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void Impala::Core::Trec::TrecTopic::ReadTopics ( String  xmlFile  )  [inline, private]

Definition at line 224 of file TrecTopic.h.

References Impala::Util::XmlDoc::GetAttributeValue(), Impala::Util::XmlDoc::GetChildNode(), Impala::Util::XmlDoc::GetChildNodes(), Impala::Util::Database::GetInstance(), Impala::Util::Database::GetIOBuffer(), Impala::Persistency::File::GetReadBuffer(), ILOG_DEBUG, ILOG_INFO, mFileIdx, Impala::Core::Trec::SearchTopic::mNum, Impala::Core::Trec::SearchTopic::mText, mVideoEnd, mVideoSrc, mVideoStart, and Impala::Persistency::XmlFileReader::Read().

Referenced by TrecTopic().

00225     {
00226 #ifndef REPOSITORY_USED // Here comes the deprecated stuff
00227         Util::Database& db = Util::Database::GetInstance();
00228         Util::IOBuffer* ioBuf = db.GetIOBuffer(xmlFile, true, true, "");
00229 #else // REPOSITORY_USED
00230         Persistency::FileLocator loc(xmlFile);
00231         typedef Persistency::RepositoryInFileSystem FS;
00232         Persistency::File file = FS::GetInstance().GetFile(loc, false, false);
00233         Util::IOBuffer* ioBuf = file.GetReadBuffer(true, "");
00234 #endif // REPOSITORY_USED
00235         Persistency::XmlFileReader reader;
00236         DOMDocument* doc = reader.Read(xmlFile, ioBuf);
00237         delete ioBuf;
00238         DOMNode* root = GetChildNode(doc, "videoTopics", true);
00239         std::vector<DOMNode*> topics = GetChildNodes(root, "videoTopic");
00240         ILOG_INFO("topics.size = " << topics.size());
00241         int curFileIdx = 0;
00242         for (int t=0 ; t<topics.size() ; t++)
00243         {
00244             DOMNode* topic = topics[t];
00245             String num = GetAttributeValue(topic, "num");
00246             ILOG_DEBUG("num = " << num);
00247             mNum.push_back(num);
00248             DOMNode* textDesc = GetChildNode(topic, "textDescription", true);
00249             String text = GetAttributeValue(textDesc, "text");
00250             ILOG_DEBUG("  text = " << text);
00251             mText.push_back(text);
00252             std::vector<String> src;
00253             std::vector<String> start;
00254             std::vector<String> end;
00255             std::vector<int> fileIdx;
00256             std::vector<DOMNode*> vidEx = GetChildNodes(topic, "videoExample");
00257             ILOG_DEBUG("nr video examples = " << vidEx.size());
00258             for (int i=0 ; i<vidEx.size() ; i++)
00259             {
00260                 DOMNode* example = vidEx[i];
00261                 src.push_back(GetAttributeValue(example, "src"));
00262                 start.push_back(GetAttributeValue(example, "start"));
00263                 end.push_back(GetAttributeValue(example, "stop"));
00264                 fileIdx.push_back(curFileIdx++);
00265             }
00266             mVideoSrc.push_back(src);
00267             mVideoStart.push_back(start);
00268             mVideoEnd.push_back(end);
00269             mFileIdx.push_back(fileIdx);
00270         }
00271     }

Here is the call graph for this function:

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