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Impala::Util::IOBuffer::IOBuffer (  )  [inline]

create an empty buffer where you can write in

: One *cannot* write in a buffer created by this c'tor. We sould impelement a function Grow(int minamount) or Reserve(int size) or somesuch. In the current implementation an empty buffer will always remain empty regardless of how much one writes to it!

Definition at line 52 of file IOBuffer.h.

References mBuffer, mDataChannel, mPosition, and mSize.

00053     {
00054         mBuffer = 0;
00055         mSize = 0;
00056         mPosition = 0;
00057         mDataChannel = 0;
00058     }

Generated on Fri Mar 19 11:40:04 2010 for ImpalaSrc by  doxygen 1.5.1