >Functor for computation of the standard deviation of all values in an image identified by a mask
HxExportExtraIdentMaskSum< ResultT, ImValT, ExtraValT >Functor for computation of the sum of all values in an image identified by a mask
HxExportExtraWeightMaskSum< ResultT, ImValT, ExtraValT >Functor for computation of the sum of all values in an image weighed by a mask
HxHistogramClass definition of histogram
HxIfRbPairRepresentation for the result of a query of the rule base
HxImageDataRoot in the cpp image hierarchy
HxImageFactoryFactory for HxImageRep objects
HxImageListA list of images
HxImageRepClass definition of Horus image representation
HxImageSeqClass definition for a sequence of HxImageRep's
HxImageSeqAVIMediaRead image sequence files using DirectMedia library
HxImageSeqDataBase class for storage of image sequence data
HxImageSeqDXMediaRead image sequence files using DirectMedia library
HxImageSeqIterClass definition for an iterator over an HxImageSeq
HxImageSeqMDCRead mpg files using MPEG Developing Classes (MDC) library
HxImageSig2dByteSignature for a 2D image with pixels represented by an HxByte
HxImageSig2dComplexSignature for a 2D image with pixels represented by an HxComplex
HxImageSig2dDoubleSignature for a 2D image with pixels represented by a double
HxImageSig2dFloatSignature for a 2D image with pixels represented by a float
HxImageSig2dIntSignature for a 2D image with pixels represented by an int
HxImageSig2dShortSignature for a 2D image with pixels represented by a short
HxImageSig2dVec2ByteSignature for a 2D image with pixels represented by an HxVec2Byte
HxImageSig2dVec2DoubleSignature for a 2D image with pixels represented by an HxVec2Double
HxImageSig2dVec2FloatSignature for a 2D image with pixels represented by an HxVec2Float
HxImageSig2dVec2IntSignature for a 2D image with pixels represented by an HxVec2Int
HxImageSig2dVec2ShortSignature for a 2D image with pixels represented by an HxVec2Short
HxImageSig2dVec3ByteSignature for a 2D image with pixels represented by an HxVec3Byte
HxImageSig2dVec3DoubleSignature for a 2D image with pixels represented by an HxVec3Double
HxImageSig2dVec3FloatSignature for a 2D image with pixels represented by an HxVec3Float
HxImageSig2dVec3IntSignature for a 2D image with pixels represented by an HxVec3Int
HxImageSig2dVec3ShortSignature for a 2D image with pixels represented by an HxVec3Short
HxImageSig3dByteSignature for a 3D image with pixels represented by an HxByte
HxImageSig3dDoubleSignature for a 3D image with pixels represented by a double
HxImageSig3dFloatSignature for a 3D image with pixels represented by a float
HxImageSig3dIntSignature for a 3D image with pixels represented by an int
HxImageSig3dShortSignature for a 3D image with pixels represented by a short
HxImageSignatureClass definition image signature
HxImageTem< ImageSigT >Template class for operations that are independent of image dimensionality
HxImageTem2d< ImageSigT >Template class for operations on 2D images
HxImageTem3d< ImageSigT >Template class for operations on 3D images
HxImgFtorBpo< DstImgSigT, Src1ImgSigT, Src2ImgSigT, BpoT >Instantiation of generic algorithm for binary pixel operations on images
HxImgFtorBpoKeyKey for HxImgFtorBpo
HxImgFtorDescriptionImage functor description
HxImgFtorDiy< DstImgSigT, SrcImgSigT, DiyT >Instantiation of generic algorithm for do it yourself operations on images
HxImgFtorDiyKeyKey for HxImgFtorDiy
HxImgFtorExportExtra< ImgSigT, ExtraImgSigT, ExportExtraT >Instantiation of generic algorithm for export operation with an extra image
HxImgFtorExportExtraKeyKey for HxImgFtorExportExtra
HxImgFtorGenConv2d< DstImgSigT, SrcImgSigT, KerImgSigT, PixOpT, RedOpT, KernelT >Instantiation of generic algorithm for generalized convolution operations on 2d images
HxImgFtorGenConv2dK1d< DstImgSigT, SrcImgSigT, KerImgSigT, PixOpT, RedOpT, KernelT >Instantiation of generic algorithm for generalized convolution operations on 2d images with a 1d kernel
HxImgFtorGenConv2dSep< DstImgSigT, SrcImgSigT, KerImgSigT, PixOpT, RedOpT, KernelT >Instantiation of generic algorithm for separable generalized convolution operations on 2d images
HxImgFtorGenConv2dSepKeyKey for HxImgFtorGenConv2dSep
HxImgFtorGenConv3d< DstImgSigT, SrcImgSigT, KerImgSigT, PixOpT, RedOpT, KernelT >Instantiation of generic algorithm for generalized convolution operations on 3d images
