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Impala::Core::Array::Pattern Namespace Reference


class  Array2D
struct  Tag1Phase
struct  Tag2Phase
struct  TagNPhase
struct  TagTransVar
struct  TagTransInVar
struct  TagPixOpIn
struct  TagPixOpOut
struct  TagCnum
struct  TagLoop
struct  TagCallPointer
struct  TagCallValue
struct  Coord
 Representation for integer coordinates (x,y,z). More...
class  Cnum
 Basic coordinate enumerator. More...
class  FcvArray
class  Qset
class  Int
class  Bugs
class  Qpriority_queue
class  msvcqueue
class  Qqueue
class  msvcstack
class  Qstack


 Enumeration to denote the type of the border required in an array operation. More...
enum  tags {
enum  dists { PX_OFT, PX_SBT, PX_MPI }
enum  dirs { TO, FROM }
enum  planes { YZ_PLANE, XZ_PLANE, XY_PLANE }
enum  tr_force { WEAK, STRONG }
enum  QAction { QUEUE, REMOVE, WRITE, STOP }
 Enumeration of queue action types. More...


template<class ArrayT>
Int64 ArrayW (ArrayT *array)
template<class ArrayT>
Int64 ArrayBW (ArrayT *array)
template<class ArrayT>
Int64 ArrayCW (ArrayT *array)
template<class ArrayT>
Int64 ArrayH (ArrayT *array)
template<class ArrayT>
Int64 ArrayBH (ArrayT *array)
template<class ArrayT>
Int64 ArrayCH (ArrayT *array)
template<class ArrayT>
Int64 ArrayInc (ArrayT *array, Int64 x, Int64 y)
template<class ArrayT>
ArrayT::StorType * ArrayPB (ArrayT *array, Int64 x=0, Int64 y=0)
template<class ArrayT>
ArrayT::StorType * ArrayCPB (ArrayT *array, Int64 x=0, Int64 y=0)
template<class ArrayT>
ArrayT::StorType * ArrayCPE (ArrayT *array, Int64 x=0, Int64 y=0)
template<class ArrayT>
void FuncBorderMirror2d (ArrayT *a, Int64 numX, Int64 numY)
template<class ArrayT, class ValT>
void FuncBorderConstant2d (ArrayT *a, Int64 numX, Int64 numY, ValT value)
template<class ArrayT, class ValT>
void FuncBorderPropagateNormalized2d (ArrayT *a, Int64 numX, Int64 numY, ValT normLeft, ValT normRight, ValT normTop, ValT normBottom)
template<class DstArrayT, class Src1ArrayT, class Src2ArrayT, class BpoT>
void FuncBpo (DstArrayT *dst, Src1ArrayT *src1, Src2ArrayT *src2, BpoT &bpo, TagTransInVar dummy, TagCallPointer dummy2)
 Translation invariant binary pixel operation based on pointer call.
template<class DstArrayT, class Src1ArrayT, class Src2ArrayT, class BpoT>
void FuncBpo (DstArrayT *dst, Src1ArrayT *src1, Src2ArrayT *src2, BpoT &bpo, TagTransVar dummy, TagCallPointer dummy2)
 Translation variant binary pixel operation based on pointer call.
template<class DstArrayT, class Src1ArrayT, class Src2ArrayT, class BpoT>
void FuncBpo (DstArrayT *dst, Src1ArrayT *src1, Src2ArrayT *src2, BpoT &bpo, TagTransInVar dummy, TagCallValue dummy2)
 Translation invariant binary pixel operation based on value call.
template<class DstArrayT, class Src1ArrayT, class Src2ArrayT, class BpoT>
void FuncBpo (DstArrayT *dst, Src1ArrayT *src1, Src2ArrayT *src2, BpoT &bpo, TagTransVar dummy, TagCallValue dummy2)
 Translation variant binary pixel operation based on value call.
template<class DstArrayT, class Src1ArrayT, class Src2ArrayT, class BpoT>
void FuncBpoDispatch (DstArrayT *dst, Src1ArrayT *src1, Src2ArrayT *src2, BpoT &bpo)
 Dispatch function for binary pixel operation.
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class KerArrayT, class PixOpT, class RedOpT>
void FuncGenConv2d_NaiInc (DstArrayT *dst, SrcArrayT *src, KerArrayT *ker, PixOpT &pixOp, RedOpT &redOp, TagCallValue dummy2)
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class KerArrayT, class PixOpT, class RedOpT>
void FuncGenConv2d_NaiInc (DstArrayT *dst, SrcArrayT *src, KerArrayT *ker, PixOpT &pixOp, RedOpT &redOp, TagCallPointer dummy2)
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class KerArrayT, class PixOpT, class RedOpT>
void FuncGenConv2d_NaiIncRect (DstArrayT *dst, SrcArrayT *src, KerArrayT *ker, PixOpT &pixOp, RedOpT &redOp, const Geometry::Rectangle &rect)
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class KerArrayT, class MaskArrayT, class PixOpT, class RedOpT>
void FuncGenConv2d_NaiIncMask (DstArrayT *dst, SrcArrayT *src, KerArrayT *ker, MaskArrayT *mask, PixOpT &pixOp, RedOpT &redOp)
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class KerArrayT, class PixOpT, class RedOpT, class CE>
void FuncGenConv2d_NaiIncCE (DstArrayT *dst, SrcArrayT *src, KerArrayT *ker, PixOpT &pixOp, RedOpT &redOp, CE &ce)
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class KerArrayT, class PixOpT, class RedOpT>
void FuncGenConv2dDispatch (DstArrayT *dst, SrcArrayT *src, KerArrayT *ker, PixOpT &pixOp, RedOpT &redOp)
 Dispatch function for GenConv2d.
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class KerArrayT, class PixOpT, class RedOpT>
void FuncGenConv2dSepDispatch_H (DstArrayT *dst, SrcArrayT *src, KerArrayT *ker, PixOpT &pixOp, RedOpT &redOp, int vType)
 Dispatch function for GenConv2dSep : horizontal direction only.
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class KerArrayT, class PixOpT, class RedOpT>
void FuncGenConv2dSepDispatch_V (DstArrayT *dst, SrcArrayT *src, KerArrayT *ker, PixOpT &pixOp, RedOpT &redOp, int vType)
 Dispatch function for GenConv2dSep : vertical direction only.
