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void Impala::Samples::MonetTest::DoInsertAnnotations ( Connection *  conn  ) 

Definition at line 899 of file mainMonetTest.cpp.

References Impala::FileNameBase(), Impala::CmdOptions::GetArg(), Impala::CmdOptions::GetInstance(), Impala::Core::Table::AnnotationTableSet::GetLabel(), Impala::CmdOptions::GetNrArg(), Impala::Core::VideoSet::VideoSet::GetQuidVideo(), Impala::Core::Database::RawDataSet::GetSetNameBase(), Impala::Core::Table::AnnotationTableSet::GetTable(), ILOG_ERROR, ILOG_INFO, ILOG_VAR, Impala::Core::Table::AnnotationTableSet::MakeFromFile(), Impala::MakeString(), Impala::Core::VideoSet::MakeVideoSet(), Impala::QUID_CLASS_FRAME, Impala::QuidId(), Impala::QuidObject(), Impala::Core::Table::AnnotationTableSet::Size(), Impala::Timer::SplitTime(), and Impala::StringToQuidClass().

Referenced by mainMonetTest().

00900 {
00901     ILOG_VAR(Impala.Samples.MonetTest.DoInsertAnnotations);
00902     CmdOptions& options = CmdOptions::GetInstance();
00903     if (options.GetNrArg() < 7)
00904     {
00905         ILOG_ERROR("Need more parameters");
00906         return;
00907     }
00909     String vidSetName = options.GetArg(4);
00910     VideoSet* vidSet = Core::VideoSet::MakeVideoSet(vidSetName);
00911     String conceptSet = options.GetArg(5);
00912     int quidClass = StringToQuidClass(options.GetArg(6));
00913     if (quidClass != QUID_CLASS_FRAME)
00914     {
00915         ILOG_ERROR("Can do frame annotations only.");
00916         return;
00917     }
00919     AnnotationTableSet* tSet =
00920         Core::Table::AnnotationTableSet::MakeFromFile(vidSet, conceptSet, true,
00921                                                       quidClass);
00922     if (tSet == 0)
00923         return;
00925     conn->Query("select i_add_annotator('fabchannel', 'the boss', true);",
00926                 false, false);
00928     conn->Query("delete from i_bulk_annotation;", false, false);
00929     Timer timer;
00930     for (int t=0 ; t<tSet->Size() ; t++)
00931     {
00932         AnnotationTable* tab = tSet->GetTable(t);
00933         String keyword = tSet->GetLabel(t);
00934         ILOG_INFO("keyword " << keyword << " has " << tab->Size() << " annos");
00935         String date("2007/08/22-11:00:00");
00936         int nr = tab->Size();
00937         String q = "copy " + MakeString(nr) +
00938             " records into i_bulk_annotation from stdin using delimiters ' ';\n";
00939         for (int i=0 ; i<nr ; i++)
00940         {
00941             Quid frameQuid = tab->Get1(i);
00942             int vidId = QuidObject(frameQuid);
00943             Quid vidQuid = vidSet->GetQuidVideo(vidId, false);
00944             int frameNr = QuidId(frameQuid);
00945             Real64 relevance = 0.5; // skip, using Mpeg7 convention
00946             if (tab->IsPositive(i))
00947                 relevance = 1.0;
00948             else if (tab->IsNegative(i))
00949                 relevance = 0.0;
00950             Real64 confidence = 1.0;
00951             q += keyword + " " + MakeString(vidQuid) + " " + MakeString(frameNr)
00952                 + " " + MakeString(relevance) + " " + MakeString(confidence)
00953                 + " " + date + "\n";
00954         }
00955         conn->Query(q, false, false);
00956     }
00957     ILOG_INFO("Did bulk in " << timer.SplitTime());
00958     String vidSetBase = vidSet->GetSetNameBase();
00959     conn->Query("insert into annotation (fragment_id, keyword_id, annotator_id, \
00960                                          relevance, confidence, \
00961                                          annotation_date, approved) \
00962                  select fr.fragment_id, k.keyword_id, a.annotator_id, \
00963                         ba.relevance, ba.confidence, ba.annotation_date, \
00964                         a.approved \
00965                  from i_bulk_annotation ba, media m, fragment fr, \
00966                       video_sets vss, \
00967                       keyword_sets kss, keyword_set ks, keyword k, annotator a \
00968                  where ba.quid = m.quid and \
00969                        m.media_id = fr.media_id and \
00970                        fr.fragment_start = ba.fragment_start and \
00971                        fr.fragment_length = 1 and \
00972                        fr.keyframe = false and \
00973                        vss.set_name = '" + vidSetBase + "' and \
00974                        kss.set_name = '" + FileNameBase(conceptSet) + "' and \
00975                        kss.video_sets_id = vss.video_sets_id and \
00976                        ks.keyword_sets_id = kss.keyword_sets_id and \
00977                        ks.keyword_id = k.keyword_id and \
00978                        k.keyword_name = ba.keyword_name and \
00979                        a.annotator_name = 'fabchannel' \
00980                  order by ba.quid, ba.fragment_start;", false, false);
00981     conn->Query("delete from i_bulk_annotation;", false, false);
00982     delete tSet;
00983     delete vidSet;
00984 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

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