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void Impala::Util::TimePlot::DoSaveData ( FILE *  fp,
std::string  machineName,
std::string  experiment,
std::string  imageName,
int  timer,
std::string *  funcName 
) [inline, private]

Definition at line 185 of file TimePlot.h.

References mNrFunctions, mNrRuns, mNrSplitTimes, PrintAverageFinal(), PrintAverageSplit(), and PrintRunsSplit().

Referenced by SaveData().

00187     {
00188         fprintf(fp, "# machine %s, experiment %s, image %s, timer %d\n",
00189                 machineName.c_str(), experiment.c_str(), imageName.c_str(), timer);
00190         fprintf(fp, "# %d runs with %d splitTimes on %d functions : \n", mNrRuns,
00191                 mNrSplitTimes, mNrFunctions);
00192         for (int i=0 ; i<mNrFunctions ; i++)
00193             fprintf(fp, "# func %d = %s\n", i, funcName[i].c_str());
00194         PrintAverageFinal(fp, timer);
00195         for (int split=0 ; split<mNrSplitTimes ; split++)
00196             PrintAverageSplit(fp, timer, split);
00197         for (int function=0 ; function<mNrFunctions ; function++)
00198             PrintRunsSplit(fp, timer, function, mNrSplitTimes);
00199     }

Here is the call graph for this function:

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