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template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class ExtraArrayT>
void Impala::Core::Array::Trait::TalkNgbExtraP1Loop< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT, ExtraArrayT >::NextEl ( int  x,
int  y,
const SrcArithType v1,
const ExtraArithType v2 
) [inline]

Processing one pixel.

Definition at line 73 of file TalkNgbExtraP1Loop.h.

References Impala::Core::Array::Trait::TalkNgbExtraP1Loop< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT, ExtraArrayT >::mResult, and Impala::Core::Array::Trait::TalkNgbExtraP1Loop< DstArrayT, SrcArrayT, ExtraArrayT >::mVerbose.

00074     {
00075         if (mVerbose)
00076             std::cout << "      TalkNgbExtraP1Loop::next(" << x << "," << y
00077                       << "," << v1 << "," << v2 << ") " << std::endl;
00078         DstArithType tmp(v1, v2, 0);
00079         mResult += tmp;
00080     }

Generated on Thu Jan 13 09:18:36 2011 for ImpalaSrc by  doxygen 1.5.1