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Impala::Core::Feature Namespace Reference


class  Bitmap
class  Clusteror
 Base class for objects that cluster feature vectors. More...
class  ClusterorFactory
class  Color64
class  Computor
 Base class for feature computors. More...
class  FeatureDefinition
class  FeatureParameter
class  FeatureTable
 A table with features. More...
class  FeatureTableResult
class  FeatureTableSet
class  Grid
class  HarrisLaplaceDetector
class  InterestPointFeature
class  IntWeibullNgbPnLoop
 Neighbourhood functor for weibull fitting. More...
class  FISTDescriptor
class  LabelSet
class  PointDescriptorTable
 A table with points and their descriptors. More...
class  RadiusClusteror
 Radius based clustering of feature vectors using similarity. More...
class  RandomTree
 Representation of a random tree (a decision tree that maps a feature vector to a code word). More...
class  TestFunctions
 This class tests some feature functionality. More...
class  TestMakeRandomTree
class  TestRandomTree
class  VirtualFeatureTable
class  VirtualFeatureTableFactory
class  VirtualFeatureTableIOBufferReader
class  VirtualFeatureTableIOBufferWriter
class  VirtualFeatureTableMemory
class  VisSem
class  WeibullNgbPnLoop
 Neighbourhood functor for weibull fitting. More...
class  WeightedFeatureList


typedef std::vector< StringFeatureList
typedef Table::TableTem< Column::ColumnTem<
Quid >, Vector::VectorSet<
Array::Array2dScalarReal64 > > 
typedef Table::TableTem< Vector::ColumnVectorSet,
typedef Table::TableTem< Column::ColumnTem<
Real64 >, Column::ColumnTem<
Real64 >, Column::ColumnTem<
Real64 >, Column::ColumnTem<
Real64 >, Column::ColumnTem<
Real64 >, Vector::VectorSet<
Array::Array2dScalarReal64 > > 
typedef std::vector< RandomTree * > RandomForest
typedef Table::TableTem< Column::ColumnInt32,
Column::ColumnInt32, Column::ColumnReal64


 ILOG_VAR_INIT (ClusterorFactory, Impala.Core.Feature)
 ILOG_VAR_INIT (Computor, Impala.Core.Feature)
void AddDSurfOptions (CmdOptions &options)
void GetDSurfOptions (CmdOptions &options, int &haarSize, int &subregionSize, int &spatiality)
void ExtractFeatureIntoVector (Real64 *vector, std::vector< Array::Array2dScalarReal64 * > &features, int x, int y, int spatiality)
 subroutine of DSurf - extract from the collection of images 'features'; at the point (x,y) a feature that we will store in vector 'v' x and y are assumed to be in range of the image considering spatiality
Matrix::MatDSurf (Array::Array2dScalarReal64 *image, PointDescriptorTable *pointData, int sampleRate, int numberHaarSum, int spatiality)
 image in, descriptors are added to pointList
void DumpFeatureTableHistogram (FeatureTable *table, FeatureDefinition fdef, int id)
 ILOG_VAR_INIT (FeatureTable, Impala.Core.Feature)
 ILOG_VAR_INIT (FeatureTableResult, Impala.Core.Feature)
 ILOG_VAR_INIT (FeatureTableSet, Impala.Core.Feature)
void Normalize (Array::Array2dScalarReal64 *im)
std::vector< Array::Array2dScalarReal64 * > GetColorChannels (Array::Array2dVec3Real64 *input, String colorModel)
std::vector< Array::Array2dScalarReal64 * > GetColorChannels (Array::Array2dVec3UInt8 *inputInt, String colorModel)
void HaarFirstLine (std::vector< Array::Array2dScalarReal64 * > &response, Array::Array2dScalarReal64 *image, int y)
void HaarSecondLine (std::vector< Array::Array2dScalarReal64 * > &response, Array::Array2dScalarReal64 *image, int y)
std::vector< Array::Array2dScalarReal64 * > HaarResponse (Array::Array2dScalarReal64 *image)
 returns a vector of four images:
  • haar esponse in x direction
  • haar response in y direction
  • abs of haar esponse in x direction
  • abs of haar response in y direction

