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Impala::Core::Array::Trait Namespace Reference


class  BpoAdd
 Pixel functor for computation of addition based on value call. More...
struct  BpoAddAssign
 Pixel functor for computation of addition assignment based on value call. More...
class  BpoAddSquared
 Pixel functor for computation of addition based on value call. More...
class  BpoAddWithWeight
 Pixel functor for computation of addition based on value call. More...
class  BpoAtan2
 Pixel functor for computation of addition based on value call. More...
class  BpoBind2Val
 Pixel functor for binding second argument of binary operation (based on value call). More...
class  BpoDiv
 Pixel functor for computation of division based on value call. More...
class  BpoEqual
class  BpoGreaterThan
 Pixel functor for computation of greater than based on value call. More...
class  BpoLessThan
 Pixel functor for computation of Less than based on value call. More...
struct  BpoMaxAssign
 Pixel functor for computation of maximum assignment. More...
class  BpoMaximum
 Pixel functor for computation of addition based on value call. More...
struct  BpoMinAssign
 Pixel functor for computation of minimum assignment based on value call. More...
class  BpoMinimum
 Pixel functor for computation of addition based on value call. More...
class  BpoMul
 Pixel functor for computation of multiplication based on value call. More...
class  BpoNegDiv
 Pixel functor for computation of division based on value call. More...
class  BpoNorm2Sqr
 Pixel functor for computation of addition. More...
class  BpoSub
 Pixel functor for computation of addition based on value call. More...
class  BpoTestEqual
class  CoordinateEnumeratorAll2
class  CoordinateEnumeratorRect
class  ExportMinMax
class  ExportMinMaxPos
class  ExportStat
class  FcvArray
class  InOutBlocks
class  InOutCircle
class  InOutSetRandom
 NOTE: The results of filling pixels with random values depends on the number of nodes used. More...
class  InOutSetVal
class  M3poHarris
 Pixel functor for computation of Harris based on value call. More...
class  M3poMakeFrom3
 Pixel functor for computation of MakeFrom3 based on value call. More...
class  M3poNorm2Sqr
 Pixel functor for computation of Norm2Sqr based on value call. More...
class  M6poEw
 Pixel functor for computation of Ew based on value call. More...
class  M6poLvvLw2
 Pixel functor for computation of LvvLw2 = LxxLy2 -2LxLyLxy + LyyLx2 based on value call. More...
class  M9N4poConFeat
 Pixel functor for computation of concept features (Cl, Cll, Clw, Cllw) based on value call. More...
class  M9N4poCxy
 Pixel functor for computation of (Clx, Cly, Cllx, Clly) based on value call. More...
class  M9N4poFHS
 Pixel functor for computation of FHx, FHy, FSx, and FSy of 'Joosts HSIDer' based on value call. More...
class  M9N4poFO
 Pixel functor for computation of FO1x, FO1y, FO2x, and FO2y based on value call. More...
class  M9N4poFSph
 Pixel functor for computation of FThetax, FThetay, FPhix, and FPhiy based on value call. More...
class  M9poANG2w
 Pixel functor for computation of ANG2w based on value call. More...
class  M9poANGw
 Pixel functor for computation of ANGw based on value call. More...
class  M9poCw
 Pixel functor for computation of Cw based on value call. More...
class  M9poCw_log
class  M9poFO1x
 Pixel functor for computation of FO1x based on value call. More...
class  M9poFO1y
 Pixel functor for computation of FO1y based on value call. More...
class  M9poFO2x
 Pixel functor for computation of FO2x based on value call. More...
class  M9poFO2y
 Pixel functor for computation of FO2y based on value call. More...
class  M9poFO3x
 Pixel functor for computation of FO3x based on value call. More...
class  M9poFO3y
 Pixel functor for computation of FO3x based on value call. More...
class  M9poFPhix
 Pixel functor for computation of FPhix based on value call. More...
class  M9poFPhiy
 Pixel functor for computation of FPhiy based on value call. More...
class  M9poFSphericalRx
 Pixel functor for computation of FO3x based on value call. More...
class  M9poFSphericalRy
 Pixel functor for computation of FO3x based on value call. More...
class  M9poFThetax
 Pixel functor for computation of FThetax based on value call. More...
class  M9poFThetay
 Pixel functor for computation of FThetay based on value call. More...
class  M9poHUEw
 Pixel functor for computation of HUEw based on value call. More...
class  M9poHw
 Pixel functor for computation of Hw based on value call. More...
class  M9poHw_log
class  M9poHx
 Pixel functor for computation of Hx based on value call. More...
class  M9poHy
 Pixel functor for computation of Hy based on value call. More...
class  M9poJOSAw
 Pixel functor for computation of JOSAw based on value call. More...
