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Image signatures

The signature of an image gives a description of the characteristics of an image type (a class). Part of the description contains runtime information and is universally accessible through the base class HxImageSignature. The other part contains compile time information and is accessible only in specializations of HxImageSignature.

The universally accessible part is obtained by members of HxImageSignature:

Specializations of HxImageSignature provide additional information on the static types needed in the implementation of image processing operations by means of typedefs:

The list of signatures

2D images with pixels represented by a scalar value
HxImageSig2dByte, HxImageSig2dDouble, HxImageSig2dFloat, HxImageSig2dInt, HxImageSig2dShort.
2D images with pixels represented by a complex number
2D images with pixels represented by a vector of 2 scalars
HxImageSig2dVec2Byte, HxImageSig2dVec2Double, HxImageSig2dVec2Float, HxImageSig2dVec2Int, HxImageSig2dVec2Short.
2D images with pixels represented by a vector of 3 scalars
HxImageSig2dVec3Byte, HxImageSig2dVec3Double, HxImageSig2dVec3Float, HxImageSig2dVec3Int, HxImageSig2dVec3Short.
3D images with pixels represented by a scalar value
HxImageSig3dByte, HxImageSig3dDouble, HxImageSig3dFloat, HxImageSig3dInt, HxImageSig3dShort.

An overview of the currently available image types and the associated PixelType, ArithType, and ArithTypeDouble.

ImageType PixelType ArithType ArithTypeDouble
HxImage2dByte HxByte HxScalarInt HxScalarDouble
HxImage2dShort short HxScalarInt HxScalarDouble
HxImage2dInt int HxScalarInt HxScalarDouble
HxImage2dFloat float HxScalarDouble HxScalarDouble
HxImage2dDouble double HxScalarDouble HxScalarDouble
HxImage2dComplex HxComplex HxComplex HxComplex
HxImage2dVec2Byte HxVec2Byte HxVec2Int HxVec2Double
HxImage2dVec2Short HxVec2Short HxVec2Int HxVec2Double
HxImage2dVec2Int HxVec2Int HxVec2Int HxVec2Double
HxImage2dVec2Float HxVec2Float HxVec2Double HxVec2Double
HxImage2dVec2Double HxVec2Double HxVec2Double HxVec2Double
HxImage2dVec3Byte HxVec3Byte HxVec3Int HxVec3Double
HxImage2dVec3Short HxVec3Short HxVec3Int HxVec3Double
HxImage2dVec3Int HxVec3Int HxVec3Int HxVec3Double
HxImage2dVec3Float HxVec3Float HxVec3Double HxVec3Double
HxImage2dVec3Double HxVec3Double HxVec3Double HxVec3Double
HxImage3dByte HxByte HxScalarInt HxScalarDouble
HxImage3dShort short HxScalarInt HxScalarDouble
HxImage3dInt int HxScalarInt HxScalarDouble
HxImage3dFloat float HxScalarDouble HxScalarDouble
HxImage3dDouble double HxScalarDouble HxScalarDouble

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Generated on Tue Feb 3 14:19:11 2004 for C++Reference by doxygen1.2.12 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001