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Impala::Core::Feature::InterestPointFeature::InterestPointFeature ( CmdOptions options  )  [inline]

Definition at line 58 of file InterestPointFeature.h.

References Impala::Util::TimeStats::AddGroup(), Impala::Core::Feature::FeatureDefinition::AddParameter(), Impala::CmdOptions::GetBool(), Impala::Util::StringParser::GetDouble(), Impala::Core::Feature::GetDSurfOptions(), Impala::CmdOptions::GetInt(), Impala::Util::StringParser::GetString(), Impala::CmdOptions::GetString(), Impala::MakeString(), mClusterInput, mDenseSamplingScales, mDescriptorReduceFilename, mDynamicPointSelector, mDynamicPointSelectorConfig, mFeatureDefinition, mKeepLimited, mName, mOutputFormat, mPointSelector, mRNG, mStripBorder, mSurfParams, mTimeStats, mUseRecGauss, mVerbose, Impala::Util::Random::RandomizeSeed(), Impala::StringReplace(), Impala::StringReplaceAll(), Impala::StringStartsWith(), and Impala::Util::StringParser::TheEnd().

00058                                               :
00059         mVerbose(0),
00060         mStripBorder(0),
00061         mUseRecGauss(false),
00062         mKeepLimited(0),
00063         mCodebook(0),
00064         mDescriptorReduce(0),
00065         mExtraBoxes(0),
00066         mResultOutput(0),
00067         mClusterInput(false),
00068         mClusterInputData(0),
00069         mDynamicPointSelector(false)
00070     {
00071         mVerbose     = options.GetInt("verb");
00072         mUseRecGauss = options.GetBool("recGauss");
00073         mStripBorder = options.GetInt("borderWidth");
00074         mOutputFormat = options.GetString("outputFormat");
00076         mClusterInput = options.GetBool("clusterInput");
00077         mKeepLimited = options.GetInt("keepLimited");
00078         if (!options.GetBool("noRandomizeSeed"))
00079             mRNG.RandomizeSeed();
00080         mTimeStats.AddGroup("detector");
00081         mTimeStats.AddGroup("descriptor");
00082         mTimeStats.AddGroup("projection");
00084         String detector    = options.GetString("detector");
00085         mName              = detector + "-" + options.GetString("descriptor");
00086         mFeatureDefinition = FeatureDefinition(options.GetString("featurePrefix") + mName);
00088         String descriptor = options.GetString("descriptor");
00089         if((descriptor.size() >= 4) &&
00090            (descriptor.substr(descriptor.size()-4,4) == "surf"))
00091         {
00092             Core::Feature::GetDSurfOptions(options, mSurfParams[0],
00093                                            mSurfParams[1], mSurfParams[2]);
00094             mFeatureDefinition.AddParameter
00095                 ("sc", MakeString(mSurfParams[0]) + "-" +
00096                  MakeString(mSurfParams[1]) + "-" + MakeString(mSurfParams[2]));
00097         }
00098         if((detector == "harrislaplace") || (detector == "harrislaplace2"))
00099         {
00100             if(options.GetString("harrisThreshold") != "1e-9")
00101             {
00102                 mFeatureDefinition.AddParameter
00103                     ("ht", options.GetString("harrisThreshold"));
00104             }
00105         }
00106         if((detector == "densesampling") || (detector == "denseall"))
00107         {
00108             // detector config
00109             int spacing = options.GetInt("ds_spacing");
00110             String scales = options.GetString("ds_scales");
00112             Util::StringParser sp(scales);
00113             while(!sp.TheEnd())
00114             {
00115                 Real64 scale = sp.GetDouble('+', false, true);
00116                 mDenseSamplingScales.push_back(scale);
00117             }
00118             if(mDenseSamplingScales.size() == 0)
00119             {
00120                 // fallback to estimate
00121                 Real64 scale = Real64(spacing) / 5;
00122                 // Most computation code uses 4*scale for the circular region size.
00123                 // Therefore, it makes sense to not provide the 'actual' region of