HxImgFtorGenConv3dK1d< DstImgSigT, SrcImgSigT, KerImgSigT, PixOpT, RedOpT, KernelT >Instantiation of generic algorithm for generalized convolution operations on 3d images with a 1d kernel
HxImgFtorGenConvK1dKeyKey for HxImgFtorGenConvK1d
HxImgFtorGenConvKeyKey for HxImgFtorGenConv
HxImgFtorI1Base class for image functors with one image parameter
HxImgFtorI1Cast< ImgSigT >Class for (checked) conversion of (polymorphic) HxImageData parameters of HxImgFtorI1 to (statically typed) image data pointers
HxImgFtorI1CastKeyKey for HxImgFtorI1Cast
HxImgFtorI1KeyKey for HxImgFtorI1
HxImgFtorI2Base class for image functors with two image parameters
HxImgFtorI2Cast< Img1SigT, Img2SigT >Class for (checked) conversion of (polymorphic) HxImageData parameters of HxImgFtorI2 to (statically typed) image data pointers
HxImgFtorI2CastKeyKey for HxImgFtorI2Cast
HxImgFtorI2KeyKey for HxImgFtorI2
HxImgFtorI3Base class for image functors with three image parameters
HxImgFtorI3Cast< Img1SigT, Img2SigT, Img3SigT >Class for (checked) conversion of (polymorphic) HxImageData parameters of HxImgFtorI3 to (statically typed) image data pointers
HxImgFtorI3CastKeyKey for HxImgFtorI3Cast
HxImgFtorI3KeyKey for HxImgFtorI3
HxImgFtorI4Base class for image functors with four image parameters
HxImgFtorI4Cast< Img1SigT, Img2SigT, Img3SigT, Img4SigT >Class for (checked) conversion of (polymorphic) HxImageData parameters of HxImgFtorI4 to (statically typed) image data pointers
HxImgFtorI4CastKeyKey for HxImgFtorI4Cast
HxImgFtorI4KeyKey for HxImgFtorI4
HxImgFtorIMBase class for image functors with 1 + M image parameters
HxImgFtorIMCast< DstImgSigT, SrcImgsSigT >Class for (checked) conversion of (polymorphic) HxImageData parameters of HxImgFtorIM to (statically typed) image data pointers
HxImgFtorIMCastKeyKey for HxImgFtorIMCast
HxImgFtorIMKeyKey for HxImgFtorIM
HxImgFtorIMNBase class for image functors with M + N image parameters
HxImgFtorIMNCast< DstImgsSigT, SrcImgsSigT >Class for (checked) conversion of (polymorphic) HxImageData parameters of HxImgFtorIMN to (statically typed) image data pointers
HxImgFtorIMNCastKeyKey for HxImgFtorIMNCast
HxImgFtorIMNKeyKey for HxImgFtorIMN
HxImgFtorInOut< ImgSigT, InOutT >Instantiation of generic algorithm for in/out pixel operations on images
HxImgFtorInOutKeyKey for HxImgFtorInOut
HxImgFtorKernelNgb2d< DstImgSigT, SrcImgSigT, KerImgSigT, NgbT >Instantiation of generic algorithm for kernel based neighborhood operations on 2D images
HxImgFtorKernelNgbKeyKey for HxImgFtorKernelNgb
HxImgFtorKeyBase class for keys for image functors
HxImgFtorKeyNameTableName table for class and type names that occur in image functor keys
HxImgFtorMNpo< DstImgsSigT, SrcImgsSigT, MNpoT >Instantiation of generic algorithm for M output, N input pixel operations on images
HxImgFtorMNpoKeyKey for HxImgFtorMNpo
HxImgFtorMpo< DstImgSigT, SrcImgsSigT, MpoT >Instantiation of generic algorithm for multi pixel operations on images
HxImgFtorMpoKeyKey for HxImgFtorMpo
HxImgFtorNgb2d< DstImgSigT, SrcImgSigT, NgbT >Instantiation of generic algorithm for neighborhood operations on 2D images
HxImgFtorNgb2dExtra< DstImgSigT, SrcImgSigT, ExtraImgSigT, NgbT >Instantiation of generic algorithm for neighborhood operations on 2D images with an extra image
HxImgFtorNgb2dExtra2< DstImgSigT, SrcImgSigT, ExtraImgSigT, ExtraImg2SigT, NgbT >Instantiation of generic algorithm for neighborhood operations on 2D images with two extra images
HxImgFtorNgbExtra2KeyKey for HxImgFtorNgbExtra2
HxImgFtorNgbExtraKeyKey for HxImgFtorNgbExtra
HxImgFtorNgbKeyKey for HxImgFtorNgb
HxImgFtorObserverImage functor observer
HxImgFtorQueueBased< ImgSigT, ExtraSigT, AnotherSigT, FunctorT >Instantiation of generic algorithm for queue based operations on 2d images
HxImgFtorQueueBasedKeyKey for HxImgFtorQueueBased
HxImgFtorRecGenConv2d< ImgSigT, KerImgSigT, PixOpT, RedOpT >Instantiation of generic algorithm for recursive generalized convolution on 2D images
HxImgFtorRecGenConv2dK1d< ImgSigT, KerImgSigT, PixOpT, RedOpT >Instantiation of generic algorithm for recursive generalized convolution on 2D images with a 1d kernel
HxImgFtorRecGenConvK1dKeyKey for HxImgFtorRecGenConvK1d
HxImgFtorRecGenConvKeyKey for HxImgFtorRecGenConv
HxImgFtorRgb2d< ImgSigT, RgbT >Instantiation of generic algorithm for display of 2d images
HxImgFtorRgb3d< ImgSigT, RgbT >Instantiation of generic algorithm for display of 3d images
