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double Impala::Application::Precompute::GetAverage ( Matrix::Mat *  distanceMatrix  ) 

the average is broadcasted over all nodes

Definition at line 206 of file mainPrecomputeKernelMatrix.cpp.

References Impala::Core::Array::Array2dTem< StorT, elemSize, ArithT >::H(), Impala::Core::Array::PixSum(), and Impala::Core::Array::Array2dTem< StorT, elemSize, ArithT >::W().

Referenced by Precompute().

00207 {
00208     double average;
00209     average = Array::PixSum(distanceMatrix);
00210     average = Link::Mpi::AllReduceSum(average);
00211     int pixcount = distanceMatrix->W() * distanceMatrix->H();
00212     pixcount = Link::Mpi::AllReduceSum(pixcount);
00213     average /= pixcount;
00214     return average;
00215 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Generated on Thu Jan 13 09:15:42 2011 for ImpalaSrc by  doxygen 1.5.1