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virtual int Impala::Application::VideoExcel::TableDataSource::GetRowHeight ( int  row  )  [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 473 of file TableDataSource.h.

References mDefaultRowHeight, mDefaultRowZoomHeight, and mZoomRow.

Referenced by Impala::Application::VideoExcel::TableWindow::DisplayFunc(), Impala::Application::VideoExcel::TableWindow::GetRowForY(), SetNumberOfRowsInPixels(), Impala::Application::VideoExcel::TableCell::UpdateRow(), and Impala::Application::VideoExcel::TableColumn::UpdateRows().

00474     {
00475         if (mZoomRow > -1)
00476         {
00477             int dist = abs((row) - mZoomRow);
00478             if (dist > 5) return mDefaultRowHeight;
00479             double div;
00480             if (dist == 0) div = 1.0;
00481             if (dist == 1) div = 0.45;
00482             if (dist == 2) div = 0.25;
00483             if (dist == 3) div = 0.15;
00484             if (dist == 4) div = 0.1;
00485             if (dist == 5) div = 0.05;
00486             return (int)(mDefaultRowZoomHeight*div+mDefaultRowHeight*(1.0-div));
00487         }
00488         return mDefaultRowHeight;
00489     }

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