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT>
void FuncGeometricOp (DstArrayT *dst, SrcArrayT *src, Matrix::Mat *func, Geometry::GeoIntType gi, Element::Vec3Real64 translate, typename DstArrayT::ArithType background)
template<class ArrayT, class PixOpT>
void FuncInOutDispatch (ArrayT *a, PixOpT &pixOp)
 Dispatch function for FuncInOut (see Global functions for InOut).
template<class ArrayT, class PixOpT>
void FuncM2InOutDispatch (ArrayT *a, ArrayT *b, PixOpT &pixOp)
template<class ArrayT, class PixOpT>
void FuncM3InOutDispatch (ArrayT *a, ArrayT *b, ArrayT *c, PixOpT &pixOp)
template<class ArrayT, class PixOpT>
void FuncInOut_Row_OutTi (ArrayT *a, ArrayT *b, PixOpT &pixOp, int y)
 Row : export, translation invariant.
template<class ArrayT, class PixOpT>
void FuncInOut (ArrayT *a, ArrayT *b, PixOpT &pixOp, TagPixOpOut dummy1, TagTransInVar dummy2, Tag1Phase dummy3)
 Translation invariant, 1 phase pixel export operation.
template<class ArrayT, class PixOpT>
void FuncInOutDispatch (ArrayT *a, ArrayT *b, PixOpT &pixOp)
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class MNpoT>
void FuncM9N4po (DstArrayT *dst1, DstArrayT *dst2, DstArrayT *dst3, DstArrayT *dst4, SrcArrayT *src1, SrcArrayT *src2, SrcArrayT *src3, SrcArrayT *src4, SrcArrayT *src5, SrcArrayT *src6, SrcArrayT *src7, SrcArrayT *src8, SrcArrayT *src9, MNpoT &mnpo)
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class MpoT>
void FuncMpo (DstArrayT *dst, std::vector< SrcArrayT * > srcList, MpoT &mpo)
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class MpoT>
void FuncM3po (DstArrayT *dst, SrcArrayT *src1, SrcArrayT *src2, SrcArrayT *src3, MpoT &mpo)
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class MpoT>
void FuncM4po (DstArrayT *dst, SrcArrayT *src1, SrcArrayT *src2, SrcArrayT *src3, SrcArrayT *src4, MpoT &mpo)
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class MpoT>
void FuncM6po (DstArrayT *dst, SrcArrayT *src1, SrcArrayT *src2, SrcArrayT *src3, SrcArrayT *src4, SrcArrayT *src5, SrcArrayT *src6, MpoT &mpo)
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class MpoT>
void FuncM9po (DstArrayT *dst, SrcArrayT *src1, SrcArrayT *src2, SrcArrayT *src3, SrcArrayT *src4, SrcArrayT *src5, SrcArrayT *src6, SrcArrayT *src7, SrcArrayT *src8, SrcArrayT *src9, MpoT &mpo)
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class MpoT>
void FuncM12po (DstArrayT *dst, SrcArrayT *src1, SrcArrayT *src2, SrcArrayT *src3, SrcArrayT *src4, SrcArrayT *src5, SrcArrayT *src6, SrcArrayT *src7, SrcArrayT *src8, SrcArrayT *src9, SrcArrayT *src10, SrcArrayT *src11, SrcArrayT *src12, MpoT &mpo)
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class MpoT>
void FuncM21po (DstArrayT *dst, SrcArrayT *src1, SrcArrayT *src2, SrcArrayT *src3, SrcArrayT *src4, SrcArrayT *src5, SrcArrayT *src6, SrcArrayT *src7, SrcArrayT *src8, SrcArrayT *src9, SrcArrayT *src10, SrcArrayT *src11, SrcArrayT *src12, SrcArrayT *src13, SrcArrayT *src14, SrcArrayT *src15, SrcArrayT *src16, SrcArrayT *src17, SrcArrayT *src18, SrcArrayT *src19, SrcArrayT *src20, SrcArrayT *src21, MpoT &mpo)
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class MpoT>
void FuncM22po (DstArrayT *dst, SrcArrayT *src1, SrcArrayT *src2, SrcArrayT *src3, SrcArrayT *src4, SrcArrayT *src5, SrcArrayT *src6, SrcArrayT *src7, SrcArrayT *src8, SrcArrayT *src9, SrcArrayT *src10, SrcArrayT *src11, SrcArrayT *src12, SrcArrayT *src13, SrcArrayT *src14, SrcArrayT *src15, SrcArrayT *src16, SrcArrayT *src17, SrcArrayT *src18, SrcArrayT *src19, SrcArrayT *src20, SrcArrayT *src21, SrcArrayT *src22, MpoT &mpo)
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class NgbT>
void FuncNgbOp2dDispatch (DstArrayT *dst, SrcArrayT *src, NgbT &ngb)
 Dispatch function for NgbOp2d (see Global functions for NgbOp2d) Dispatch is based on the categories defined in NgbT.
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class ExtraArrayT, class NgbT>
void FuncNgbOp2dExtraDispatch (DstArrayT *dst, SrcArrayT *src, ExtraArrayT *extra, NgbT &ngb)
 Dispatch function for NgbOp2dExtra (see Global functions for NgbOp2dExtra) Dispatch is based on the categories defined in NgbT.
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class ExtraArrayT, class Extra2ArrayT, class NgbT>
void FuncNgbOp2dExtra2Dispatch (DstArrayT *dst, SrcArrayT *src, ExtraArrayT *extra, Extra2ArrayT *extra2, NgbT &ngb)
 Dispatch function for NgbOp2dExtra2 (see Global functions for NgbOp2dExtra2) Dispatch is based on the categories defined in NgbT.
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class MaskArrayT, class VecPointT, class VecNeighborT, class NeighborsT>
void FuncQueueBased_FillNeighborValues (DstArrayT *dst, SrcArrayT *src, MaskArrayT *mask, Geometry::PointZ centralPoint, const VecPointT &neighborCoordinates, VecNeighborT &vecneighbors, NeighborsT)
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class VecPointT, class VecNeighborT, class NeighborsT>
void FuncQueueBased_FillNeighborValues (DstArrayT *dst, SrcArrayT *src, Geometry::PointZ centralPoint, const VecPointT &neighborCoordinates, VecNeighborT &vecneighbors, NeighborsT)
template<class VecPointT>
void FuncQueueBased_ComputeNeighbors (VecPointT &neighborCoordinates, int connectivity, int radiusSqr)
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class MaskArrayT, class FunctorT>
void FuncQueueBasedDispatch (DstArrayT *dst, SrcArrayT *src, MaskArrayT *mask, FunctorT &functor, int connectivity, int radiusSqr)
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class FunctorT>
void FuncQueueBasedDispatch (DstArrayT *dst, SrcArrayT *src, FunctorT &functor, int connectivity, int radiusSqr)
template<class ArrayT, class KerArrayT, class PixOpT, class RedOpT>
void FuncRecGenConv2d_XYdirSim (ArrayT *array, KerArrayT *ker, PixOpT &pixOp, RedOpT &redOp)
 RecGenConv2d : XY direction, simple.
