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HxSegmentationMoments.h File Reference


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void HxSegmentationMoments (HxSegmentation2d *seg, int order)
 Compute the moments of each blob in an HxSegmentation2d. More...

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

void HxSegmentationMoments HxSegmentation2d   seg,
int    order

Compute the moments of each blob in an HxSegmentation2d.

The result is stored as feature "Moments" in a blob.

00017 {
00018     for (HxBlob2dListConstIter b=seg->getBlobBegin() ; b<seg->getBlobEnd() ; b++) {
00019         HxBlob2d* blob = (*b);
00020         HxValueList vl = HxIdentMaskMoments(seg->getInputImage(),
00021                                             seg->getLabeledImage(),
00022                                             blob->startMaer(), blob->sizeMaer(),
00023                                             blob->getLabel(), order);
00024         blob->addFeature("Moments", vl);
00025     }
00026 }

Generated on Tue Feb 3 14:18:50 2004 for C++Reference by doxygen1.2.12 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001