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int Impala::Application::Precompute::Precompute ( CmdOptions &  options  ) 

Definition at line 218 of file mainPrecomputeKernelMatrix.cpp.

References Impala::Core::Array::Add(), Impala::Util::TimeStats::AddGroup(), Impala::Util::TimeStats::AddGroupsFromSub(), Impala::Util::TimeStats::AsString(), CheckFeatures(), ComputeMatrix(), Impala::Core::Matrix::VirtualMatrixFactory::ConstructMemory(), Impala::Core::Table::Copy(), Impala::Core::Array::DivVal(), Impala::Core::Array::Exp(), Impala::CmdOptions::GetArg(), GetAverage(), Impala::CmdOptions::GetBool(), Impala::Core::Matrix::VirtualMatrixFactory::GetInstance(), Impala::CmdOptions::GetInt(), Impala::CmdOptions::GetString(), Impala::Process::MemoryInfo::GetUsageString(), ILOG_INFO, ILOG_VAR, Impala::Core::Database::MakeRawDataSet(), Impala::Util::TimeStats::MeasureFirst(), Impala::Util::TimeStats::MeasureFromSub(), Impala::Util::TimeStats::MeasureLast(), Impala::Util::TimeStats::MeasureNext(), Impala::Core::Array::MulVal(), OpenFeatureTable(), Impala::Core::Array::Set(), and Impala::Core::Table::Table::Size().

Referenced by MainPrecompute().