template<class ArrayT, class KerArrayT, class PixOpT, class RedOpT>
void FuncRecGenConv2dDispatch (ArrayT *a, KerArrayT *ker, PixOpT &pixOp, RedOpT &redOp)
 Dispatch function for RecGenConv2d.
template<class ArrayT, class KerArrayT, class ValT, class PixOpT, class RedOpT>
void FuncRecGenConv2dSepDispatch_H (ArrayT *a, KerArrayT *ker, PixOpT &pixOp, RedOpT &redOp, ValT rightNorm)
 Dispatch function for RecGenConv2dSep : horizontal direction only.
template<class ArrayT, class KerArrayT, class ValT, class PixOpT, class RedOpT>
void FuncRecGenConv2dSepDispatch_V (ArrayT *a, KerArrayT *ker, PixOpT &pixOp, RedOpT &redOp, ValT bottomNorm, bool buffered)
 Dispatch function for RecGenConv2dSep : vertical direction only.
template<class ArrayT, class RgbT>
void FuncRgbOp (ArrayT *src, UInt8 *pixels, int resWidth, int resHeight, Geometry::GeoIntType gi, RgbT &rgb)
 Function for RgbOp2d template <class DataPtrT, class RgbT> void FuncRgbOp2d(DataPtrT imPtr, Sizes imSize, int* pixels, int resWidth, int resHeight, Geometry::GeoIntType gi, RgbT& rgb) { int width = imSize.x(); int height = imSize.y();.
template<class DstStorT, class SrcStorT>
void FuncSet_Row (DstStorT *dstPtr, SrcStorT *srcPtr, Int64 nr)
 Set one line of nr storage elements, from src to dst.
void FuncSet_Row< Real64, Real64 > (Real64 *dstPtr, Real64 *srcPtr, Int64 nr)
 Set one line of nr storage elements, from src to dst, template specialization for 2d Real64 arrays.
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT>
void FuncSet (DstArrayT *dst, SrcArrayT *src, Int64 srcX, Int64 srcY, Int64 width, Int64 height, Int64 dstX, Int64 dstY)
 Sets (a region of) the core array, from src to dst.
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class UpoT>
void FuncUpo (DstArrayT *dst, SrcArrayT *src, UpoT &upo, TagTransInVar dummy, TagCallValue dummy2)
 Translation invariant unary pixel operation based on value call.
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class UpoT>
void FuncUpo (DstArrayT *dst, SrcArrayT *src, UpoT &upo, TagTransInVar dummy, TagCallPointer dummy2)
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class UpoT>
void FuncUpoDispatch (DstArrayT *dst, SrcArrayT *src, UpoT &upo)
 Dispatch function for unary pixel operation.
template<class DstArrayT, class Src1ArrayT, class Src2ArrayT, class BpoT>
void PatBinaryPixOp (DstArrayT *&dst, Src1ArrayT *s1, Src2ArrayT *s2, BpoT &bpo)
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class KerArrayT, class PixOpT, class RedOpT>
void PatGenConv2d (DstArrayT *&dst, SrcArrayT *src, KerArrayT *ker, PixOpT &pixOp, RedOpT &redOp, BorderType borderType=BORDERMIRROR)
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class KerArrayT, class PixOpT, class RedOpT>
void PatGenConv2dK1d (DstArrayT *&dst, SrcArrayT *src, int dimension, KerArrayT *ker, PixOpT &pixOp, RedOpT &redOp, int vType=0, Util::TimePlot *plotter=0)
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class KerArrayT, class PixOpT, class RedOpT>
void PatGenConv2dSep (DstArrayT *&dst, SrcArrayT *src, KerArrayT *ker1, KerArrayT *ker2, PixOpT &pixOp, RedOpT &redOp, int vType, Util::TimePlot *plotter)
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT>
void PatGeometricOp (DstArrayT *&dst, SrcArrayT *src, Matrix::Mat *func, bool isForward, Geometry::GeoIntType gi, bool adjustSize, typename DstArrayT::ArithType background)
template<class ArrayT, class PixOpT>
void PatInOutOp (ArrayT *array, PixOpT &pixOp)
template<class ArrayT, class PixOpT>
void PatInOutOp (ArrayT *array1, ArrayT *array2, PixOpT &pixOp)
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class MpoT>
void PatM12PixOp (DstArrayT *&dst, SrcArrayT *s1, SrcArrayT *s2, SrcArrayT *s3, SrcArrayT *s4, SrcArrayT *s5, SrcArrayT *s6, SrcArrayT *s7, SrcArrayT *s8, SrcArrayT *s9, SrcArrayT *s10, SrcArrayT *s11, SrcArrayT *s12, MpoT &mpo)
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class MpoT>
void PatM21PixOp (DstArrayT *&dst, SrcArrayT *s1, SrcArrayT *s2, SrcArrayT *s3, SrcArrayT *s4, SrcArrayT *s5, SrcArrayT *s6, SrcArrayT *s7, SrcArrayT *s8, SrcArrayT *s9, SrcArrayT *s10, SrcArrayT *s11, SrcArrayT *s12, SrcArrayT *s13, SrcArrayT *s14, SrcArrayT *s15, SrcArrayT *s16, SrcArrayT *s17, SrcArrayT *s18, SrcArrayT *s19, SrcArrayT *s20, SrcArrayT *s21, MpoT &mpo)
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class MpoT>
