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Impala::Visualization::RotorBrowser::RotorView::RotorView ( OglGui::Window browser,
ThreadSet threadset,
CString  name,
int  nr,
float  x,
float  y,
RotorViewCacheResolver resolver = NULL 
) [inline]

Definition at line 44 of file RotorView.h.

References Impala::CmdOptions::GetDouble(), Impala::CmdOptions::GetInstance(), Impala::CmdOptions::GetInt(), GetThreadByName(), KEYFRAMES_ALWAYS, KEYFRAMES_NEVER, mAspectRatio, mBookmarked, mBookmarkedNegative, mCurrentRes, mDeleteThreshold, mForceAspect, mIsBookmarked, mIsBookmarkedNegative, mIsHighRes, mIsShowingStills, mLastTime, mName, mNr, mPlayUntilEnd, mRect, mStillImages, mThreadSet, mTimer, mTurnsNotShown, mUseKeyframes, mVideoSource, mViewBeingRecycled, mViewedProbability, mViewListener, RegisterView(), Impala::Timer::SplitTime(), and UpdateBookmarkState().

00046     {
00047         mViewListener           = NULL;
00048         mNr                     = nr;
00049         mName                   = name;
00050         mThreadSet              = threadset;
00051         mTurnsNotShown          = 0;
00052         mDeleteThreshold        = 5;
00053         mIsBookmarked           = false;
00054         mIsBookmarkedNegative   = false;
00055         mUseKeyframes           = RotorView::KEYFRAMES_NEVER;
00056         mAspectRatio            = 1.375f;
00057         mIsHighRes              = false;
00058         mCurrentRes             = false;
00059         mIsShowingStills        = false;
00060         mStillImages            = NULL;
00061         mVideoSource            = NULL;
00062         mPlayUntilEnd           = false;
00063         mViewBeingRecycled      = false;
00064         mViewedProbability      = 0.0;
00065         mBookmarked             = GetThreadByName("bookmarked");
00066         mBookmarkedNegative     = GetThreadByName("bookmarked_negative");
00067         mRect                   = GeoRectangle(10, 10, 50, 20);
00068         mTimer                  = new Timer(1);
00069         mLastTime               = mTimer->SplitTime();
00070         CmdOptions &options     = CmdOptions::GetInstance();
00071         mUseKeyframes           = options.GetInt("mdBrowserUseKeyframes");
00073         if (mUseKeyframes == KEYFRAMES_ALWAYS)
00074             mCurrentRes = mIsHighRes = true;
00076         mAspectRatio = (float)options.GetDouble("mdBrowserAspectRatio");
00077         mForceAspect = mAspectRatio > 0.0 ? true : false;
00079         RegisterView(browser, x, y, resolver);
00080         UpdateBookmarkState();
00081     }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Generated on Fri Mar 19 11:56:26 2010 for ImpalaSrc by  doxygen 1.5.1