 ILOG_VAR_INIT (HarrisLaplaceDetector, Core.Feature)
 ILOG_VAR_INIT (InterestPointFeature, Core.Feature)
bool StringIsFullyNumeric (String s)
void CalculateFISTDescriptors (Array::Array2dVec3UInt8 *inputNoBorder, PointDescriptorTable *pointData, String descriptor)
template<class SrcArrayT>
PointDescriptorTableLaplacianDetection (SrcArrayT *imIntensity, bool useRecGauss, Real64 precision)
template<class SrcArrayT>
PointDescriptorTableLaplacianDetector (SrcArrayT *input, bool useRecGauss=true, Real64 precision=3.0)
void Dump (AnnotatedFeatureTable *t, std::ostream &os)
int > * 
MakeHistogram (const AnnotatedFeatureTable *data, int nrClasses, bool *filter)
 makes a historgram of the values found in the second column of data (the column with the 'class id') considering the filter.
double Gain (const AnnotatedFeatureTable *data, int nrClasses, bool *left, bool *right)
 according to Jasper: The Gain is defined as in [Shotton08], taken again from Lepetit, CVPR 2005
void SplitSet (bool *&left, bool *&right, int dimension, double value, const AnnotatedFeatureTable *data, bool *filter)
 returns filters for left and right through ref to pointer (pointer is set to a new address, so if either of these point to data when this function is called it will introduce a memory leak).
void TryRandomSplit (int &dimension, double &value, double &gain, const AnnotatedFeatureTable *data, bool *filter, int nrClasses, Util::Random &rng)
 Take a random split point and return it and it's gain in the first three reference parameters.
void FindSplit (int &dimension, double &value, const AnnotatedFeatureTable *data, bool *filter, int nrClasses, int nrTrials, Util::Random &rng)
 Find a split by trying random splits and returning the one with the maximum gain.
int GetCodeWord ()
 returns a new id every time the function is called.
Feature::RandomTreeMakeRandomTree (const AnnotatedFeatureTable *data, bool *filter, int nrClasses, int maxDepth, int nrTrials, Util::Random &rng)
 recursive funtion finds a split and calls itself for the 'left' and 'right' splits
RandomTreeMakeRandomTree (const AnnotatedFeatureTable *data, int nrClasses, int maxDepth, int nrTrials, Util::Random &rng)
void Dump (Matrix::Mat *matrix)
Vector::VectorTem< Real64MarkovStationaryFeature (Matrix::Mat *cooccuranceMatrix)
Vector::VectorTem< Real64MarkovStationaryFeatureTimed (Matrix::Mat *m)
void testMSF ()
void WriteBINDESC1ToBuffer (Util::IOBuffer *buffer, Matrix::Mat *points, Matrix::Mat *descriptors, String theDataType)
void WriteKOEN1ToBuffer (Util::IOBuffer *buffer, Matrix::Mat *points, Matrix::Mat *descriptors, String theDataType)
String ReadBINDESC1FromBuffer (Matrix::Mat *&points, Matrix::Mat *&descriptors, Util::IOBuffer *buffer, bool readPoints, bool readDescriptors)
 ILOG_VAR_INIT (PointDescriptorTable, Impala.Core.Feature)
RandomForest ReadRandomForest (RandomTreeTable *table)
RandomForest ReadRandomForest (FeatureTable *table)
int GetCodebookLength (FeatureTable *table)
void DeleteForest (RandomForest forest)
 Or should we make this the method of a class RandomForest?
 ILOG_VAR_INIT (RandomTree, Impala.Core.Feature)
void Write (RandomTree *tree, RandomTreeTable *table)
 Writes the tree to the end of the table.
RandomTreeRead (RandomTreeTable *table, int &index)
 Call with valid table and the index of the position in the tree where the tree starts (0 for example).
RandomTreeTableMakeRandomTreeTable (FeatureTable *ft)
FeatureTableMakeFeatureTable (RandomTreeTable *rtt)
FeatureTableReadCodebookFromBuffer (Util::IOBuffer *buf)
Array::Array2dScalarReal64CreateCircleMask (int patchSize)
void ComputeRegionDescriptor (std::vector< Real64 > &vec, Array::Array2dVec3UInt8 *src, String descriptor, bool useCircularMask, int srcCenterX, int srcCenterY)
void MakePatch (Array::Array2dVec3UInt8 *&patch, Array::Array2dVec3UInt8 *img, int x, int y, int pixelsAround)
void CalculateRegionDescriptors (Array::Array2dVec3UInt8 *inputNoBorder, PointDescriptorTable *pointData, String descriptor)
void CalculateSurfDescriptors (Array::Array2dVec3UInt8 *inputNoBorder, PointDescriptorTable *pointData, String descriptor, int haarSize, int components, int spatiality)
 this code is analogous to CalculateFIST2Descriptors
 ILOG_VAR_INIT (TestFunctions, Impala.Core.Feature)
 ILOG_CLASS_INIT (TestMakeRandomTree, Impala.Core.Feature)
 ILOG_CLASS_INIT (TestRandomTree, Impala.Core.Feature)
 ILOG_VAR_INIT (VirtualFeatureTable, Impala.Core.Feature)
 ILOG_VAR_INIT (VirtualFeatureTableFactory, Impala.Core.Feature)
 ILOG_VAR_INIT (VirtualFeatureTableIOBufferReader, Impala.Core.Feature)
 ILOG_VAR_INIT (VirtualFeatureTableIOBufferWriter, Impala.Core.Feature)
 ILOG_VAR_INIT (VirtualFeatureTableMemory, Impala.Core.Feature)
 ILOG_VAR_INIT (VisSem, Impala.Core.Feature)
Vector::VectorSet< Core::Array::Array2dScalarReal64 > * Weibull (Core::Array::Array2dVec3UInt8 *im, Real64 sigma)
Vector::VectorSet< Core::Array::Array2dScalarReal64 > * WeibullIRGB (Core::Array::Array2dVec3UInt8 *im, Real64 sigma, bool doMu=false, bool doAnderson=false, bool doArjan=false)
 ILOG_VAR_INIT (WeightedFeatureList, Impala.Core.Feature)
void Read (WeightedFeatureList *featList, Util::IOBuffer *buf)
bool Read (WeightedFeatureList *featList, Persistency::File file)
bool Write (WeightedFeatureList *featList, Util::IOBuffer *buf)
bool Write (WeightedFeatureList *featList, Persistency::File file)


const Quid cInvalidCodeWord = 0x8000000000000000LL

Generated on Thu Jan 13 09:18:59 2011 for ImpalaSrc by  doxygen 1.5.1