HxImgFtorRgbKeyKey for HxImgFtorRgb
HxImgFtorRuleBaseRule base for storage and retrieval of existing image types in instantiated image functors
HxImgFtorSet< DstImgSigT, SrcImgSigT >Instantiation of generic algorithm for set operations on images
HxImgFtorSetBorder2d< ImgSigT >Instantiation of generic algorithm for border operations on 2D images
HxImgFtorSetBorder3d< ImgSigT >Instantiation of generic algorithm for border operations on 3D images
HxImgFtorSetBorderKeyKey for HxImgFtorSetBorder
HxImgFtorSetKeyKey for HxImgFtorSet
HxImgFtorTableTable with (HxImgFtorKey, HxImgFunctor*) pairs
HxImgFtorTableTem< FunctorType >Template for typed access to the HxImgFtorTable
HxImgFtorUpo< DstImgSigT, SrcImgSigT, UpoT >Instantiation of generic algorithm for unary pixel operations on images
HxImgFtorUpoKeyKey for HxImgFtorUpo
HxImgFunctorThe base class of all image functors
HxImgSystemSingleton class providing a logging system for image related operations such as pixel allocation and image functor calls
HxInstantiatorAbs< ImgSigT >Instantiator for unary pixel operation with absolute value
HxInstantiatorAcos< ImgSigT >Instantiator for unary pixel operation with arc cosine
HxInstantiatorAdd< ImgSigT >Instantiator for binary pixel operation with addition
HxInstantiatorAddReduce< ImgSigT >Instantiator for reduce operation with addition
HxInstantiatorAddSat< ImgSigT >Instantiator for binary pixel operation with squared distance
HxInstantiatorAddV< ImgSigT >Instantiator for binary pixel operation with addition with a value
HxInstantiatorAnd< ImgSigT >Instantiator for binary pixel operation with and
HxInstantiatorAndV< ImgSigT >Instantiator for binary pixel operation with and
HxInstantiatorArg< DstSigT, ImgSigT >Instantiator for unary pixel operation with argument
HxInstantiatorAsin< ImgSigT >Instantiator for unary pixel operation with arc sine
HxInstantiatorAtan< ImgSigT >Instantiator for unary pixel operation with arc tangent
HxInstantiatorAtan2< DstSigT, ImgSigT >Instantiator for unary pixel operation with arc tangent
HxInstantiatorCeil< ImgSigT >Instantiator for unary pixel operation with ceiling
HxInstantiatorColSpace< DstSigT, ImgSigT >Instantiator for unary pixel operation with color space conversion
HxInstantiatorComplement< ImgSigT >Instantiator for unary pixel operation with complement
HxInstantiatorConjugate< ImgSigT >Instantiator for unary pixel operation with conjugate
HxInstantiatorCos< ImgSigT >Instantiator for unary pixel operation with cosine
HxInstantiatorCosh< ImgSigT >Instantiator for unary pixel operation with hyperbolic cosine
HxInstantiatorCross< ImgSigT >Instantiator for binary pixel operation with cross product
HxInstantiatorCrossV< ImgSigT >Instantiator for binary pixel operation with cross product
HxInstantiatorDiv< ImgSigT >Instantiator for binary pixel operation with division
HxInstantiatorDivV< ImgSigT >Instantiator for binary pixel operation with division
HxInstantiatorDot< DstSigT, ImgSigT >Instantiator for binary pixel operation with dot product
HxInstantiatorDotV< DstSigT, ImgSigT >Instantiator for binary pixel operation with dot product
HxInstantiatorEqual< DstSigT, ImgSigT >Instantiator for binary pixel operation with equal
HxInstantiatorEqualV< DstSigT, ImgSigT >Instantiator for binary pixel operation with equal
HxInstantiatorExp< ImgSigT >Instantiator for unary pixel operation with exponent
HxInstantiatorExpPix< ImgSigT, DataT >Instantiator for export operation to native arrays
HxInstantiatorFloor< ImgSigT >Instantiator for unary pixel operation with floor
HxInstantiatorGpi< DstSigT, ImgSigT >Instantiator for unary pixel operation with get pixel element
HxInstantiatorGreaterEqual< DstSigT, ImgSigT >Instantiator for binary pixel operation with greater equal
HxInstantiatorGreaterEqualV< DstSigT, ImgSigT >Instantiator for binary pixel operation with greater equal
HxInstantiatorGreaterThan< DstSigT, ImgSigT >Instantiator for binary pixel operation with greater than
HxInstantiatorGreaterThanV< DstSigT, ImgSigT >Instantiator for binary pixel operation with greater than
HxInstantiatorHighlightRegion< ImgSigT, LblSigT >Instantiator for binary pixel operation with region highlighting
HxInstantiatorImpPix< ImgSigT, DataT >Instantiator for import operation from native array
HxInstantiatorInf< ImgSigT >Instantiator for binary pixel operation with infimum
