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HxOpticalFlowMultiScale.h File Reference


#include "HxImageRep.h"

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HxImageRep L_HXIMAGEREP HxOpticalFlowMultiScale (HxImageRep im1, HxImageRep im2)
 implement Lucas and Kanade's method for optical flow detection then go for Bergen - multiscale the output is a HxVec2DDouble image where the displacement x and y values are exported. More...

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

HxImageRep L_HXIMAGEREP HxOpticalFlowMultiScale HxImageRep    im1,
HxImageRep    im2

implement Lucas and Kanade's method for optical flow detection then go for Bergen - multiscale the output is a HxVec2DDouble image where the displacement x and y values are exported.

00017 {
00018     //to compute the image derivatives 
00019     //for x and y use the coefficients: 1/12(-1,8,0,-8,1)
00020     int pixelDimensionality=1;
00021     int dimensions=2;
00022     HxSizes sizes(5,1,1);
00023     //the data pointer for Hx should have 3 shorts per pixels?
00024     double data[]={ -1.0/12,  8.0/12,  0, -8.0/12, 1.0/12 };
00026     HxImageRep kernel = HxMakeFromDoubleData(pixelDimensionality, dimensions, sizes,    data);
00029     //create the pyramid images
00030     double sigma = 1.5;
00031     HxImageRep im1_1=HxGauss(im1,sigma,HxImageRep::ARITH_PREC);
00032     HxImageRep im2_1=HxGauss(im2,sigma,HxImageRep::ARITH_PREC);
00033     im1_1 = HxScale(im1_1, 0.5, 0.5, 1, NEAREST, 1); //NEAREST
00034     im2_1 = HxScale(im2_1, 0.5, 0.5, 1, NEAREST, 1);
00037 //  sigma = 2.0;
00038     HxImageRep im1_2=HxGauss(im1_1,sigma,HxImageRep::ARITH_PREC);
00039     HxImageRep im2_2=HxGauss(im2_1,sigma,HxImageRep::ARITH_PREC);
00040 //  im1_2 = HxScale(im1_2, 0.25, 0.25, 1, LINEAR, 1);
00041 //  im2_2 = HxScale(im2_2, 0.25, 0.25, 1, LINEAR, 1);
00042     im1_2 = HxScale(im1_2, 0.5, 0.5, 1, NEAREST, 1);
00043     im2_2 = HxScale(im2_2, 0.5, 0.5, 1, NEAREST, 1);
00045     //you have to start with the smallest image (top of the pyramid)
00047     HxImageRep ix,iy,it; //derivatives on x, y and time
00048     HxImageRep ix_1,iy_1,it_1; //derivatives on x, y and time
00049     HxImageRep ix_2,iy_2,it_2; //derivatives on x, y and time
00051     ix_2 = im1_2.generalizedConvolutionK1d(1, kernel,"mul", "addAssign", HxImageRep::ARITH_PREC);
00052     iy_2 = im1_2.generalizedConvolutionK1d(2, kernel,"mul", "addAssign", HxImageRep::ARITH_PREC);
00053     it_2 = HxSub(im2_2,im1_2);
00055     HxImageRep res2 = HxOFOneScale(ix_2,iy_2,it_2);
00057     res2 = HxScale(res2, 2.0, 2.0, 1, LINEAR, 1);
00058     res2 = HxMulVal(res2,2.0);
00060     ix_1 = im1_1.generalizedConvolutionK1d(1, kernel,"mul", "addAssign", HxImageRep::ARITH_PREC);
00061     iy_1 = im1_1.generalizedConvolutionK1d(2, kernel,"mul", "addAssign", HxImageRep::ARITH_PREC);
00062     //estimate now the image at time t+1 by motion in smallar image
00063     // used to be: it_1 = HxSub(im2_2,HxAdd(im1_1,res2));
00064     // but size and pixeldimensionalities don't match
00065     it_1 = HxSub(im2_1,HxAdd(im1_1,HxNorm2(res2)));
00067     HxImageRep res1 = HxOFOneScale(ix_1,iy_1,it_1);
00069     res1 = HxScale(res1, 2.0, 2.0, 1, LINEAR, 1);
00070     res1 = HxMulVal(res1,2.0);
00072     ix = im1.generalizedConvolutionK1d(1, kernel,"mul", "addAssign", HxImageRep::ARITH_PREC);
00073     iy = im1.generalizedConvolutionK1d(2, kernel,"mul", "addAssign", HxImageRep::ARITH_PREC);
00074     //estimate now the image at time t+1 by motion in smallar image
00075     // it = HxSub(im2,HxAdd(im1,res1));
00076     it = HxSub(im2,HxAdd(im1,HxNorm2(res1)));
00078 //  HxWriteFile(ix,"ix.tif");
00079 //  HxWriteFile(iy,"iy.tif");
00080 //  HxWriteFile(it,"it.tif");
00082     HxImageRep res = HxOFOneScale(ix,iy,it);
00084     //export now the two components to vizualize with Hieu's program
00085 /*
00086     HxImageRep u = HxProjectRange(res,1);
00087     HxImageRep v = HxProjectRange(res,2);
00089 //  u = HxAbs(u);
00090 //  v = HxAbs(v);
00091     double umin = HxPixMax(u).HxScalarDoubleValue().x();
00092     double vmin = HxPixMax(v).HxScalarDoubleValue().x();
00094     u = HxAddVal(u,fabs(umin));
00095     v = HxAddVal(v,fabs(vmin));
00097     double umax = HxPixMax(HxAbs(u)).HxScalarDoubleValue().x();
00098     double vmax = HxPixMax(HxAbs(v)).HxScalarDoubleValue().x();
00099     HxWriteFile(HxImageAsByte(HxMulVal(u,255.0/umax)),"u1.tif");
00100     HxWriteFile(HxImageAsByte(HxMulVal(v,255.0/vmax)),"v1.tif");
00102 */
00103     return res;
00104 }

Generated on Tue Feb 3 14:18:50 2004 for C++Reference by doxygen1.2.12 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001