void PatM22PixOp (DstArrayT *&dst, SrcArrayT *s1, SrcArrayT *s2, SrcArrayT *s3, SrcArrayT *s4, SrcArrayT *s5, SrcArrayT *s6, SrcArrayT *s7, SrcArrayT *s8, SrcArrayT *s9, SrcArrayT *s10, SrcArrayT *s11, SrcArrayT *s12, SrcArrayT *s13, SrcArrayT *s14, SrcArrayT *s15, SrcArrayT *s16, SrcArrayT *s17, SrcArrayT *s18, SrcArrayT *s19, SrcArrayT *s20, SrcArrayT *s21, SrcArrayT *s22, MpoT &mpo)
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class MpoT>
void PatM3PixOp (DstArrayT *&dst, SrcArrayT *s1, SrcArrayT *s2, SrcArrayT *s3, MpoT &mpo)
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class MpoT>
void PatM6PixOp (DstArrayT *&dst, SrcArrayT *s1, SrcArrayT *s2, SrcArrayT *s3, SrcArrayT *s4, SrcArrayT *s5, SrcArrayT *s6, MpoT &mpo)
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class MNpoT>
void PatM9N4PixOp (DstArrayT *&d1, DstArrayT *&d2, DstArrayT *&d3, DstArrayT *&d4, SrcArrayT *s1, SrcArrayT *s2, SrcArrayT *s3, SrcArrayT *s4, SrcArrayT *s5, SrcArrayT *s6, SrcArrayT *s7, SrcArrayT *s8, SrcArrayT *s9, MNpoT &mnpo)
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class MNpoT>
std::vector< DstArrayT * > PatM9N4PixOp (SrcArrayT *s1, SrcArrayT *s2, SrcArrayT *s3, SrcArrayT *s4, SrcArrayT *s5, SrcArrayT *s6, SrcArrayT *s7, SrcArrayT *s8, SrcArrayT *s9, MNpoT &mnpo)
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class MpoT>
void PatM9PixOp (DstArrayT *&dst, SrcArrayT *s1, SrcArrayT *s2, SrcArrayT *s3, SrcArrayT *s4, SrcArrayT *s5, SrcArrayT *s6, SrcArrayT *s7, SrcArrayT *s8, SrcArrayT *s9, MpoT &mpo)
template<class ArrayT, class InOutOpT>
void PatM2InOutOp (ArrayT *array1, ArrayT *array2, InOutOpT &inOutOp)
template<class ArrayT, class InOutOpT>
void PatM3InOutOp (ArrayT *array1, ArrayT *array2, ArrayT *array3, InOutOpT &inOutOp)
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class MpoT>
void PatMPixOp (DstArrayT *&dst, const std::vector< SrcArrayT * > &srcList, MpoT &mpo)
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class NgbT>
void PatNgbOp2d (DstArrayT *&dst, SrcArrayT *src, NgbT &ngb, bool borderAlreadySet=false)
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class ExtraArrayT, class NgbT>
void PatNgbOp2dExtra (DstArrayT *&dst, SrcArrayT *src, ExtraArrayT *xtr, NgbT &ngb)
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class ExtraArrayT, class Extra2ArrayT, class NgbT>
void PatNgbOp2dExtra2 (DstArrayT *&dst, SrcArrayT *src, ExtraArrayT *xtr, Extra2ArrayT *xt2, NgbT &ngb)
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class MaskArrayT, class QbT>
void PatQueueBased (DstArrayT *&dst, SrcArrayT *src, MaskArrayT *mask, QbT &qb, int connectivity=8, int radiusSqr=-1)
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class QbT>
void PatQueueBased (DstArrayT *&dst, SrcArrayT *src, QbT &qb, int connectivity=8, int radiusSqr=-1)
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class KerArrayT, class PixOpT, class RedOpT>
void PatRecGenConv2d (DstArrayT *&dst, SrcArrayT *src, KerArrayT *ker, PixOpT &pixOp, RedOpT &redOp)
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class KerArrayT, class KerArithT, class PixOpT, class RedOpT>
void PatRecGenConv2dSep (DstArrayT *&dst, SrcArrayT *src, KerArrayT *ker1, KerArrayT *ker2, KerArithT leftBorderNorm, KerArithT rightBorderNorm, KerArithT topBorderNorm, KerArithT bottomBorderNorm, PixOpT &pixOp, RedOpT &redOp, Util::TimePlot *plotter)
template<class ArrayT, class ReduceT>
ArrayT::ArithType PatReduceOp (ArrayT *src, ReduceT &pixOp)
template<class ArrayT, class RgbOpT>
void PatRgbOp (ArrayT *src, int *pixels, int resWidth, int resHeight, Geometry::GeoIntType gi, RgbOpT &rgbOp)
template<class ArrayT, class RgbOpT>
void PatRgbOp (ArrayT *src, UInt8 *pixels, int resWidth, int resHeight, Geometry::GeoIntType gi, RgbOpT &rgbOp)
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT>
void PatSet (DstArrayT *&dst, SrcArrayT *src, int minimalBW=0, int minimalBH=0)
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT>
void PatSet (DstArrayT *&dst, SrcArrayT *src, int srcX, int srcY, int width, int height, int dstX, int dstY, int minimalBW=0, int minimalBH=0)
template<class ArrayT>
void PatSetBorder (ArrayT *a, int numX, int numY, BorderType borderType=BORDERMIRROR)
 If these are the last three pixels on the right of the image: 1 2 3 BORDERMIRROR with a border size of three results in: 1 2 3 | 3 2 1 BORDERPROPAGATE results in: 1 2 3 | 3 3 3.