HxInstantiatorInfReduce< ImgSigT >Instantiator for reduce operation with infimum
HxInstantiatorInfV< ImgSigT >Instantiator for binary pixel operation with infimum
HxInstantiatorLeftShift< ImgSigT >Instantiator for binary pixel operation with left shift
HxInstantiatorLeftShiftV< ImgSigT >Instantiator for binary pixel operation with left shift
HxInstantiatorLessEqual< DstSigT, ImgSigT >Instantiator for binary pixel operation with less equal
HxInstantiatorLessEqualV< DstSigT, ImgSigT >Instantiator for binary pixel operation with less equal
HxInstantiatorLessThan< DstSigT, ImgSigT >Instantiator for binary pixel operation with less than
HxInstantiatorLessThanV< DstSigT, ImgSigT >Instantiator for binary pixel operation with less than
HxInstantiatorLog< ImgSigT >Instantiator for unary pixel operation with natural logarithm
HxInstantiatorLog10< ImgSigT >Instantiator for unary pixel operation with base 10 logarithm
HxInstantiatorMax< ImgSigT >Instantiator for binary pixel operation with maximum
HxInstantiatorMaxReduce< ImgSigT >Instantiator for reduce operation with maximum
HxInstantiatorMaxV< ImgSigT >Instantiator for binary pixel operation with maximum
HxInstantiatorMin< ImgSigT >Instantiator for binary pixel operation with minimum
HxInstantiatorMinReduce< ImgSigT >Instantiator for reduce operation with minimum
HxInstantiatorMinV< ImgSigT >Instantiator for binary pixel operation with minimum
HxInstantiatorMod< ImgSigT >Instantiator for binary pixel operation with modulo
HxInstantiatorModV< ImgSigT >Instantiator for binary pixel operation with modulo
HxInstantiatorMul< ImgSigT >Instantiator for binary pixel operation with multiplication
HxInstantiatorMulReduce< ImgSigT >Instantiator for reduce operation with multiplication
HxInstantiatorMulV< ImgSigT >Instantiator for binary pixel operation with multiplication
HxInstantiatorNegate< ImgSigT >Instantiator for unary pixel operation with negation
HxInstantiatorNorm1< DstSigT, ImgSigT >Instantiator for unary pixel operation with L1 norm
HxInstantiatorNorm2< DstSigT, ImgSigT >Instantiator for unary pixel operation with L2 norm
HxInstantiatorNorm2Sqr< DstSigT, ImgSigT >Instantiator for unary pixel operation with squared L2 norm
HxInstantiatorNormInf< DstSigT, ImgSigT >Instantiator for unary pixel operation with L inf norm
HxInstantiatorNotEqual< DstSigT, ImgSigT >Instantiator for binary pixel operation with not equal
HxInstantiatorNotEqualV< DstSigT, ImgSigT >Instantiator for binary pixel operation with not equal
HxInstantiatorOr< ImgSigT >Instantiator for binary pixel operation with or
HxInstantiatorOrV< ImgSigT >Instantiator for binary pixel operation with or
HxInstantiatorPow< ImgSigT >Instantiator for binary pixel operation with power
HxInstantiatorPowV< ImgSigT >Instantiator for binary pixel operation with power
HxInstantiatorProduct< DstSigT, ImgSigT >Instantiator for unary pixel operation with product
HxInstantiatorRGB2Intensity< DstSigT, ImgSigT >Instantiator for unary pixel operation with RGB2Intensity
HxInstantiatorRightShift< ImgSigT >Instantiator for binary pixel operation with right shift
HxInstantiatorRightShiftV< ImgSigT >Instantiator for binary pixel operation with right shift
HxInstantiatorRound< ImgSigT >Instantiator for unary pixel operation with round
HxInstantiatorSet< SrcSigT >Instantiator for set operation
HxInstantiatorSetPartImg< ImgSigT >Instantiator for unary pixel operation
HxInstantiatorSetVal< ImgSigT >Instantiator for inout operation to set values
HxInstantiatorSin< ImgSigT >Instantiator for unary pixel operation with sine
HxInstantiatorSinh< ImgSigT >Instantiator for unary pixel operation with hyperbolic sine
HxInstantiatorSpi< DstSigT, ImgSigT >Instantiator for binary pixel operation with set pixel element
HxInstantiatorSqrDst< ImgSigT >Instantiator for binary pixel operation with squared distance
HxInstantiatorSqrt< ImgSigT >Instantiator for unary pixel operation with square root
HxInstantiatorSub< ImgSigT >Instantiator for binary pixel operation with subtraction
HxInstantiatorSubSat< ImgSigT >Instantiator for binary pixel operation with squared distance
HxInstantiatorSubV< ImgSigT >Instantiator for binary pixel operation with subtraction
HxInstantiatorSum< DstSigT, ImgSigT >Instantiator for unary pixel operation with sum
HxInstantiatorSup< ImgSigT >Instantiator for binary pixel operation with supremum
HxInstantiatorSupReduce< ImgSigT >Instantiator for reduce operation with supremum