class  M9poNw
 Pixel functor for computation of Nw based on value call. More...
class  M9poNw_log
class  M9poOBw
 Pixel functor for computation of OBw based on value call. More...
class  M9poRGBw
 Pixel functor for computation of RGBw based on value call. More...
class  M9poWw
 Pixel functor for computation of Ww based on value call. More...
class  NgbIntegral
 Neighbourhood functor for making 'integral' images. More...
class  NgbLWshed
 Neighbourhood functor for watershed segmentation. More...
class  NgbPercentile
 Neighbourhood functor for percentile filter. More...
class  QbLabel
class  QbLabelOld
class  QbWatershed
class  QbWatershedMarkers
class  QbWatershedMarkers2
class  ReduceAdaptor
class  RgbBinary
 Binary display. More...
class  RgbDirectNC
class  RgbLabel
 Labeled display. More...
class  RgbLabel60
 Labeled display. More...
class  RgbLabelN
 Labeled display. More...
class  RgbLogMag
 Log manitude display. More...
class  RgbStretch
 Stretched display. More...
class  RgbStretchClip
 Stretched display using fixed values so clipping is needed. More...
class  TalkBpoPtrE1
 Pixel functor for talking based on pointer call on ElemSize == 1 only. More...
class  TalkBpoPtrEn
 Pixel functor for talking based on pointer call on all ElemSize. More...
class  TalkBpoVal
 Pixel functor for talking based on value call. More...
struct  TalkBpoAssignPtrE1
 Pixel functor for talking based on pointer call on ElemSize == 1 only. More...
struct  TalkBpoAssignPtrEn
 Pixel functor for talking based on pointer call on all ElemSize. More...
struct  TalkBpoAssignVal
 Pixel functor for talking based on value call. More...
class  TalkNgbExtra2P1Cnum
 Neighbourhood functor for talking. More...
class  TalkNgbExtra2P1Loop
 Neighbourhood functor for talking. More...
class  TalkNgbExtra2P2Loop
 Neighbourhood functor for talking. More...
class  TalkNgbExtra2PnLoop
 Neighbourhood functor for talking. More...
class  TalkNgbExtraP1Cnum
 Neighbourhood functor for talking. More...
class  TalkNgbExtraP1Loop
 Neighbourhood functor for talking. More...
class  TalkNgbExtraP2Loop
 Neighbourhood functor for talking. More...
class  TalkNgbExtraPnLoop
 Neighbourhood functor for talking. More...
class  TalkNgbP1Cnum
 Neighbourhood functor for talking. More...
class  TalkNgbP1Loop
 Neighbourhood functor for talking. More...
class  TalkNgbP2Loop
 Neighbourhood functor for talking. More...
class  TalkNgbPnLoop
 Neighbourhood functor for talking. More...
class  UpoAbs
 Pixel functor for computation of absolute value based on value call. More...
class  UpoColSpace
 Pixel functor for color space conversion based on value call. More...
class  UpoDivVal
class  UpoEndian
 Pixel functor for computation of absolute value based on value call. More...
class  UpoExp
 Pixel functor for computation of square root based on value call. More...
class  UpoGetPixElt
class  UpoLut
 Pixel functor for table lookup transformation based on value call. More...
class  UpoMulVal
class  UpoNorm2
 Pixel functor for computation of L2 norm based on value call. More...
class  UpoParameterizedColorPtr
class  UpoPow
 Pixel functor for computation of square root based on value call. More...
class  UpoRAVBO
class  UpoRGB2Gray
 Pixel functor for computation of RGB2Gray based on value call. More...
class  UpoRGB2Intensity
 Pixel functor for computation of RGB2Intensity based on value call. More...
class  UpoRGB2OooPtr
class  UpoRGB2rgPtr
class  UpoSetVal
class  UpoSqrt
 Pixel functor for computation of square root based on value call. More...
class  UpoSRGB2RGBPtr
class  UpoThreshold
class  FuncKalman
 functor to do Kalman filtering on all pixels using the same Kalman filter parameters for all pixels. More...
class  FuncKalmanColor
 Implementation as close to the paper "template tracking using color invariant pixel features" as possible. More...
class  FuncBpoRobustMahalanobis
 Pixel functor for computation of distance, uses Huberts funton to make it robust (eq.3). More...
class  FuncBpoMulPtr
class  FuncBpoAddAssignPtr
 pointer call implementation of add assign More...
class  FuncUpoRGB2OOO
 unary pixel ops to convert colors More...
class  FuncUpoRGB2OOOPtr
 unary pixel ops to convert colors More...
class  FuncUpoOOO2RGB
 unary pixel ops to convert colors More...
class  FuncBpoManhatDist
 Pixel functor for computation of distance. More...
class  FuncExportDifference
 computes the difference between two images. More...
class  FuncExportMinMax
 get the minimal and maximal value in the image and their positions More...
class  FuncUpoColorCode


 ILOG_VAR_INIT (NgbIntegral, Impala.Core.Array.Trait)


const int CONTOURVAL = -3
const int MASKVAL = -2
const int INITVAL = -1
const int WSHEDVAL = 0

Generated on Thu Jan 13 09:18:06 2011 for ImpalaSrc by  doxygen 1.5.1