template<class ArrayT, class ValT>
void PatSetBorder (ArrayT *a, int numX, int numY, BorderType borderType, ValT borderValue, ValT leftBorderNorm, ValT rightBorderNorm, ValT topBorderNorm, ValT bottomBorderNorm)
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class UpoT>
void PatUnaryPixOp (DstArrayT *&dst, SrcArrayT *src, UpoT &upo)
Int32 PtrRead (Int8 *ptr, Int32)
Int32 PtrRead (UInt8 *ptr, Int32)
Int32 PtrRead (Int32 *ptr, Int32)
UInt64 PtrRead (UInt64 *ptr, UInt64)
Real64 PtrRead (Real64 *ptr, Real64)
Element::Vec3Int32 PtrRead (UInt8 *ptr, Element::Vec3Int32)
Element::Vec2Real64 PtrRead (Real64 *ptr, Element::Vec2Real64)
Element::Vec3Real64 PtrRead (Real64 *ptr, Element::Vec3Real64)
Element::Complex64 PtrRead (Real64 *ptr, Element::Complex64)
void PtrWrite (Int8 *ptr, Int32 v)
void PtrWrite (UInt8 *ptr, Int32 v)
void PtrWrite (Int32 *ptr, Int32 v)
void PtrWrite (UInt64 *ptr, UInt64 v)
void PtrWrite (Real64 *ptr, Real64 v)
void PtrWrite (UInt8 *ptr, const Element::Vec3Int32 &v)
void PtrWrite (Int32 *ptr, const Element::Vec3Int32 &v)
void PtrWrite (Real64 *ptr, const Element::Vec2Real64 &v)
void PtrWrite (Real64 *ptr, const Element::Vec3Real64 &v)
void PtrWrite (Real64 *ptr, const Element::Complex64 &v)
template<class Type>
MPI_Datatype PxArithType (Type v)
template<class Type>
int PxArithTypeDim (Type v)
MPI_Datatype PxArithType< CxUInt8 > (CxUInt8 v)
int PxArithTypeDim< CxUInt8 > (CxUInt8 v)
MPI_Datatype PxArithType< CxUInt16 > (CxUInt16 v)
int PxArithTypeDim< CxUInt16 > (CxUInt16 v)
MPI_Datatype PxArithType< CxUInt32 > (CxUInt32 v)
int PxArithTypeDim< CxUInt32 > (CxUInt32 v)
MPI_Datatype PxArithType< CxInt8 > (CxInt8 v)
int PxArithTypeDim< CxInt8 > (CxInt8 v)
MPI_Datatype PxArithType< CxInt16 > (CxInt16 v)
int PxArithTypeDim< CxInt16 > (CxInt16 v)
MPI_Datatype PxArithType< CxInt32 > (CxInt32 v)
int PxArithTypeDim< CxInt32 > (CxInt32 v)
MPI_Datatype PxArithType< CxReal32 > (CxReal32 v)
int PxArithTypeDim< CxReal32 > (CxReal32 v)
MPI_Datatype PxArithType< CxReal64 > (CxReal64 v)
int PxArithTypeDim< CxReal64 > (CxReal64 v)
MPI_Datatype PxArithType< CxVec3Int32 > (CxVec3Int32 v)
int PxArithTypeDim< CxVec3Int32 > (CxVec3Int32 v)
MPI_Datatype PxArithType< CxVec3Real64 > (CxVec3Real64 v)
int PxArithTypeDim< CxVec3Real64 > (CxVec3Real64 v)
MPI_Datatype PxArithType< CxComplex64 > (CxComplex64 v)
int PxArithTypeDim< CxComplex64 > (CxComplex64 v)
template<class ArrayT>
int ArrayD (ArrayT *a)
template<class ArrayT>
int ArrayBD (ArrayT *a)
template<class ArrayT>
int ArrayCD (ArrayT *a)
template<class ArrayT>
ArrayT * PxArrayCreate (int cw, int ch, int cd, int bw=0, int bh=0, int bd=0, typename ArrayT::StorType *data=0, bool isWrapper=false)
template<class ArrayT>
void PxArrayCreatePD (ArrayT *a, int lw, int lh, int ld, int bw=0, int bh=0, int bd=0)
template<class ArrayT>
void PxArrayDeletePD (ArrayT *a)
template<class ArrayT>
ArrayT * PxArrayPD (ArrayT *a)
template<class ArrayT>
int PxArrayGetState (ArrayT *a)
template<class ArrayT>
void PxArraySetState (ArrayT *a, int state)
template<class ArrayT>
bool PxArrayIsPD (ArrayT *a)
void PxInitDistribution (int aw, int ah, int ad, int xcpus, int ycpus, int zcpus)
template<class ArrayT>
static void PxLclArrayCopy (ArrayT *loc, int dir, ArrayT *blk, int root, bool bdata)
static int PxResponsibilityRange (int cpuNr)
static int PxLineRange (int dimension, int firstIndex, int *order)
static void PxGetSBTorder (int root, int orderLength, int *order, int *myIndex)
void PxInitCommunication ()
template<class ArithT>
static ArithT PxBcastValueOFT (ArithT val, int root)
template<class ArithT>
static ArithT PxBcastValueSBT (ArithT val, int root)
template<class ArithT>
static ArithT PxBcastValueMPI (ArithT val, int root)
template<class ArithT>
ArithT PxBcastValue (ArithT val, int root=0, int dtype=PX_MPI)
template<class ArithT, class RedOpT>
static void PxReduce (ArithT *in, ArithT *inout, int *len, MPI_Datatype *dptr)
template<class ArithT, class RedOpT>
static ArithT PxReduceValueToRootOFT (ArithT val, RedOpT redOp, int root)
template<class ArithT, class RedOpT>
static ArithT PxReduceValueToRootSBT (ArithT val, RedOpT redOp, int root)
template<class ArithT, class RedOpT>
static ArithT PxReduceValueToRootMPI (ArithT val, RedOpT redOp, int root)
template<class ArithT, class RedOpT>
ArithT PxReduceValueToRoot (ArithT val, RedOpT redOp, int root=0, int dtype=PX_MPI)
template<class ArithT, class RedOpT>
static ArithT PxReduceValueToAllOFT (ArithT val, RedOpT redOp)
template<class ArithT, class RedOpT>
static ArithT PxReduceValueToAllSBT (ArithT val, RedOpT redOp)
template<class ArithT, class RedOpT>
static ArithT PxReduceValueToAllMPI (ArithT val, RedOpT redOp)
template<class ArithT, class RedOpT>
ArithT PxReduceValueToAll (ArithT val, RedOpT redOp, int dtype=PX_MPI)
template<class ArrayT>
static void PxScatterArrayOFT (ArrayT *glob, ArrayT *loc, int root, bool bdata)
template<class ArrayT>
static void PxScatterArraySBT (ArrayT *glob, ArrayT *loc, int root, bool bdata)
template<class ArrayT>
static void PxScatterArrayMPI (ArrayT *glob, ArrayT *loc, int root, int bdata=true)
template<class ArrayT>
void PxScatterArray (ArrayT *glob, ArrayT *loc, int root=0, int dtype=PX_SBT, bool bdata=false)
template<class ArrayT>
static void PxGatherArrayOFT (ArrayT *glob, ArrayT *loc, int root, bool bdata)
template<class ArrayT>
static void PxGatherArraySBT (ArrayT *glob, ArrayT *loc, int root, bool bdata)
template<class ArrayT>
static void PxGatherArrayMPI (ArrayT *glob, ArrayT *loc, int root, bool bdata=true)
template<class ArrayT>
