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void OglGui::StringColumns::DrawItem ( int  x,
int  y,
ColumnData columnData,
int  strIdx 
) [inline, protected]

Definition at line 263 of file StringColumns.h.

References isSelectedBit, isShadowedBit, mItemHeight, OglGui::OglWindow::mOglWnd, OglGui::StringColumns::ColumnData::strColors, strconst, OglGui::StringColumns::ColumnData::strOptions, OglGui::StringColumns::ColumnData::strVector, and OglGui::StringColumns::ColumnData::width.

Referenced by DisplayFunc().

00264     {
00265         StrVector& strVector = columnData.strVector;
00266         if (strIdx<0 || strIdx>strVector.size()-1)
00267             return;
00269         strconst str     = columnData.strVector[strIdx];
00270         int      options = columnData.strOptions[strIdx];
00271         ULONG    color   = columnData.strColors[strIdx];
00272         int      width   = columnData.width;
00274         if (options & isSelectedBit)
00275         {
00276             SetSolidFillColor(oglLIGHTBLUE);
00277             FillRectangle(x,y,width,mItemHeight);
00278         }
00279         if (options & isShadowedBit)
00280             oglSys.ShadowPrintf(mOglWnd,x+4,y+4,oglLIGHTGREY,color,str.c_str());
00281         else
00282             oglSys.PosColPrintf(mOglWnd,x+4,y+4,color,str.c_str());
00283     }

Generated on Thu Jan 13 09:26:58 2011 for ImpalaSrc by  doxygen 1.5.1