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StubRepository Class Reference

Repository for <name,stub> combinations per IDL interface type. More...

List of all members.

Public Methods

void addStubListener (StubListener l)
void removeStubListener (StubListener l)
String addStub (String intfId, String name, Object stub)
Enumeration listInterfaces ()
Enumeration listStubs (String interfaceId)
Object getStub (String interfaceId, String name)
String getStubName (String interfaceId, Object stub)
void removeStub (String interfaceId, String name)
boolean existsStub (String intfId, String name, Object stub)
StubInfo getStubInfo (String interfaceId, String name)

Static Public Methods

StubRepository instance ()
StubInfo getStubInfo (org.omg.CORBA.Object stub)

Detailed Description

Repository for <name,stub> combinations per IDL interface type.

Member Function Documentation

StubRepository StubRepository::instance   [inline, static]

00020 {
00021     if(_instance == null) _instance = new StubRepository();
00022     return _instance;
00023 }

void StubRepository::addStubListener StubListener    l [inline]

00026 {
00027     _listeners.addElement(l);
00029     for(Enumeration iEnum = listInterfaces(); iEnum.hasMoreElements();) {
00030         String intf = (String)iEnum.nextElement();
00031         for(Enumeration sEnum = listStubs(intf); sEnum.hasMoreElements();) {
00032             String name = (String)sEnum.nextElement();
00033             l.stubAdded(intf, name, getStub(intf, name));
00034         }
00035     }
00036 }

void StubRepository::removeStubListener StubListener    l [inline]

00039 {
00040     _listeners.removeElement(l);
00041 }

String StubRepository::addStub String    intfId,
String    name,
Object    stub

00048 {
00049     if(stub == null) return null;
00051     if(name.endsWith("*")) {
00052         String prefix = name.substring(0, name.length() - 1);
00053         if(existsStub(intfId, prefix, stub))
00054             return prefix;
00055     }
00057     Hashtable t = (Hashtable)_table.get(intfId);
00058     if(t == null) {
00059         t = new Hashtable();
00060         _table.put(intfId, t);
00061     }
00063     if(name.endsWith("*"))
00064         name = getUnusedName(t, name);
00065     if(name.endsWith("+"))
00066         name = getNextName(t, name);
00068     t.put(name, stub);
00070     int len = _listeners.size();
00071     for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
00072         ((StubListener)_listeners.elementAt(i)).stubAdded(intfId, name, stub);
00074     return name;
00075 }

Enumeration StubRepository::listInterfaces   [inline]

00078 {
00079     return _table.keys();
00080 }

Enumeration StubRepository::listStubs String    interfaceId [inline]

00083 {
00084     Hashtable t = (Hashtable)_table.get(interfaceId);
00085     if(t == null) t = new Hashtable();
00087     return t.keys();
00088 }

Object StubRepository::getStub String    interfaceId,
String    name

00091 {
00092     Hashtable t = (Hashtable)_table.get(interfaceId);
00093     if(t == null) return null;
00095     return t.get(name);
00096 }

String StubRepository::getStubName String    interfaceId,
Object    stub

00099 {
00100     for(Enumeration sEnum = listStubs(interfaceId); sEnum.hasMoreElements();) {
00101         String name = (String)sEnum.nextElement();
00102         if (existsStub(interfaceId, name, stub))
00103             return name;
00104     }
00105     return null;
00106 }

void StubRepository::removeStub String    interfaceId,
String    name

00109 {
00110     Hashtable t = (Hashtable)_table.get(interfaceId);
00111     if(t == null) return;
00112     t.remove(name);
00114     int len = _listeners.size();
00115     for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
00116         ((StubListener)_listeners.elementAt(i)).stubRemoved(interfaceId, name);
00117 }

boolean StubRepository::existsStub String    intfId,
String    name,
Object    stub

00120 {
00121     Object oldStub = getStub(intfId,name);
00123     if((stub == null) || (oldStub == null)) return false;
00125     if(!(stub instanceof org.omg.CORBA.Object)) return false;
00127     return ((org.omg.CORBA.Object)stub)._is_equivalent((org.omg.CORBA.Object)oldStub);
00128 }

StubInfo StubRepository::getStubInfo String    interfaceId,
String    name

00131 {
00132     Object obj = getStub(interfaceId, name);
00133     if(obj instanceof org.omg.CORBA.Object)
00134         return getStubInfo((org.omg.CORBA.Object)obj);
00135     else
00136         return null;
00137 }

StubInfo StubRepository::getStubInfo org.omg.CORBA.Object    stub [inline, static]

00140 {
00141     if(stub == null) return null;
00143     StubInfo info = new StubInfo();
00145     info.ior = CorbaMediator.instance().object_to_string(stub);
00147     IORStream stream = new IORStream(info.ior);
00148     boolean endian = stream.readBoolean();
00149     stream.setEndian(endian);
00151     String typeId = stream.readString();
00152     int nProfiles = stream.readLong();
00154     info.items = new StubInfoItem[1];
00155     info.items[0] = new StubInfoItem("Protocol");
00156     for(int i=0; (i<nProfiles) && !info.items[0].value.equals("IIOP"); i++) {
00157         int id = stream.readLong();
00158         info.items[0].pos = stream.lastStart();
00159         info.items[0].length = stream.lastLength();
00160         int dataLength = stream.readLong();
00161         IORStream profileStream = stream.subStream(dataLength);
00162         if(id != 0)
00163             info.items[0].value = ""+id;
00164         else {
00165             info.items[0].value = "IIOP";
00166             StubInfoItem[] iiopItems = new StubInfoItem[4];
00167             iiopItems[0] = info.items[0];
00168             iiopItems[1] = new StubInfoItem("Version");
00169             iiopItems[2] = new StubInfoItem("Host");
00170             iiopItems[3] = new StubInfoItem("Port");
00172             endian = profileStream.readBoolean();
00173             profileStream.setEndian(endian);
00175             byte major = profileStream.readOctet();
00176             iiopItems[1].pos = profileStream.lastStart();
00177             byte minor = profileStream.readOctet();
00178             iiopItems[1].length = 4;
00179             iiopItems[1].value = major+"."+minor;
00181             String host = profileStream.readString();
00182             iiopItems[2].pos = profileStream.lastStart();
00183             iiopItems[2].length = profileStream.lastLength();
00184             iiopItems[2].value = host;
00186             short port = profileStream.readShort();
00187             iiopItems[3].pos = profileStream.lastStart();
00188             iiopItems[3].length = profileStream.lastLength();
00189             iiopItems[3].value = ""+portToInt(port);
00191             info.items = iiopItems;
00192         }
00193     }
00195     return info;
00196 }

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Generated on Tue Feb 3 14:19:53 2004 for JavaReference by doxygen1.2.12 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001