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std::string Impala::Visualization::AppControlSrc::GetFpsString (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 153 of file AppControlSrc.h.

References Impala::Core::Stream::RgbDataSrc::FrameNr(), Impala::Core::Stream::RgbDataSrc::FrameType(), mFramesDone, mSrc, mSrc2, mTimer, and Impala::Timer::SplitTime().

Referenced by Impala::Core::VideoSet::ShotSegmenterGUI::HandleCycleSrc(), Impala::Visualization::RgbDataSrcLavcTestGUI::HandleCycleSrc(), Impala::Application::WindowVdiff::HandleCycleSrc(), Impala::Application::Src::WindowSrc::HandleCycleSrc(), Impala::Application::WindowPlay::HandleCycleSrc(), Impala::Application::DemoCamera2d::WindowCamera2d::HandleCycleSrc(), and Impala::Application::WindowBackground::HandleCycleSrc().

00154     {
00155         if (!mSrc)
00156             return std::string("no src");
00157         double timeVal = mTimer.SplitTime();
00158         double fps = (double) mFramesDone / timeVal;
00159         std::ostringstream fpsStream;
00160         fpsStream << "FrameNr = " << mSrc->FrameNr()
00161                   << " (" << mSrc->FrameType() << ")";
00162         if (mSrc2)
00163             fpsStream << ", FrameNr2 = " << mSrc2->FrameNr()
00164                       << " (" << mSrc->FrameType() << ")";
00165         fpsStream << ", did " << mFramesDone << " frames in " << timeVal
00166                   << " sec = " << fps << " fps" << std::ends;
00167         return std::string(fpsStream.str());
00168     }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Generated on Fri Mar 19 11:42:47 2010 for ImpalaSrc by  doxygen 1.5.1