HxInstantiatorSupV< ImgSigT >Instantiator for binary pixel operation with supremum
HxInstantiatorTan< ImgSigT >Instantiator for unary pixel operation with tangent
HxInstantiatorTanh< ImgSigT >Instantiator for unary pixel operation with hyperbolic tangent
HxInstantiatorTriStateThreshold< ImgSigT >Instantiator for unary pixel operation with tri state threshold
HxInstantiatorUpoMax< DstSigT, ImgSigT >Instantiator for unary pixel operation with unary maximum
HxInstantiatorUpoMin< DstSigT, ImgSigT >Instantiator for unary pixel operation with unary minimum
HxInstantiatorUpoThreshold< DstSigT, ImgSigT >Instantiator for unary pixel operation with threshold
HxInstantiatorVec2< DstSigT, ImgSigT >Instantiator for binary pixel operation with vec2
HxInstantiatorVec3< DstSigT, SrcsSigT >Instantiator for multi pixel operation with vec3
HxInstantiatorXor< ImgSigT >Instantiator for binary pixel operation with exclusive or
HxInstantiatorXorV< ImgSigT >Instantiator for binary pixel operation with exclusive or
HxInstDiyTranspose< ImgSigT >Instantiator for DIY operation with transpose
HxInstExportExtraIdentMaskCentralMoments< ImgSigT, ExtraImSigT >Instantiator for export extra operation with identification mask central moments
HxInstExportExtraIdentMaskMean< ImgSigT, ExtraImSigT >Instantiator for export extra operation with identification mask mean
HxInstExportExtraIdentMaskMedian< ImgSigT, ExtraImSigT >Instantiator for export extra operation with identification mask median
HxInstExportExtraIdentMaskMoments< ImgSigT, ExtraImSigT >Instantiator for export extra operation with identification mask moments
HxInstExportExtraIdentMaskStdev< ImgSigT, ExtraImSigT >Instantiator for export extra operation with identification mask standard deviation
HxInstExportExtraIdentMaskSum< ImgSigT, ExtraImSigT >Instantiator for export extra operation with identification mask summation
HxInstExportExtraWeightMaskSum< ImgSigT, ExtraImSigT >Instantiator for export extra operation with weight mask summation
HxInstExpPpm< ImgSigT >Instantiator for export operation to ppm format
HxInstGenConv2dAddInf< ImgSigT, KerSigT >Instantiator for generalized convolution operation on 2d images with addition and infimum as basic operations using a 2d kernel
HxInstGenConv2dAddMax< ImgSigT, KerSigT >Instantiator for generalized convolution operation on 2d images with addition and maximum as basic operations using a 2d kernel
HxInstGenConv2dAddMin< ImgSigT, KerSigT >Instantiator for generalized convolution operation on 2d images with addition and minimum as basic operations using a 2d kernel
HxInstGenConv2dAddSup< ImgSigT, KerSigT >Instantiator for generalized convolution operation on 2d images with addition and supremum as basic operations using a 2d kernel
HxInstGenConv2dK1dAddInf< ImgSigT, KerSigT >Instantiator for generalized convolution operation on 2d images with addition and infimum as basic operations using a 1d kernel
HxInstGenConv2dK1dAddMax< ImgSigT, KerSigT >Instantiator for generalized convolution operation on 2d images with addition and maximum as basic operations using a 1d kernel
HxInstGenConv2dK1dAddMin< ImgSigT, KerSigT >Instantiator for generalized convolution operation on 2d images with addition and minimum as basic operations using a 1d kernel
HxInstGenConv2dK1dAddSup< ImgSigT, KerSigT >Instantiator for generalized convolution operation on 2d images with addition and supremum as basic operations using a 1d kernel
HxInstGenConv2dK1dMulAdd< ImgSigT, KerSigT >Instantiator for generalized convolution operation on 2d images with multiplication and addition as basic operations using a 1d kernel
HxInstGenConv2dMulAdd< ImgSigT, KerSigT >Instantiator for generalized convolution operation on 2d images with multiplication and addition as basic operations using a 2d kernel
HxInstGenConv2dSepAddInf< ImgSigT, KerSigT >Instantiator for separable generalized convolution operation on 2d images with addition and infimum as basic operations using two 1d kernels
HxInstGenConv2dSepAddMax< ImgSigT, KerSigT >Instantiator for separable generalized convolution operation on 2d images with addition and maximum as basic operations using two 1d kernels
HxInstGenConv2dSepAddMin< ImgSigT, KerSigT >Instantiator for separable generalized convolution operation on 2d images with addition and minimum as basic operations using two 1d kernels
