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Impala::Util Namespace Reference


class  Cache
class  ChannelListener
 Interface intended to be used by channel servers. More...
class  Channel
class  ChannelAuthorization
 Authorization of the use of a Channel. More...
class  ChannelPool
class  ChannelProxy
class  ChannelServer
class  Database
class  DirectoryInfo
class  FileInfo
class  IOBuffer
 Base class for I/O buffers. More...
class  IOBufferChannel
 Experimental specialization of IOBuffer that obtains data thru a Channel upon invocation of member functions. More...
class  IOBufferFile
class  Iterable
class  Param
class  Range
class  LogRange
 same as ParamRange but searches logarithmicly, note that the semantics of the parameters have changed: they are exponents, not values More...
class  NumberGenerator
class  ProgressPrinter
class  PropertySet
class  QuasiRandomSequenceIterator
class  RandomGenerator
class  RangeIterator
class  SimpleMapBase
class  SimpleMapDelete
class  SimpleMap
class  StringParser
class  TimePlot
class  TimeStats
class  Deletor
class  Nop
class  XmlDoc
 Base class for XML-based documents. More...


namespace  Mpi


std::string MakeString (Impala::Core::Array::ColorSegmentationAlgorithm alg)
std::string MakeString (Impala::Core::Array::ColorSegmentationInvariant inv)
template<class Type>
void ApplyOrder (Type *data, const int *constOrder, int length)
 if order = {3,2,1,0} (and length = 4) then will be reversed used for sorting tables on one column
String Bin2Hex (UInt8 *data, size_t dataSize)
UInt8Hex2Bin (CString data, size_t &resSize)
 ILOG_VAR_INIT_TEMPL_2 (Cache, IdxT, ElemT, Impala.Util)
 ILOG_VAR_INIT (Channel, Impala.Util)
 ILOG_VAR_INIT (ChannelAuthorization, Impala.Util)
 ILOG_VAR_INIT (ChannelPool, Impala.Util)
 ILOG_VAR_INIT (ChannelProxy, Impala.Util)
 ILOG_VAR_INIT (ChannelServer, Impala.Util)
 ILOG_VAR_INIT (Database, Impala.Util)
template<class BackInsertIterator>
void DatabaseReadNative (BackInsertIterator bi, IOBuffer *buf)
template<class BackInsertIterator>
void DatabaseReadString (BackInsertIterator bi, IOBuffer *buf, bool skipEC, int count)
template<class BackInsertIterator>
void DatabaseReadString (BackInsertIterator bi, String fileName, Database *db, bool skipEC, int count=-1)
void DatabaseReadStrings (std::vector< String > &stringList, CString filename, Database *db)
template<class Iterator>
void DatabaseWriteNative (String fileName, Database *db, Iterator begin, Iterator end)
template<class Iterator>
bool DatabaseWriteString (IOBuffer *buf, Iterator begin, Iterator end, int count=-1)
template<class Iterator>
bool DatabaseWriteString (String fileName, Database *db, Iterator begin, Iterator end, int count=-1)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const DirectoryInfo &d)
void FileCopyLocalToRemote (std::string localFileName, std::string remoteFileName)
void FileCopyRemoteToLocal (std::string remoteFileName, std::string localFileName)
void FileCopyRemoteToLocal (IOBuffer *remoteBuffer, std::string localFileName)
Persistency::CollectableType File2Type (const FileInfo *file)
std::string File2TypeName (const FileInfo *file)
template<class BackInsertIterator>
void FileReadNative (BackInsertIterator bi, String fileName)
template<class Iterator>
void FileWriteNative (std::string fileName, Iterator begin, Iterator end)
bool * MakeIntersection (bool *set1, bool *set2, int size)
 returns a new filter that is the intersection of the two input filters
bool * MakeRelativeComplement (bool *set1, bool *set2, int size)
 returns a new filter that is the 'relative complement of set2 in set1' which is normaly written as set1 \ set2.
bool * MakeUnion (bool *set1, bool *set2, int size)
 returns a new filter that is the union of the two input filters
int Count (bool *set, int size)
 returns the number of elemnts present in the input filters (i.e.
int IndexOfNth (bool *set, int size, int n)
 returns the index in the filter of the 'n'th positive element or 'size' if there are less than 'n' positive elements.
bool Equal (bool *set1, bool *set2, int length)
 ILOG_VAR_INIT (IOBuffer, Impala.Util)
IOBufferCreateIOBufferFromFile (CString filename)
void Broadcast (IOBuffer *buffer)
 ILOG_VAR_INIT (IOBufferChannel, Impala.Util)
 ILOG_VAR_INIT (IOBufferFile, Impala.Util)
IterableParseRangeDefinitionElement (const std::string &name, std::string &definition)
IterableParseRangeDefinition (const std::string &name, const std::string &definition)
bool IsRangeDefinition (std::string s)
bool * MakeFilterElemLess (const Core::Array::Array2dScalarReal64 *matrix, int dimension, double treshold)
 filters out all row in the matrix for which the value at column 'dimension' is less than the treshold
void PrintMemUsage (String marker)
void PrintMemUsage ()
void Append (PropertySet *dst, const PropertySet *src)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const PropertySet &ps)
template<class Type>
void SelectionSort (Type data[], int left, int right)
right is inclusive

