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Impala::Core::Training Namespace Reference


class  ApplyConcepts
 This class handles the logic of applying trained models to a dataset. More...
class  ApplyConceptsHelper
class  ApplyConceptsHelperFeatures
class  ApplyConceptsHelperKernels
class  AreaUnderRocCurve
 This class can be applied to a ScoreTable to compute the area under the ROC curve. More...
class  AveragePrecision
 This class can be applied to a ScoreTable to compute the average precision. More...
class  BalancedAveragePrecision
class  Classifier
 This is a baseclass for classifiers. More...
class  ClassifierEvaluator
 This class works together with ParameterSearcher (through baseclass ParameterEvaluator). More...
class  Evaluation
 Baseclass for evaluation of ranked lists (which are passed in as AnnotationTableBaseType). More...
class  Factory
class  Fisher
 Fisher is a well known Classifier, see internet for details. More...
class  MpoChi2Kernel
 this class implements a trait for the Chi2 kernel More...
class  LogisticRegression
 Not implemented, perhaps now that Taylan has made some matrix operations available, this classifier can also be implemented. More...
class  ParameterEvaluator
 Abstract base class for classes that the ParameterSearcher can work with. More...
class  ParameterSearcher
 This class searches a range of parameters for the best setting. More...
class  PrecisionAtN
 This class can be applied to a ScoreTable to compute the precision at a given N. More...
class  RecallAtN
 This class can be applied to a ScoreTable to compute the recall at a given N. More...
class  Svm
 SVM is a well known Classifier, see internet for details. More...
class  SvmProblemBuilder
 This class does the actual conversion from feature and annotation data to the data format used by SvmLib. More...
class  Tester
 This class tests the training functionality. More...
class  TesterIOHelper
class  TrainDataSrc
class  TrainDataSrcFeature
class  TrainDataSrcFeatureTable
class  TrainDataSrcKernelDistributed
 this class assumes some other cpus serve the distributed matrix. More...
class  TrainDataSrcKernelMatrix
 Wraps a kernel matrix (of type Matrix::Mat*). More...
class  TrainDataSrcKernelTable


 ILOG_VAR_INIT (ApplyConcepts, Impala.Core.Training)
 ILOG_VAR_INIT (ApplyConceptsHelperFeatures, Impala.Core.Training)
 ILOG_VAR_INIT (ApplyConceptsHelperKernels, Impala.Core.Training)
 ILOG_VAR_INIT (AveragePrecision, Impala.Core.Training)
 ILOG_VAR_INIT (ClassifierEvaluator, Impala.Core.Training)
bool Equals (const svm_parameter *p1, const svm_parameter *p2)
 All Equals functions compare the objects (they do not test for 0 pointers).
bool EqualsForModel (const svm_parameter *p1, const svm_parameter *p2)
bool Equals (const svm_node *sv1, const svm_node *sv2)
bool Equals (const svm_problem *p1, const svm_problem *p2)
bool Equals (const svm_model *m1, const svm_model *m2)
 ILOG_VAR_INIT (Factory, Impala.Core.Training)
 ILOG_VAR_INIT (Fisher, Impala.Core.Training)
double Chi2Distance (const Vector::VectorTem< double > &v1, const Vector::VectorTem< double > &v2)
ClassifierLoadClassifier (CString modelFileName, Util::Database *db)
 factory function for loading classifiers.
EvaluationMakeEvaluation (const std::string &description, Table::AnnotationTable *annotation)
 Factory function for Evaluation objects.
 ILOG_VAR_INIT (ParameterSearcher, Impala.Core.Training)
Matrix::MatPrecomputeKernelMatrix (std::vector< Feature::FeatureTable * > features, std::vector< double > weights, Util::PropertySet *properties)
Matrix::MatPrecomputeKernelMatrix (Feature::FeatureTable *features, Util::PropertySet *properties)
svm_problemConvertToSvmProblem (const Core::Vector::VectorTem< double > *feature)
 ILOG_VAR_INIT (Svm, Impala.Core.Training)
bool Equals (const Svm *svm1, const Svm *svm2)
svm_problemReadSvmFile (const std::string &filename)
void WriteSvmFile (const svm_problem *p, const std::string &filename)
 ILOG_VAR_INIT (SvmProblemBuilder, Impala.Core.Training)
 ILOG_VAR_INIT (Tester, Impala.Core.Training)
 ILOG_VAR_INIT (TesterIOHelper, Impala.Core.Training)
 ILOG_VAR_INIT (TrainDataSrc, Impala.Core.Training)
 ILOG_VAR_INIT (TrainDataSrcFeature, Impala.Core.Training)
 ILOG_VAR_INIT (TrainDataSrcFeatureTable, Impala.Core.Training)
 ILOG_VAR_INIT (TrainDataSrcKernelDistributed, Impala.Core.Training)
 ILOG_CLASS_INIT (TrainDataSrcKernelTable, Impala.Core.Training.Svm)


const double cPrecision = 0.000001
 since svm lib saves in ascii with 6 decimal numbers, we can't expect higher precision than this
const double cInvalid = 666

Generated on Fri Mar 19 11:22:57 2010 for ImpalaSrc by  doxygen 1.5.1