HxInstGenConv2dSepAddSup< ImgSigT, KerSigT >Instantiator for separable generalized convolution operation on 2d images with addition and supremum as basic operations using two 1d kernels
HxInstGenConv2dSepMulAdd< ImgSigT, KerSigT >Instantiator for separable generalized convolution operation on 2d images with multiplication and addition as basic operations using two 1d kernels
HxInstGenConv3dK1dMulAdd< DstSigT, SrcSigT, KerSigT >Instantiator for generalized convolution operation on 3d images with multiplication and addition as basic operations using a 1d kernel
HxInstGenConv3dMulAdd< ImgSigT, KerSigT >Instantiator for generalized convolution operation on 3d images with multiplication and addition as basic operations using a 3d kernel
HxInstGeneratePix< ImgSigT >Instantiator for inout operation to generate pixels
HxInstImpBytes< ImgSigT >Instantiator for import operation from bytes
HxInstImpPackRgb< ImgSigT >Instantiator for import operation from rgb array
HxInstImpPpm< ImgSigT >Instantiator for import operation from ppm format
HxInstInOutGetPoints< ImgSigT >Instantiator for inout operation to get points
HxInstKerNgb2dNormCorrelation< DstSigT, SrcSigT, KerSigT >Instantiator for kernel based neighbourhood operation with normalized correlation
HxInstNgb2dMean< ResSigT, ImgSigT >Instantiator for neighbourhood operation with mean
HxInstNgbIsMaxGradDir2d< DstSigT, SrcSigT >Instantiator for neighbourhood operation with non maximum suppression based on maximum detection
HxInstNgbLWshed2d< ImgSigT >Instantiator for neighbourhood operation with LWshed
HxInstNgbNonMaxSuppression2d< ImgSigT >Instantiator for neighbourhood operation with non maximum suppression
HxInstNgbPercentile2d< ImgSigT >Instantiator for neighbourhood operation with percentile
HxInstRecGenConv2dAddMin< ImgSigT, KerSigT >Instantiator for recursive generalized convolution operation on 2d images with addition and minimum as basic operations
HxInstRecGenConv2dK1dAddMin< ImgSigT, KerSigT >Instantiator for recursive generalized convolution operation on 2d images with addition and minimum as basic operations
HxInstRecGenConv2dK1dMulAdd< ImgSigT, KerSigT >Instantiator for recursive generalized convolution operation on 2d images with multiplication and addition as basic operations
HxInstRecGenConv2dMulAdd< ImgSigT, KerSigT >Instantiator for recursive generalized convolution operation on 2d images with multiplication and addition as basic operations
HxInstRgb2dBinary< ImgSigT >Instantiator for rgb operation on 2d images using binary display mapping
HxInstRgb2dCMY< ImgSigT >Instantiator for rgb operation on 2d images using CMY display mapping
HxInstRgb2dDirect< ImgSigT >Instantiator for rgb operation on 2d images using direct display mapping
HxInstRgb2dDirectNC< ImgSigT >Instantiator for rgb operation on 2d images using direct display mapping without clipping
HxInstRgb2dHSI< ImgSigT >Instantiator for rgb operation on 2d images using HSI display mapping
HxInstRgb2dLab< ImgSigT >Instantiator for rgb operation on 2d images using Lab display mapping
HxInstRgb2dLabel< ImgSigT >Instantiator for rgb operation on 2d images using label display mapping
HxInstRgb2dLogMag< ImgSigT >Instantiator for rgb operation on 2d images using log magnitude display mapping
HxInstRgb2dLuv< ImgSigT >Instantiator for rgb operation on 2d images using Luv display mapping
HxInstRgb2dOOO< ImgSigT >Instantiator for rgb operation on 2d images using OOO display mapping
HxInstRgb2dStretch< ImgSigT >Instantiator for rgb operation on 2d images using stretched display mapping
HxInstRgb2dXYZ< ImgSigT >Instantiator for rgb operation on 2d images using XYZ display mapping
HxInstRgb3dBinary< ImgSigT >Instantiator for rgb operation on 3d images using binary display mapping
HxInstRgb3dCMY< ImgSigT >Instantiator for rgb operation on 3d images using CMY display mapping
HxInstRgb3dDirect< ImgSigT >Instantiator for rgb operation on 3d images using direct display mapping
HxInstRgb3dHSI< ImgSigT >Instantiator for rgb operation on 3d images using HSI display mapping
HxInstRgb3dLab< ImgSigT >Instantiator for rgb operation on 3d images using Lab display mapping
HxInstRgb3dLabel< ImgSigT >Instantiator for rgb operation on 3d images using label display mapping
HxInstRgb3dLogMag< ImgSigT >Instantiator for rgb operation on 3d images using log magnitude display mapping
HxInstRgb3dLuv< ImgSigT >Instantiator for rgb operation on 3d images using Luv display mapping
