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void Impala::Application::IDash::ScreenPlay::InitScreen (  )  [inline, private]

Definition at line 167 of file ScreenPlay.h.

References OglGui::B2B, OglGui::B2T, BTN_PLAY, BTN_REWIND, BTN_STOP, BTN_TOBROWSER, OglGui::OglWindow::ConnectTo(), ILOG_DEBUG, ILOG_ERROR, OglGui::L2L, mHasFile, mLabel, mPlayer, mVideoId, OglGui::R2R, RAD_LOOP, RAD_SPEED, OglGui::Window::RepositionViewports(), OglGui::Window::ScaleChildren(), Impala::Application::IDash::ScreenBase::SetAsBox(), Impala::Application::IDash::NfiSixView::SetLoopVideo(), OglGui::T2B, OglGui::T2T, OglGui::OglWindow::Valid(), Impala::Visualization::Window::Window(), OglGui::OglWindow::WndHeight(), and OglGui::OglWindow::WndWidth().

Referenced by ScreenPlay().

00168     {
00169         ILOG_DEBUG("constructing screen Play");
00170 mVideoId = -1;
00171         Window *header = new Window(this, 0, WndHeight() - 100, WndWidth(), 80);
00172         SetAsBox(header);
00174         new Strut(header, 60, 20);
00175         mLabel = new StaticText(header, 0, 20, WndWidth(), 20, "No video loaded");
00176         header->ScaleChildren();
00177         header->ConnectTo(this, L2L|R2R|T2T|B2T);
00179         Window *footer = new Window(this, 0, 0, WndWidth(), 80);
00180         new Strut(footer, 4000, 20);
00181         new Strut(footer, 40, 20);
00182         Button *play = new Button(footer, 60, 40, ">");
00183         Button *stop = new Button(footer, 40, 40, "||");
00184         Button *rewind = new Button(footer, 40, 40, "<<");
00185         new Strut(footer, 100, 20);
00186         mHasFile = false;
00187         play->SetButtonListener(this, BTN_PLAY);
00188         stop->SetButtonListener(this, BTN_STOP);
00189         rewind->SetButtonListener(this, BTN_REWIND);
00191         Button *backtobrowser = new Button(footer, 200, 40, "back to browser");
00192         backtobrowser->SetButtonListener(this, BTN_TOBROWSER);
00195         RadioGroup *speed = new RadioGroup(footer, 292, 40);
00196         speed->SetButtonDimensions(140, 40);
00197         speed->Add("Normal speed", BEV_RAISED, true);
00198         speed->Add("Fast speed", BEV_RAISED, true);
00199         speed->SetRadioListener(this, RAD_SPEED);
00201         RadioGroup *loop = new RadioGroup(footer, 292, 40);
00202         loop->SetButtonDimensions(140, 40);
00203         loop->Add("Play once", BEV_RAISED, true);
00204         loop->Add("Loop video", BEV_RAISED, true);
00205         loop->SetRadioListener(this, RAD_LOOP);
00207         footer->RepositionViewports();
00208         footer->ScaleChildren();
00209         footer->ConnectTo(this, L2L|R2R|T2B|B2B);
00210         SetAsBox(footer);
00212         //start sixvid window
00213         mPlayer = new NfiSixView(this, 0, 80, WndWidth(), WndHeight() - 180);
00214         mPlayer->SetLoopVideo(false);
00215         mPlayer->ConnectTo(this);
00216         SetAsBox(mPlayer);
00217         if (!mPlayer->Valid())
00218         {
00219             ILOG_ERROR("NfiVideoDemo failed\n");
00220             return;
00221         }
00222     }

Here is the call graph for this function:

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