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Impala::Visualization::FeatureTableSetRank::FeatureTableSetRank ( OglGui::Window parent,
int  wndWidth,
int  wndHeight,
int  nrImOnRow,
int  thumbWidth,
int  thumbHeight,
double  viewScale,
SegmentationDocument segDoc,
FeatureTableSet featSet,
bool  showPlot,
int  controlId 
) [inline]

Definition at line 37 of file FeatureTableSetRank.h.

References Impala::Visualization::Plot::Plot::Add(), Impala::Visualization::AppControlDoc::AddDocListener(), OglGui::StringSelector::AddString(), Impala::Visualization::Plot::Plot::AutoScale(), Impala::Core::Table::Copy(), Impala::Core::Feature::FeatureTableSet::GetFeatureDefinition(), Impala::Core::VideoSet::SegmentationDocument::GetImSetKeyframes(), Impala::Core::VideoSet::SegmentationDocument::GetKeyframes(), Impala::Core::Table::SimilarityTableSet::GetQuidTable(), Impala::Core::Feature::FeatureTableSet::GetTable(), mCurCompare, mCurFeat, mFeatSet, mImagesSet, mInfoText, mKeyframes, mKeyframeSet, mLine1, mLine2, mLine3, mLineData1, mLineData2, mLineData3, mLineSize1, mLineSize2, mLineSize3, mPlot1, mPlot2, mSegDoc, mSimSet, mStringSelector, OglGui::OglWindow::SetBorderType(), Impala::Visualization::Plot::Plottable::SetColor(), Impala::Visualization::Plot::Plot::SetDrawAxes(), Impala::Visualization::ImagesWindow::SetImagesListener(), OglGui::StringSelector::SetStringListener(), Impala::Core::Feature::FeatureTableSet::Size(), and Impala::Core::Table::Table::Size().

00041                                        :
00042         Window(parent, wndWidth, wndHeight, true),
00043         AppControlDoc(controlId, segDoc)
00044     {
00045         mSegDoc = segDoc;
00046         mFeatSet = featSet;
00047         mCurFeat = -1;
00048         mCurCompare = -1;
00049         std::vector<std::string> names;
00050         names.push_back("sim");
00051         int t = 0;
00052         mSimSet = new SimilarityTableSet(names, mFeatSet->GetTable(t)->Size());
00053         Core::Table::Copy(mSimSet->GetQuidTable(), mFeatSet->GetTable(t));
00054         mLineSize1 = -1;
00055         mLineData1 = 0;
00056         mLineSize2 = -1;
00057         mLineData2 = 0;
00058         mLineSize3 = -1;
00059         mLineData3 = 0;
00060         mKeyframes = mSegDoc->GetKeyframes();
00061         mKeyframeSet = mSegDoc->GetImSetKeyframes(true);
00062         AddDocListener(this);
00064         mStringSelector = new OglGui::StringSelector(this, wndWidth, 120);
00065         mStringSelector->SetStringListener(this, 0);
00066         int heightUsed = 120;
00068         mPlot1 = 0;
00069         if (showPlot)
00070         {
00071             mPlot1 = new Visualization::Plot::Plot(this, wndWidth, 200);
00072             heightUsed += 200;
00073             mLine1 = new Visualization::Plot::Line(0);
00074             mPlot1->Add(mLine1);
00075             mPlot1->AutoScale();
00076             mPlot1->SetDrawAxes(true);
00078             mPlot2 = new Visualization::Plot::Plot(this, wndWidth, 200);
00079             heightUsed += 200;
00080             mLine2 = new Visualization::Plot::Line(0);
00081             mLine2->SetColor(0, 1, 0);
00082             mPlot2->Add(mLine2);
00083             mLine3 = new Visualization::Plot::Line(0);
00084             mPlot2->Add(mLine3);
00085             mPlot2->AutoScale();
00086             mPlot2->SetDrawAxes(true);
00087         }
00089         mInfoText = new OglGui::TextArea(this, wndWidth, 20, "info");
00090         mInfoText->SetBorderType(0);
00091         heightUsed += 20;
00093         int nrRow = (wndHeight - heightUsed) / (thumbHeight + 6);
00094         mImagesSet = new ImageSet(this, thumbWidth, thumbHeight, viewScale,
00095                                   nrImOnRow, nrRow);
00096         mImagesSet->ActivateInfoBox(false);
00097         mImagesSet->SetImagesListener(this, 0);
00099         for (int i=0 ; i<mFeatSet->Size() ; i++)
00100         {
00101             mStringSelector->AddString(mFeatSet->GetFeatureDefinition(i).AsString());
00102         }
00103     }

Here is the call graph for this function:

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