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void Impala::Core::Array::KeypointsLowe ( Array2dScalarReal64 *&  points,
Array2dScalarUInt8 *&  featVecs,
Array2dVec3UInt8 *  src,
bool  doFeatVecs 

Definition at line 20 of file KeypointsLowe.h.

References Impala::Core::Array::Array2dTem< StorT, elemSize, ArithT >::CH(), Impala::Core::Array::Array2dTem< StorT, elemSize, ArithT >::CPB(), Impala::Core::Array::Array2dTem< StorT, elemSize, ArithT >::CW(), PixMax(), and RGB2Intensity().

Referenced by Impala::Application::Src::WindowSrc::HandleNewFrame().

00022 {
00023     using namespace Impala::Link::LoweSift;
00025     Array2dScalarReal64* rData = 0;
00026     RGB2Intensity(rData, src);
00027     Real64 maxVal = PixMax(rData);
00029     int width = src->CW();
00030     int height = src->CH();
00031     Image im = CreateImage(height, width, IMAGE_POOL);
00032     Real64* dataPtr = rData->CPB();
00033     for (int r = 0; r < height; r++)
00034         for (int c = 0; c < width; c++)
00035             im->pixels[r][c] = *dataPtr++ / maxVal;
00036     delete rData;
00038     LoweKeypoints loweKeypoints;
00039     Keypoint keys = loweKeypoints.GetKeypoints(im);
00041     int nrPoints = 0;
00042     for (Keypoint k = keys; k != NULL; k = k->next)
00043         nrPoints++;
00045     if (!points || (points->CW() != 4) || (points->CH() != nrPoints))
00046     {
00047         delete points;
00048         points = new Array2dScalarReal64(4, nrPoints, 0, 0);
00049     }
00050     if (!featVecs || (featVecs->CW() != LoweKeypoints::VecLength) ||
00051         (featVecs->CH() != nrPoints))
00052     {
00053         if (doFeatVecs)
00054         {
00055             delete featVecs;
00056             featVecs = new Array2dScalarUInt8(LoweKeypoints::VecLength,
00057                                               nrPoints, 0, 0);
00058         }
00059     }
00061     int row = 0;
00062     for (Keypoint srcK = keys ; srcK != NULL; srcK = srcK->next)
00063     {
00064         Real64* pointPtr = points->CPB(0, row);
00065         *pointPtr++ = srcK->col;
00066         *pointPtr++ = srcK->row;
00067         *pointPtr++ = srcK->scale;
00068         *pointPtr++ = srcK->ori;
00069         if (doFeatVecs)
00070         {
00071             UInt8* featPtr = featVecs->CPB(0, row);
00072             for (int i = 0; i < LoweKeypoints::VecLength; i++)
00073                 *featPtr++ = srcK->ivec[i];
00074         }
00075         row++;
00076     }
00077 }

Here is the call graph for this function:

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