template<class Type>
int Partition (Type *data, int left, int right)
right is inclusive

template<class Type>
void QuickSort (Type *data, int left, int right)
right is inclusive

template<class Type>
void SelectionSortDesc (Type data[], int left, int right)
right is inclusive

template<class Type>
int PartitionDesc (Type *data, int left, int right)
right is inclusive

template<class Type>
void QuickSortDesc (Type *data, int left, int right)
right is inclusive

template<class Type, class CoType>
void SelectionSortCo (Type *data, CoType *coData, int left, int right)
right is inclusive

template<class Type, class CoType>
int PartitionCo (Type *data, CoType *coData, int left, int right)
right is inclusive

template<class Type, class CoType>
void QuickSortCo (Type *data, CoType *coData, int left, int right)
right is inclusive

template<class Type, class CoType>
void SelectionSortDescCo (Type *data, CoType *coData, int left, int right)
right is inclusive

template<class Type, class CoType>
int PartitionDescCo (Type *data, CoType *coData, int left, int right)
right is inclusive

template<class Type, class CoType>
void QuickSortDescCo (Type *data, CoType *coData, int left, int right)
right is inclusive

static void SetRandomSeed (int seed)
static void RandomiseSeed ()
int RandomInt (int upperBound)
 Gives a random integer in range [0,i).
int RandomInt ()
double RandomDouble (double upperBound)
 Gives a random number in range [0,i) with resolution of RAND_MAX.
double RandomDouble ()
std::set< int > RandomUniqueNumbers (int count, int upperBound)
 get 'count' numbers in the range [0,upperBound)
void DumpRandomSequence (int seed, int length, int maxint)
 ILOG_VAR_INIT (RangeIterator, Impala.Util)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, RangeIterator &ri)
IOBufferReadIOBufferFromChannel (Channel *channel, std::string fileName, std::string useLocalFile)
 Create and an IOBuffer and fill it with data from fileName obtained via a Channel.
template<class Type>
void Reverse (Type *data, int left, int right)
 left and right denote the boundaries between wich the elements will be reverse so, normally they will be 0 and size-1 respectively
void Sleep (int sec)
template<class collectionT>
void SubSelectInPlace (collectionT *collection, int start, int number)
 Utility function to select a range in a stl collection (vector, deque, list).
void TestApplyOrder ()
void TestSort ()
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, TimeStats &stats)
 ILOG_VAR_INIT (XmlDoc, Util)


const int cQuicksortTreshold = 15
 an array shorter than this is sorted with SelectionSort, a longer one with QuickSort

Generated on Fri Mar 19 11:38:58 2010 for ImpalaSrc by  doxygen 1.5.1