Definition at line 33 of file Timer.h. References mFreq, and Start(). 00033 : mMode(mode) // also starts the timer 00034 { 00035 #ifdef unix 00036 // no platform dependent initialization required 00037 #else 00038 LARGE_INTEGER freqStruct; 00039 if (QueryPerformanceFrequency(&freqStruct)) 00040 { 00041 mFreq = freqStruct.HighPart; 00042 mFreq = mFreq << 32; 00043 mFreq |= freqStruct.LowPart; 00044 } 00045 else 00046 { 00047 std::cout << "Timer: no QueryPerformanceFrequency" << std::endl; 00048 } 00049 if (! QueryPerformanceCounter(&freqStruct)) // is this test needed? 00050 std::cout << "Timer: no QueryPerformanceCounter" << std::endl; 00051 #endif 00052 Start(); 00053 }
Here is the call graph for this function: ![]()