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void Impala::Application::TagsLife::TagsWeekPlot::Init ( int  w,
int  h,
int  nrView 
) [inline, private]

Definition at line 255 of file TagsWeekPlot.h.

References AXIS_X, AXIS_Y, OglGui::OglWindow::ConnectTo(), OglGui::OglWindow::GetOGLWND(), OglGui::Window::GetParent(), mBarBgColor, mBarBorderColor, mBarFillColor, mDetailView, mFirstVisible, mLastVisible, mMaxFreq, mMinViewSize, mNrViews, mWeekSensorWnd, mWeekText, mWndViews, OglGui::OglWindow::SetBorderFillShaded(), OglGui::OglWindow::SetBorderType(), OglGui::OglWindow::SetRoundness(), OglGui::OglWindow::SetVisible(), OglGui::Window::SetWindowListener(), OglGui::WindowView2D::Texturing(), OglGui::TOLEFTRIGHT, WEEKWND_IDX, and WNDVIEW2D_IDX.

00256     {
00257         mFirstVisible = 0;
00258         mLastVisible  = 10;
00259         mNrViews      = nrView;
00260         mMinViewSize  = 8;
00261         mMaxFreq      = 0;
00263         mBarBorderColor = oglRED;
00264         mBarBgColor     = oglRED;
00265         mBarFillColor   = oglRED;
00267         for (int i=0; i<mNrViews; i++)
00268         {
00269             WindowView2D* wndView = new WindowView2D(this,0,0,10,10,0);
00270             wndView->Texturing(false);
00271             wndView->SetVisible(false);
00272             // Set listener to react to mouse Enter/Leave
00273             wndView->SetWindowListener(this,WNDVIEW2D_IDX);
00274             mWndViews.push_back(wndView);
00275         }
00277         Window* topWnd = this;
00278         while(topWnd->GetParent())
00279             topWnd = topWnd->GetParent();
00280         mDetailView = new WindowView2D(topWnd,0,0,10,10,0);
00281         mDetailView->Texturing(false);
00283         mDetailView->SetVisible(false);
00285         mWeekSensorWnd = new Window(this,AXIS_X,0,w,AXIS_Y);
00286         mWeekSensorWnd->ConnectTo(this,OglGui::TOLEFTRIGHT);
00287         mWeekSensorWnd->SetWindowListener(this,WEEKWND_IDX);
00288         // Indicate that we want all mouse motion events
00289         mWeekSensorWnd->GetOGLWND()->allMouseMotion = 1;
00291         mWeekText = new StaticText(topWnd,0,0,100,20,"");
00292         mWeekText->SetRoundness(20,20,20,20);
00293         mWeekText->SetBorderType(BEV_LINE);
00294         mWeekText->SetBorderFillShaded(2);
00295         mWeekText->SetVisible(false);
00296     }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Generated on Fri Mar 19 10:51:56 2010 for ImpalaSrc by  doxygen 1.5.1