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Impala::Core::Feature::Computor::Computor ( String  name,
CmdOptions options 
) [inline]

Definition at line 53 of file Computor.h.

References Impala::CmdOptions::GetDouble(), Impala::CmdOptions::GetInt(), Impala::CmdOptions::GetString(), mFeatureTableSet, mLazebnikPyramid, mName, mPixelFeatureSetSize, mProtoDataFile, mProtoFeatureTableSet, mProtoLabels, mProtoLimit, mPyramid, mRegionDescriptorLength, and mRegionFeatureTableSet.

00054     {
00055         mName = name;
00057         mPyramid = Geometry::RectanglePyramid
00058             (options.GetInt("borderWidth"),
00059              options.GetInt("nrRegionsPerDimMin"),
00060              options.GetInt("nrRegionsPerDimMax"),
00061              options.GetInt("nrRegionsStepSize"),
00062              -1, -1);
00064         mLazebnikPyramid = Geometry::RectanglePyramidPerDim
00065             (options.GetInt("borderWidth"),
00066              options.GetInt("nrLazebnikRegionsPerDimMinX", 1),
00067              options.GetInt("nrLazebnikRegionsPerDimMaxX", 1),
00068              options.GetInt("nrLazebnikRegionsStepSizeX", 1),
00069              options.GetInt("nrLazebnikRegionsPerDimMinY", 1),
00070              options.GetInt("nrLazebnikRegionsPerDimMaxY", 1),
00071              options.GetInt("nrLazebnikRegionsStepSizeY", 1),
00072              -1, -1,
00073              options.GetDouble("overlapLazebnikRegions", 0));
00075         mProtoDataFile = options.GetString("protoDataFile");
00076 #ifndef REPOSITORY_USED // Here comes the deprecated stuff
00077 #else // REPOSITORY_USED
00078         mProtoLabels = new LabelSet();
00079 #endif // REPOSITORY_USED
00080         mProtoLimit = -1;
00082         mFeatureTableSet = new FeatureTableSet();
00083         mProtoFeatureTableSet = new FeatureTableSet();
00084         mRegionFeatureTableSet = new FeatureTableSet();
00086         mPixelFeatureSetSize = -1; // these are to be set by derived classes
00087         mRegionDescriptorLength = -1;
00088     }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Generated on Thu Jan 13 09:19:07 2011 for ImpalaSrc by  doxygen 1.5.1