void PxGatherArray (ArrayT *glob, ArrayT *loc, int root=0, int dtype=PX_SBT, bool bdata=false)
template<class ArrayT>
static void PxBcastArrayOFT (ArrayT *a, int root, bool bdata)
template<class ArrayT>
static void PxBcastArraySBT (ArrayT *a, int root, bool bdata)
template<class ArrayT>
static void PxBcastArrayMPI (ArrayT *a, int root, bool bdata)
template<class ArrayT>
void PxBcastArray (ArrayT *a, int root=0, int dtype=PX_MPI, bool bdata=false)
template<class ArrayT>
void PxRedistArray (ArrayT **a, int xcpus, int ycpus, int zcpus, bool bdata=false)
template<class ArrayT>
void PxBorderExchange (ArrayT *a, int divide, int extent)
template<class ArrayT>
void PxFuncBorderMirror2d (ArrayT *a, int numX, int numY)
template<class ArrayT, class ValT>
void PxFuncBorderConstant2d (ArrayT *a, int numX, int numY, ValT value)
template<class ArrayT, class ValT>
void PxFuncBorderPropagateNormalized2d (ArrayT *a, int numX, int numY, ValT normLeft, ValT normRight, ValT normTop, ValT normBottom)
int PxFullWidth ()
int PxFullHeight ()
int PxFullDepth ()
int PxFullSize ()
int PxLogPartXcpus ()
int PxLogPartYcpus ()
int PxLogPartZcpus ()
int PxMyLeftCPU ()
int PxMyRightCPU ()
int PxMyUpCPU ()
int PxMyDownCPU ()
int PxMyFrontCPU ()
int PxMyBackCPU ()
int PxMinLclWidth ()
int PxMinLclHeight ()
int PxMinLclDepth ()
int PxOverflowX ()
int PxOverflowY ()
int PxOverflowZ ()
int PxGridIndexX (int cpu)
int PxGridIndexY (int cpu)
int PxGridIndexZ (int cpu)
int PxIsLeftCPU (int cpu)
int PxIsRightCPU (int cpu)
int PxIsTopCPU (int cpu)
int PxIsBottomCPU (int cpu)
int PxIsFrontCPU (int cpu)
int PxIsBackCPU (int cpu)
int PxLclWidth (int cpu)
int PxLclHeight (int cpu)
int PxLclDepth (int cpu)
int PxLclSize (int cpu)
int PxLclStartX (int cpu)
int PxLclStartY (int cpu)
int PxLclStartZ (int cpu)
int PxLclStart (int cpu, int bw=0, int bh=0, int bd=0)
void PxInitPartition (int aw, int ah, int ad, int xcpus, int ycpus, int zcpus)
void PxRePartition (int xcpus, int ycpus, int zcpus)
void PxPrintTime (double t1, double t2)
void PxPrintTimeOnCPU (double t1, double t2, int cpu)
void PxPrintTimeOnAll (double t1, double t2)
void PxPrintMsg (char *msg)
void PxPrintMsgOnCPU (char *msg, int cpu)
void PxPrintMsgOnAll (char *msg)
void PxPrintError (char *msg)
void PxPrintErrorOnCPU (char *msg, int cpu)
void PxPrintErrorOnAll (char *msg)
template<class ArrayT>
ArrayT * PxReadRaw (ArrayT *dst, std::string fileName)
template<class ArrayT>
void PxWriteRaw (ArrayT *src, std::string fileName, bool binary)
template<class ArrayT>
void PxArrayPreStateTrans (ArrayT *a, int goState, int force)
template<class ArrayT>
void PxArrayPostStateTrans (ArrayT *a)
template<class ArrayT>
void PxArrayForceNonDistributed (ArrayT *a)
void PxInitSystem (int *argc, char ***argv)
int PxExitSystem ()
void PxAbortSystem ()
int PxMyCPU ()
char * PxMyCPUname ()
int PxNrCPUs ()
void PxInitSystemGrid (int xcpus, int ycpus, int zcpus)
int PxXCPUs ()
int PxYCPUs ()
int PxZCPUs ()
void PxInitRoot (int cpu)
int PxRootCPU ()
void PxInitRunParallel (int runpar)
int PxRunParallel ()
void PxInitLazyParallel (int lazypar)
int PxRunLazyParallel ()
void PxInitDataInOut (int cpu)
int PxInCPU ()
int PxOutCPU ()
template<class ArrayT>
void PxArrayPrintElem (ArrayT *array, typename ArrayT::StorType *ptr)
template<class ArrayT>
void PxPrintData (ArrayT *array, bool printBorder, int bx, int by, int width, int height)
template<class ArrayT>
void PxArrayPrintElemOnCPU (ArrayT *array, typename ArrayT::StorType *ptr, int cpu)
template<class ArrayT>
void PxPrintDataOnCPU (ArrayT *array, bool printBorder, int bx, int by, int width, int height, int cpu)
template<class ArrayT>
void PxArrayPrintElemOnAll (ArrayT *array, typename ArrayT::StorType *ptr)
template<class ArrayT>
void PxPrintDataOnAll (ArrayT *array, bool printBorder, int bx, int by, int width, int height)
template<class ArrayT>
void PxPrintData (ArrayT *array, bool printBorder)
template<class ArrayT>
void PxPrintDataOnCPU (ArrayT *array, bool printBorder, int cpu)
template<class ArrayT>
void PxPrintDataOnAll (ArrayT *array, bool printBorder)
template<class DstStorT, class SrcStorT, class KerStorT, class KerArithT, class PixOpT, class RedOpT>
static void FuncGenConv2dSep_Pix_Xdir (DstStorT *dPtr, SrcStorT *sPtr, KerStorT *kPtr, int kerWidth, int srcInc, int kerInc, PixOpT &pixOp, RedOpT &redOp, KerArithT neutralElement, TagCallValue dummy)
 Pix : X direction, using value call.
template<class DstStorT, class SrcStorT, class KerStorT, class KerArithT, class PixOpT, class RedOpT>
static void FuncGenConv2dSep_Pix_Ydir (DstStorT *dPtr, SrcStorT *sPtr, KerStorT *kPtr, int kerWidth, int srcInc, int kerInc, PixOpT &pixOp, RedOpT &redOp, KerArithT neutralElement, TagCallValue dummy)
 Pix : Y direction, using value call.
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class KerArrayT, class PixOpT, class RedOpT>
static void FuncGenConv2dSep_Line_Xdir (DstArrayT *dst, SrcArrayT *src, KerArrayT *ker, PixOpT &pixOp, RedOpT &redOp, int y, TagCallValue tag)
 Line : X direction, using value call.
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class KerArrayT, class PixOpT, class RedOpT>
static void FuncGenConv2dSep_Line_XdirInc (DstArrayT *dst, SrcArrayT *src, KerArrayT *ker, PixOpT &pixOp, RedOpT &redOp, int y, TagCallPointer dummy)
 Line : X direction (inc), using pointer call.
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class KerArrayT, class PixOpT, class RedOpT>
static void FuncGenConv2dSep_Line_XdirInc (DstArrayT *dst, SrcArrayT *src, KerArrayT *ker, PixOpT &pixOp, RedOpT &redOp, int y, TagCallValue dummy)
 Line : X direction (inc), using value call.