00124                 // interest here, but something smaller.
00125                 mDenseSamplingScales.push_back(scale);
00126             }
00127             String name = MakeString(spacing);
00128             for(int i = 0; i < mDenseSamplingScales.size(); i++)
00129             {
00130                 name += "-" + MakeString(mDenseSamplingScales[i]);
00131             }
00132             mFeatureDefinition.AddParameter("ds", name);
00133         }
00135         mDescriptorReduceFilename = options.GetString("descriptorReduce");
00136         if(!mDescriptorReduceFilename.empty())
00137             mFeatureDefinition.AddParameter("red", "1");
00139         if(!options.GetString("descriptorOpponentWeight").empty())
00140         {
00141             mFeatureDefinition.AddParameter
00142                 ("ow", options.GetString("descriptorOpponentWeight"));
00143         }
00144         if(StringStartsWith(options.GetString("pointSelector"), "dynamic-"))
00145         {
00146             // keep mPointSelector empty: we load it on-demand
00147             mDynamicPointSelector = true;
00148             String config = options.GetString("pointSelector");
00149             mFeatureDefinition.AddParameter("ps", config);
00150             config = StringReplace(config, "dynamic-", "");
00151             mDynamicPointSelectorConfig = config;
00152         }
00153         else if(options.GetString("pointSelector").size() != 0)
00154         {
00155             // filter on location (spatial pyramid)
00156             String config = options.GetString("pointSelector");
00157             String configName = config;
00158             if(config == "pyramid-1x1-2x2")
00159             {
00160                 config = "P1x1#0+P2x2#0+P2x2#1+P2x2#2+P2x2#3";
00161             }
00162             else if(config == "pyramid-1x1-2x2-3x1")
00163             {   // this is vertical (!)
00164                 config = "P1x1#0+P2x2#0+P2x2#1+P2x2#2+P2x2#3+P3x1#0+P3x1#1+P3x1#2";
00165             }
00166             else if(config == "pyramid-1x1-2x2-1x3")
00167             {
00168                 // this is division into three horizontal bars
00169                 config = "P1x1#0+P2x2#0+P2x2#1+P2x2#2+P2x2#3+P1x3#0+P1x3#1+P1x3#2";
00170             }
00171             else if(config == "pyramid-1x1-2x2-4x4")
00172             {
00173                 // this is three levels classic
00174                 config = "P1x1#0+P2x2#0+P2x2#1+P2x2#2+P2x2#3+P4x4#0+P4x4#1+P4x4#2+P4x4#3+P4x4#4+P4x4#5+P4x4#6+P4x4#7+P4x4#8+P4x4#9+P4x4#10+P4x4#11+P4x4#12+P4x4#13+P4x4#14+P4x4#15";
00175             }
00176             else if(config == "pyramid-1x1-2x2-4x4-1x3")
00177             {
00178                 // this is three levels classic plus horizontal bars
00179                 config = "P1x1#0+P2x2#0+P2x2#1+P2x2#2+P2x2#3+P4x4#0+P4x4#1+P4x4#2+P4x4#3+P4x4#4+P4x4#5+P4x4#6+P4x4#7+P4x4#8+P4x4#9+P4x4#10+P4x4#11+P4x4#12+P4x4#13+P4x4#14+P4x4#15+P1x3#0+P1x3#1+P1x3#2";
00180             }
00181             Util::StringParser sp(config);
00182             while(!sp.TheEnd())
00183             {
00184                 String selectorConfig = sp.GetString('+', false);
00185                 if(selectorConfig.size() == 0) break;
00186                 InterestPointSelector* selector =
00187                     new InterestPointSelector(selectorConfig, mStripBorder);
00188                 mPointSelector.push_back(selector);
00189             }
00190             configName = StringReplaceAll(configName, "+", "");
00191             configName = StringReplaceAll(configName, "#", "x");
00192             mFeatureDefinition.AddParameter("ps", configName);
00193         }
00194         else
00195         {
00196             // default: a filter spanning the complete image
00197             InterestPointSelector* selector =
00198                 new InterestPointSelector("P1x1#0", mStripBorder);
00199             mPointSelector.push_back(selector);
00200         }
00201     }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Generated on Thu Jan 13 09:19:16 2011 for ImpalaSrc by  doxygen 1.5.1