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IOBuffer* Impala::Persistency::File::GetWriteBuffer ( bool  useMemoryIfLocal,
String  useLocalFileIfRemote,
Int64  useLocalSizeIfRemote = 0,
bool  useIOBufferChannel = false 
) [inline]

Definition at line 191 of file File.h.

References Impala::Persistency::FileSystem::GetIOBuffer(), GetPath(), ILOG_ERROR, mFileSystem, and Valid().

00194     {
00195         if (!Valid())
00196         {
00197             ILOG_ERROR("Can't get write buffer for invalid file");
00198             return 0;
00199         }
00200         return mFileSystem->GetIOBuffer(GetPath(), false, useMemoryIfLocal,
00201                                         useLocalFileIfRemote,
00202                                         useLocalSizeIfRemote,
00203                                         useIOBufferChannel);
00204     }

Here is the call graph for this function:

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