HxInstRgb3dOOO< ImgSigT >Instantiator for rgb operation on 3d images using OOO display mapping
HxInstRgb3dStretch< ImgSigT >Instantiator for rgb operation on 3d images using stretched display mapping
HxInstRgb3dXYZ< ImgSigT >Instantiator for rgb operation on 3d images using XYZ display mapping
HxKernel1d< KerDataPtrT, ArithT >Standard 1d kernel definition
HxKernel2d< KerDataPtrT, ArithT >Standard 2d kernel definition
HxKernel3d< KerDataPtrT, ArithT >Standard 3d kernel definition
HxKerNgbNormCorrelation< ArithT, ResultT >Neighbourhood functor for normalized (cross) correlation filter
HxLocalInterpolClass definition of a functor that interpolates data points to compute knots and control points for a cubic BSpline
HxMfBpoClass definition of method frame for binary pixel operations
HxMfDiyClass definition of method frame for do it yourself operations
HxMfExportExtraClass definition of a method frame for export operations using an extra image
HxMfGenConvClass definition of method frame for generalized convolution operations
HxMfIdentityClass definition of method frame for identity
HxMfKernelNgbClass definition of a method frame for neighbourhood operations using a kernel
HxMfMNpoClass definition of method frame for M output N input pixel pixel operations
HxMfMpoClass definition of method frame for multi pixel operations
HxMfNgbClass definition of method frame for neighbourhood operations
HxMfQueueBasedClass definition of a method frame for queue based operations
HxMfResizeClass definition of method frame for resizing of image
HxMfUpoClass definition of method frame for unary pixel operations
HxNameTableClass definition of a name table
HxNgbBernsen< ArgType, ResType >Neighbourhood functor for bernsen thresholding
HxNgbDefuz< ArgType, ResType >Neighbourhood functor for Defuz
HxNgbHilditch< ArgType, ResType >Neighbourhood functor for Hilditch
HxNgbIsMaxGradDir2d< ResultT, ArithT >Non maximum suppression in the direction of the gradient
HxNgbKuwahara< ArgType, ResType >Neighbourhood functor for Kuwahara thresholding
HxNgbLocalMode< DstT, SrcT >Neighbourhood functor for local mode filter
HxNgbLocalModeInst< InOutT >Instantiator for neighbourhood operation with local mode
HxNgbLWshed2d< ArgType, ResType >Neighbourhood functor for watershed segmentation this look in a vecinity and decides if there is a border The smallest neighbour (if not wshed) is replaced by wshed value
HxNgbNonMaxSuppression2d< ArithT >Neighbourhood functor for non maximum suppression in the gradient direction
HxNgbOpticalFlowInst< ResSigT, ImgSigT >Instantiator for neighbourhood operation with TalkNgbExtra2P1Cnum
HxNgbPercentile2d< ArithT >Neighbourhood functor for percentile filter
HxNJetClass definition for NJet
HxPixelAllocator< PixelT >Class for (logged) allocation and deallocation of pixel data
HxPointAndValueThis is used to make the image as alist that can be sorted by pixel values
HxPointListClass definition for list of HxPoint's
HxPointR2Class definition for points in R2 (real-value coordinates)
HxPointZDefinition of a point in Z3 space using integer coordinates
HxPointZListClass definition for list of HxPointZ's
HxPolyline2dA simple class for storing polylines and polygons
HxRcObjectBase class for reference counted objects
HxRcPtr< T >Template class for (smart) pointers to reference counted objects, i.e
HxRegDataA registry value
HxRegistryThe registry
HxRegistryImporterClass for importing stuff into the HxRegistry at program startup via declaration of static variables
HxRegKeyA registry key
HxRegKeyListA list of HxRegKeyPtr's, that is pointers to HxRegKey's
HxRegValueA registry value
HxRegValueListA list of HxRegValuePtr's, that is pointers to HxRegValue's
HxRgbBinary< ValT, ValDoubleT >Binary display
HxRgbCMY< ValT, ValDoubleT >CMY display
HxRgbDirect< ValT, ValDoubleT >Direct display mapping
HxRgbDirectNC< ValT, ValDoubleT >Direct display mapping pixV is RGB value in the range 0-255
HxRgbHSI< ValT, ValDoubleT >HSI display
HxRgbLab< ValT, ValDoubleT >Lab display
HxRgbLabel< ValT, ValDoubleT >Labeled display
HxRgbLogMag< ValT, ValDoubleT >Log manitude display
HxRgbLuv< ValT, ValDoubleT >Luv display
HxRgbOOO< ValT, ValDoubleT >OOO display
HxRgbStretch< ValT, ValDoubleT >Stretched display
HxRgbXYZ< ValT, ValDoubleT >XYZ display
HxSampledBSplineCurveClass definition for sampled BSpline curves