00219 {
00220     ILOG_VAR(Impala.Application.Precompute.Precompute);
00221     RawDataSet* thisSet = Core::Database::MakeRawDataSet(options.GetArg(0));
00222     if (!thisSet)
00223     {
00224         ILOG_INFO_HEADNODE("Failed to open thisSet " << options.GetArg(0));
00225         return 1;
00226     }
00228     String develSetName = options.GetArg(1);
00229     ILOG_INFO_HEADNODE("DevelSetName = [" << develSetName << "]");
00230     RawDataSet* develSet = 0;
00231     if (!develSetName.empty())
00232     {
00233         develSet = Core::Database::MakeRawDataSet(develSetName);
00234         if (!develSet)
00235         {
00236             ILOG_INFO_HEADNODE("Failed to open develSet " << develSetName);
00237             return 1;
00238         }
00239     }
00240     String model = options.GetArg(2);
00241     String kernel = options.GetArg(3);
00242     String indexCat = options.GetString("featureIndexCat");
00243     KernelMatrixLocator daLoc(thisSet->GetLocator(), true, "",
00244                               develSetName, model, kernel, "");
00245     daLoc.SetFeatureIndexCat(indexCat);
00246     if (!options.GetBool("override") &&
00247         DistributedAccessRepository().Exists(daLoc))
00248     {
00249         ILOG_INFO("Kernel already exists.");
00250         return 0;
00251     }
00253     int startFeature = options.GetInt("startFeature");
00254     DistributedAccess* da = 0;
00255     if (startFeature == 0)
00256     {
00257         da = new DistributedAccess();
00258         if (!da->Valid(true, false))
00259             return 1;
00261         ILOG_INFO_HEADNODE("Using a " << da->GetRowPartCount() << "x" <<
00262                            da->GetColumnPartCount() << "grid");
00263         if (!CheckFeatures(options, thisSet, da))
00264             return 1;
00265     }
00266     else
00267     {
00268         daLoc.SetIncrement(startFeature);
00269         daLoc.SetStartNode(0);
00270         daLoc.SetNodeCount(Link::Mpi::NrProcs());
00271         da = DistributedAccessRepository().Get(daLoc);
00272     }
00275     if (develSet)
00276     {
00277         KernelMatrixLocator devLoc(develSet->GetLocator(), true, "", "",
00278                                    model, kernel, "");
00279         devLoc.SetFeatureIndexCat(indexCat);
00280         devLoc.SetDoParts(0);
00281         devLoc.SetStartNode(0);
00282         devLoc.SetNodeCount(Link::Mpi::NrProcs());
00283         DistributedAccess* devDA = DistributedAccessRepository().Get(devLoc);
00284         for (int i = 0; i < devDA->GetNrFeatures(); i++)
00285         {
00286             double average = devDA->GetAverage(i);
00287             ILOG_INFO_HEADNODE("average " << i << " " << average);
00288             da->SetAverage(i, average);
00289         }
00290         // Could do some more checking here...
00291         delete devDA;
00292     }
00293     else
00294     {
00295         if (model == "chi2")
00296             da->SetHasOwnAverages(true);
00297     }
00299     String distanceFunction = options.GetString("distanceFunction");
00300     int numberFeatures = options.GetInt("numberFeatures");
00301     if (numberFeatures == -1)
00302         numberFeatures = da->GetNrFeatures() - startFeature;
00303     if (startFeature + numberFeatures >= da->GetNrFeatures())
00304         numberFeatures = da->GetNrFeatures() - startFeature;
00305     Matrix::Mat* accumulator = 0;
00306     if (startFeature != 0)
00307         accumulator = da->StealPart();
00308     double totalweight = 0;
00309     for (int i=0 ; i<startFeature ; i++)
00310         totalweight += da->GetWeight(i);
00311     Util::TimeStats statsCompute;
00312     statsCompute.AddGroup("read features");
00313     statsCompute.AddGroup("compute");
00314     Util::TimeStats statsOverall;
00315     statsOverall.AddGroupsFromSub(&statsCompute);
00316     statsOverall.AddGroup("final exp");
00317     statsOverall.AddGroup("write");
00318     statsOverall.MeasureFirst();
00319     for (int i=startFeature ; i<startFeature+numberFeatures ; i++)
00320     {
00321         statsCompute.MeasureFirst();
00322         // open feature tables
00323         double weight = da->GetWeight(i);
00324         Feature::FeatureDefinition fDef(da->GetFeature(i));
00325         Feature::FeatureTable* f2 = OpenFeatureTable(fDef, indexCat, thisSet);
00326         Feature::FeatureTable* f1 = f2;
00327         if (develSet)
00328             f1 = OpenFeatureTable(fDef, indexCat, develSet);
00330         if ((Link::Mpi::MyId() == 0) && (i == 0))
00331         {
00332             Table::Copy(da->GetColumnQuids(), f1);
00333             da->SetColumns(f1->Size());
00334             Table::Copy(da->GetRowQuids(), f2);
00335             da->SetRows(f2->Size());
00336         }
00338         statsCompute.MeasureNext();
00339         // compute kernel distances between features
00340         Matrix::Mat *distanceMatrix = ComputeMatrix(da, f1, f2,
00341                                                     distanceFunction);
00342         // f1 & f2 are deleted by ComputeMatrix
00344         // if this is the 'learn' kernel matrix we compute the averages and
00345         // communicate between nodes to make sure everyone has access to them
00346         // otherwise, the averages are already loaded into the vector
00347         // Note : hik kernel does not use averages
00348         if (da->GetHasOwnAverages())
00349         {
00350             if (distanceFunction == "dot")
00351             {
00352                 da->SetAverage(i, 0.0);
00353             }
00354             else
00355             {
00356                 double average = GetAverage(distanceMatrix);
00357                 da->SetAverage(i, average);
00358             }
00359         }
00361         // accumulate; this is the part inside the 'exp' in the kernel function
00362         MulVal(distanceMatrix, distanceMatrix, weight);
00363         if (distanceFunction == "chi2")
00364         {
00365             DivVal(distanceMatrix, distanceMatrix, -da->GetAverage(i));
00366         }
00367         if (accumulator == 0)
00368             Set(accumulator, distanceMatrix);
00369         else
00370             Add(accumulator, accumulator, distanceMatrix);
00371         delete distanceMatrix;
00373         totalweight += weight;
00374         statsCompute.MeasureLast();
00375         ILOG_INFO_HEADNODE("Compute " << statsCompute.AsString());
00376         ILOG_INFO_HEADNODE("Memory " << Process::MemoryInfo::GetUsageString());
00377     }
00378     statsOverall.MeasureFromSub(&statsCompute);
00380     ILOG_INFO_HEADNODE("finalising...");
00381     if (startFeature + numberFeatures == da->GetNrFeatures())
00382     {
00383         // only thing to do is weigh and exp
00384         DivVal(accumulator, accumulator, totalweight);
00385         if (distanceFunction == "chi2")
00386         {
00387             Exp(accumulator, accumulator);
00388         }
00389         daLoc.SetIncrement(0);
00390         daLoc.SetWriteReal32(true);
00391     }
00392     else
00393     {
00394         daLoc.SetIncrement(startFeature + numberFeatures);
00395     }
00397     statsOverall.MeasureNext();
00398     typedef Matrix::VirtualMatrixFactory VirtualMatrixFactory;
00399     VirtualMatrixFactory& vmf = VirtualMatrixFactory::GetInstance();
00400     Matrix::VirtualMatrix* vm = vmf.ConstructMemory(accumulator);
00401     da->AddPart(vm);
00402     DistributedAccessRepository().Add(daLoc, da);
00403     statsOverall.MeasureLast();
00404     ILOG_INFO_HEADNODE("Overall " << statsOverall.AsString());
00405     delete da;
00406     return 0;
00407 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

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