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class KerArrayT, class PixOpT, class RedOpT>
static void FuncGenConv2dSep_Line_YdirNaiInc (DstArrayT *dst, SrcArrayT *src, KerArrayT *ker, PixOpT &pixOp, RedOpT &redOp, int x, TagCallPointer dummy)
 Line : Y direction, naive (inc), using pointer call.
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class KerArrayT, class PixOpT, class RedOpT>
static void FuncGenConv2dSep_Line_YdirNaiInc (DstArrayT *dst, SrcArrayT *src, KerArrayT *ker, PixOpT &pixOp, RedOpT &redOp, int x, TagCallValue dummy)
 Line : Y direction, naive (inc), using value call.
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class KerArrayT, class PixOpT, class RedOpT>
static void FuncGenConv2dSep_Line_YdirSim (DstArrayT *dst, SrcArrayT *src, KerArrayT *ker, PixOpT &pixOp, RedOpT &redOp, int y, TagCallValue tag)
 Line : Y direction, simple, using value call.
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class KerArrayT, class PixOpT, class RedOpT>
static void FuncGenConv2dSep_Line_YdirSimInc (DstArrayT *dst, SrcArrayT *src, KerArrayT *ker, PixOpT &pixOp, RedOpT &redOp, int y, TagCallValue dummy)
 Line : Y direction, simple (inc), using value call.
template<class ArrayT, class PixOpT>
void FuncInOut_Row_InTi (ArrayT *a, PixOpT &pixOp, int y)
 Row : import, translation invariant.
template<class ArrayT, class PixOpT>
void FuncInOut_Row_OutTi (ArrayT *a, PixOpT &pixOp, int y)
 Row : export, translation invariant.
template<class ArrayT, class PixOpT>
void FuncInOut_Row_InTv (ArrayT *a, PixOpT &pixOp, int y)
 Row : import, translation variant.
template<class ArrayT, class PixOpT>
void FuncInOut_Row_OutTv (ArrayT *a, PixOpT &pixOp, int y)
 Row : export, translation variant.
template<class ArrayT, class PixOpT>
void FuncInOut (ArrayT *a, PixOpT &pixOp, TagPixOpIn dummy1, TagTransInVar dummy2, Tag1Phase dummy3)
 Translation invariant, 1 phase pixel import operation.
template<class ArrayT, class PixOpT>
void FuncInOut (ArrayT *a, PixOpT &pixOp, TagPixOpOut dummy1, TagTransInVar dummy2, Tag1Phase dummy3)
 Translation invariant, 1 phase pixel export operation.
template<class ArrayT, class PixOpT>
void FuncInOut (ArrayT *a, PixOpT &pixOp, TagPixOpIn dummy1, TagTransVar dummy2, Tag1Phase dummy3)
 Translation variant, 1 phase pixel import operation.
template<class ArrayT, class PixOpT>
void FuncInOut (ArrayT *a, PixOpT &pixOp, TagPixOpOut dummy1, TagTransVar dummy2, Tag1Phase dummy3)
 Translation variant, 1 phase pixel export operation.
template<class ArrayT, class PixOpT>
void FuncInOut (ArrayT *a, PixOpT &pixOp, TagPixOpIn dummy1, TagTransInVar dummy2, TagNPhase dummy3)
 Translation invariant, n phase pixel import operation.
template<class ArrayT, class PixOpT>
void FuncInOut (ArrayT *a, PixOpT &pixOp, TagPixOpOut dummy1, TagTransInVar dummy2, TagNPhase dummy3)
 Translation invariant, n phase pixel export operation.
template<class ArrayT, class PixOpT>
void FuncInOut (ArrayT *a, PixOpT &pixOp, TagPixOpIn dummy1, TagTransVar dummy2, TagNPhase dummy3)
 Translation variant, n phase pixel import operation.
template<class ArrayT, class PixOpT>
void FuncInOut (ArrayT *a, PixOpT &pixOp, TagPixOpOut dummy1, TagTransVar dummy2, TagNPhase dummy3)
 Translation variant, n phase pixel export operation.
template<class SrcArrayT, class NgbT>
void FuncNgbOp2d_Pix_P1Cnum (SrcArrayT *src, int x, int y, NgbT &ngb)
 Pix : phase 1, cnum.
template<class SrcStorT, class SrcArithT, class NgbT>
void FuncNgbOp2d_Pix_P1Loop (SrcStorT *sPtr, NgbT &ngb, int ngbWidth, int ngbHeight, int srcIncX, int srcIncY, SrcArithT)
 Pix : phase 1, loop.
template<class SrcStorT, class SrcArithT, class NgbT>
void FuncNgbOp2d_Pix_P2Loop (SrcStorT *sPtr, NgbT &ngb, int ngbWidth, int ngbHeight, int srcIncX, int srcIncY, SrcArithT)
 Pix : phase 2, loop.
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class NgbT>
void FuncNgbOp2d_Row (DstArrayT *dst, SrcArrayT *src, NgbT &ngb, int y, Tag1Phase dummy1, TagCnum dummy2)
 Row : phase 1, cnum.
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class NgbT>
void FuncNgbOp2d_Row (DstArrayT *dst, SrcArrayT *src, NgbT &ngb, int y, Tag1Phase dummy1, TagLoop dummy2)
 Row : phase 1, loop.
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class NgbT>
void FuncNgbOp2d_Row (DstArrayT *dst, SrcArrayT *src, NgbT &ngb, int y, Tag2Phase dummy1, TagLoop dummy2)
 Row : phase 2, loop.
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class NgbT>
void FuncNgbOp2d_Row (DstArrayT *dst, SrcArrayT *src, NgbT &ngb, int y, TagNPhase dummy1, TagLoop dummy2)
 Row : phase N, loop.
template<class SrcArrayT, class ExtraArrayT, class NgbT>
void FuncNgbOp2dExtra_Pix_P1Cnum (SrcArrayT *src, ExtraArrayT *extra, int x, int y, NgbT &ngb)
 Pix : phase 1, cnum.
template<class SrcStorT, class SrcArithT, class ExtraStorT, class ExtraArithT, class NgbT>
void FuncNgbOp2dExtra_Pix_P1Loop (SrcStorT *sPtr, ExtraStorT *ePtr, NgbT &ngb, int ngbWidth, int ngbHeight, int srcIncX, int srcIncY, SrcArithT, int extraIncX, int extraIncY, ExtraArithT)
 Pix : phase 1, loop.
template<class SrcStorT, class SrcArithT, class ExtraStorT, class ExtraArithT, class NgbT>
void FuncNgbOp2dExtra_Pix_P2Loop (SrcStorT *sPtr, ExtraStorT *ePtr, NgbT &ngb, int ngbWidth, int ngbHeight, int srcIncX, int srcIncY, SrcArithT, int extraIncX, int extraIncY, ExtraArithT)
 Pix : phase 2, loop.