HxSampledBSplineIntervalClass definition for path interval in sampled curves (oriented)
HxScalarDoubleClass definition scalar double
HxScalarIntClass definition scalar integer
HxSegmentation2dA segmentation of a 2D image
HxSFClass definition of the structuring function used for Mathematical Morphology operations
HxSFFactoryCopyright (c) 2002, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
HxStringListClass definition for list of HxString's
HxTagBase class for tags
HxTag1Phase1 phase pixel operation
HxTag2Phase2 phase pixel operation
HxTagCnumCoordinate enumerated neighbourhood iterator
HxTagListA list of tags
HxTagLoopLoop neighbourhood iterator
HxTagNPhaseN phase pixel operation
HxTagPixOpInIn pixel operation
HxTagPixOpOutOut pixel operation
HxTagTem< ValT >Template specialization of HxTag to store any type of value as a tag
HxTagTransInVarTranslation invariant pixel operation
HxTagTransVarTranslation variant pixel operation
HxTMatrix< C >Template definition for matrices
HxUpoAbs< DstValT, SrcValT >Pixel functor for computation of absolute value
HxUpoAcos< DstValT, SrcValT >Pixel functor for computation of arc cosine
HxUpoArg< DstValT, SrcValT >Pixel functor for computation of argument
HxUpoAsin< DstValT, SrcValT >Pixel functor for computation of arc sine
HxUpoAtan< DstValT, SrcValT >Pixel functor for computation of arc tangent
HxUpoAtan2< DstValT, SrcValT >Pixel functor for computation of arc tangent
HxUpoCeil< DstValT, SrcValT >Pixel functor for computation of ceiling
HxUpoColSpace< DstValT, SrcValT >Pixel functor for color space conversion
HxUpoComplement< DstValT, SrcValT >Pixel functor for computation of comlement
HxUpoConjugate< DstValT, SrcValT >Pixel functor for computation of conjugate
HxUpoCos< DstValT, SrcValT >Pixel functor for computation of cosine
HxUpoCosh< DstValT, SrcValT >Pixel functor for computation of hyperbolic consine
HxUpoExp< DstValT, SrcValT >Pixel functor for computation of exponent
HxUpoFloor< DstValT, SrcValT >Pixel functor for computation of floor
HxUpoLog< DstValT, SrcValT >Pixel functor for computation of natural logarithm
HxUpoLog10< DstValT, SrcValT >Pixel functor for computation of base 10 logarithm
HxUpoMax< DstValT, SrcValT >Pixel functor for computation of maximum
HxUpoMin< DstValT, SrcValT >Pixel functor for computation of minimum
HxUpoNegate< DstValT, SrcValT >Pixel functor for computation of negation
HxUpoNorm1< DstValT, SrcValT >Pixel functor for computation of L1 norm
HxUpoNorm2< DstValT, SrcValT >Pixel functor for computation of L2 norm
HxUpoNorm2Sqr< DstValT, SrcValT >Pixel functor for computation of squared L2 norm
HxUpoNormInf< DstValT, SrcValT >Pixel functor for computation of L inf norm
HxUpoProduct< DstValT, SrcValT >Pixel functor for computation of unary product
HxUpoRound< DstValT, SrcValT >Pixel functor for computation of round
HxUpoSin< DstValT, SrcValT >Pixel functor for computation of sine
HxUpoSinh< DstValT, SrcValT >Pixel functor for computation of hyperbolic sine
HxUpoSqrt< DstValT, SrcValT >Pixel functor for computation of square root
HxUpoSum< DstValT, SrcValT >Pixel functor for computation of unary sum
HxUpoTan< DstValT, SrcValT >Pixel functor for computation of tangent
HxUpoTanh< DstValT, SrcValT >Pixel functor for computation of hyperbolic tangent
HxUpoTriStateThreshold< DstValT, SrcValT >Pixel functor for computation of tri state threshold
HxValueClass definition of a value as used in Horus
HxValueListClass definition for list of HxValue's
HxVec2DoubleClass definition vector of 2 doubles
HxVec2IntClass definition vector of 2 integers
HxVec2Tem< T >Template class for representation of vector of 2 scalars of type T
HxVec3DoubleClass definition vector of 3 doubles
HxVec3IntClass definition vector of 3 integers
HxVec3Tem< T >Template class for representation of vector of 3 scalars of type T
HxVectorClass definition for vectors
HxVectorR2Class definition for vectors in R2 (real-value coordinates)
QThinning< ArithT, ImgT, MaskT >This should be implemented (Rein) as repetitive substraction from the image of result of HitOrMiss
RGB2Intensity< DstValT, SrcValT >Pixel functor for computation of RGB2Intensity
VideoReaderRead frames from a video file
VxStructureEvalResult type of comparing two structured video's Truth and Found

Generated on Tue Feb 3 14:18:52 2004 for C++Reference by doxygen1.2.12 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001