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void Impala::Core::Array::Octaves::Init (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 137 of file Octaves.h.

References BuildOctave(), Impala::Core::Array::Array2dTem< StorT, elemSize, ArithT >::CH(), Impala::Core::Array::Array2dTem< StorT, elemSize, ArithT >::CW(), ILOG_INFO, Impala::Max(), Impala::Min(), mLevels, mMinOctave, mOctaveArray, mOctaves, mResample, mScales, mSigmas, mSrcArray, and mSrcScalar.

Referenced by Octaves().

00137                {
00139         //If a negative count is given for the octaves, we calculate the max
00140         //possible, deducing it from the image size. A minimum size of 8x8 
00141         //array is produced from the original array
00142         if(mOctaves<1)
00143         {
00144             mOctaves = Max(1,
00145             int(std::floor(log2(Min(mSrcScalar->CW(),mSrcScalar->CH()))) 
00146                            - mMinOctave - 3));
00147         }
00149         //We need levels+3 in each octave, since they will first be subtracted,
00150         //and then the subtration will be used for extrema localization
00151         //within +/- 1 scales
00152         mScales=mLevels+3;
00154         ILOG_INFO("Initializing "<<mOctaves
00155                 <<" octaves, each with "<<mLevels<<" levels and "
00156                 <<mScales<<" scales.");
00157         ILOG_INFO((mResample?"Resampling Enabled":"Resampling Disabled"));
00160         mSigmas = new double[mOctaves*mScales];
00162         mOctaveArray = new  Array2dScalarReal64*[mOctaves*mScales];
00163         for(int i=0;i<mOctaves*mScales;i++)
00164             mOctaveArray[i]=0;
00167         //mSrcArray holds the images that will be gaussian smoothed,
00168         //for first octave it's the original image
00169         //for octaves below, it is calculated from the gaussian smoothing with
00170         //2*sigma
00171         mSrcArray = new  Array2dScalarReal64*[mOctaves];
00172         for(int i=0;i<mOctaves;i++)
00173             mSrcArray[i]=0;
00176         ILOG_INFO("Octave structures constructed!");
00177         BuildOctave();
00178         ILOG_INFO("Octave structures initialized!");
00181     }

Here is the call graph for this function:

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