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OglGui Namespace Reference


class  AnimWindowListener
class  AnimButtonListener
class  WindowView2DWithRectListener
class  WindowView2DWithRect
class  AlertTimeLine
class  AlertTimeLineListener
class  Animator
class  Button
class  ButtonListener
class  Camera3DAnchorControl
class  Camera3DControl
class  Camera3DControlEx
class  Camera3DMoveZ
class  Camera3DXYZ
class  CameraMoveControl
class  CameraRotateControl
class  Carousel3D
class  Carousel3DListener
class  MyChangingToViewListener
class  ChangingToDemo
class  ChangingToView
class  ChangingToViewListener
class  CheckBox
class  CheckBox3D
class  CheckBoxDrum
class  CheckBoxListener
class  CheckBoxValueBar
class  CheckBoxValueBars
class  CloseWindowListener
class  Cluster
class  ClusterApp
class  ColorDialog
class  ColorsNamed
class  ColorsNamedListener
class  ColorTargetModalDialog
class  ColumnHeaders
class  Columns
class  ConceptSupportControl
class  CrossControl
class  DirectionButton
class  DocDimensions
class  DocFlowDrag
class  DocScroller
class  DropDownScrollWnd
class  DropDownStringSelector
class  DropDownWindow
class  DynamicList
class  FourPanesWindow
class  FramesPerSecond
class  GetOglImageByIdInterface
class  Graph
class  GroupBox
class  ImagesListener
class  ImMoveControl
class  InfoViewer
class  IntervalChooser
class  IntervalChooserListener
class  IPhoneApp
class  IPhoneAppListener
class  KeyListener
class  LayoutComponent
class  LayoutConnect
class  LayoutListener
class  LayoutScale
class  LayoutShift
class  LenseControl
class  Menu
class  MenuBar
class  MenuListener
class  MenuOnButton
class  Menus
class  MenuTopPane
class  MNAnimWnd
class  OglDemo
class  OglImageCache
class  OglWindow
 Please note that OglGui::Window, a class derived from this one, is very much alike and can be used in almost all cases where one would use this one. More...
class  OpenClose
class  ProgressBar
class  RadioGroup
class  RadioGroupListener
class  RepeatTimer
class  RgbSlider
class  RgbSliderDialog
class  ScrollBar
class  ScrollBarListener
class  ScrollWnd
class  SelectedViewControl
class  SetGetDimensions2dIntI
class  SetImageInterface
class  ShapeScalingView
class  SideBar
class  SixButtonCross
class  SixImViewerApp
class  SixView2DWindow
class  SizableDirectionButton
class  SizableStaticText
class  SizableWindow
class  Slider
class  SliderListener
class  SpinWheel
class  SpinWheelListener
class  SplashScreen
class  SplashScreenWoggel
class  StaticText
class  StatusBar
class  StringColumns
class  StringListBox
class  StringListener
class  StringSelector
class  Strut
class  Sys
class  Tabs
class  TabsListener
class  TextArea
class  TextEdit
class  TextEditLineScroller
class  TextEditListener
class  TextField
 basic text input control More...
class  TextFieldListener
class  TexturedViewAnimator
class  TitledWindow
class  Transition
class  TumblingView3D
class  TwoPanesWindow
class  UpDownButton
class  UpDownButtonListener
class  UpDownNumber
class  UpDownNumberListener
class  ValueScrollBar
class  ValueScrollBarListener
class  View
 Views are children of windows that themselves have no children. More...
class  ViewerPoint
class  ViewerPointCloud
class  ViewerPointCloudNavigator
class  ViewListener
 implement behaviour of Views More...
class  ViewMoveControl
class  ViewRotateControl
class  ViewSphere
class  ViewStrip
class  Window
 The basis of the OglGui system. More...
class  WindowDocScroller
class  WindowListener
class  WindowScrollBar
 Scrollbar for any side of a window, adjusting itself to the size of the window when the window is reshaped. More...
class  WindowTimeLine
class  WindowTimeLineListener
class  WindowView2D
class  WindowView2DListener
class  WindowView3D
class  WindowView3DListener
class  WoggelWnd
class  ZoomControl
class  ZoomPanControl
class  ZoomShiftRuler
class  ZoomShiftRulerListener


 ILOG_VAR_INIT (WindowView2DWithRect, Application.IDash)
void ColorTargetModalDialogFunc (Window *parent, Window *target, int what, ULONG startCol=oglBLACK, int w=600, int h=300)


static const int sChNrViews = 144
static const int sChNrRows = 12
static ChangingToViewsChViews [sChNrViews]
static int sChXRot
static int sChYRot
static int sChZRot
OglGui::MyChangingToViewListener MyChViewListener
const int TPARENT = 0x01000000
const int L2L = 0x1
const int L2R = 0x2
const int T2T = 0x4
const int T2B = 0x8
const int R2L = 0x10
const int R2R = 0x20
const int B2T = 0x40
const int B2B = 0x80
const int W2W = 0x100
const int H2H = 0x200
const int TOLEFTRIGHT = L2L | R2R
const int TOTOPBOTTOM = T2T | B2B
const int ALLSIDES = L2L | R2R | T2T | B2B
const int TOBOTTOM = T2B | B2B
const int TOTOP = T2T | B2T
const int TORIGHT = L2R | R2R
const int TOLEFT = L2L | R2L
const int NoHorizontal = 0x1
const int NoVertical = 0x2
const int NoHeight = 0x4
const int NoWidth = 0x8
static char * viewSpherekeyCmd []
 User instruction.

Detailed Description

XXX RvB: apart from SetAllowSizeDirection, also implement function to disable a certain direction, leaving other settings alone: SetDisableSizeDirection. Same goes for move: SetDisableMoveDirection. Or alternatively add a flag to SetAllowSizeDirection(dir, bool mode) latter method is preferred

Generated on Thu Jan 13 09:26:02 2011 for ImpalaSrc by  doxygen 1.5.1