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class ExtraArrayT, class NgbT>
void FuncNgbOp2dExtra_Row (DstArrayT *dst, SrcArrayT *src, ExtraArrayT *extra, NgbT &ngb, int y, Tag1Phase dummy1, TagCnum dummy2)
 Row : phase 1, cnum.
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class ExtraArrayT, class NgbT>
void FuncNgbOp2dExtra_Row (DstArrayT *dst, SrcArrayT *src, ExtraArrayT *extra, NgbT &ngb, int y, Tag1Phase dummy1, TagLoop dummy2)
 Row : phase 1, loop.
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class ExtraArrayT, class NgbT>
void FuncNgbOp2dExtra_Row (DstArrayT *dst, SrcArrayT *src, ExtraArrayT *extra, NgbT &ngb, int y, Tag2Phase dummy1, TagLoop dummy2)
 Row : phase 2, loop.
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class ExtraArrayT, class NgbT>
void FuncNgbOp2dExtra_Row (DstArrayT *dst, SrcArrayT *src, ExtraArrayT *extra, NgbT &ngb, int y, TagNPhase dummy1, TagLoop dummy2)
 Row : phase N, loop.
template<class SrcArrayT, class ExtraArrayT, class Extra2ArrayT, class NgbT>
void FuncNgbOp2dExtra2_Pix_P1Cnum (SrcArrayT *src, ExtraArrayT *extra, Extra2ArrayT *extra2, int x, int y, NgbT &ngb)
 Pix : phase 1, cnum.
template<class SrcStorT, class SrcArithT, class ExtraStorT, class ExtraArithT, class Extra2StorT, class Extra2ArithT, class NgbT>
void FuncNgbOp2dExtra2_Pix_P1Loop (SrcStorT *sPtr, ExtraStorT *ePtr, Extra2StorT *e2Ptr, NgbT &ngb, int ngbWidth, int ngbHeight, int srcIncX, int srcIncY, SrcArithT, int extraIncX, int extraIncY, ExtraArithT, int extra2IncX, int extra2IncY, Extra2ArithT)
 Pix : phase 1, loop.
template<class SrcStorT, class SrcArithT, class ExtraStorT, class ExtraArithT, class Extra2StorT, class Extra2ArithT, class NgbT>
void FuncNgbOp2dExtra2_Pix_P2Loop (SrcStorT *sPtr, ExtraStorT *ePtr, Extra2StorT *e2Ptr, NgbT &ngb, int ngbWidth, int ngbHeight, int srcIncX, int srcIncY, SrcArithT, int extraIncX, int extraIncY, ExtraArithT, int extra2IncX, int extra2IncY, Extra2ArithT)
 Pix : phase 2, loop.
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class ExtraArrayT, class Extra2ArrayT, class NgbT>
void FuncNgbOp2dExtra2_Row (DstArrayT *dst, SrcArrayT *src, ExtraArrayT *extra, Extra2ArrayT *extra2, NgbT &ngb, int y, Tag1Phase dummy1, TagCnum dummy2)
 Row : phase 1, cnum.
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class ExtraArrayT, class Extra2ArrayT, class NgbT>
void FuncNgbOp2dExtra2_Row (DstArrayT *dst, SrcArrayT *src, ExtraArrayT *extra, Extra2ArrayT *extra2, NgbT &ngb, int y, Tag1Phase dummy1, TagLoop dummy2)
 Row : phase 1, loop.
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class ExtraArrayT, class Extra2ArrayT, class NgbT>
void FuncNgbOp2dExtra2_Row (DstArrayT *dst, SrcArrayT *src, ExtraArrayT *extra, Extra2ArrayT *extra2, NgbT &ngb, int y, Tag2Phase dummy1, TagLoop dummy2)
 Row : phase 2, loop.
template<class DstArrayT, class SrcArrayT, class ExtraArrayT, class Extra2ArrayT, class NgbT>
void FuncNgbOp2dExtra2_Row (DstArrayT *dst, SrcArrayT *src, ExtraArrayT *extra, Extra2ArrayT *extra2, NgbT &ngb, int y, TagNPhase dummy1, TagLoop dummy2)
 Row : phase N, loop.
template<class ArrayT, class KerArrayT, class ValT, class PixOpT, class RedOpT>
static void FuncRecGenConv2dSep_Line_XdirSim (ArrayT *a, KerArrayT *ker, PixOpT &pixOp, RedOpT &redOp, ValT rightNorm, int y)
 Line : X direction, simple.
template<class ArrayT, class KerArrayT, class ArithT, class PixOpT, class RedOpT>
static void FuncRecGenConv2dSep_Line_YdirSim (ArrayT *a, KerArrayT *ker, ArithT *ngbBuf, PixOpT &pixOp, RedOpT &redOp, ArithT bottomNorm, int x)
 Line : Y direction, simple.
template<class ArrayT, class KerArrayT, class ValT, class PixOpT, class RedOpT>
void FuncRecGenConv2dSep_XirSim (ArrayT *a, KerArrayT *ker, PixOpT &pixOp, RedOpT &redOp, ValT rightNorm)
 RecGenConv2dSep : X direction, simple.
template<class ArrayT, class KerArrayT, class ValT, class PixOpT, class RedOpT>
void FuncRecGenConv2dSep_YdirSim (ArrayT *a, KerArrayT *ker, PixOpT &pixOp, RedOpT &redOp, ValT bottomNorm)
 RecGenConv2dSep : Y direction, simple.


static int _myCPU
static int _nrCPUs
static int _logCPUs
static int _maxCPUs
int dp = 0
int _fullW
int _fullH
int _fullD
int _xCPUs
int _yCPUs
int _zCPUs
int _leftCPU
int _rightCPU
int _upCPU
int _downCPU
int _frontCPU
int _backCPU
int _minLocalW
int _minLocalH
int _minLocalD
int _overflowX
int _overflowY
int _overflowZ
int prnt = 0
int sys_myCPU = 0
char sys_myCPUname [MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME] = "unknown"
int sys_nrCPUs = 1
int sys_xCPUs = 1
int sys_yCPUs = 1
int sys_zCPUs = 1
int sys_rootCPU = 0
int run_parallel = 1
int run_lazyParallel = 1
int in_dataCPU = 0
int out_dataCPU = 0

Generated on Fri Mar 19 11:00:51 2010 for ImpalaSrc by  doxygen 1.5.1