Inheritance diagram for _ConstructorStub::
Public Methods | |
String[] | _ids () |
org.omg.CORBA.Object | getInitialObject (String _ob_a0) |
String | getLastError () |
TagList | emptyTagList () |
TagList | simpleIntTag (String _ob_a0, int _ob_a1) |
TagList | simpleFloatTag (String _ob_a0, double _ob_a1) |
ImageRep | importImage (ImageData _ob_a0) |
ImageRep | fromSignature (ImageSignature _ob_a0, Sizes _ob_a1) |
ImageRep | fromImage (ImageSignature _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1) |
ImageRep | fromValue (ImageSignature _ob_a0, Sizes _ob_a1, PixValue _ob_a2) |
ImageRep | fromByteData (int _ob_a0, int _ob_a1, Sizes _ob_a2, byte[] _ob_a3) |
ImageRep | fromShortData (int _ob_a0, int _ob_a1, Sizes _ob_a2, short[] _ob_a3) |
ImageRep | fromIntData (int _ob_a0, int _ob_a1, Sizes _ob_a2, int[] _ob_a3) |
ImageRep | fromFloatData (int _ob_a0, int _ob_a1, Sizes _ob_a2, float[] _ob_a3) |
ImageRep | fromDoubleData (int _ob_a0, int _ob_a1, Sizes _ob_a2, double[] _ob_a3) |
ImageRep | fromJavaRgb (ImageSignature _ob_a0, Sizes _ob_a1, int[] _ob_a2) |
ImageRep | fromGrayValue (ImageSignature _ob_a0, Sizes _ob_a1, byte[] _ob_a2) |
ImageRep | fromMatlab (ImageSignature _ob_a0, Sizes _ob_a1, double[] _ob_a2) |
ImageRep | fromNamedGenerator (ImageSignature _ob_a0, String _ob_a1, TagList _ob_a2) |
ImageRep | fromImport (ImageSignature _ob_a0, Sizes _ob_a1, String _ob_a2, TagList _ob_a3) |
ImageRep | from2Images (ImageRep _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1) |
ImageRep | from3Images (ImageRep _ob_a0, ImageRep _ob_a1, ImageRep _ob_a2) |
ImageRep | fromFile (String _ob_a0) |
SF | makeSFfromImage (ImageRep _ob_a0) |
SF | makeFlatSF (ImageSignature _ob_a0, Sizes _ob_a1, PixValue _ob_a2) |
SF | makeBoxSF (ImageSignature _ob_a0, Sizes _ob_a1, PixValue _ob_a2) |
SF | makeCrossSF (ImageSignature _ob_a0, Sizes _ob_a1, PixValue _ob_a2) |
SF | makeDiskSF (ImageSignature _ob_a0, Sizes _ob_a1, PixValue _ob_a2) |
SF | makeDiamondSF (ImageSignature _ob_a0, Sizes _ob_a1, PixValue _ob_a2) |
SF | makeGaussianSF (Sizes _ob_a0, double _ob_a1) |
SF | makeParabolaSF (Sizes _ob_a0, double _ob_a1) |
ImageSeq | constructImageSeq (String _ob_a0) |
ImageSeq | constructBufferedImageSeq (String _ob_a0, int _ob_a1) |
void | setUseMDC (int _ob_a0) |
RgbBuffer | createRgbBuffer (int _ob_a0) |
Create an RgbBuffer with given size. More... | |
Matrix | translate2d (double _ob_a0, double _ob_a1) |
Matrix | scale2d (double _ob_a0, double _ob_a1) |
Matrix | rotate2d (double _ob_a0) |
Matrix | rotate2dDeg (double _ob_a0) |
Matrix | reflect2d (boolean _ob_a0, boolean _ob_a1) |
Matrix | shear2d (double _ob_a0, double _ob_a1) |
Matrix | translate3d (double _ob_a0, double _ob_a1, double _ob_a2) |
Matrix | scale3d (double _ob_a0, double _ob_a1, double _ob_a2) |
Matrix | rotateX3d (double _ob_a0) |
Matrix | rotateX3dDeg (double _ob_a0) |
Matrix | rotateY3d (double _ob_a0) |
Matrix | rotateY3dDeg (double _ob_a0) |
Matrix | rotateZ3d (double _ob_a0) |
Matrix | rotateZ3dDeg (double _ob_a0) |
Matrix | reflect3d (boolean _ob_a0, boolean _ob_a1, boolean _ob_a2) |
Matrix | projection (double _ob_a0) |
Matrix | camera (double _ob_a0) |
Matrix | lift2dTo3dXY () |
Histogram | makeHistogramFromFile (String _ob_a0) |
Polyline2d | importPolyline (Polyline2dData _ob_a0) |
Polyline2d | createPolyline (PointR2[] _ob_a0, boolean _ob_a1) |
BSplineCurve | makeUniformBSpline (Polyline2d _ob_a0, int _ob_a1) |
BSplineCurve | makeInterpolatingBSpline (Polyline2d _ob_a0) |
SampledBSplineCurve | makeUniformSampledBSpline (Polyline2d _ob_a0, int _ob_a1, double _ob_a2) |
SampledBSplineCurve | makeInterpolatingSampledBSpline (Polyline2d _ob_a0, double _ob_a1) |
NJet | makeNJet (ImageRep _ob_a0, int _ob_a1, double _ob_a2, double _ob_a3) |
VxSegmentation | makeVxSegmentation (String _ob_a0) |
VxSegmentation | importSegmentation (VxSegmentation _ob_a0) |
VxStructure | makeVxStructure (String _ob_a0, String[] _ob_a1) |
Static Public Attributes | |
final java.lang.Class | _ob_opsClass = ConstructorOperations.class |
Reimplemented from ConstructorOperations. |
Reimplemented from ConstructorOperations. |
Reimplemented from TagListFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from TagListFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from TagListFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from ImageFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from ImageFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from ImageFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from ImageFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from ImageFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from ImageFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from ImageFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from ImageFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from ImageFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from ImageFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from ImageFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from ImageFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from ImageFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from ImageFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from ImageFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from ImageFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from ImageFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from SFFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from SFFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from SFFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from SFFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from SFFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from SFFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from SFFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from SFFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from ImageSeqFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from ImageSeqFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from ImageSeqFactoryOperations. |
Create an RgbBuffer with given size.
Reimplemented from RgbBufferFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from MatrixFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from MatrixFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from MatrixFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from MatrixFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from MatrixFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from MatrixFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from MatrixFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from MatrixFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from MatrixFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from MatrixFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from MatrixFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from MatrixFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from MatrixFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from MatrixFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from MatrixFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from MatrixFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from MatrixFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from MatrixFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from HistogramFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from PolylineFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from PolylineFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from BSplineFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from BSplineFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from BSplineFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from BSplineFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from NJetFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from VxSegmentationFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from VxSegmentationFactoryOperations. |
Reimplemented from VxStructureFactoryOperations. |