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Impala::Core::Vector Namespace Reference


class  HistogramIntersectionFtor
class  KullbackDivergenceFtor
 KL(v1||v2). More...
class  VectorSet
class  VectorTem
 Class definition for vector of arbitrary number of elements, each represented by an ElemT. More...
class  WeibullSimFtor
 Functor to compute similarity assuming vectors contain only beta and gamma. More...


typedef VectorTem< Real64VectorReal64
typedef VectorSet< Array::Array2dScalarReal64ColumnVectorSet


template<class ElemT>
void AddAssign (VectorTem< ElemT > &v1, VectorTem< ElemT > v2)
 Add 2 vectors.
template<class ElemT>
void AddAssign (VectorTem< ElemT > &v, ElemT e)
template<class ArrayT>
void AddAssign (VectorSet< ArrayT > *dst, VectorSet< ArrayT > *src, int dstStart, int srcStart, int nr)
 Add nr vectors from src starting at srcStart to those in dst starting at dstStart.
Matrix::MatApply (double(*fn)(const VectorTem< double > &, const VectorTem< double > &), const VectorSet< Array::Array2dScalarReal64 > *horizontal, const VectorSet< Array::Array2dScalarReal64 > *vertical)
 apply a function to two vector sets, resulting in a matrix
void Kernelise (VectorTem< double > *dst, VectorTem< double > src, const VectorSet< Array::Array2dScalarReal64 > *set, double(*fn)(const VectorTem< double > &, const VectorTem< double > &))
template<class ArrayT, class SimFtorT>
Real64 AverageSimilarity (typename VectorSet< ArrayT >::VectorT example, VectorSet< ArrayT > *src, int end, SimFtorT simFunc)
template<class ArrayT>
void Avg (typename VectorSet< ArrayT >::VectorT *dst, VectorSet< ArrayT > *src, int startIdx, int stepSize, int nrSteps)
template<class ArrayT>
void Avg (typename VectorSet< ArrayT >::VectorT *dst, VectorSet< ArrayT > *src, int size, bool *filter)
template<class ArrayT>
void Clear (VectorSet< ArrayT > *vs)
template<class ElemT>
VectorTem< ElemT > Concat (VectorTem< ElemT > v1, VectorTem< ElemT > v2)
template<class ArrayT>
VectorSet< ArrayT >::VectorT Concat (VectorSet< ArrayT > *src)
template<class ElemT>
void DivAssign (VectorTem< ElemT > &v1, VectorTem< ElemT > v2)
template<class ElemT>
void DivAssign (VectorTem< ElemT > &v, ElemT e)
template<class ElemT>
ElemT ElemAvg (VectorTem< ElemT > v, bool *filter1, bool *filter2, int maxNr=-1)
template<class ElemT>
ElemT ElemMax (VectorTem< ElemT > v)
template<class ElemT>
ElemT ElemMin (VectorTem< ElemT > v)
template<class ArrayT>
void HistogramAccumulation (VectorSet< ArrayT > *vs, bool doNormalizeHeight, bool doNormalizeWeight, bool *filter)
 Treat vectors as histograms and turn them into cumulative histograms.
template<class ElemT>
ElemT HistogramIntersection (const VectorTem< ElemT > &v1, const VectorTem< ElemT > &v2)
template<class ElemT>
Real64 HistogramIntersection2 (VectorTem< ElemT > v1, VectorTem< ElemT > v2)
template<class ArrayT>
void HistogramNormalization (VectorSet< ArrayT > *vs, bool normWeight, bool *filter)
template<class ElemT>
ElemT KullbackDivergence (const VectorTem< ElemT > &v1, const VectorTem< ElemT > &v2)
template<class ArrayT>
void Max (typename VectorSet< ArrayT >::VectorT *dst, VectorSet< ArrayT > *src, int startIdx, int stepSize, int nrSteps)
template<class ArrayT>
void Max (typename VectorSet< ArrayT >::VectorT *dst, VectorSet< ArrayT > *src, int size, bool *filter)
template<class ElemT>
void MaxAssign (VectorTem< ElemT > &v1, VectorTem< ElemT > v2)
template<class ArrayT>
void Min (typename VectorSet< ArrayT >::VectorT *dst, VectorSet< ArrayT > *src, int startIdx, int stepSize, int nrSteps)
template<class ArrayT>
void Min (typename VectorSet< ArrayT >::VectorT *dst, VectorSet< ArrayT > *src, int size, bool *filter)
template<class ElemT>
void MinAssign (VectorTem< ElemT > &v1, VectorTem< ElemT > v2)
