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Instantiation of a binary pixel operation: Squared distance

The file HxImageRep/Global/HxSquaredDistance.c provides a complete overview of all that is needed to implement a function that computes the squared distance between corresponding pixels in two images:

 *  Copyright (c) 1999, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
 *  All rights reserved.
 *  Author(s):
 *  Dennis Koelma (koelma@wins.uva.nl)
 *  Edo Poll (poll@wins.uva.nl)
 *  Marc Navarro (mnavarro@wins.uva.nl)

#include "HxSquaredDistance.h"
#include "HxImgFtorBpo.h"
#include "HxIncludedSigs.h"

/** Pixel functor for computation of squared distance
template<class DstValT, class Src1ValT, class Src2ValT>
class HxBpoSqrDst
    /** Functor is translation invariant */
    typedef HxTagTransInVar TransVarianceCategory;

                    /** Constructor : empty */
                        { }

                    /** Actual operation : # return (x - y)^2 # */
    inline DstValT  doIt(const Src1ValT& arg1, const Src2ValT& arg2)
                        { return (arg1 - arg2) * (arg1 - arg2); }

                    /** The name : "sqrDst" */
    static HxString className()
                        { return HxString("sqrDst"); }

/** Instantiator for binary pixel operation with squared distance */
template<class ImgSigT>
struct HxInstantiatorSqrDst
    /** Instantiate image functor */
    HxImgFtorBpo<ImgSigT, ImgSigT, ImgSigT, 
        HxBpoSqrDst<typename ImgSigT::ArithType, typename ImgSigT::ArithType,
                    typename ImgSigT::ArithType> > f;

// Put static variables in a namespace to avoid conflicts with file inclusion
namespace HxSquaredDistance_c {

/** Call instantiator for 2dByte images */
static HxInstantiatorSqrDst<HxImageSig2dByte>           f001;
/** Call instantiator for 2dShort images */
static HxInstantiatorSqrDst<HxImageSig2dShort>          f002;
/** Call instantiator for 2dInt images */
static HxInstantiatorSqrDst<HxImageSig2dInt>            f003;
/** Call instantiator for 2dFloat images */
static HxInstantiatorSqrDst<HxImageSig2dFloat>          f004;
/** Call instantiator for 2dDouble images */
static HxInstantiatorSqrDst<HxImageSig2dDouble>         f005;
/** Call instantiator for 2dVec2Byte images */
static HxInstantiatorSqrDst<HxImageSig2dVec2Byte>       f006;
/** Call instantiator for 2dVec2Short images */
static HxInstantiatorSqrDst<HxImageSig2dVec2Short>      f007;
/** Call instantiator for 2dVec2Int images */
static HxInstantiatorSqrDst<HxImageSig2dVec2Int>        f008;
/** Call instantiator for 2dVec2Float images */
static HxInstantiatorSqrDst<HxImageSig2dVec2Float>      f009;
/** Call instantiator for 2dVec2Double images */
static HxInstantiatorSqrDst<HxImageSig2dVec2Double>     f010;
/** Call instantiator for 2dVec3Byte images */
static HxInstantiatorSqrDst<HxImageSig2dVec3Byte>       f011;
/** Call instantiator for 2dVec3Short images */
static HxInstantiatorSqrDst<HxImageSig2dVec3Short>      f012;
/** Call instantiator for 2dVec3Int images */
static HxInstantiatorSqrDst<HxImageSig2dVec3Int>        f013;
/** Call instantiator for 2dVec3Float images */
static HxInstantiatorSqrDst<HxImageSig2dVec3Float>      f014;
/** Call instantiator for 2dVec3Double images */
static HxInstantiatorSqrDst<HxImageSig2dVec3Double>     f015;
/** Call instantiator for 3dByte images */
static HxInstantiatorSqrDst<HxImageSig3dByte>           f016;
/** Call instantiator for 3dShort images */
static HxInstantiatorSqrDst<HxImageSig3dShort>          f017;
/** Call instantiator for 3dInt images */
static HxInstantiatorSqrDst<HxImageSig3dInt>            f018;
/** Call instantiator for 3dFloat images */
static HxInstantiatorSqrDst<HxImageSig3dFloat>          f019;
/** Call instantiator for 3dDouble images */
static HxInstantiatorSqrDst<HxImageSig3dDouble>         f020;

}; // end of namespace

/* Global function to do squared distance.
HxSquaredDistance(HxImageRep im1, HxImageRep im2)
    HxString fname("HxSquaredDistance");

    if (im1.isNull())
        HxGlobalError::instance()->reportError(fname, im1.name(), "null image", HxGlobalError::HX_GE_INVALID);
        return HxImageRep();
    if (im2.isNull())
        HxGlobalError::instance()->reportError(fname, im2.name(), "null image", HxGlobalError::HX_GE_INVALID);
        return HxImageRep();

    if (im1.dimensionality() != im2.dimensionality())
        HxGlobalError::instance()->reportError(fname, "unequal image dimensionalities", HxGlobalError::HX_GE_UNEQUAL_IMAGES);
        return HxImageRep();
    if (im1.pixelDimensionality() != im2.pixelDimensionality())
        HxGlobalError::instance()->reportError(fname, "unequal pixel dimensionality", HxGlobalError::HX_GE_UNEQUAL_IMAGES);
        return HxImageRep();

    if (im1.sizes().x() != im2.sizes().x())
        HxGlobalError::instance()->reportError(fname, "unequal image widths", HxGlobalError::HX_GE_UNEQUAL_IMAGES);
        return HxImageRep();

    if (im1.sizes().y() != im2.sizes().y())
        HxGlobalError::instance()->reportError(fname, "unequal image heights", HxGlobalError::HX_GE_UNEQUAL_IMAGES);
        return HxImageRep();
    if (im1.dimensionality() > 2)
        if (im1.sizes().z() != im2.sizes().z())
            HxGlobalError::instance()->reportError(fname, "unequal image depths", HxGlobalError::HX_GE_UNEQUAL_IMAGES);
            return HxImageRep();

    // call HxImageRep member function to do the image processing
    return im1.binaryPixOp(im2, "sqrDst");

Instantiation of a new binary pixel operation basically includes the following steps:

Extension of generic functions is to be based on arithmetic data types to ensure the operations are applicable to all image types. The set of operations defined for each data type is given in Pixels. For the exact syntax of the operations we refer to the class definitions: HxScalarInt, HxScalarDouble, HxVec2Int, HxVec2Double, HxVec3Int, and HxVec3Double.

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Generated on Tue Feb 3 14:20:51 2004 for UserGuide by doxygen1.2.12 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001