template<class ArrayT, class SimFtorT>
Real64 MinimumSimilarity (typename VectorSet< ArrayT >::VectorT example, VectorSet< ArrayT > *src, int end, SimFtorT simFunc)
template<class ElemT>
void MulAssign (VectorTem< ElemT > &v1, VectorTem< ElemT > v2)
template<class ElemT>
void MulAssign (VectorTem< ElemT > &v, ElemT e)
template<class ElemT>
Real64 Norm1Dist (const VectorTem< ElemT > &v1, const VectorTem< ElemT > &v2)
template<class ElemT>
Real64 Norm2DistSqr (VectorTem< ElemT > &v1, VectorTem< ElemT > &v2)
template<class ElemT>
Real64 Norm2Dist (VectorTem< ElemT > &v1, VectorTem< ElemT > &v2)
template<class ArrayT>
void NormalizationMax (VectorSet< ArrayT > *vs)
 Normalize vectors in set by division with maximum.
template<class ElemT>
void OutProduct (VectorTem< ElemT > *&dst, VectorTem< ElemT > &v1, VectorTem< ElemT > &v2)
 outer product of 2 vectors.
template<class ArrayT, class SimFtorT>
Real64 RadiusSimilarity (typename VectorSet< ArrayT >::VectorT example, VectorSet< ArrayT > *src, Real64 radius, int end, SimFtorT simFunc)
 Count the number of elements in src that are within the radius of example.
template<class ArrayT>
void SetPart (VectorSet< ArrayT > *dst, VectorSet< ArrayT > *src, int dstColumn)
template<class ArrayT>
void SetPart (VectorSet< ArrayT > *dst, VectorSet< ArrayT > *src, int srcColumn, int nrColumn, int dstColumn)
template<class ArrayT, class SimFuncT>
Real64 Similarity (VectorSet< ArrayT > *example, VectorSet< ArrayT > *src, int exStartIdx, int srcStartIdx, int setSize, SimFuncT simFunc)
 Compute similarity of setSize vectors starting at exStartIdx of the example set to the vectors of src starting at srcStartIdx.
template<class ArrayT, class SimFuncT>
void Similarity (Real64 *dst, typename VectorSet< ArrayT >::VectorT example, VectorSet< ArrayT > *src, bool *filter, int subSetSize, SimFuncT simFunc)
 Compute similarity of example vector to each subset of src unless a filter is given indicating which subsets should be skipped.
template<class ArrayT, class SimFuncT>
void Similarity (VectorTem< Real64 > *dst, VectorSet< ArrayT > *example, VectorSet< ArrayT > *src, bool *filter, int subSetSize, int subSubSetSize, int activeSubSubSet, bool doMax, SimFuncT simFunc)
 Compute similarity of example vector set to all (sub)subsets of src unless a filter is given indicating which subsets should be skipped.
template<class ElemT>
void SubAssign (VectorTem< ElemT > &v1, VectorTem< ElemT > v2)
 Add 2 vectors.
template<class ElemT>
void SubAssign (VectorTem< ElemT > &v, ElemT e)
template<class ElemT>
ElemT Sum (VectorTem< ElemT > v)
template<class ArrayT>
void Sum (typename VectorSet< ArrayT >::VectorT *dst, VectorSet< ArrayT > *src, int startIdx, int stepSize, int nrSteps)
template<class ArrayT>
void Sum (typename VectorSet< ArrayT >::VectorT *dst, VectorSet< ArrayT > *src, int size, bool *filter)
template<class ElemT>
VectorTem< ElemT > Append (const VectorTem< ElemT > &v1, const VectorTem< ElemT > &v2)
template<class ElemT>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const VectorTem< ElemT > &v)
template<class ElemT>
VectorTem< ElemT > operator * (const VectorTem< ElemT > &a, ElemT b)
template<class ElemT>
VectorTem< ElemT > operator * (ElemT a, const VectorTem< ElemT > &b)
template<class ElemT>
ElemT operator * (const VectorTem< ElemT > &a, const VectorTem< ElemT > &b)
Real64 WeibullSim (Real64 b1, Real64 g1, Real64 b2, Real64 g2)
 Compute weibull similarity between two beta,gamma pairs.
template<class ElemT>
Real64 WeibullSim (const VectorTem< ElemT > &v1, const VectorTem< ElemT > &v2)
 Compute similarity assuming vectors contain only beta and gamma.

Generated on Fri Mar 19 11:26:56 2010 for ImpalaSrc by  doxygen 1.5.1